Adecoagro S.A.(AGRO)
New Strong Buy Stocks for May 30th
ZACKS· 2024-05-30 20:55
Here are five stocks added to the Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) List today:Adecoagro S.A. (AGRO) : This agro-industrial company has seen the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 6.2% over the last 60 days.Barrick Gold Corporation (GOLD) : This mining company has seen the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 13.3% over the last 60 days.InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG) : This hotel management company has seen the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its cu ...
Best Income Stocks to Buy for May 30th· 2024-05-30 18:46
Here are three stocks with buy rank and strong income characteristics for investors to consider today, May 30:Ecopetrol S.A. (EC) : This integrated energy company has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 9% the last 60 days.This Zacks Rank #1 company has a dividend yield of 17.7%, compared with the industry average of 5.9%.First BanCorp. (FBP) : This bank holding company for FirstBank Puerto Rico has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earni ...
Best Value Stocks to Buy for May 30th· 2024-05-30 18:31
Here are three stocks with buy rank and strong value characteristics for investors to consider today, May 30:Adecoagro S.A. (AGRO) : This agro-industrial company carries a Zacks Rank #1, and has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 6.2% over the last 60 days.Adecoagro has a price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) of 5.80 compared with 18.60 for the industry. The company possesses a Value Score of A.Mr. Cooper Group Inc. (COOP) : This mortgage servicing company carries a Zack ...
AGRO vs. LMNR: Which Stock Is the Better Value Option?· 2024-05-23 00:46
Investors interested in Agriculture - Operations stocks are likely familiar with Adecoagro (AGRO) and Limoneira (LMNR) . But which of these two stocks offers value investors a better bang for their buck right now? We'll need to take a closer look.There are plenty of strategies for discovering value stocks, but we have found that pairing a strong Zacks Rank with an impressive grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system produces the best returns. The Zacks Rank is a proven strategy that targets com ...
Adecoagro S.A.(AGRO) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-18 01:42
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司第一季度合并调整后EBITDA达到9000万美元,与上年持平 [9] - 糖、乙醇和能源业务创下历史同期最佳业绩,主要得益于扩大种植面积带来的较高甘蔗产量 [9] - 尽管经营表现出色,但由于糖价下跌是该分部业绩同比下降的主要原因 [9][29] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 农业业务三大分部均表现出色,显示团队努力提高产量并保持成本优势 [11][12] - 农业业务中,作物分部由于天气正常导致产量大幅回升,抵消了大宗农产品价格下跌的影响 [11][37] - 大米业务受益于供给受限,平均售价大幅上涨83% [19][39] - 乳品业务成本下降,主要由于饲料成本下降 [40] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 糖产量增加47%,主要由于种植面积扩大带来的较高甘蔗产量 [20][21] - 糖销量增加,平均售价达到每磅23.8美分,受益于公司的套期保值策略 [25][26] - 乙醇销量增加11%,但平均售价下降30% [27] - 电力销量下降13%,但平均售价上涨2% [28] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司继续投资扩大甘蔗种植面积,提高产能利用率,从而降低单位生产成本 [30] - 公司看好乙醇市场前景,预计未来将增加乙醇产量占比 [53][54][55] - 公司通过多元化经营和地域分散,能够降低天气和疫情等风险 [34][35] - 公司正积极布局未来燃料政策,看好长期发展前景 [71] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对甘蔗种植和生产的天气条件持乐观态度,预计2024年产量将超过2023年 [30][31] - 管理层对乙醇价格前景持乐观态度,认为供给偏紧将推动价格上涨 [31][32][54][55] - 管理层对农业业务的恢复和发展前景表示乐观 [11][12][33][35] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Henrique Brustolin 提问** 询问公司对糖价走势和未来业绩影响的看法 [48][50] **Renato Junqueira Pereira 回答** - 认为糖价下跌主要由于巴西产量预期增加,但全球库存仍处于低位,任何天气问题都可能推动价格上涨 [53][54] - 公司已经锁定57%的2024年糖产量价格,但生物资产估值下降会影响业绩 [51][52] - 公司看好乙醇价格前景,预计下半年将增加乙醇产量占比 [53][54][55] 问题2 **Isabella Simonato 提问** 询问公司对大米价格走势和未来资本支出计划的看法 [61][62] **Mariano Bosch 回答** - 大米价格上涨一部分是由于公司提高产品质量和针对特定客户需求定制,另一部分是由于区域供给偏紧 [63][64][65] - 公司将继续投资于糖乙醇业务的扩产,以及大米业务的整合和效率提升,预计投资回报率超过20% [69][70][71] - 公司将继续执行分红政策,同时根据经营情况适当增加股票回购力度 [68][69] 问题3 **Larissa Perez 提问** 询问公司是否考虑进一步提高分红比例 [77][78] **Mariano Bosch 回答** - 公司目前的分红政策是最低40%,但实际上可能会超过这一比例,具体取决于全年经营情况和投资计划 [83][84] - 公司目前的债务水平较低,有能力同时进行分红和投资,会根据实际情况灵活调整 [84][85]
Adjusted EBITDA of $90.1 million. Solid crushing pace and Farming yield normalization. $35 million cash dividend during 2024.
Prnewswire· 2024-05-17 04:30
LUXEMBOURG, May 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Adecoagro S.A. (NYSE: AGRO, Bloomberg: AGRO US, Reuters: AGRO.K), a leading sustainable production company in South America, announced today its results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2024. The financial information contained in this press release is based on consolidated financial statements presented in US dollars and prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) except for Non - IFRS measures. Please refer to page 22 for a d ...
Is Adecoagro (AGRO) Stock Undervalued Right Now?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-13 22:46
Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.Considering these trends, value investing is clearly one of the most preferred ways to find strong stocks in any type of market. Value investors use fundamental analysis and traditional valuation metrics to find stocks that they believe are being un ...
Adecoagro announces declaration of cash dividends
Prnewswire· 2024-05-04 04:30
文章核心观点 - 公司宣布董事会批准了一项1750万美元的现金股利分配,每股约0.1682美元,将于2024年5月29日支付给2024年5月14日登记在册的股东[1][2] - 这是一项分两期支付的现金股利,第二期将于2024年11月支付相同金额[2] 公司概况 - 公司是南美地区领先的可持续生产公司,拥有21.35万公顷农场用地和多个工业设施,分布在阿根廷、巴西和乌拉圭最富产的地区[3] - 公司每年生产280多万吨农产品和超过100万兆瓦时的可再生电力[3]
Adecoagro (AGRO) Outperforms Broader Market: What You Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-30 07:01
股价表现 - Adecoagro (AGRO) 最新收盘价为 $11.14,较前一交易日上涨了 +0.81% [1] - Adecoagro 过去一个月股价上涨了 0.27%,表现优于消费者必需品部门下跌的 0.5% 和标普500指数的 2% 下跌 [2] 财务预测 - Zacks Consensus Estimates 预测 Adecoagro 整个财政年度的每股收益为 $1.69,营收为 $13.6 亿美元,较去年同期分别增长了 +16.55% 和 +4.53% [3] - Adecoagro 目前拥有 Zacks Rank 1 (Strong Buy) 的评级,过去一个月 Zacks Consensus EPS 估计上涨了 4.66% [6]