
Here's Why Automatic Data Processing (ADP) Is a Great Pick Now
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-08 18:46
公司背景 - Automatic Data Processing (ADP)是一家基于云的人力资本管理解决方案提供商[1] - ADP专注于提供最佳的HCM技术、无与伦比的外包解决方案,并通过全球规模赋予客户权力[6] 财务表现 - ADP在过去三个月表现良好,并有潜力在短期内保持势头[1] - ADP目前拥有Zacks Rank 2(买入)[3] - ADP在过去四个季度中每次超过Zacks Consensus Estimate,平均实现了2.8%的盈利惊喜[4] - ADP的2024财年盈利的Zacks Consensus Estimate为19.2美元,较去年同期增长6.3%[5] - ADP的长期预期盈利增长率为11.6%[5]
Markets Coming to Terms with Limited Rate Cuts in 2024
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-04 06:46
市场表现 - 市场指数在今天大部分时间挣扎,从负值领域挖掘出来,最终略微收于绿色,除了蓝筹道琼斯指数外,其下跌了另外43点,-0.11%。[1] - 标普500指数扭转了道琼斯的走势,上涨了0.11%,而纳斯达克和罗素2000指数表现更好,分别上涨了0.23%和0.55%。[1] - 小盘罗素指数在过去一个月的交易中已经回到了正值领域。[1] 就业数据 - 自动数据处理公司(ADP)在今天开盘前发布的强于预期的私营部门就业数据显示,劳动力市场并未持续减弱,私营部门新增了184K个新工作岗位。[2] - 这标志着劳动力市场的降温趋势得到了扭转,这种降温将会重新确认市场参与者对于美联储将在今年开始进行三次降息的看法。[2] 美联储降息预期 - 市场对于年初希望分析师预计的六到七次降息被缩减为美联储最近点阵图确认的三次降息并没有太大反应。[3] - 投资者对于2024年是否有可能进行三次25个基点(bps)的降息可能会产生更多疑虑。[3] - 今年只剩下四次美联储会议,五月份的降息已经明显不在议程之内。[3] 公司业绩 - 李维斯特拉斯公司(LEVI)报告了其财政第一季度超出预期的业绩,每股收益为26美分,超过了Zacks的共识6美分。[4] - 季度营收为156亿美元,超过了预期的153亿美元。[4] - 消息发布后,股价在晚间交易中上涨了6%。[4] 明日展望 - 明天将会带来更多的市场相关信息:上周或上两周的初次和继续失业救济申请将在开盘前公布,美国新的贸易平衡数据也将一同公布。[5] - 美联储主席的讲话将包括费城的哈克尔、里士满的巴金、芝加哥的古尔斯比、克利夫兰的梅斯特、明尼阿波利斯的卡什卡里和美联储理事阿德里安娜·库格勒。[5] - 可以期待这些美联储成员向市场保证今年确实考虑降息是合适的。[5]
Better-Than-Expected Private Payrolls for March
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-03 23:36
就业岗位增长 - ADP报告显示3月新增私营部门就业岗位达到184K,高于预期[1] - 中等规模企业(50-499名员工)在报告中获得了最多的就业增长,约为+90K[3] 工资增长率 - 就业者的工资增长率分别为+5.1%和+10.0%,显示出劳动力市场的一定热度[4]
Cursed with a Good Economy: ADP Jumps to +184K
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-03 23:15
就业岗位增长 - 3月份ADP的私营部门就业报告显示新增私营部门工作岗位达到了184K,远高于预期的155K[1] - 中等规模企业(50-499名员工)在这份报告中获得了最多的就业增长,约为+90K,大型企业紧随其后,增加了+87K个岗位[3] 工资增长 - 就业者的工资增长出乎意料,留任者的工资年增长率为+5.1%[4] - 换工作者的工资增长率为+10.0%[4]
Markets Slide Further from Last Week's Highs; JOLTS Up Slightly
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-03 06:51
Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024Markets are down for the second-straight session, following cresting highs that consistently struck new all-time closing highs on the S&P 500 last week. This really means the markets are still in good shape overall — we haven’t plummeted off last week’s highs, only trimmed some of the excess from lofty valuations… so far, that is. The Dow dropped -395 points for an even -1.00%, the Nasdaq hived off another -156 points, -0.95%, and the S&P slid -0.72%. The small-cap Russell 2000 fell ...
3 Dividend Stocks Targeting 50% Upside by 2028
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-02 05:46
In today’s market, investors increasingly seek assets offering a balance between growth potential and income generation. Dividend stocks targeting upside can be a compelling option, providing investors with a steady stream of income while offering the potential for capital appreciation. When selecting dividend stocks targeting upside, it’s crucial to consider a company’s financial health, dividend history, valuation and future growth prospects. Companies with a history of consistent dividend payouts and sus ...
ADP to Announce Third Quarter Fiscal 2024 Financial Results on May 1, 2024
Prnewswire· 2024-04-01 20:00
财务业绩发布 - ADP将于2024年5月1日星期三纳斯达克开盘前发布截至2024年3月31日第三财季的财务业绩[1] - ADP不再通过新闻线服务发布财务业绩,而是在adp.com的投资者关系部门发布结果,公司将通过新闻线发布警报,指示收益材料已公开可用,包括指向这些文件的链接[3] 电话会议安排 - ADP将于2024年5月1日上午8:30举行电话会议,讨论这些业绩,参与者包括总裁兼首席执行官Maria Black、首席财务官Don McGuire和投资者关系副总裁Danyal Hussain[2] - 投资者和感兴趣的参与者被邀请通过现场网络广播收听电话会议并查看附带的幻灯片演示,电话会议将在ADP的网站investors.adp.com上进行现场网络广播,并在电话会议后提供回放,幻灯片演示将在网络广播前不久提供[4]
The Magnificent 7 Of Dividend Aristocrats Yield As Much As 6%
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-30 19:00
tiero It seems that the Magnificent Seven has captured the entire world's imagination. Microsoft (MSFT) Nvidia (NVDA) Apple (AAPL) Alphabet (GOOG) (GOOGL) Amazon (AMZN) Tesla (TSLA) Meta (META) Ycharts The market caps of the Mag 7 have reached levels surpassing the stock market of some of the world's largest countries. Charlie Bilello The Mag 7 has a higher market cap than China's stock market, and Nvidia alone is worth more than all German stocks. Visual Capitalist Then again, these are some of ...
Automatic Data Processing: A Great DGI Stock
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-24 22:05
champpixs/iStock via Getty Images Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (NASDAQ:ADP) was founded in 1949. ADP is the largest provider of payroll and human capital management services in the world. The company offers a wide range of products and services for businesses of all sizes, from small enterprises to large corporations. It enjoys a recurring and capital-light business model, growing at modest rates on the topline, but with operational leverage ahead. I believe that ADP is a great choice as a stable com ...
ADP Marketplace Summit Focuses on HR Ecosystem Advancement, Celebrates Partners
Prnewswire· 2024-03-20 21:15
ROSELAND, N.J., March 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ADP, a leading global technology company providing human capital management (HCM) solutions, focused its 6th annual ADP Marketplace Summit on showcasing and celebrating how the HR digital storefront continues to raise the bar in providing seamless connectivity that is enhancing the HR process and employee experience for clients. With a focus on excellence, the ADP Marketplace provides clients in the United States, Canada, France, Netherlands, the United Kingd ...