J&J, Merck and Bristol Myers CEOs, under fire on Capitol Hill, seek to turn up heat on drug-market middlemen
Market Watch· 2024-02-09 04:29
药企CEO对药品中间商的指责 - 药企CEO指责药品中间商推高药品价格[1] - 药企CEO表示中间商获取大额折扣,但未将这些节省传递给患者[4] - 药企CEO呼吁国会应关注与药品中间商相关的改革[4] 药企CEO对药品价格和专利保护的看法 - 药企CEO建议国会应取消中间商从药品价格中获取收入的激励[9] - 药企CEO认为降低药品价格可能导致患者减少获取药品的机会[10] - 药企CEO指出专利保护使药品价格保持高位[10]
JAZZ Boosts Oncology Pipeline With KRAS Inhibitor Program
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-09 00:31
Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc (JAZZ) announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement with U.K.-based biotech Redx Pharma to acquire global rights to the latter’s preclinical KRAS (Kirsten rat sarcoma virus) inhibitor program.Per the agreement, Jazz will make an upfront payment of $10 million to Redx to gain all rights, patents and interest related to its proprietary KRAS inhibitor program, including its G12D selective and pan-KRAS molecules.Further, Redx is entitled to receive up to $870 million in the ...
Pharma CEOs Will Testify Today Over Prescription Drug Prices: Here's What To Watch For
Forbes· 2024-02-08 23:28
ToplineChief executives from three major pharmaceutical companies will testify before a Senate committee on Thursday, following a back-and-forth with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who has accused the firms of overcharging Americans for prescription drugs.Johnson & Johnson and Merck have accused Sen. Bernie Sanders of unjustly targeting the companies.getty Key FactsJohnson & Johnson CEO Joaquin Duato, Merck CEO Robert Davis and Bristol Myers Squibb CEO Chris Boerner will testify before the Senate Committee on ...
Senators to question Merck, J&J and Bristol Myers Squibb CEOs over high U.S. drug pricing
CNBC· 2024-02-08 20:00
参议院听证会 - 参议员将质询强生公司、默克公司和百时美施贵宝公司的CEO关于美国药品价格问题[2] - 委员会的听证会将包括强生CEO Joaquin Duato、默克CEO Robert Davis和百时美施贵宝CEO Chris Boerner的证词[6] - 参议员伯尼·桑德斯希望这次听证会能为美国人带来好处,特别是在类似五月份的听证会上,艾力生公司的CEO承诺不会提高公司胰岛素产品的价格后[8] 药品价格问题 - 美国药品价格问题是一个少有能够团结两大政党的热点问题[3] - 美国处方药价格比其他高收入国家高出2.5倍,导致大约900万美国成年人因药价昂贵而未按处方用药[4] - 参议院卫生、教育、劳工和养老金委员会表示,强生、默克和百时美施贵宝公司的一些热门药品尤其昂贵[5] 公司表态 - 默克公司发言人表示希望这次听证会能增进委员会对制药行业的理解,并找到解决患者面临挑战的常识性解决方案[9] - 强生公司发言人表示期待“增进对我们长期努力改善药品价格和获取的理解”[9] - 强生、默克和百时美施贵宝公司生产的一些最昂贵的药品包括默克的免疫疗法药物Keytruda、百时美施贵宝的抗凝血药Eliquis和强生的免疫抑制药物Stelara[7]
Merck, J&J and Bristol Myers CEOs face drug-pricing grilling on Capitol Hill, but experts cite deeper problems under the radar
Market Watch· 2024-02-08 03:08
制药公司价格调查 - 美国参议员对制药公司高昂处方药价格进行调查,特别关注美国药品价格远高于其他国家的情况[1][2][3] - 列出了默克、强生和百时美施贵宝三家制药公司的一些畅销药品在美国和其他国家的价格差异,比如百时美施贵宝的抗凝血药Eliquis在美国年费用为7100美元,而在加拿大和法国分别为900美元和650美元[6] - 美国政府通过联邦供应计划获得Eliquis等药品的净价格折扣高达80%,显示出制药公司对政府机构的折扣力度[8][9] - 列表价格对患者有影响,因为保险计划通常要求患者支付品牌或特殊药品的一部分标价,而对于高度竞争的药品类别,制药公司有动机提高列表价格以提供更大的折扣和其他价格让步[11]
Bristol Myers (BMY), TSVT CAR T-Cell Therapy to Face FDA's ODAC
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-07 01:05
Bristol Myers Squibb (BMY) and its partner 2seventy bio, Inc. (TSVT) announced that a notice was published in the Federal Register that the FDA will convene a virtual meeting of the Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee (“ODAC”) on Mar 15, 2024, to review data supporting the supplemental biologics license application (sBLA) for Abecma (idecabtagene vicleucel).The sBLA is seeking label expansion of Abecma for triple-class exposed relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM) based on results from the pivotal p ...
