GE HealthCare Technologies (GEHC)
GE HealthCare Technologies (GEHC) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-07-31 18:26
财务业绩 - 公司总收入保持稳定,2024年上半年为94.89亿美元,与2023年上半年基本持平[183] - 总收入为48.39亿美元,基本持平,有1%的有机增长[189] - 经营利润率为12.6%,同比提升0.8个百分点,主要受成本生产效率提升带动[196,197] - 调整后EBIT率为15.3%,同比提升0.6个百分点,主要受毛利率提升带动[199] 业务表现 - 医疗影像业务收入为50.62亿美元,同比下降1%[186] - 超声波业务收入为16.47亿美元,同比下降3%[186] - 患者护理解决方案业务收入为15.19亿美元,同比下降2%[186] - 医药诊断业务收入为12.38亿美元,同比增长10%[186] - 影像业务收入为25.96亿美元,下降1%,主要受中国销量下降和汇率不利影响[189] - 超声波业务收入为8.23亿美元,下降2%,主要受中国销量下降和汇率不利影响[189] - PDx业务收入为6.39亿美元,增长12%,主要受EMEA和USCAN地区销量增长、价格上涨和新产品推出的推动[189] 地区表现 - 美国和加拿大地区收入为43.36亿美元,同比增长3%[188] - 中国地区收入为11.80亿美元,同比下降15%[188] - 美国和加拿大地区收入增长5%,达22.43亿美元,主要受PDx业务双位数增长带动[189] - 中国地区收入下降18%,至5.83亿美元,受2022年疫情刺激计划影响以及2024年刺激计划延迟和反腐运动的影响[189] 现金流和财务状况 - 公司现金、现金等价物和受限现金余额为20.15亿美元[233] - 公司认为现有现金余额、未来经营活动产生的现金流、资本市场准入以及现有信贷额度足以满足未来12个月内的运营需求[234] - 2024年上半年经营活动产生的现金流为3亿美元[235] - 2024年上半年投资活动使用的现金流为5.37亿美元,主要用于收购MIM Software公司[238] - 2024年上半年筹资活动使用的现金流为2.1亿美元,主要用于偿还1.5亿美元的定期贷款[240] - 2024年上半年自由现金流为9200万美元[242][1] - 公司总债务为92.4亿美元,较2023年末减少2.02亿美元[246][2] - 公司获得了3500万美元的银行授信额度以支持流动性需求[248][3] - 公司目前的长期债务评级为Baa2/BBB/BBB,评级展望为稳定[251][4] 其他关注事项 - 公司持续关注俄罗斯和乌克兰地区的业务影响,并采取应对措施[177][178] - 公司密切关注中国市场的反腐运动和新的刺激计划对业务的短期影响[179] - 公司可能会在未来一年内释放巴西的递延税资产抵免[180] - 公司报告有机收入和有机收入增长率,以提供管理层和投资者对公司持续经营业务的额外了解和可见性[215] - 公司报告EBIT、调整后EBIT、调整后EBIT利润率、调整后净收入和调整后每股收益,以提供管理层和投资者对公司业务的额外了解,突出持续经营业务和基础盈利能力[216] - 公司报告调整后税费和调整后有效税率,以为投资者提供更好的理解,提供更一致的可比性[217] - 公司报告自由现金流,以为管理层和投资者提供一个重要的衡量指标,反映公司的现金生成能力和资本配置灵活性[218]
GE HealthCare Technologies (GEHC) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Results
2024-07-31 18:25
财务表现 - GE HealthCare 第二季度营收同比持平,有机营收增长率为1%[1] - GE HealthCare 第二季度净利润率为8.9%,较去年同期的8.7%有所提高;调整后的息税前利润率为15.3%,较去年同期的14.8%有所提高[1] - GE HealthCare 第二季度每股稀释收益为0.93美元,较去年同期的0.91美元有所增长;调整后的每股稀释收益为1.00美元,较去年同期的0.92美元有所增长[1] - 上市公司2024年上半年净利润为8.23亿美元,较去年同期的8.16亿美元略有增长[19] - 2024年调整后净利润为45.9亿美元,同比增长8%[32] - 2024年调整后每股收益为1美元,同比增长9美分[35] - 2024年调整后税前支出为1.44亿美元,较去年同期增长4%[37] - 2024年自由现金流为负18.2亿美元,较去年同期下降34%[39] 业务表现 - GE HealthCare 