Will KEYS Stock Gain From the Expansion of Semiconductor Portfolio?
ZACKS· 2024-10-10 01:32
Keysight Technologies, Inc. (KEYS) recently expanded its semiconductor testing portfolio with the launch of the 4881HV High Voltage Wafer Test System. This cutting-edge solution is tailored to improve the productivity of power semiconductor manufacturers by facilitating parametric tests of up to 3kV, effectively handling both high and low-voltage assessments in one streamlined process. How Will KEYS New Product Aid Manufacturers? Historically, manufacturers have relied on separate systems for high and low-v ...
Will KEYS Stock Gain From the Expansion of Signal Generator Portfolio?
ZACKS· 2024-10-02 23:31
文章核心观点 - 公司最近推出了新的射频(RF)模拟信号发生器和微波模拟信号发生器,这些创新产品旨在满足RF工程师的需求,提供可便携和紧凑的解决方案,可用于高达26 GHz的频率下的元件和设备特性测试[1] - 这些新推出的信号发生器具有多项优势,包括便携轻便的设计、广泛的功率范围、低相位噪声特性、快速切换速度以及丰富的调制功能,有助于提高测试效率和测量精度[2][3] - 这些新产品的推出预计将增加公司在无线通信、数字设计和雷达技术领域的需求,从而提升公司的财务表现,推动股价上涨[4] 文章内容总结 公司新产品概述 - 公司最近推出了新的射频(RF)模拟信号发生器和微波模拟信号发生器,这些产品针对RF工程师的需求而设计,提供可便携和紧凑的解决方案,可用于高达26 GHz的频率下的元件和设备特性测试[1] - 这些新产品具有便携轻便的设计,可方便实验室使用[2] - 这些产品具有广泛的功率范围,可提供从-120 dBm到+23 dBm的精确输出功率,适用于广泛的RF和微波应用[2] 新产品技术特点 - 这些产品具有低相位噪声特性,使用温控晶体振荡器可实现-130 dBc/Hz@1 GHz,20 kHz偏移的相位噪声,并具有毫赫兹级分辨率,确保高频应用的测量精度[3] - 这些产品具有快速切换速度,仅需20微秒,有助于提高测试效率和吞吐量[3] - 这些产品具有丰富的调制功能,支持多种调制类型,如幅度、频率、相位、脉冲调制等,可满足不同测试需求[3] - 这些产品采用LCD触摸屏和远程桌面PC软件的优化用户界面,简化操作并提升用户体验[3] 对公司业务的影响 - 这些新产品的推出预计将增加公司在无线通信、数字设计和雷达技术领域的需求,从而提升公司的财务表现,推动股价上涨[4] - 过去一年,公司股价涨幅达17.5%,优于同行业12.9%的涨幅[5]
KEYS to Buy Synopsys OSG to Boost Software Solution: Stock to Gain?
ZACKS· 2024-09-20 23:36
Keysight Technologies, Inc. (KEYS) recently inked a definitive agreement with Synopsys, Inc. (SNPS) to acquire its Optical Solutions Group (OSG) division for an undisclosed amount. The deal is contingent on the successful closing of Synopsys' proposed acquisition of Ansys, regulatory approvals and other mandatory closing conditions. Synopsys' OSG's offerings include CODE V for imaging systems, LightTools for illumination design, LucidShape for automotive lighting and RSoft Photonic Device Tools. Recently, i ...
Frost & Sullivan Recognizes Keysight's Network Packet Brokers with 2024 New Product Innovation Award
Prnewswire· 2024-09-17 21:00
Keysight delivers scalable, high-performance, and highly flexible network visibility solutions for efficient network monitoring, threat detection, analysis and response SAN ANTONIO, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Frost & Sullivan recently analyzed the network visibility market and recognized Keysight Network Packet Brokers (NPBs) with a 2024 Global New Product Innovation Award. Keysight's newest generation of 400G-capable NPBs earned this recognition for its market-leading performance, modularity, scalabili ...
KEYS Boosts Security Standard Tests for V2X Solution: Stock to Gain?
ZACKS· 2024-09-17 02:01
Keysight Technologies, Inc. (KEYS) recently achieved a significant milestone by successfully testing and certifying Autotalks' vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication solution in its device security research lab, Riscure Security Solutions, under the Common Criteria certification program. The testing approach involved a comprehensive evaluation of Autotalks' SECTON/CRATON2 embedded V2X Hardware Security Module (HSM), designed to ensure secure communication between devices in a V2X ecosystem by integrating ...
KEYS Unveils Advanced Oscilloscope For High Precision: Stock to Gain?
