Adecoagro S.A.(AGRO)
Adecoagro Waits For A Better 2024/25 Harvest. Still A Hold
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-03 20:26
Adecoagro (NYSE: AGRO ) 3Q24 results were not outside of expectations, particularly for a low-seasonal quarter. Challenges in margins remain, given the generalized bear market in agricultural commodities. The company presented interesting information regarding land prices and the plans forLong-only investment, evaluating companies from an operational, buy-and-hold perspective.Quipus Capital does not focus on market-driven dynamics and future price action. Instead, our articles focus on operational aspects, ...
Adecoagro S.A.(AGRO) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-11-15 06:04
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第三季度合并调整后EBITDA达1.11亿美元,年初至今达3.41亿美元,季度调整后EBITDA较上年下降29%,排除2023年第三季度农场销售影响后,季度业绩较去年同期下降12% [5][11] - 第三季度毛销售额增至4.57亿美元,累计达11亿美元以上,主要是由于大部分产品销量增加,抵消了部分产品价格下降的影响 [10] - 净债务为6.46亿美元,较去年同期下降9%,截至2024年9月30日,流动性比率达2.6倍,净杠杆率为1.5倍,与去年同期一致 [25] - 本季度资本支出为2600万美元,累计达7200万美元 [26] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 糖、乙醇和能源业务 - 本季度压榨量为400万吨,同比下降10%,累计达1020万吨,较去年同期增长6%,本季度糖混合比例达55% [7][13] - 本季度净销售额为2.27亿美元,年初至今达5.02亿美元,调整后EBITDA本季度为1亿美元,年初至今为2.59亿美元 [14][16] 农业业务 - 截至10月底,2023 - 2024收获季生产了110万吨农产品,本季度农业业务调整后EBITDA为1700万美元,年初至今为9900万美元 [20][21] - 本季度作物业务调整后EBITDA为200万美元,年初至今为2200万美元,较去年有所改善,但受国际价格下降、成本上升和玉米产量低于预期影响 [21] - 本季度水稻业务调整后EBITDA累计达5100万美元,创历史新高,尽管销售额增加、价格上涨,但受美元成本上升影响本季度调整后EBITDA下降 [22] - 本季度乳制品业务调整后EBITDA为800万美元,年初至今达2600万美元,受销售额和价格上涨积极影响 [23] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 巴西糖价较2023年下降,因巴西制糖速度加快导致供应增加,乙醇销售情况类似,公司战略性销售产品以从价格峰值中获利,目前持有乙醇库存以待后续季度更好价格,库存占年初至今乙醇产量的49% [14] - 能源业务受价格下降和巴西雷亚尔疲软影响销售额下降,碳信用已售出超40万个,平均价格为每个15美元,净销售额达600万美元 [15] 公司战略和发展方向和行业竞争 - 公司已向股东分配9600万美元,包括3500万美元现金股息和6100万美元股票回购,还回购了8400万美元全球票据,强化资产负债表结构,将继续投资有吸引力的增长项目如扩大巴西甘蔗种植园和加强水稻业务 [4] - 公司将继续遵循资本分配政策,即通过现金股息和股票回购分配上一年至少40%的现金,预计将继续进行股票回购 [24] - 在糖、乙醇和能源业务方面,公司将继续扩大甘蔗种植、投资生物气单元、最大化糖生产、根据需求调整乙醇生产类型、利用蔗渣生产能源销售等,并关注长期能源合同履行 [13][19][26] - 在农业业务方面,公司将继续扩大冬季作物面积、开发阿根廷东北部新的水稻种植区、提高乳制品效率、进行产品开发和扩大品牌在不同价格层级的市场份额等 [20] - 公司将继续推进ESG相关项目,如建设两个生物消化器以增加生物甲烷产量,减少碳排放和成本 [8] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 目前处于2024 - 2025种植活动中期,土壤湿度和种植速度良好,团队专注于此以实现下一季产量最大化 [6] - 假设今年剩余时间天气正常,预计年度压榨量较2023年略有增加,10月降水有助于下季度甘蔗收割后的恢复 [17] - 糖价在第三季度末达到峰值,因巴西甘蔗生产力下降和主要产糖州火灾事件影响,预计未来几个月全球糖供需将趋紧,公司仍对2024年部分糖产量进行套期保值,2025年产量未套期保值 [18] - 乙醇需求强劲,因价格相对于汽油有吸引力,吸收新供应并支撑价格回升,公司预计将在未来几个季度出售库存,因乙醇价格有上涨空间 [19] 其他重要信息 - 公司的前瞻性陈述基于管理层的信念和假设以及当前可用信息,受风险、不确定性和假设影响,投资者应了解一般经济、行业和其他运营因素可能影响公司未来业绩 [2] 问答环节所有的提问和回答 问题1:如何看待乙醇与汽油价格平价的两种不同动态对其的影响以及公司对Q4和2025年初的最新观点,火灾对下一年糖生产的潜在影响以及当前糖价已反映多少影响 [28] - 回答:乙醇需求仍然很高,水合需求接近每月20亿升,加上其他需求可达每月30亿升,加油站平价率仍很低为65%,有利于乙醇消费,目前乙醇库存与去年同期相似但需求更高,今年间作期将更长,预计乙醇价格将在今年最后阶段和明年第一季度达到或超过70%平价率,公司将在此期间出售库存获利;火灾将对明年糖生产产生影响,8 - 9月发生的火灾使当时已收割的甘蔗失去生长机会,明年上半年巴西部分地区尤其是火灾发生地区的甘蔗产量将很低,市场仍将依赖巴西,市场将继续趋紧,因此公司认为期货曲线应更平坦,将抓住机会对剩余产量进行套期保值 [29] 问题2:阿根廷种植已开始,是否可以认为产量将逐年提高,能否详细说明作物组合情况 [31] - 回答:去年是充满挑战的一年,本季开始条件比上一季好,假设天气正常,总体产量有望比去年提高;在作物分配方面,与玉米相比花生种植增加且土地条件更好,预计明年产量更高,花生是重要作物,因欧洲是阿根廷花生的主要买家,预计价格下降幅度较小;向日葵种植也增加,因其价格较去年更好;水稻是目前最重要的作物,公司生产特殊品种,凭借种子遗传学、加工设备等优势可维持价格,预计未来也可保持EBITDA水平;此外,乳制品业务也在增长,国内市场的回报有助于维持或提高销售价格 [32] 问题3:公司今年资本支出略高,特别是糖和乙醇的扩张资本支出,这如何推动公司发展,公司认为适当的资本支出水平是多少,以及如何看待成本发展 [33] - 回答:在成本发展方面,公司一直致力于发展可持续生产模式,以成为最低成本生产商,目前虽在比较2024 - 2023活动期时报告中未体现,但在规划下一次活动和当前种植时正在降低成本,预计未来生产成本将下降;在资本支出方面,公司在资本分配时首先要遵守至少分配上一年运营净现金40%的政策,2024年分配超过该比例并返还近10%的公司总股本,在糖和乙醇业务方面,每年投资约5000万美元,2024 - 2025年主要投资于生物甲烷生产和甘蔗种植,这些投资回报率在15% - 20%之间;在水稻、乳制品和作物业务方面,水稻投资在种子遗传学、机械和生产方面回报丰厚,乳制品业务更多投资于加工和仓储方面以获取额外价格,各业务投资内部收益率在18% - 25%之间 [34]
4 Key Agriculture Stocks Positioned for Gains as Market Trends Improve
ZACKS· 2024-11-14 00:00
The Zacks Agriculture – Operations industry is poised to benefit from innovations and growing consumer demand for healthy products. Positive agricultural export projections for fiscal 2024 support a favorable near-term outlook for the industry. Investments in acquisitions, joint ventures and expansions are expected to further enhance the industry players’ prospects. Continued investments in assets and technology to foster innovation and improve customer service are especially advantageous for companies like ...