2024年第二季度总公司订单同比有机增长3%[5] - GE HealthCare 2024年第二季度各业务板块的营收表现不同,其中成像业务和超声波业务营收同比下降,患者护理解决方案业务营收持平,制药诊断业务营收同比增长12%[10] - GE HealthCare 2024年第二季度各业务板块的息税前利润率表现不同,其中成像业务和超声波业务息税前利润率有所提高,患者护理解决方案业务和制药诊断业务息税前利润率有所下降[10] - GE HealthCare 2024年第二季度宣布了多项创新和商业合作,包括与AWS合作加速医疗转型、收购智能超声医疗人工智能业务、推出新产品等[12] 资金流向 - GE HealthCare 第二季度经营活动现金流为负1.19亿美元,较去年同期的负0.67亿美元下降;自由现金流为负1.82亿美元,较去年同期的负1.36亿美元下降[1] - 经营活动产生的现金流量为3亿美元,较去年同期的4.01亿美元有所下降[19] - 投资活动产生的现金流量为-5.37亿美元,较去年同期的-3.5亿美元有所增加[19] - 融资活动产生的现金流量为-2.1亿美元,较去年同期的4.46亿美元下降[19] 风险与声明 - 公司提到了前瞻性声明,强调了风险和不确定性因素[43] 其他信息 - 公司报告了非GAAP财务指标,包括有机收入和有机收入增长率,以提供对公司业务的更深入了解[22] - 公司报告了调整后的EBIT、调整后的净利润、调整后的净利润率和调整后的每股收益,以提供对业务的更深入理解[23] - 公司报告了调整后的税费支出和调整后的有效税率,以提供对业务适用的标准化税率的更好理解[24] - 公司报告了自由现金流和自由现金流转换,以提供对公司生成现金能力的重要衡量,并提供对公司资本分配灵活性的洞察[25] - GE HealthCare未提供前瞻性非GAAP财务指标的调和数据[40] - 公司关注的关键业绩指标包括有机订单增长和订单额与总收入之比[41] - GE HealthCare将于2024年7月31日8:30am ET举行电话会议[42] - GE HealthCare是一家全球领先的医疗技术、制药诊断和数字解决方案创新者[44] - 关注GE HealthCare的最新动态,请关注LinkedIn、Facebook、Instagram和Insights[45]
What You Need To Know Ahead of GE HealthCare's Earnings
Investopedia· 2024-07-27 06:21
文章核心观点 - 公司在第一季度收入出现意外下降,导致股价大跌14% [2] - 但公司仍然维持全年指引,预计下半年增长可能会更好 [3] - 公司正在加大在AI领域的投资,包括与亚马逊合作以及收购Intelligent Ultrasound Group的AI软件业务 [4][5][6] - 公司股价自一季度财报不佳后下跌9.5%,但今年以来已经上涨4% [7] 财务数据总结 - 第二季度预计收入为49亿美元,同比增长1.7% [1] - 第二季度预计每股摊薄收益为0.91美元,与去年同期持平 [1] - 第二季度预计净利润为4.185亿美元,同比增长0.12% [1] 行业动态总结 - 投资者将关注公司销售业务的健康状况,因为一季度收入出现意外下降 [2] - 公司正在加大在AI领域的投资,以提升其AI能力 [4][5][6]
Lower Volume Likely to Hurt GE HealthCare's (GEHC) Q2 Earnings
ZACKS· 2024-07-26 20:35
Let's take a look at how things might have shaped up for GEHC prior to the announcement. Overall, imaging demand is healthy, especially for Molecular Imaging, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance, supporting top-line growth. Moreover, the company completed the acquisition of MIM Software in April. GEHC added IM SurePlan and MIM Symphony families, MIM Maestro and MIM Encore, among others, to its product portfolio. These products are likely to have brought additional revenues during the soon-to-bereport ...