Analyst: Positive Catalysts Can't Save This Pharma Stock
Schaeffers Research· 2024-02-06 22:00
Bristol-Myers Squibb股票评级下调 - Bristol-Myers Squibb股票今早受到Redburn-Atlantic的“买入”评级下调至“中性”的影响[1] - 分析师将其价格目标从77美元降至54美元,仍比昨晚的收盘价47.98美元高出12.6%[1] - Leerink Partners和摩根士丹利昨天也下调了BMY的价格目标,但12个月的平均目标价仍为58.20美元,比昨晚的收盘价高出21.3%[3] Bristol-Myers Squibb市场表现 - Bristol-Myers Squibb的产品管道和市场挑战引发了投资者的担忧[2] - 其最近收购的积极影响可能不足以抵消其主要产品面临的逆风[2] - Bristol-Myers Squibb股票在2024年表现不佳,较标普500ETF信托基金(SPY)的3.6%年初至今领先率下跌了6.5%[4] Bristol-Myers Squibb股票走势 - 过去12个月,该股下跌了35.6%,昨天创下了近四年低点47.68美元[4] - 短期期权交易者也比平常更悲观,BMY的Schaeffer's看跌/看涨持仓比率(SOIR)为0.73,高于过去12个月92%的读数[5]
Bristol Myers Squibb Shares Cross 5% Yield Mark
Forbes· 2024-02-06 04:26
In trading on Monday, shares of Bristol Myers Squibb were yielding above the 5% mark based on its quarterly dividend (annualized to $2.4), with the stock changing hands as low as $47.68 on the day. Dividends are particularly important for investors to consider, because historically speaking dividends have provided a considerable share of the stock market's total return. To illustrate, suppose for example you purchased shares of the S&P 500 ETF back on 12/31/1999 — you would have paid $146.88 per share. Fast ...
BRODSKY & SMITH SHAREHOLDER UPDATE: Notifying Investors of the Following Investigations: Catalent, Inc. (NYSE – CTLT), Everbridge, Inc. (Nasdaq – EVBG), Slam Corp. (Nasdaq – SLAM), Karuna Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq – KRTX)
Newsfilter· 2024-02-06 01:59
BALA CYNWYD, Pa., Feb. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Brodsky & Smith reminds investors of the following investigations. If you own shares and wish to discuss the investigation, contact Jason Brodsky ( or Marc Ackerman ( at 855-576-4847. There is no cost or financial obligation to you. Catalent, Inc. (NYSE – CTLT) Under the terms of the agreement, Catalent will be acquired by Novo Holdings. Catalent shareholders will receive $63.50 per share in cash in a de ...
Bristol-Myers (BMY) Q4 Earnings & Sales Beat, Stock Gains
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-03 02:41
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company业绩 - 公司调整后每股收益为1.70美元,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的1.52美元[1] - 总收入达到115亿美元,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的111亿美元[2] - 新产品组合的收入增长了66%,达到11亿美元,其中Reblozyl、Opdualag、Zeposia和Breyanzi的需求增长明显[9] 2023年财务表现 - 2023年的总收入为450亿美元,虽然下降了2%,但超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的446亿美元[13] - 公司最近收购了Mirati Therapeutics、Karuna Therapeutics和RayzeBio,进一步扩大了其肿瘤学和神经科学领域的产品组合[16][17][18][19][20] 2024年展望 - 2024年公司预计调整后每股收益为7.10-7.40美元,收入预计将略有增长[15] - Bristol-Myers的2024年前景令人鼓舞,Reblozyl表现强劲,Revlimid销售的侵蚀低于预期[22] 行业比较 - 公司目前的Zacks Rank为4 (Sell),而Novo Nordisk和Sarepta Therapeutics则分别为1 (Strong Buy)和2 (Buy)[23][24] - Novo Nordisk过去一年股价上涨了66.5%,2024年的每股收益预期也有所增加[24] - Sarepta在过去四个季度中每次超出盈利预期,2023年和2024年的盈利预期也有所改善[27]