Milking the Market: 3 Cash Cow Stocks for a Profitable Portfolio
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-15 23:33
Cash cow stocks offer dividends and the ability to generate long-term returns. These stocks still have many growth catalysts and aren’t just mature companies with high yields and nothing else to show for them.It’s possible to receive steady cash distributions from your portfolio while generating returns similar to the stock market. It’s even possible for some of these cash cows to outperform the stock market in the long run. Investors looking for cash cow stocks may want to consider these top picks.Automati ...
The 7 Best Dividend Stocks to Buy in the S&P 500: March 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-10 20:00
When it comes to the best dividend stocks in the S&P 500, Dividend Aristocrats may first come to mind. As you may know, Dividend Aristocrats are S&P 500 stocks with a 25-year or longer track record of annual dividend increases.While those stocks represent many of the best dividend stocks to buy and hold, many other non-aristocratic S&P 500 components are worth a closer look due to their merits as long-term dividend stocks.Weighing all factors (not just dividend yield), a few names stand out in terms of both ...
Markets Up but Off Session Highs: JOLTS, Beige Book Flat
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-07 07:56
Wednesday, March 6th, 2024Market indices closed off session highs today, but the four majors all finished in the green, nevertheless. A nice kickstart in the pre-market launched all four well above Tuesday’s closing levels, but those gains were pared by the end of the trading day today. The Dow grew by 75 points, +0.21%, while the Nasdaq — once again led by its superstar NVIDIA (NVDA) — was up +91 points, +0.58%. The S&P 500 and small-cap Russell 2000 rose +0.51% and +0.62%, respectively.Private-sector payr ...
Less-Than-Expected Private Payrolls in February
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-07 00:51
就业人数数据 - 2月私营部门就业人数增加了140K,低于预期的150K,但比1月的111K上升了29K[1] - 小型企业(少于50名员工)只新增了19K名新员工,而大型企业(超过500名员工)新增了61K名员工,中型企业则减少了69K名员工[2] - 上个月留在原工作岗位的员工平均涨幅为5.1%,而换工作的员工涨幅为7.6%,高于预期[3] 市场反应 - 预市期货市场对这些结果反应良好,道琼斯指数上涨175点,标普500指数上涨30点,纳斯达克指数上涨170点[5]
ADP Jobs +140K, but Part-Time Work Is Rising
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-07 00:21
Wednesday, March 6th, 2024Jobs Week gets underway in earnest this morning, with results for February private-sector payrolls from Automatic Data Processing (ADP) out more than an hour before the opening bell. A headline number of +140K is below consensus expectations of +150K, but still +29K month over month, from the upwardly revised +111K in January. Goods-producing jobs made up +30K of the positions filled last month, with the Services sector making up +110K.In terms of company size and February private- ...
3 No-Brainer Dividend Stocks to Snap Up in March
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-06 19:35
股息股票投资 - 投资者应考虑购买最佳股息股票,这些公司展现出强劲的财务表现,具有盈利的良好记录[1] - 股息支付公司通常有逐年增加股息支付的历史,对于寻求额外 passsive 收入的人来说是有利的[2] Mastercard 股票分析 - Mastercard (NYSE:MA) 在过去十年展现出稳健的股息增长和股东回报,股价在过去五年翻了一番[3] - Mastercard 提供多样化的金融服务,以其品牌信用卡而闻名,合作模式使其能够与全球数千家初创公司、银行和金融机构合作[4]
Business Expansion, Acquisitions Aid ADP Amid Competition
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-02 01:55
公司业绩 - ADP公司股价在过去三个月中上涨了8%,表现优于所属行业的4.8%涨幅[1] - ADP公司最近公布了令人印象深刻的2024财年第二季度业绩,调整后每股收益为2.13美元,超出了Zacks Consensus Estimate,总收入为46.7亿美元,超出了预期[2] 战略收购 - ADP公司通过战略收购如Celergo、WorkMarket、Global Cash Card和The Marcus Buckingham Company等,加强了客户基础,扩大了国际市场业务[4]
Markets Await ISM Manufacturing PMI Data
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-02 01:06
We’re at new all-time highs on the Nasdaq — the first since November of 2021 — which is part of a nearly year-long advancement based on the unveiling of A.I. technology on a practical basis, and led by the “Magnificent 7” stocks which benefited immediately on this new narrative. A few of these companies continue to reach new highs, like A.I. superstar NVIDIA ((NVDA) , while others, like Tesla ((TSLA) , have fallen off. But the Nasdaq has seen a wider distribution of bullish sentiment beyond the futuristic t ...
The Dividend Vault: 7 Stocks with Ironclad Payouts for the Long Haul
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-27 20:00
股息贵族 - "股息贵族"是股息股票中的精英[1] - 拥有这些股票提供了稳定、增长的股息,为长期投资提供了机会[1] - 3M可能会面临股息削减的风险,需要寻找能够保持其王者地位的股息贵族[3] Automatic Data Processing (ADP) - Automatic Data Processing (ADP)是一家在“股息贵族”类别中备受青睐的蓝筹股[4] - 过去五年,ADP股票的股息平均每年增长12.96%[5] - 预测显示,ADP公司的盈利将在未来几年内持续增长,这也意味着股息可能会进一步增长[6] Cincinnati Financial (CINF) - Cincinnati Financial (CINF)是一家拥有63年股息增长记录的公司,被认为是股息股票中的“王者”之一[8] - 预测显示,CINF股票未来两年的盈利增长将在高个位数/低两位数范围内[9] - 尽管CINF股票的估值可能不会有太多的盈利倍数扩张,但股价仍有可能上涨,加上股息,可能带来满意的长期总回报[10] Colgate-Palmolive (CL) - Colgate-Palmolive (CL)是“股息贵族”类别中的消费必需品股票之一[11] - CL股票的估值相对较低,可能是这些股票中更好的选择之一[13] General Dynamics (GD) - General Dynamics (GD)是防御性股票中的一员,具有29年的股息增长记录[14] - GD股票的股息虽然不高,但过去五年平均每年增长7.26%[16] Illinois Tool Works (ITW) - Illinois Tool Works (ITW)是一家工业集团,过去五年平均每年以高个位数的速度增加股息[17] - ITW股票的股息提供了稳定的回报,尽管近期一些挑战可能会持续存在[18] Lowe's (LOW) - Lowe's (LOW)是一家拥有60年连续股息增长记录的“股息王者”[19] - LOW公司最近增加了股息,目前的股息率为1.89%[20] Realty Income (O) - Realty Income (O)是少数几家属于“股息贵族”类别的房地产投资信托公司之一[23] - O股票的现金股息虽然只是低至中个位数的增长,但随着时间的推移,这些增长对长期回报有着重要影响[24]
Markets Flattish; Zoom, Workday Different Directions Post-Q4
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-27 07:41
Zoom Video(ZM)公司财报 - Zoom Video公司在今天的市场收盘后发布了第四季度财报,超过了预期的每股收益,股价在晚间交易中上涨了4%[3] Workday(WDAY)公司财报 - Workday公司在财政第四季度的营收和净利润均超过预期,但股价在下午下跌了7%[4] 个人消费支出数据(PCE) - 本周四将公布最新的个人消费支出数据(PCE)[5]