Here is Why Growth Investors Should Buy Arista Networks (ANET) Now
ZACKS· 2024-08-27 01:46
文章核心观点 - 增长型股票通常具有较高的风险和波动性,但如果能找到真正具有增长潜力的公司,投资回报可能会非常出色 [1][2][3] - 文章推荐了Arista Networks作为一家具有增长潜力的公司,并分析了其三大关键增长因素 [4][6] 公司增长分析 盈利增长 - 公司历史每股收益增长率为34.1%,远高于行业平均水平14.5% [8] - 预计公司今年每股收益将增长18.8%,大幅超越行业平均水平 [8] 现金流增长 - 公司当前现金流增长率为47.4%,远高于行业平均水平-18.7% [10] - 过去3-5年公司现金流年化增长率为27.1%,也大幅高于行业平均-1% [11] 盈利预测修正 - 公司当前年度盈利预测在过去一个月内上调了4.5% [13] 行业分析 - 增长型股票通常具有较高的风险和波动性,但如果能找到真正具有增长潜力的公司,投资回报可能会非常出色 [1][2][3] - 文章认为Arista Networks是一家具有增长潜力的公司,其盈利增长、现金流增长以及盈利预测修正等指标都优于行业平均水平 [8][10][11][13]
Arista Networks Is An Excellent Company: Reiterating Buy
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-24 16:02
Sundry Photography I recommended Arista Networks (NYSE:ANET) in May 2023, for around $160. The price has more than doubled since then but is about 6% below its all-time high of $376. The stock has been insanely successful in the past year, with a return of 95%, and in the past decade with a return of 1,779%. Is it still worth buying at 41x earnings and 16x sales? I believe so, it is easily one of the best positioned for Hyperscalers, Cloud Service Providers, and other high-performance low latency network ...
Stock-Split Watch: 3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks That Look Ready to Split
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-21 18:15
After a slew of artificial intelligence stocks decided to split their stocks, these three could be next.The past few months have seen a bunch of artificial intelligence (AI)-related technology companies announce stock splits. In fact, of the five potential AI stock splits I wrote about back in May, four have already either executed or announced imminent splits. Remember, a stock split doesn't change the intrinsic value of a stock one iota. But it can open up the stock to more retail investors and/or employe ...
Arista (ANET) to Power Alabama Fiber Network: Time to Buy?
ZACKS· 2024-08-20 21:31
Arista Networks, Inc. (ANET) was recently selected by the Alabama Fiber Network (“AFN”), a consortium of eight electric cooperatives, to provide routing and switching equipment for the robust middle-mile network project throughout underserved rural areas across the region. The $340 million investment includes the deployment of Arista's high-performance 7280SR3 platform for seamless connectivity across diverse locations.In addition to a scalable and adaptable architecture, the platform offers robust automati ...
2 Stocks on My Market Sell-Off Watchlist
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-14 18:30
文章核心观点 - 当股市波动时,是寻找价值洼地的好时机 [1][2][3][4] - 人工智能热潮推动了2024年股市的强劲表现,但未来走势存在不确定性 [2][3] - 作者建议关注Arista Networks和Cloudflare两家公司,它们可能成为长期投资的机会 [4] 行业总结 - 人工智能数据中心对网络有不同的需求,需要高速互联和低延迟 [5] - Arista Networks在高端数据中心交换机市场领先Cisco,正受益于人工智能浪潮 [6][7] - Cloudflare提供广泛的云服务,有望从免费用户转化为付费用户并交叉销售 [9][10][11] 公司总结 Arista Networks: - 过去12个月收入63亿美元,调整后营业利润率超过40% [7] - 客户集中度较高,微软和Meta占39%销售额 [7][8] - 凭借灵活、可扩展的软件驱动架构,在人工智能数据中心市场表现出色 [8] - 股价估值较高,需要等待回调才是合适的买入时机 [8] Cloudflare: - 2022年Q2收入4.01亿美元,同比增长30%,但仍未实现GAAP盈利 [10] - 拥有超过21万付费客户,其中三分之二为年收入超10万美元的大客户 [11] - 客户集中度较低,有望从免费用户转化为付费用户并交叉销售 [11] - 股价估值过高,需要等待估值回落才是合适的买入时机 [12][13]
Market Volatility Continues: 4 Tech Stocks to Buy on the Dip
ZACKS· 2024-08-13 22:10
文章核心观点 - 美国股市经历了一周的大幅波动,8月5日出现大跌,但随后出现了强劲反弹,收复了大部分跌幅 [1][2][3][5] - 科技股是此次市场动荡的最大受害者,市值损失达1.5万亿美元 [4] - 联储将密切关注通胀数据,并有望在9月和今年内进行多次降息,这将有利于科技股的表现 [7][8][9] 行业总结 - 科技行业: - 科技股在此次市场动荡中遭受重创,市值损失达1.5万亿美元 [4] - 联储降息将有利于科技股的表现 [9] - 投资建议: - 建议关注四只评级较高的科技股:Meta Platforms、Arista Networks、NetApp和NVIDIA [10] - 这些公司近期业绩预期和盈利预测值均有所提升 [12][14][16][18]
3 Artificial Intelligence Stocks with Promising Applications
Investor Place· 2024-08-09 18:56
Artificial intelligence made headlines in 2024, with stocks in the space appreciating tremendously. Amid the growing adoption of technology, many companies are shelling out billions to advance their AI capabilities. According to a recent report by CompTIA, 22% of companies aim to pursue AI integration across their products. The report also found that 33% of companies are working with some type of AI application to improve their service and product delivery. By riding this wave, investors can be sure to see ...
