
Target(TGT) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-11-21 00:34
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第三季度可比销售额增长0.3%,接近预期范围底部,EPS低于预期,主要受非必需品趋势疲软和多种成本压力影响[66] - 第三季度经营利润率为4.6%,较去年下降约60个基点,反映了最高商品类别销售低于预期以及毛利率和销售、一般及行政费用的成本压力[68] - 第三季度GAAP和调整后EPS为1.85美元,较去年的2.10美元有所下降,年初至今,GAAP和调整后EPS较去年增长8.3%[72] - 第三季度末库存较去年增长约3%,与2019年相比,今年第三季度销售额增长略快于同期库存增长[50] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 数字业务 - 数字渠道本季度增长近11%,其中Target Circle 360支持的当日送达增长近20%,Drive Up业务实现两位数增长,占第三季度销售额20亿美元以上,Ship - to - Home业务也实现健康增长[10] 商品类别 - **美妆**:本季度可比销售额增长超过6%,包括核心美妆业务和Ulta Beauty at Target产品[26] - **食品饮料和必需品**:本季度均实现低个位数增长,食品方面,万圣节糖果、零食以及Good & Gather的新季节性口味受欢迎;必需品方面,营养品类的新产品表现良好,宠物类别也有增长[27] - **服装**:可比销售额下降略低于1%,但与行业相比表现相对较好,女性服装业务表现强劲,包括Wild Fable系列以及Auden品牌的重新推出;Hardlines类别持续面临压力,可比销售额下降低个位数,但背包在返校季表现强劲[28][29] - **家居**:第三季度可比销售额下降中个位数,秋季新品和家居更新项目有亮点[30] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 未提及相关内容 公司战略和发展方向和行业竞争 - 继续投资现有门店,包括全面改造、小规模更新和布局调整,以提高当日服务效率;投资数字体验,包括网站、应用和配送能力;基于今年新店开业的良好表现和2025年的开店计划,投资新店项目;投资技术,包括AI;投资自有品牌组合;通过降低日常价格、为Target Circle会员提供优惠以及在节日期间推出促销活动来提供价值;投资团队,以确保在各个渠道提供差异化的购物体验[19] - 公司独特的多品类业务模式是竞争优势之一,如在假日季提供一站式购物体验[129] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 消费者行为 - 消费者预算紧张,购物谨慎,注重性价比和促销活动,愿意在找到合适的新品和价值组合时消费,同时也会在重要的季节性时刻消费[12] 经营环境 - 供应链面临东海岸和海湾港口罢工等挑战,导致库存成本上升,但公司采取措施保障了库存和第四季度的销售计划;本季度还面临医疗保健和一般责任费用等意外压力[13][14] 未来前景 - 尽管面临短期逆风,但对长期战略仍有信心,预计非必需品需求将正常化,团队将继续提高效率以抵消成本压力,预计2025年及以后将实现可持续的盈利增长[83] 其他重要信息 - 本季度新增近300万Target Circle会员,将继续投资该忠诚度计划,同时Roundel广告业务在第三季度实现中青少年增长率,受益于Target Circle带来的流量和销售增长[16] - 公司在第三季度末的库存较去年增长约3%,但与2019年相比,今年第三季度销售额增长略快于同期库存增长[50] - 公司预计2024年全年资本支出接近30亿美元或略低,2025年资本支出预计在40 - 50亿美元之间[74] 问答环节所有的提问和回答 问题:独特成本的规模是多少?如何在毛利和销售、一般及行政费用中分配?第四季度指导中包含多少独特成本? - 回答:部分最高利润率类别如家居和服装较第二季度减速约4个百分点,影响利润;为应对港口罢工提前调整库存产生额外成本;销售、一般及行政费用方面,一般责任和医疗保健成本约占本季度销售、一般及行政费用增加的1%[96][97][99] 问题:今年致力于重振营收,引入新元素和创新,但消费者反应不佳,在假日季和年终清理库存时,做法是否会改变? - 回答:会继续着眼长期,投资于价值和新品。尽管面临短期逆风,但第三季度流量增长2.4%,数字业务增长近11%,Target Circle 360送货到家业务增长近20%,Drive Up业务实现两位数增长,服装业务也有亮点,将继续投资新元素、价值以及门店和数字渠道[101] 问题:对于非必需品类别疲软的最新看法,是否预计2025年前景会更好? - 回答:在服装类别,尽管第三季度略有下降,但有很多亮点,如all in motion品牌实现两位数增长,天气转冷时可能会有改善;家居和Hardlines类别面临挑战,但家居推出新品时有消费者响应,Hardlines类别中装饰配件表现良好;预计2025年非必需品类别仍将占业务的50%以上,将继续创新和提供价值,同时紧跟消费者需求[108][109][112] 问题:消费者比以往更倾向于等待促销,这是否导致在第四季度定价和促销方式的改变? - 回答:这是一段时间以来的趋势,消费者在寻找价值和促销活动,公司将确保在假日季提供合适的价值,将新品与价值捆绑,紧跟消费者需求[117][118] 问题:在消费者集中在少数零售商消费的情况下,公司是否需要采取不同措施或增加投资以提升业绩? - 回答:将继续保持自身特色,利用独特的品牌组合、合作伙伴关系,投资门店和数字资产,深化与品牌合作伙伴的关系,加速自有品牌组合发展,继续投资Circle计划,零售媒体业务方面,Roundel在第三季度实现中青少年增长率,将继续保持当前战略,紧跟消费者需求[122][123][124][125] 问题:关于服装,时尚和基础款分别占销售额的百分比?