ZACKS· 2024-09-06 01:11
产品发布与技术优势 - Keysight Technologies推出InfiniiVision HD3系列示波器,帮助工程师快速识别和解决电子应用中的信号问题 [1] - HD3系列示波器采用14位ADC,信号分辨率是传统示波器的四倍 [2] - HD3系列将噪声基底降低至50 µVRMS,减少背景噪声干扰,提高测量精度和可靠性 [3] - 内置自动故障检测软件加速调试过程并自动化测量 [3] - 定制专用集成电路确保在高负载测试条件下仍保持高波形更新率 [4] - 直观的用户界面和即时软件升级增强了仪器的灵活性和可扩展性 [4] - 深存储架构有效捕捉长信号,提供更全面的分析 [4] 市场表现与竞争分析 - Keysight股价在过去一年上涨10.8%,高于行业平均8.6%的涨幅 [6] - Arista Networks提供数据中心和云计算环境的云网络解决方案,上季度盈利超出预期8.25% [6] - Ubiquiti Inc拥有灵活且适应市场变化的全球业务模式,通过100多家分销商和主经销商网络提升需求可见性和库存管理 [7][8] - Workday Inc提供企业级财务管理和人力资源软件解决方案,上季度盈利超出预期7.36% [8][9] - Workday的云平台整合财务和人力资源系统,为组织提供分析洞察和决策支持 [9]
Keysight Technologies(KEYS) - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Report
2024-08-30 04:22
收购与整合 - 公司收购ESI Group SA,三个月和九个月分别带来2500万美元和1.19亿美元的增量收入[95] - 公司在九个月内使用6.73亿美元(扣除获得的现金)进行收购,其中包括4.77亿美元(扣除3500万美元现金)收购ESI集团的控股权[123] - 公司在九个月内使用4.58亿美元收购ESI集团的少数股权[124] - 公司在九个月内使用2400万美元偿还ESI集团收购时承担的债务[124] - 公司在九个月内使用7百万美元支付桥贷费用[124] - 作为ESI Group收购的一部分,公司承担了2400万美元的债务,其中1000万美元需要在一年内偿还,包括一笔1100万美元的银团贷款和其他银行借款[128] 财务数据 - 公司三个月和九个月的总订单分别为12.49亿美元和36.88亿美元,分别与去年持平和下降5%[96] - 公司三个月和九个月的收入分别为12.17亿美元和36.92亿美元,分别下降12%和11%[96,97] - 公司三个月和九个月的净利润分别为3.89亿美元和6.87亿美元,分别增长35%和下降17%[97] - 公司三个月和九个月的毛利率分别为62.0%和63.1%,分别下降3个百分点和2个百分点[97] - 公司三个月和九个月的研发投入分别为2.26亿美元和6.86亿美元,分别增长5%和3%[97] - 公司三个月和九个月的销售及管理费用分别为3.29亿美元和10.52亿美元,分别增长3%和6%[97] 业务表现 - 收入同比下降8%和10%,主要受到整体投资疲软和去年同期强劲反弹的影响[112] - 商业通信市场收入下降6%和10%,主要受到无线通信生态系统疲软的影响,但高速网络和数据中心基础设施投资有所增长[112] - 航空航天、国防和政府市场收入下降10%和9%,但雷达、频谱操作、航天和卫星解决方案以及信号监测等领域投资仍有增长[112] - 收购业务对收入增长有1个百分点的正面影响,汇率变动对收入增长有1个百分点的负面影响[112] - 电子工业解决方案集团(EISG)收入在三个月和九个月内分别下降20%和14%[117] - EISG毛利率在三个月和九个月内分别下降5个百分点和2个百分点[118] - EISG研发费用在三个月和九个月内分别增加10%和11%[118] - EISG销售、一般及管理费用在三个月和九个月内分别增加2%和8%[118] - EISG营业利润率在三个月和九个月内分别下降14个百分点和10个百分点[118] 资金管理 - 利息收入同比下降,主要是由于现金余额利息收入减少[106] - 利息费用同比增加,主要是由于高级票据利息增加[106] - 其他收益(费用)净额同比下降,主要是由于权益投资收益减少和养老金成本增加[106] - 公司于2021年7月30日签订了一项修订和重述的信贷协议,提供了一项7.5亿美元的五年期无担保循环信贷额度,于2026年7月30日到期,年利率为LIBOR + 1%,并附带0.125%的年度设施费[126] - 公司于2024年3月28日签订了一项桥贷信贷协议,提供了最高13.5亿英镑的364天期桥贷信贷额度,用于支持一项计划中的收购[127] - 截至2024年7月31日,公司在循环信贷额度下没有任何借款,并一直遵守相关契约[126] - 公司预计2024年资本支出约为1.5亿美元,主要用于产能扩张和技术投资[131] 未来展望 - 公司预计客户将继续在5G演进、6G、高速数据中心网络、卫星网络、人工智能、新能源汽车、工业物联网等领域进行研发投资[98]
Will KEYS' Semiconductor Innovation Boost Its Stock Performance?
ZACKS· 2024-08-30 00:40
Keysight Technologies, Inc. (KEYS) recently launched the Electrical Structural Tester ("EST") to efficiently conduct wire bond inspection for semiconductor manufacturing. Designed for high-volume manufacturing environments, the EST empowers chip makers to improve production efficiency, while ensuring superior quality and reliability. Legacy testing methods are failing to match the paramount quality requirements due to the increasing density of chips in mission-critical applications, such as medical devices ...
Here's Why This Hot Technology Stock Soared This Week
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-23 19:18
This technology company's earnings served notice that its overall end markets are bottoming. Test and measurement technology company Keysight Technologies (KEYS -2.01%) stock is up a whopping 14.3% in the week to Friday morning. The move comes as the market warmed to its third-quarter earnings released earlier in the week. Keysight Technologies' third quarter It's not that its year-over-year core revenue growth or core orders growth turned positive (down 13% and 1%, respectively), and it's not that manageme ...
Keysight: Q3 Marks An Inflection Point, But Valuation Is Tight
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-22 05:40
A stockphoto/iStock via Getty Images Investment Thesis Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:KEYS) is a company that provides electronic design and test instruments, and being one of the world leaders in this sector. As covered in my past articles, FY2024 hasn't been easy as orders have paused and revenue has decreased drastically, however, in this follow up I can notice that an inflection point appears to have been reached, giving hope that growth can return. The stock is rising to $155, quickly adjusting for ...