3 Healthcare Stocks to Buy Now: Q3 Edition
Investor Place· 2024-07-21 22:00
Considering the aging baby boomer population, spending trends can only rise from current levels. In particular, Medicare spending will experience a surge as more boomers enroll. Moreover, spending on physician and clinical services, pharmaceuticals and medical devices keeps rising. This medical device maker has a revolutionary product for the heart health diagnostic market. iRhythm Technologies (NASDAQ:IRTC) offers a cardiac monitoring solution, Zio XT, for heart rhythm monitoring, enabling the detection of ...
GE HealthCare (GEHC) New Deal to Aid Its Ultrasound Portfolio
ZACKS· 2024-07-20 01:01
GE HealthCare Technologies (GEHC) recently announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire Intelligent Ultrasound Group PLC's (Intelligent Ultrasound) clinical artificial intelligence (AI) software business for a total consideration of approximately $51 million. With integrated AI-driven picture analysis tools, Intelligent Ultrasound is a leader in making ultrasound more intelligent and effective. With the acquisition of the business, GE HealthCare intends to integrate the technology solutions th ...
GE HealthCare's (GEHC) New Solution to Aid Prostate Treatment
ZACKS· 2024-07-12 03:06
As part of HDR brachytherapy, radioactive sources are implanted by needles into the prostate gland to treat prostate cancer. Clinicians typically design these operations using ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) imaging. Critical structural toxicity can be decreased by using MRI in the planning of brachytherapy treatments. MIM Symphony HDR Prostate stands out in the market by correcting MRI orientation and offering MRI guidance during HDR prostate procedures. In April 2024, GE Healthcare announced the cl ...
GE Healthcare (GEHC) Enters Partnership to Boost MRI Technology
ZACKS· 2024-07-03 01:01
GE Healthcare Technologies, Inc. (GEHC) , in collaboration with the University of Cincinnati (UC), UC Health, and Cincinnati Children's, has announced a cutting-edge initiative to accelerate MRI innovation. This collaboration will provide a well-established MRI Research and Development (R&D) center of excellence on UC's medical campus, enabling direct interaction between clinical investigators and GE HealthCare scientists. The initiative is supported by an R&D grant from JobsOhio, aimed at boosting engineer ...
Ohio-Based MRI Research Center and Job Creation Announced by GE HealthCare, University of Cincinnati, UC Health, Cincinnati Children's, JobsOhio, and REDI Cincinnati
Newsfilter· 2024-06-26 21:52
Cincinnati, Ohio, June 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ohio-Based MRI Research Center and Job Creation Announced by GE HealthCare, University of Cincinnati, UC Health, Cincinnati Children's, JobsOhio, and REDI Cincinnati CINCINNATI, OHIO — June 26 — GE HealthCare (NASDAQ:GEHC), University of Cincinnati (UC), UC Health, and Cincinnati Children's are establishing a new collaboration with the goal to accelerate MRI innovation. The collaboration intends to create a co-located MRI Research and Development (R&D) cen ...
GE HealthCare's (GEHC) New Tie-Up to Boost CVD Workflow
ZACKS· 2024-06-26 01:50
GE HealthCare Technologies Inc. (GEHC) , along with Heart Hospital of New Mexico at Lovelace Medical Center (HHNM), announced HHNM as the first location in the United States to install GE HealthCare's latest Allia Image Guided System (IGS) Pulse. The Allia IGS Pulse system is expected to provide excellent image quality and improve workflow for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The latest installation is expected to strengthen GE HealthCare's foothold in the CVD treatment space. ...