3G Capital quietly exited its Kraft Heinz investment last year
CNBC· 2024-04-09 20:00
3G Capital与Kraft Heinz的合作历程 - 3G Capital在2013年与Berkshire合作将Heinz私有化,两年后又与Kraft Foods合并[3] - 3G Capital通过一系列大型合并创造了啤酒巨头安海斯-布希英博,并将汉堡王私有化并恢复了其销售[4] - 为扭转公司的颓势,3G Capital挑选了食品巨头的新首席执行官,并让Kraft Heinz进入了扭转模式[8] Kraft Heinz的挑战与转变 - Kraft Heinz在2019年遭遇灾难性季度,削减股息、披露SEC对其会计实践的调查,并对品牌进行了150亿美元的减值[6] - Kraft Heinz试图通过收购优莱佛来推动非有机增长,但遭到了Popsicle所有者的拒绝[5] - 去年,Kraft Heinz任命Carlos Abrams-Rivera为新的首席执行官,他是公司首位没有与3G Capital有关系的CEO[11] 3G Capital对Kraft Heinz股份的调整 - 3G Capital在2023年完全退出了Kraft Heinz的股份[1] - 2021年,3G Capital创始合伙人Jorge Paulo Lemann退出了Kraft Heinz的董事会[9] - 3G Capital自2018年以来定期减持Kraft Heinz的股份,2019年卖出2500万股时,股价下跌了4%[10]
Kraft Heinz (KHC) Rises But Trails Market: What Investors Should Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-21 06:56
Kraft Heinz (KHC) closed the latest trading day at $35.35, indicating a +0.23% change from the previous session's end. This move lagged the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.89%. At the same time, the Dow added 1.03%, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq gained 1.25%.The the processed food company with dual headquarters in Pittsburgh and Chicago's stock has dropped by 0.98% in the past month, falling short of the Consumer Staples sector's gain of 2.54% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.56%.Analysts and investors alike will be keepi ...
Kraft Heinz Named to Fast Company's Annual List of the World's Most Innovative Companies
Businesswire· 2024-03-19 20:00
PITTSBURGH & CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Kraft Heinz Company (NASDAQ: KHC) has been ranked #26 on Fast Company’s prestigious list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies (MIC). Kraft Heinz is recognized for reimagining product development and leveraging breakthrough technologies to deliver value for customers and consumers not only based on where they are today, but where they’ll be in the future. As part of this year’s list, Fast Company highlighted HEINZ REMIX, the first customizable and IoT-enabled di ...
Kraft Heinz: Buy, Sell, or Hold?
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-17 20:55
公司背景 - Kraft Heinz是一家大型消费品公司,拥有全球知名品牌,包括Kraft和Heinz等,以及Oscar Mayer、Velveeta、Jell-O和Lunchables等标志性品牌[2] - Kraft Heinz的规模很重要,因为它是零售商的宝贵合作伙伴,公司的规模使其能够进行广告宣传,推出新产品,帮助吸引顾客进入杂货店[3] 公司财务状况 - Kraft Heinz在合并Kraft和Heinz后一直在努力恢复稳定,但如今公司似乎处于更强劲的地位,杠杆率回到可控水平,公司的债务与EBITDA比率约为3.6,与同行业水平相符[5] - 公司将其产品组合分为三组:平衡、保护和加速,加速品牌现在占据了近三分之二的收入,这为未来的业务增长打下了基础[5] 公司业务展望 - Kraft Heinz目前预期长期有机销售增长率约为2%至3%,调整后的盈利率以6%至8%的速度扩张,这在消费品行业算是相当强劲的数字[7] - 尽管价格上涨是增长的关键因素,但Kraft Heinz在2023年仍然取得了不错的销售增长,有机销售增长了3.4%,调整后的毛利率提高了2.4个百分点,每股调整后盈利增长了7.2%[8] 投资者建议 - 如果你认为Kraft Heinz无法有效与其食品制造业竞争对手竞争,那么卖出Kraft Heinz可能是一个简单的理由[10] - 总体来看,Kraft Heinz似乎已成功重新定位其业务,虽然它永远不会成为高增长股,但从现在开始,缓慢而稳定的增长似乎是可能的,再加上4.5%的股息率,这对于追求股息的投资者来说是一个很好的理由[12]
Kraft Heinz (KHC) Registers a Bigger Fall Than the Market: Important Facts to Note
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-15 06:56
Kraft Heinz 股价表现 - Kraft Heinz (KHC) 最近的股价为 $34.32,较前一个交易日下跌了 -0.61% [1] - Kraft Heinz 过去一个月的股价上涨了 1.08%,而同期 Consumer Staples 行业上涨了 3.48%,S&P 500 上涨了 4.42% [2] Kraft Heinz 财务预测 - Kraft Heinz 预计本季度每股收益为 $0.68,营收预计为 $6.42 亿美元,较去年同期相比分别保持稳定和下降了 1.12% [3] - KHC 全年的 Zacks Consensus Estimates 预计每股收益为 $3.02,营收为 $26.77 亿美元,同比增长分别为 +1.34% 和 +0.49% [4] Kraft Heinz 评级和预测 - Kraft Heinz 的 Zacks Rank 目前为 3 (Hold),过去 30 天内,我们的一致 EPS 预测上升了 0.47% [7]
Lunchables Dunkables Sets Out to Prove That Nothing Out-Imagines Kids, Not Even A.I.
