Lam Research Helping Drive AI Growth
FX Empire· 2024-06-19 17:02
Italiano Français FX Empire Logo العربية Español Português Important DisclaimersThe content provided on the website includes general news and publications, our personal analysis and opinions, and contents provided by third parties, which are intended for educational and research purposes only. It does not constitute, and should not be read as, any recommendation or advice to take any action whatsoever, including to make any investment or buy any product. When making any financial decision, you should perfor ...
Brokers Suggest Investing in Lam Research (LRCX): Read This Before Placing a Bet
ZACKS· 2024-06-17 22:31
Before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage, let's see what these Wall Street heavyweights think about Lam Research (LRCX) . Brokerage Recommendation Trends for LRCX Are you wondering why? The vested interest of brokerage firms in a stock they cover often results in a strong positive bias of their analysts in rating it. Our research shows that for every "Strong Sell" recommendation, brokerage firms assign five "Strong Buy" recommendations. Zacks Rank ...
Lam Research (LRCX) Rises Yet Lags Behind Market: Some Facts Worth Knowing
ZACKS· 2024-06-14 07:12
Investors should also note that LRCX has a PEG ratio of 3.58 right now. This popular metric is similar to the widely-known P/E ratio, with the difference being that the PEG ratio also takes into account the company's expected earnings growth rate. By the end of yesterday's trading, the Semiconductor Equipment - Wafer Fabrication industry had an average PEG ratio of 3.35. Based on our research, we believe these estimate revisions are directly related to near-team stock moves. To exploit this, we've formed th ...
3 Stock-Split Stocks That Can Soar Up to 30%, According to Select Wall Street Analysts
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-10 17:06
文章核心观点 - 近期有多家公司宣布或完成了股票拆分,这些股票可能还有进一步上涨空间 [1][7] - 股票拆分是一个纯粹的表面性事件,不会影响公司的市值或经营业绩 [4][5] - 完成正向股票拆分的公司通常在创新和执行方面领先于竞争对手 [6] 行业总结 - 人工智能加速数据中心的建设将带来巨大商机,Nvidia的高性能GPU在这一领域占据主导地位 [11][12] - 5G手机更新换代周期的持续推动了索尼图像传感器的需求 [19] - 人工智能带动了高带宽内存(HBM)的需求增长,这利好了设备制造商如Lam Research [24] 公司总结 Nvidia [9][10][13][14] - Nvidia完成了10:1的正向股票拆分 - 分析师给出了1500美元的目标价,暗示未来一年还有29%的上涨空间 - 但Nvidia面临来自内部和外部的竞争压力,可能已经达到了业绩高峰 Sony Group [15][16][17][18][20] - Sony宣布了5:1的正向股票拆分,预计于2024年10月8日生效 - 分析师给出了108美元的目标价,暗示未来一年还有26%的上涨空间 - 游戏服务、图像传感器业务以及股票回购计划是支撑股价上涨的主要因素 Lam Research [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28] - Lam Research宣布了10:1的正向股票拆分,预计于2024年10月3日生效 - 分析师给出了1200美元的目标价,暗示未来一年还有30%的上涨空间 - 人工智能带动的HBM需求增长是Lam Research受益的主要因素 - 但中美贸易摩擦可能限制Lam Research在中国市场的增长,且公司当前估值较高
Lam Research (LRCX) Just Overtook the 50-Day Moving Average
ZACKS· 2024-06-06 22:31
The 50-day simple moving average, which is one of three major moving averages, is widely used by traders and analysts to establish support and resistance levels for a range of securities. Because it's the first sign of an up or down trend, the 50-day is considered to be more important. The bullish case solidifies once investors consider LRCX's positive earnings estimate revisions. No estimate has gone lower in the past two months for the current fiscal year, compared to 10 higher, while the consensus estima ...
Lam Research Corporation (LRCX) Presents at BofA Securities 2024 Global Technology Conference (Transcript)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-05 03:42
Lam Research Corporation (NASDAQ:LRCX) BofA Securities 2024 Global Technology Conference June 4, 2024 12:20 PM ET Company Participants Doug Bettinger - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Conference Call Participants Vivek Arya - Bank of America Merrill Lynch Vivek Arya This session, I'm Vivek Arya, I lead the semiconductor coverage at Bank of America Securities. I'm really delighted and honored to have Doug Bettinger, CFO of Lam Research, joining us this morning. What I thought we would do ...
