EnerSys(ENS) - 2025 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-11-07 06:08
公司概况 - 公司是全球工业应用储能解决方案的领导者,设计、制造和分销能源系统解决方案、动力电池、专用电池、电池充电器、电源设备、电池配件和户外设备外壳解决方案[147] - 公司的四大业务分部包括能源系统、动力电池、专用电池和新业务[148] - 公司于2024年7月完成收购Bren-Tronics Defense LLC,这是一家军事和国防应用便携式电源解决方案的领先制造商[149] 经营环境 - 全球经济环境复杂多变,利率上升和地缘政治局势紧张对北美、中国和欧洲中东非地区产生不同程度的影响[150] - 供应链状况有所改善,但部分原材料价格如铜和塑料仍然较高,运输成本已恢复至疫情前水平[151] - 公司约25%的收入受制于根据铅价指数调整价格的协议,客户价格变化通常滞后于原材料价格变化6-9个月[154] 财务状况 - 公司的主要营运资本占年化净销售额的比例为27.7%,较上一季度增加430个基点[156] - 公司拥有充足的现金和未使用的信贷额度,为短期流动性需求和未来增长提供支持[158] - 公司大部分现金和投资持有在海外子公司,预计将用于当地运营、资本支出和并购[159] - 公司与银行签订第二次修订的信贷协议,将贷款期限延长至2026年9月30日[160] - 公司签订第三次修订的信贷协议,获得3亿美元的新增定期贷款,用于偿还现有贷款[161] - 公司签订第四次修订的信贷协议,将伦敦银行同业拆借利率(LIBOR)替换为隔夜融资利率(SOFR)[162] - 公司发行3亿美元6.625%的2032年到期的优先票据,用于偿还信贷协议[163] - 公司在2025财年上半年回购78.0849万股股票,花费7520万美元[163] - 公司认为强大的资本结构和流动性为未来收购、资本投资、股票回购和持续派息提供了资金支持[164] 非经常性费用 - 公司在2024财年第六个月录得现金费用700万美元,主要与制造差异相关[181] - 公司在2023财年录得现金费用1300万美元,主要与裁员成本相关,以及2100万美元的非现金费用,与租赁使用权资产和固定资产核销相关[177] - 公司在2023财年录得现金费用1700万美元,主要与裁员成本相关,以及400万美元的非现金费用,主要与合同资产相关[180] - 公司在2024财年录得现金费用720万美元,主要与裁员成本、搬迁费用和制造差异相关,以及400万美元的非现金费用。公司还录得310万美元的存货非现金核销,计入销售成本[181] - 公司在2024财年第六个月录得现金费用80万美元,主要与搬迁费用相关[181] 经营业绩 - 第二季度和2025财年前6个月的营业收益分别增加了10.8百万美元或12.2%和12.7百万美元或7.1%[191] - 第二季度和2025财年前6个月的营业收益占净销售额的比例分别增加了140个基点和120个基点[191] - 能源系统业务的营业收益占销售额的比例在第二季度增加了30个基点,在前6个月下降了70个基点[192] - 动力系统业务的营业收益占销售额的比例在第二季度和前6个月分别增加了70个基点和80个基点[193] - 专业系统业务的营业收益占销售额的比例在第二季度增加了90个基点,在前6个月下降了130个基点[194] - 第二季度和前6个月的利息费用分别增加了0.3百万美元和下降了3.9百万美元[195][196] - 第二季度和前6个月的其他收支净额分别为2.7百万美元和3.7百万美元[200] - 第二季度和前6个月的税前利润分别增加了10.8百万美元和16.6百万美元[201] - 第二季度和前6个月的所得税费用分别下降了6.3百万美元和3.8百万美元[202][203] 现金流 - 在六个月的2024财年中,经营活动提供了1.857亿美元的现金,主要由于净收益的增加[209] - 应收账款减少或提供了9340万美元的现金,这是由于本季度销售额低于上一季度[209] - 存货减少或提供了1050万美元的现金,这是由于存货周转率低于上一季度[209] - 应付账款减少或使用了5720万美元的现金,这是由于季节性减少[209] - 在2025财年的六个月中,投资活动使用了2.825亿美元的现金,主要包括2.053亿美元的Bren-Tronics收购、6650万美元的厂房改造资本支出和1090万美元的股权证券投资[210] - 在2024财年的六个月中,融资活动提供了3.053亿美元的现金,主要包括4.766亿美元的二次修订循环信贷借款、7520万美元的股票回购和1860万美元的股息支付[212] - 在2025财年的六个月中,总现金和现金等价物增加了7460万美元至4.079亿美元,而在2024财年的六个月中,总现金和现金等价物减少了1890万美元至3.278亿美元[214] 风险管理 - 公司一直遵守第四次修订信贷协议的所有契约和条件,并有足够的财务资源和资本来支持业务的可预见性有机增长和进一步收购机会[220] - 公司使用远期合约、外汇远期合约和期权合约等衍生工具管理原材料成本、外汇汇率和利率风险[222] - 公司预计在本财年剩余时间内,约68%的铅成本是已知的,这考虑了截至2024年9月29日的套期保值合约、FIFO会计政策和铅加工计划的影响[230]
Gear Up for EnerSys (ENS) Q2 Earnings: Wall Street Estimates for Key Metrics
ZACKS· 2024-11-05 23:20
In its upcoming report, EnerSys (ENS) is predicted by Wall Street analysts to post quarterly earnings of $2.07 per share, reflecting an increase of 12.5% compared to the same period last year. Revenues are forecasted to be $887.31 million, representing a year-over-year decrease of 1.5%.Over the last 30 days, there has been a downward revision of 0.3% in the consensus EPS estimate for the quarter, leading to its current level. This signifies the covering analysts' collective reconsideration of their initial ...
