Moat Monster: GE Aerospace's Rally Is Just The Beginning
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-07 02:20
文章核心观点 - 公司虽已大幅上涨,但凭借强大护城河、良好财务表现和增长潜力,仍值得买入 [1][15] 公司情况 发展历程 - 公司由通用电气剥离非航空业务后更名而来 [1] 护城河优势 - 研发投入大,去年研发支出23亿美元,部分由客户和合作伙伴资助,主要是美国政府,利于创新并在商业航空领域取得优势 [3] - 与政府和航空公司关系紧密,是长期可靠合作伙伴,且发动机更换、维护成本高、复杂度大,新进入者难以竞争 [5] - 在宽体发动机市场处于双寡头地位,发动机市场份额达14%,其合资企业CFM International市场份额39%,约四分之三商业航班由其或合资企业发动机提供动力 [6] - 售后市场和维护业务占发动机总价值65 - 70%,随着发动机性能提升和装机量增加,形成强大护城河 [6] 财务表现 - 第一季度订单增长34%,收入增长15%,运营利润增长24%至15亿美元,利润率扩大140个基点至19.1%,自由现金流翻倍至17亿美元 [8] - 计划将70 - 75%的自由现金流返还给投资者,股息提高250%至每股0.28美元/季度,收益率0.7%,并启动150亿美元回购计划 [8] 业务板块 - 商业发动机与服务板块业务规模达240亿美元,70%来自服务,第一季度订单增长34%,主要受LEAP发动机和备件需求推动 [9] - 国防板块订单增长34%,订单出货比达1.1倍,公司上调全年收入指引至至少62亿美元,预计净收入转化为自由现金流比例超100% [11] 估值情况 - 目前公司股价不便宜,混合市盈率达54倍,但考虑到今年每股收益预计增长80%,2025年和2026年分别增长28%和18%,按五年正常化市盈率35.7倍计算,年回报率可达12.5%,合理股价目标为217美元,较当前价格高33% [13] 行业情况 市场规模与增长 - 商业飞机售后市场预计到2032年将以5.8%的复合年增长率增长至约700亿美元 [6] - 空客预计到2042年对近41000架新飞机有需求,其中替换飞机不足一半 [6] 行业盈利情况 - 国际航空运输协会预计全球航空业今年将实现305亿美元利润,高于2023年的274亿美元和去年12月预测的257亿美元 [7] 投资建议 投资理由 - 公司护城河宽,研发、市场份额和客户关系优势明显 [16] - 财务表现强劲,订单、收入和自由现金流实现两位数增长 [16] - 股息增长潜力大,近期股息上调并启动回购计划 [16] - 市场主导地位显著,为大量全球商业航班提供动力 [16] - 盈利和自由现金流增长前景良好,合理股价目标较高 [16] 投资风险 - 股价上涨后估值较高,市盈率高,短期上涨空间可能受限,财务报告失误空间小 [16] - 航空业易受地缘政治紧张和经济衰退等外部因素影响,市场波动较大 [16]
Airborne Wind Energy market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 9.7% by 2034: Visiongain
Newsfilter· 2024-06-07 00:37
文章核心观点 - 2023年全球空中风能市场价值1.6亿美元,预计2024 - 2034年将以9.7%的复合年增长率增长,行业受多因素驱动但也受疫情冲击 [1] 市场现状 - 2023年全球空中风能市场价值为1.6亿美元 [1] 市场驱动因素 - 私营部门对空中风能技术兴趣和投资增加,如软银和壳牌投资初创公司,且与能源公司合作增多,加速技术发展和商业化 [2] - 全球对可再生能源需求增长,空中风能系统可利用高空强风,能满足需求,尤其在传统风力涡轮机不可行地区 [7] - 相比传统风力涡轮机,空中风能系统能效和容量因子更高,可实现50 - 60%的容量因子,而传统为30 - 40% [8] - 海上风能项目扩张,空中风能系统适合海上应用,部署和维护更便捷,能有效利用海上风能资源 [10] - 空中风能技术的认知度和接受度提高,通过试点项目和成功案例,获得投资者、政策制定者和消费者认可 [11] 疫情影响 - 疫情扰乱空中风能市场运营、供应链和投资活动,导致研发活动暂停或放缓,供应链中断,项目延迟和成本增加,投资者信心下降和资金减少 [3][4] 市场机会 - 海上风能项目扩张为空中风能市场带来需求,因其适合海上应用且成本效益高 [10] - 空中风能技术认知度和接受度提升,推动其在可再生能源战略中的应用和市场增长 [11] 竞争格局 - 市场主要参与者包括Alphabet Inc.、Ampyx Power等,采用并购、研发投资、合作等策略 [12][13] 近期发展 - 2024年5月17日,维斯塔斯达成为北欧大型海上风电项目提供涡轮机的有条件协议,项目分两期且总容量超1GW [14] - 2024年1月29日,Squadron Energy与GE Vernova的陆上风电业务签署澳大利亚新南威尔士州1.4GW陆上风电项目战略框架协议 [14] - 2024年3月7日,印度最大可再生能源解决方案提供商苏司兰集团赢得为Juniper Green Energy建设72.45MW风电项目的新订单 [14]
Reasons Why You Should Avoid Betting on GE Aerospace (GE)
ZACKS· 2024-05-31 01:31
文章核心观点 通用电气公司(GE)因成本上升和外汇问题,近期运营表现不佳,未来几个季度盈利可能受影响 [1] 影响通用电气公司的因素 - 成本高昂:第一季度,GE航空航天销售成本同比增长8.4%至116亿美元,销售、一般和行政费用增长5.9%至23亿美元,研发费用增长17.6%至5.07亿美元,公司因某些项目和重组活动产生高额成本和费用 [1] - 供应链挑战:虽有改善,但供应链挑战仍影响GE航空航天运营,原材料成本通胀部分抵消了定价行动对利润率的推动作用 [2] - 外汇问题:业务地域多元化使公司面临不利汇率波动风险,美元走强可能使公司提高价格或压缩美国以外地区的利润率 [2] - 消费者信心下降:消费者信心下降可能影响支出,公司来自公用事业和电力部门的客户对宏观经济因素敏感,可能对公司增长和盈利能力产生不利影响 [3] - 盈利预期下调:过去60天,Zacks对GE 2024年盈利的共识预期下调了12.9% [3] 值得考虑的股票 - 卡莱尔公司(CSL):Zacks排名为1(强力买入),过去四个季度平均盈利惊喜为17%,过去60天,Zacks对其2024年盈利的共识预期提高了6.5% [4] - ITT公司(ITT):Zacks排名为2(买入),过去四个季度平均盈利惊喜为6.5%,过去60天,Zacks对其2024年盈利的共识预期小幅上升1% [4] - 格里芬公司(GFF):Zacks排名为2,过去四个季度平均盈利惊喜为33.5%,过去60天,Zacks对其2024年盈利的共识预期提高了4.8% [4]
Is GE Aerospace Stock Going to $201? 1 Wall Street Analyst Thinks So.· 2024-05-28 21:10
The aerospace company has plenty of long-term growth prospects based on its dominant market position in airplane engines.UBS recently raised its price target on GE Aerospace (GE 1.25%) stock from $191 to $201 while maintaining a buy rating on the stock. According to, the UBS analyst's argument is based on GE Aerospace's strong position in the airplane engine aftermarket. Bullishness comes from a combination of growing flight departures and GE's dominant position in commercial aircraft engines. It ...
GE Aerospace Soars 110% To 15-Year High — Is GE Stock A Buy?
Investors Business Daily· 2024-05-07 02:08