Adecoagro (AGRO) Stock Sinks As Market Gains: Here's Why
ZACKS· 2024-11-08 08:15
Adecoagro (AGRO) closed the most recent trading day at $11.50, moving -0.78% from the previous trading session. This change lagged the S&P 500's 0.74% gain on the day.The producer of agricultural products and renewable energy's stock has climbed by 5.17% in the past month, exceeding the Consumer Staples sector's loss of 2.87% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.16%.Investors will be eagerly watching for the performance of Adecoagro in its upcoming earnings disclosure. The company's earnings report is set to be unve ...
Adecoagro (AGRO) Advances While Market Declines: Some Information for Investors
ZACKS· 2024-10-26 07:20
Adecoagro (AGRO) closed the latest trading day at $11.77, indicating a +0.77% change from the previous session's end. This change outpaced the S&P 500's 0.03% loss on the day. Elsewhere, the Dow lost 0.61%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq added 0.56%.Prior to today's trading, shares of the producer of agricultural products and renewable energy had gained 0.6% over the past month. This has outpaced the Consumer Staples sector's loss of 2.17% and lagged the S&P 500's gain of 1.39% in that time.The investment comm ...
Adecoagro (AGRO) Ascends While Market Falls: Some Facts to Note
ZACKS· 2024-09-19 07:20
The most recent trading session ended with Adecoagro (AGRO) standing at $11.30, reflecting a +0.98% shift from the previouse trading day's closing. The stock exceeded the S&P 500, which registered a loss of 0.29% for the day. Meanwhile, the Dow lost 0.25%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, lost 0.31%.The producer of agricultural products and renewable energy's shares have seen an increase of 1.36% over the last month, not keeping up with the Consumer Staples sector's gain of 3.54% and the S&P 500's gain o ...
New Strong Sell Stocks for September 12th
ZACKS· 2024-09-12 18:26
Here are three stocks added to the Zacks Rank #5 (Strong Sell) List today:Adecoagro S.A. (AGRO) is an agro-industrial company. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings has been revised 6.1% downward over the last 60 days.Azul S.A. (AZUL) is an air transport company. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings has been revised 35% downward over the last 60 days.Allegiant Travel Company (ALGT) is a leisure travel company.The Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnin ...
Top 4 Agriculture Operations Stocks to Watch as Industry Trends Improve
ZACKS· 2024-09-03 22:00
The Zacks Agriculture – Operations industry is set to gain from innovations and rising consumer demand for healthy products. Positive agricultural export projections for fiscal 2024 boost optimism for the industry’s near-term outlook. Investments in acquisitions, joint ventures and expansions are expected to strengthen the prospects of the industry players. Ongoing investments in assets and technological advancements to drive innovation and better serve customers are favorable for companies like Corteva Inc ...
Adecoagro's Q2 2024 Still Challenged By Falling Prices, The Stock Is Not An Opportunity
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-25 22:05
Zoya2222/iStock via Getty Images This article analyzes Adecoagro's (NYSE:AGRO) 2Q24 results and earnings call. It also reviews the company's valuation and my Hold rating on the stock (maintained since January 2024). The company's results were not very positive. The improvement in yields and production in the sugar and farming businesses were completely offset by prices collapsing in both segments, leading to flat profitability. The fall in commodity prices could potentially lead to a downward revision i ...
Best Growth Stocks to Buy for August 23rd
ZACKS· 2024-08-23 17:11
Here are three stocks with buy ranks and strong growth characteristics for investors to consider today, August 23:Pilgrim's Pride (PPC) : This meat processing company carries a Zacks Rank #1(Strong Buy), and has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 12.7% over the last 60 days.Pilgrim's Pride has a PEG ratio of 0.22 compared with 0.49 for the industry. The company possesses a Growth Score of A.Adecoagro S.A. (AGRO) : This agro-industrial company carries a Zacks Rank ...