3 High-Growth Cloud Computing Stocks to Buy on the Dip
Investor Place· 2024-08-06 19:45
High-growth cloud computing stocks have been all the rage in recent years, with pure-play cloud companies posting jaw-dropping growth numbers. However, the recent selloff we’re seeing in certain tech segments, and the global pressure that’s been building for equity markets, are providing a harsh reality check for investors.Many cloud stocks are currently trading at significant discounts to fair value. Thus, despite the bearish sentiment surrounding the tech sector, I believe it’s worth selectively buying so ...
Arista Networks Inc:FY24Q2业绩点评及法说会纪要:AI集群向10万卡拓展,叠加传统云计算更新周期有望为公司带来快速增长
华创证券· 2024-08-06 17:31
公司投资评级 - 报告未明确提及具体的投资评级 [缺失] 报告的核心观点 - Arista公司2024财年第二季度业绩表现良好,营收和利润均实现增长,且公司对未来季度业绩持乐观态度 [4][9] - 公司预计AI和传统云计算将共同促进业绩增长,AI集群的扩展和以太网的应用增加将为公司带来新的增长机会 [3][4][12] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 一、Arista 2024Q2 经营情况 - 24Q2公司实现营收16.9亿美元,同比增长15.9%,环比增长7.6%,non-GAAP毛利率为65.4%,non-GAAP摊薄每股收益2.1美元 [4][9] 二、营收划分 (一) 按区域划分 - 24Q2公司美洲/欧洲、中东和非洲/亚太地区营收分别为13.74/1.79/1.37亿美元,占比分别为81%/11%/8%,美洲区域营收占比提升,亚太区域有所下滑 [4][10] 三、2024Q3 公司业绩指引 - 公司预计24Q3收入约为17.2亿至17.5亿美元,non-GAAP毛利率为63%~64%,营业利润率为44%,传统云计算更新周期和AI的快速发展将为公司带来重要贡献 [4][12] 四、电话会议内容翻译 (一) 陈述环节 - 公司在全球累计部署了1亿个端口,推出了Arista的Etherlink AI平台,研发支出为2.167亿美元,占收入的12.8% [14] - 公司主要面向scale-out互连的前端及后端网络,scale-up层变化对公司影响较小 [4] - 公司目标为数万卡甚至十万卡集群,部分集群GPU的数量从过万已经上升到24000,并且目标是5万GPU [4] (二) Q&A 环节 - 公司预计后端网络将越来越多地采用以太网,且可能会对前端网络投资产生挤占 [4] - 公司预计今年AI收入只占总收入的个位数的比例,但预计明年开始能达到每年超过7.5亿美元的收入 [4]
3 Standout Stocks of This Week's Busy Earnings Lineup
ZACKS· 2024-08-01 08:20
文章核心观点 - 本周是Q2财报季的重头戏,多家评级较高的扎克斯股票在季度营收和利润方面超出预期 [1][2] - 文章重点分析了3家评级为扎克斯2级(买入)的公司的Q2财报表现 [2] Arista Networks - Arista Networks Q2每股收益2.10美元,超出预期8%,同比增长33% [3] - 公司Q2营收16.9亿美元,超出预期3%,同比增长16% [3] - Arista Networks自2014年上市以来,每个季度都能超出每股收益预期 [4] - 公司股价今年迄今上涨47%,超过大盘和科技股中的大多数 [4] PayPal - PayPal Q2每股收益1.19美元,超出预期24%,同比增长2% [5] - 公司表示强劲表现得益于其向长期可持续和盈利增长的转型,以及Braintree和Venmo业务的贡献 [6] - PayPal还上调了2024财年每股收益指引,Q2营收78.5亿美元,超出预期1%,同比增长8% [7] - 公司连续4个季度超出每股收益预期,平均超出幅度为14% [7] Northern Oil and Gas - 地缘政治局势推动原油价格重返80美元/桶,Northern Oil and Gas是一只值得关注的股票 [8] - 公司Q2每股收益1.46美元,超出预期21% [8] - Q2营收5.61亿美元,超出预期4%,同比增长35% [9] - 公司股价今年迄今上涨16%,市盈率仅7.9倍,且有3.94%的可观股息率 [10]