是否会更多转向基础款?如何看待第四季度库存风险?资本支出占销售额的4%是否会成为稳定状态? - 回答:服装方面,注重消费者需求,目前时尚、风格和价格的组合受到消费者欢迎;库存方面,较去年增长约3%,对假日季库存情况有信心;资本支出方面,2024年约为30亿美元或略低,2025年预计在40 - 50亿美元之间[142][144][145] 问题:如何看待供应链低效和收货时间的一次性影响?是否可以量化第三季度和第四季度的相关压力?供应链或收货是否影响第三季度和第四季度的销售?Target Circle重新推出是否对成本产生负面影响? - 回答:第三季度和第四季度在非必需品类别趋势基础上谨慎指导,服装和家居等高利润类别减速影响利润,港口罢工等因素导致一些独特成本,费用方面也有变化,但团队效率工作的进展让人有信心应对;对于Circle 360的推出,看到消费者积极响应,新增会员,当日送达增长,对营收和利润有积极影响[149][150][151][152]
Target Misses Q3 Earnings & Sales Estimates, Issues Cautious Q4 View
ZACKS· 2024-11-21 00:30
Target Corporation (TGT) reported third-quarter fiscal 2024 results, with the top and bottom lines falling short of the Zacks Consensus Estimate. While revenues saw a slight increase, earnings took a significant hit compared to the prior year due to cost pressures.This Minneapolis, MN-based company posted comparable sales growth, but the pace slowed considerably from the preceding quarter. While comparable store sales declined, the drop was more than offset by an increase in comparable digital sales.In resp ...
Target Results Are Not a Retail Bellwether: Why the Dip Is a Buy
MarketBeat· 2024-11-20 23:36
Target TodayTGTTarget$122.95 -33.05 (-21.19%) 52-Week Range$120.99▼$181.86Dividend Yield3.64%P/E Ratio12.70Price Target$174.80Add to WatchlistWhile Target NYSE: TGT has been a bellwether of retail sector health in recent years, it is not today. The company’s lackluster results are due to its operational quality and lack of relevance in an environment where consumers are budget-conscious. Results from other retailers, including Walmart NYSE: WMT, The TJX Companies NYSE: TJX, and Williams-Sonoma NYSE: WSM, s ...
Compared to Estimates, Target (TGT) Q3 Earnings: A Look at Key Metrics
ZACKS· 2024-11-20 23:31
Target (TGT) reported $25.67 billion in revenue for the quarter ended October 2024, representing a year-over-year increase of 1.1%. EPS of $1.85 for the same period compares to $2.10 a year ago.The reported revenue compares to the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $25.91 billion, representing a surprise of -0.94%. The company delivered an EPS surprise of -19.21%, with the consensus EPS estimate being $2.29.While investors scrutinize revenue and earnings changes year-over-year and how they compare with Wall Street ...
