Chord Energy (CHRD)
Chord Energy (CHRD) - 2023 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-05-05 02:25
John, as I've said here, I'll make one other comment. This is Danny again. The cadence of our capital spend is one thing to note, well, most of our -- we picked up a second completion crew about midway through the first quarter, and we're going to run that up to about the end of the third quarter. And as you know, the completions is where so much of the capital spend is associated. So really quarters 2 and 3 will be the big capital spend quarters for the organization in the fourth quarter as we dropped that ...
Chord Energy (CHRD) - 2023 Q1 - Earnings Call Presentation
2023-05-05 00:30
1) CHRD wells reflect recent Indian Hills TILs and remove zero producing days. Peer offset data taken from IHS. Production data normalized to 10k' lateral length. 2) Reflects average well performance for all wells brought online by both Oasis and Whiting from 07/01/22 to 3/31/23. Zero production days removed. Emissions Reductions | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|------------------------------------------------- ...
Chord Energy (CHRD) - 2023 Q1 - Quarterly Report
2023-05-04 00:00
Significant Accounting Policies Table of Contents The Company records revenue when the performance obligations under the terms of its customer contracts are satisfied. For sales of commodities, the Company records revenue in the month the production or purchased product is delivered to the purchaser. However, settlement statements and payments are typically not received for 20 to 90 days after the date production is delivered, and as a result, the Company is required to estimate the amount of production tha ...
Chord Energy (CHRD) - 2022 Q4 - Annual Report
2023-02-28 00:00
行业风险 - 石油和天然气行业风险可能对公司业务、财务状况和运营结果产生重大不利影响[11] - 我们的未开发储量的开发可能需要更长时间和更高的资本支出,因此未开发储量可能最终无法开发或生产[15] - 我们的经营受到与环境和自然资源保护以及职业健康安全相关的联邦、州和地方法律法规的影响,可能导致显著成本和责任,并导致成本增加和额外的经营限制或延迟[19] - 我们的经营受到威胁气候变化的一系列风险的影响[22] - 法律和法规涉及对濒危物种或关键栖息地、湿地和自然资源的保护可能会延迟、限制或禁止我们的运营,并导致我们承担可能对我们的储量开发和生产产生重大不利影响的巨大成本[23] - 我们的能力经济地生产原油、液化石油气和天然气以及商业数量的能力可能会受到与水采购和处理相关的挑战的影响[24] - 竞争激烈,使我们更难以收购资产、市场原油、液化石油气和天然气以及确保和留住受过训练的人员[25] - 我们可能因投资的资产中存在的所有权瑕疵而遭受损失[26] - 我们的财务状况可能受到资本成本增加的不利影响[27] 公司运营情况 - 公司在2022年12月31日成功捕捉了其在北达科他州生产的几乎所有天然气产量[52] - 公司在威利斯顿盆地拥有963,009个净租赁土地,其中954,566个净亩是通过生产保留的,65.6%的655.6 MMBoe估计净证明储量由原油组成[55] - 公司计划在2023年完成大约90至94口总操作井,平均工作权益约为73%[56] - 公司的标准化措施为11494.5百万美元,PV-10为14452.2百万美元[60] - 公司的标准化措施和PV-10不包括可能或可能的储量,并且是根据SEC适用于从事原油、液化天然气和天然气生产活动的公司的规则和法规确定的[59] - 公司的PV-10是从标准化措施派生的,它是最直接可比的财务措施,因为它不包括对折现未来净现金流的未来所得税的影响[62] - 公司的估计净证明储量和PV-10是基于独立储量工程师NSAI的报告独立准备的[64] - 公司的估计净证明储量和PV-10是基于适当的地质、石油工程和评估原则和技术独立准备的[65] - 公司的估计净证明储量和PV-10是基于独立储量工程师DeGolyer和MacNaughton的报告独立准备的[66] - 根据2022年12月31日的财务报告,公司的原油产量为25,457 MBbls,NGL产量为7,026 MBbls,天然气产量为67,428 MMcf[79] - 2022年公司的原油平均售价为每桶92.98美元,NGL平均售价为每桶26.23美元,天然气平均售价为每Mcf6.30美元[79] - 公司的平均运营成本为每Boe的租赁操作费用为10.14美元,收集、处理和运输费用为3.24美元,生产税为5.25美元[79] - 公司在2022年完成了67口原油开发井,41.3口属于公司的净井[84] - 公司的总开发井数为6,574口,总横向井数为6,534口,其中公司拥有3,025.2口净横向井[83] - 公司的总发展井数为67口,其中41.3口为公司的净井[84] - 公司的总产井数为6,574口,其中3,034.2口为公司的净井[83] - 公司的总生产井数为6,574口,其中3,034.2口为公司的净井[83] 监管政策影响 - 美国政府对甲烷排放的监管政策存在不确定性[139] - 巴黎协定要求美国在2030年前将排放量降低50-52%[141] - 美国政府出台多项措施应对气候变化,可能对石油和天然气行业造成不利影响[142] - 美国金融机构纷纷承诺净零碳排放目标,可能限制对石油和天然气行业的资金支持[144] - 美国证券交易委员会提出气候风险披露规定,可能增加公司的法律、会计和财务合规成本[145] - 美国地质调查局在2016年确定了六个州存在增加的诱发地震活动,可能归因于注入流体或原油和天然气开采[153] - 水力压裂是刺激非常规地层中碳氢化合物产量的重要且常见的做法[154] - 美国环保局发布了关于水力压裂对饮用水资源潜在影响的最终报告,指出水力压裂相关的“水循环”活动可能在某些情况下影响饮用水资源[155] - 拜登政府发布了一项行政命令,暂停了联邦土地和水域上的新租赁,对联邦石油和天然气租赁和许可实践进行审查和重新考虑[156] - 一些州已经采取了法律要求,可能对水力压裂活动实施更严格的许可、公开披露或井建设要求[157] - 水力压裂过程可能导致对濒危和受威胁物种或其栖息地的影响,需要进行环境评估和环境影响声明[159] - 在联邦土地上进行的石油、液化天然气和天然气作业受到越来越