Businesswire· 2024-03-12 21:01
PITTSBURGH & CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--From drafting poetry to amazing imagery, artificial intelligence (A.I.) may be making waves in the creative space, but the Lunchables® brand is championing a force even more powerful: kid imagination (K.I.). Today, Lunchables, and its new Dunkables™ line of snacks, is on a mission to prove that nothing can out-imagine kids, not even artificial intelligence. Lunchables Dunkables – a snack designed for kids to dip and top with their favorite ingredients – is more than j ...
Why the Market Dipped But Kraft Heinz (KHC) Gained Today
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-09 07:50
Kraft Heinz (KHC) ended the recent trading session at $34.84, demonstrating a +0.99% swing from the preceding day's closing price. This move outpaced the S&P 500's daily loss of 0.65%. At the same time, the Dow lost 0.18%, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq lost 1.16%.Shares of the the processed food company with dual headquarters in Pittsburgh and Chicago witnessed a loss of 5.4% over the previous month, trailing the performance of the Consumer Staples sector with its gain of 0.16% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.4%.An ...
Why Kraft Heinz (KHC) is a Top Value Stock for the Long-Term
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-06 23:41
Taking full advantage of the stock market and investing with confidence are common goals for new and old investors, and Zacks Premium offers many different ways to do both.The research service features daily updates of the Zacks Rank and Zacks Industry Rank, full access to the Zacks #1 Rank List, Equity Research reports, and Premium stock screens, all of which will help you become a smarter, more confident investor.Zacks Premium also includes the Zacks Style Scores.What are the Zacks Style Scores?Developed ...
Warren Buffett Has Held This Dividend Stock Since 2015. Should You Buy it Today?
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-06 22:53
公司财务状况 - 卡夫亨氏公司的财务状况不佳,长期债务高达300亿美元以上,EBITDA杠杆率超过3.6倍[3] - 卡夫亨氏公司的管理层不得不削减股息以节省资金,近年来收入增长乏力[5] - 管理层开始着手偿还债务,公司逐渐显示出复苏迹象,计划实现2%至3%的有机销售增长和6%至8%的年化盈利增长[7] 投资者展望 - 卡夫亨氏公司的股息稳健,提供4.5%的吸引人收益率,股息支付比率可控,留有资金用于未来逐步偿还债务[8] - 投资者可能不应期望股息很快增长,但高起点收益率将为投资者的耐心提供补偿,同时卡夫亨氏公司继续为长期增长重建自身[9] 估值和投资建议 - 卡夫亨氏公司不是增长型股票,而是一个稳健的消费品公司,可能会在未来成为稳定的投资[10] - 股票以不到12倍的前瞻市盈率交易,根据管理层的长期盈利增长目标,使用PEG比率评估购买卡夫潜在增长的成本,PEG比率约为1.5,对于长期投资者来说是合理的价值[12]
Hot Dog! The Kraft Heinz Not Company Launches First-Ever, Plant-Based Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs and Sausages
Businesswire· 2024-03-06 19:00
PITTSBURGH & CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today, The Kraft Heinz Not Company LLC debuted NotHotDogs and NotSausages, the first ever plant-based Oscar Mayer offerings and the first plant-based meat innovation from the joint venture between The Kraft Heinz Company (Nasdaq: KHC) (“Kraft Heinz”) and TheNotCompany, Inc. (“NotCo”). With its mission to create mouthwatering plant-based foods for all, The Kraft Heinz Not Company’s Oscar Mayer NotHotDogs and NotSausages offer the savory and smoky experience that brand f ...