Target shares plunge after lackluster sales ahead of holiday season
Fox Business· 2024-11-20 23:11
Target shares tumbled on Wednesday after the retailer severely missed Wall Street's quarterly earnings estimates and cut its full-year profit guidance. The retailer's stock fell 19% during morning trading after it said it's taking a more cautious stance for the most critical quarter in the retail industry after seeing weakness in certain discretionary categories despite slashing prices on 2,000 items this holiday season to drive traffic. WALMART AND TARGET ARE CUTTING PRICES TO ENTICE CUSTOMERS Target CEO ...
Target Shares Tumble 18% After Earnings Fall Short
Forbes· 2024-11-20 22:37
文章核心观点 Target公布的第三季度收益和营收低于分析师预期,导致股价周三下跌18%,为两年多来最糟糕的一天 [1] 关键事实 - Target股价在美东时间上午9:35左右跌破126美元,有望创下自2022年5月18日以来最大单日抛售,当时该零售商警告“成本意外高企”致利润下降52% [2] - 该零售商公布第三季度每股收益1.85美元,营收257亿美元,分别低于分析师预期的2.30美元和259亿美元 [2] 公司情况 - 首席执行官Brian Cornell称本季度面临挑战,因上月预计港口工人罢工而重新安排假日商品运输,致成本暂时增加 [3] - 公司门店和网站流量增长2.4%,数字销售同比增长10.8%,但可比门店销售额下降近2% [3] - 尽管吸引了更多顾客,但顾客对公司服装和家居用品等非必需品兴趣降低 [4] 股价表现 - 周三前Target股价今年上涨9%,落后于标准普尔500指数24.7%的涨幅 [5] 关键背景 - 尽管近几个月Target降低数千种商品价格,但仍难推动非必需品销售,计划在假日季前降低超1万种商品价格 [6] - 与Target营收下滑相反,沃尔玛周二报告非必需品销售增长,预计全年净销售额增长近5%,收益和营收远超分析师预期,股价上涨3% [6]
Target Shares Tumble 16% Premarket After Earnings Fall Short
Forbes· 2024-11-20 22:13
ToplineShares of Target dropped by 16% in premarket trading on Wednesday, pacing what would be the stock’s worst day in more than two years after the retailer announced third-quarter earnings and revenue that fell below analyst expectations.CHICAGO - MAY 23: Shopping carts sit inside a Target store on May 23, 2007 in Chicago, Illinois. ... [+] Today, Target Corp. reported an 18 per cent increase in their first-quarter profit, beating analysts' expectations. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)Getty Images Ke ...
South Korea's Hanwha Life to acquire majority stake in U.S.-based Velocity Clearing, allowing both companies to target global markets
Prnewswire· 2024-11-20 22:00
Milestone transaction will mark the first time a Korean insurance company has acquired a controlling interest in a foreign brokerage firmSEOUL, South Korea and NEW YORK, Nov. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hanwha Life, South Korea's first life insurance company, today announced it has agreed on the 18th to acquire a 75% stake in the parent of Velocity Clearing, a U.S.-based global financial services firm. The Velocity Clearing management team will retain the remaining minority stake. With this acquisition, Hanwha ...
Bayhorse Silver Mobilizes Drill to the Bayhorse Mine VTEM Anomaly for Drilling Potential Porphyry Copper Target
Newsfile· 2024-11-20 22:00
Bayhorse Silver Mobilizes Drill to the Bayhorse Mine VTEM Anomaly for Drilling Potential Porphyry Copper TargetNovember 20, 2024 9:00 AM EST | Source: Bayhorse Silver Inc.Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 20, 2024) - Bayhorse Silver Inc, (TSXV: BHS) (OTCQB: BHSIF) (FSE: 7KXN) (the "Company" or "Bayhorse") announces the arrival of the underground diamond drill rig at the Bayhorse Silver Mine to drill the large low-resistivity anomaly that lies beneath the Company's silver/ ...
Target (TGT) Misses Q3 Earnings and Revenue Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-11-20 21:40
Target (TGT) came out with quarterly earnings of $1.85 per share, missing the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $2.29 per share. This compares to earnings of $2.10 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of -19.21%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this retailer would post earnings of $2.16 per share when it actually produced earnings of $2.57, delivering a surprise of 18.98%.Over the last four quarters, the company has surp ...