Lam Research Corporation (LRCX) Presents at BofA Securities 2024 Global Technology Conference (Transcript)
2024-06-05 03:42
分组1 - 公司和行业都对半导体行业的未来发展感到非常兴奋,预计未来半导体行业将达到1万亿美元的规模 [13][14][15][16] - 资本设备行业也将受益,预计未来的资本设备市场规模将达到1500亿美元左右 [18][19] - 公司看好半导体行业向第三维度发展的趋势,这将带来公司的市场机会进一步扩大 [20][21] 分组2 - 公司认为资本密集度持续上升是行业发展的趋势,但更重要的是资本支出与利润的比率 [18][29] - 公司对中国市场保持乐观,认为中国市场的投资不会消失,未来几年仍将保持增长 [60][61][62] - 公司在高带宽内存(HBM)和先进封装领域占据重要地位,未来几年这些业务有望超过10亿美元 [73][74][75] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Unidentified Analyst 提问** 预计未来中国市场占比将有所下降,从目前的40%多降至30%左右 [64][65][66] **Doug Bettinger 回答** 公司认为中国市场占比将有所下降,但仍将保持在较高水平,不会大幅下滑 [65][66] 问题2 **Unidentified Analyst 提问** 中国市场带来的毛利率提升是否可持续 [67] **Doug Bettinger 回答** 中国市场带来的毛利率提升在短期内可能难以持续,但长期来看公司的目标毛利率仍在48%左右 [68][69] 问题3 **Vivek Arya 提问** AI服务器对半导体设备需求的影响有多大 [82][83][84] **Doug Bettinger 回答** AI服务器对半导体设备需求的影响很大,每增加1%的AI服务器占比,将带来10-15亿美元的设备需求增长 [83][84]
Lam Research Corporation (LRCX) Goldman Sachs Global Semiconductor Conference (Transcript)
2024-06-01 11:25
会议主要讨论的核心内容 - 公司在过去10多年取得了巨大的成就,收入增长4倍,每股收益增长10倍,股价上涨22-23倍 [6][7] - 公司在技术领导力、为即将到来的行业转型做好准备、以及在运营方面进行优化等方面都取得了很好的成绩 [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16] - 公司在全球范围内布局研发实验室,以便更好地服务于客户,这是公司的一大优势 [15][65][66][67] - 公司对行业周期有深刻的理解和认知,并能够根据周期变化调整公司的策略 [20][21][22][23][24][25] 行业动态和公司展望 - 公司看好3D结构、先进封装、高带宽存储器等技术发展趋势,并在这些领域拥有领先优势 [13][33][34][35][36][49][50][51] - 公司预计2024年全球晶圆设备市场规模将达到低到中90亿美元区间 [27][28] - 公司在逻辑/代工和DRAM领域的投资将保持强劲,NAND领域的投资相对较弱 [30][31][32][33] - 公司在中国市场的业务保持良好增长,未来几年仍将保持较好态势 [57][58][59] - 公司在先进制程如栅极全包围等领域有明确的技术优势,预计2024年相关收入将达到10亿美元 [46][47][48] - 公司的客户支持业务(CSBG)是一个高利润、现金流良好的业务,未来仍有较大增长空间 [92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Toshiya Hari 提问** 您之前在设备端工作,对比过往的行业周期,您如何看待当前的周期特点,以及公司在预测客户项目方面的能力有何变化? [17][18][19] **Douglas Bettinger 回答** - 行业周期的特点是普遍存在库存过剩,公司和行业都难以准确预测需求 [20][21][22][23][24][25] - 公司通过对技术发展趋势的深入理解,以及与客户的密切合作,在预测客户项目方面的能力有了很大提升 [10][11][12][13][14] 问题2 **Toshiya Hari 提问** 您如何看待NAND行业的长期发展前景,公司在这一领域的定位和优势? [37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45] **Douglas Bettinger 回答** - NAND行业投资目前较为疲软,但公司在NAND领域仍有很强的实力和地位 [38][39] - 公司对NAND行业的长期发展前景保持谨慎乐观,认为AI等新兴应用将带来新的需求增长 [42][43][44] 问题3 **Toshiya Hari 提问** 您如何看待中国市场的发展,以及监管环境对公司的影响? [52][53][54][55][60][61][62] **Douglas Bettinger 回答** - 中国市场的投资保持良好增长,公司在中国的业务也保持较强势头 [57][58][59] - 公司加强了与政府的沟通,政府对半导体行业的重要性有深入认识,公司也在不断加强政府关系团队 [61][62]
Lam Research Corporation (LRCX) Bernstein Strategic Decisions Conference (Transcript)
2024-05-29 22:54
Lam Research Corporation (NASDAQ:LRCX) Bernstein Strategic Decisions Conference May 29, 2024 8:00 AM ET Company Participants Timothy Archer - President & CEO Conference Call Participants Stacy Rasgon - Bernstein Operator Stacy Rasgon I think we'll get started. Thank you, all, and good morning. Thank you for coming. I'm Stacy Rasgon. I cover the U.S. semiconductor and semiconductor capital equipment space here at Bernstein. And it's my great honor today to introduce our guest, the President and CEO of Lam Re ...
Does Lam Research's $10 Billion Buyback Make Its Stock Worth Buying?
fool.com· 2024-05-27 00:15
The semiconductor equipment giant sees sunnier days ahead. Lam's stock rose slightly after the news, but its stock has already rallied about 64% over the past 12 months and is only trading 3% below its all-time high. Do its upcoming stock split and fresh buyback plan make its stock worth buying? Why did investors turn bullish on Lam? Lam Research is one of the world's largest producers of wafer fabrication equipment (WFE) for manufacturing silicon wafers. It's widely considered one of the linchpins of the s ...