EnerSys (ENS) Earnings Expected to Grow: What to Know Ahead of Next Week's Release
ZACKS· 2024-10-30 23:07
The market expects EnerSys (ENS) to deliver a year-over-year increase in earnings on lower revenues when it reports results for the quarter ended September 2024. This widely-known consensus outlook is important in assessing the company's earnings picture, but a powerful factor that might influence its near-term stock price is how the actual results compare to these estimates. The earnings report, which is expected to be released on November 6, 2024, might help the stock move higher if these key numbers are ...
Will EnerSys (ENS) Beat Estimates Again in Its Next Earnings Report?
ZACKS· 2024-10-17 01:15
文章核心观点 - 公司EnerSys是一家工业电池制造商,最近两个季度的业绩一直超出市场预期 [1] - 公司的Earnings ESP(预期盈利惊喜)为正,加上Zacks Rank 3(持有)的评级,表明公司有望继续保持业绩超预期的态势 [2][3] - 当Earnings ESP为正时,公司有70%的概率会超出市场预期,这对投资者来说是一个积极信号 [2] 公司相关 - 公司最近两个季度的业绩分别超出市场预期0.51%和2.97% [1] - 公司当前的Earnings ESP为+0.48%,表明分析师对公司近期盈利前景持乐观态度 [3] 行业相关 - 公司所属的制造-电子行业,在最近两个季度持续超出市场预期 [1]
Here's Why You Should Add EnerSys Stock to Your Portfolio Now
ZACKS· 2024-10-04 00:16
EnerSys (ENS) stands to benefit from strength across its businesses, strategic acquisitions and a focus on improving the product line and operational excellence. The company remains focused on investing in growth opportunities and strengthening its long-term market position. ENS, which has a market capitalization of $4 billion, currently carries a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). Let's delve into the factors that have been aiding the firm for a while now. Business Strength: EnerSys has been witnessing strength in its M ...
4 Bargain Stocks With Low Price-to-Cash Flow to Record September Gains
ZACKS· 2024-09-06 21:35
Investors have been bracing up to counter what has historically been referred to as the "September Effect." Thursday saw a varied performance across major indexes. The S&P 500 fell 0.3%, extending its recent losing streak to three days, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 0.5%. Conversely, the Nasdaq Composite managed a modest gain of about 0.3%, driven by a slight recovery in tech stocks despite ongoing volatility. This uneven market behavior highlights apprehensions over the economy's health. T ...
ENS or ABBNY: Which Is the Better Value Stock Right Now?
ZACKS· 2024-08-29 00:41
Investors looking for stocks in the Manufacturing - Electronics sector might want to consider either EnerSys (ENS) or ABB (ABBNY) . But which of these two stocks offers value investors a better bang for their buck right now? We'll need to take a closer look. The best way to find great value stocks is to pair a strong Zacks Rank with an impressive grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system. The proven Zacks Rank emphasizes companies with positive estimate revision trends, and our Style Scores hig ...
4 Stocks to Buy From the Promising Manufacturing Electronics Industry
ZACKS· 2024-08-27 23:01
The Zacks Manufacturing - Electronics industry is poised for growth on the back of steady demand across the electronic services end market, increasing adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies and product innovation efforts. A surge in e-commerce activities is also likely to aid the industry's growth. A slowdown in manufacturing activities and the contraction of new orders might continue to dent the performances of the industry players. Eaton Corporation plc (ETN) , Zurn Elkay Water Solutions Corporat ...
4 Low P/CF Stocks to Buy Now as Market Confidence Soars
ZACKS· 2024-08-19 21:45
All three major U.S. stock indexes ended the week of Aug 16 on a positive note. The S&P 500 and the techheavy Nasdaq Composite posted modest gains on Friday, advancing 0.2% and 0.21% respectively, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by 96.7 points, or 0.24%. This uptick follows a period of heightened volatility as investor sentiment has improved in response to favorable economic data. July's retail sales figure surpassed market expectations, highlighting strong consumer spending activity. Simultaneo ...
ENS vs. ABBNY: Which Stock Is the Better Value Option?
ZACKS· 2024-08-13 00:47
Investors interested in stocks from the Manufacturing - Electronics sector have probably already heard of EnerSys (ENS) and ABB (ABBNY) . But which of these two stocks offers value investors a better bang for their buck right now? We'll need to take a closer look. We have found that the best way to discover great value opportunities is to pair a strong Zacks Rank with a great grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system. The proven Zacks Rank emphasizes companies with positive estimate revision tr ...