Chord Energy (CHRD) - 2022 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-02-24 03:28
Chord Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:CHRD) Q4 2022 Results Conference Call February 23, 2023 11:00 AM ET Conference Call Participants Good day, and welcome to the Chord Energy Fourth Quarter 2022 Earnings Conference Call. All participants will be in a listen-only mode. [Operator Instructions] After today's presentation, there will be an opportunity to ask questions. Please note, today's event is being recorded. Thank you, Nick. Good morning, everyone. Today, we are reporting our fourth quarter 2022 financial an ...
Chord Energy (CHRD) - 2022 Q3 - Earnings Call Presentation
2022-11-05 03:08
November 2, 2022 Stronger Together Positioned for Value Creation Chord Energy Chord (noun) /kord/ ̂ 1. A straight line joining two points on a curve 2. Musical notes played in unison to produce harmony Striking a new chord and creating a new harmony in the industry. Chord Energy combines complementary, high-quality assets and outstanding talent and operational practices. The companies were already strategically like-minded and culturally aligned, so as Chord Energy, we are ideally positioned to enhance retu ...
Chord Energy (CHRD) - 2022 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2022-11-04 01:44
Chord Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:CHRD) Q3 2022 Earnings Conference Call November 3, 2022 11:00 AM ET Company Participants Michael Lou – Chief Financial Officer Danny Brown – President and Chief Executive Officer Chip Rimer – Chief Operating Officer Conference Call Participants Scott Hanold – RBC Capital Markets Derrick Whitfield – Stifel Patrick Enright – Truist Securities Phillips Johnston – Capital One David Deckelbaum – Cowen Paul Diamond – Citi Operator Good day, everyone and welcome to the Chord Energy ...
Chord Energy (CHRD) - 2022 Q3 - Quarterly Report
2022-11-03 00:00
Table of Contents UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-Q ☒ QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2022 or ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from to Commission file number: 1-34776 | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
Chord Energy (CHRD) - 2022 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2022-08-05 02:41
Chord Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:CHRD) Q2 2022 Earnings Conference Call August 4, 2022 10:00 AM ET Company Participants Daniel Brown - CEO Michael Lou - EVP and CFO Chip Rimer - EVP and COO Conference Call Participants Derrick Whitfield - Stifel Phillips Johnston - Capital One David Deckelbaum - Cowen Fernando Zavala - Pickering Energy Partners Prashant Jani - Truist Securities Operator Good day and welcome to the Chord Energy Conference Call. All participants will be in a listen-only mode. [Operator instru ...
Chord Energy (CHRD) - 2022 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2022-08-04 00:00
Table of Contents UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-Q ☒ QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended June 30, 2022 or ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from to Commission file number: 1-34776 | --- | --- | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...