GE Aerospace (GE), the newly minted aerospace and defense pure play, continues to snag new highs amid price-target hikes. Is GE stock a buy?X GE Aerospace LaunchesOn April 2, General Electric split in two — into GE Aerospace and GE Vernova.GE Aerospace, which makes jet engines and aviation systems, kept the GE stock ticker. GE Vernova (GEV) houses a gas power and wind energy business.GE's health care spinoff, GE HealthCare Technologies (GEHC), debuted in January 2023.In 2021, an embattled General Electric a ...
GE Aerospace Foundation's $1 Million Pledge to Airlink to Strengthen Disaster Response Efforts Worldwide
Newsfilter· 2024-05-02 23:30
Cincinnati, May 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, disaster logistics nonprofit Airlink received a $1 million donation from the GE Aerospace Foundation, emphasizing their shared commitment to leveraging aviation for humanitarian purposes. Established in 2010, Airlink is a nonprofit organization providing free air transport and logistical coordination for a pre-screened network of over 200 nonprofits, aiding in delivering disaster responders and aid supplies to areas affected by global humanitarian crises.  ...
GE Aerospace Stock Has 17% Upside, According to 1 Wall Street Analyst
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-02 00:26
GE Aerospace shares are soaring, but turbulence may lie ahead.GE Aerospace (GE -1.06%), the largest of the three industrial stocks that spun off from one-time industrial behemoth General Electric, reported a strong earnings beat last week, exceeding analyst expectations on both the top and bottom lines. Management promised "a new beginning" and a "multi-year transformation" to its shareholders -- and raised its guidance on both profits and free cash flow to prove it.At least one interested party seems convi ...
Is It Too Late to Buy GE Aerospace Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-28 17:39
The slowdown in deliveries at Boeing is good news from a near-term profit perspective at its engine supplier. It will also lead to more aftermarket revenue from its legacy engines.GE Aerospace (GE 0.68%) has delivered stellar returns for investors, but is the party over now?Putting aside the stock chart, GE trades on slightly more than 40 times the midpoint of management's earnings guidance for 2024, making it look expensive on a near-term earnings basis. As such, is there still a case for buying the stock? ...
GE Aerospace Stock Has 14% Upside, According to 1 Wall Street Analyst
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-27 02:40
The aerospace company's broad-based exposure to the commercial aerospace markets means it can benefit from various end-market conditions.GE Aerospace (GE 0.89%) received a slew of upgrades following its first-quarter earnings report, including one from Bank of America analyst Ronald Epstein, who raised the price target to $180 from $165 while maintaining a buy rating.The target represents a 14% upside from the current price. According to The Fly, it reflects GE's "unique portfolio" of assets, including narr ...
GE Aerospace Reports Robust 1Q24 Results; Raise Target Price
Forbes· 2024-04-27 00:40
(Photo by Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto via Getty Images)NurPhoto via Getty ImagesOn April 23, 2024, GE Aerospace (NYSE: GE, $161.26, Market Capitalization: $176.5 billion) reported robust 1Q24 results, with a strong beat on EPS versus consensus. It should be noted that as GE Vernova was spun off from GE on April 2, and Vernova remained a part of the consolidated company for 1Q24. The company released consolidated results for General Electric General Electric on 4/23 for 1Q24, while GE Vernova’s results were decla ...