News (NWS)
搜索文档® June Housing Report: The 50 Largest Markets Experience Inventory Growth Compared to Last Year
Prnewswire· 2024-07-09 18:00
Tampa (92.7%), Orlando (81.8%) and Phoenix (77.3%) See Highest Increases in Inventory (to 18.3%) +1.3 percentage points SANTA CLARA, Calif., July 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- According to the® June housing data, the number of homes actively for sale grew for an eighth straight month, increasing by 36.7% year-over-year, while the median home spent 45 days on market, an increase of two days compared to last year. Both factors contribute to a slight directional shift towards a buyer-friendly market. "Wh ...
LSEG and Dow Jones Announce a Multi-year Data, News and Analytics Partnership
Prnewswire· 2024-07-02 22:00
合作内容 - LSEG与Dow Jones宣布达成一项多年数据、新闻和分析合作伙伴关系 [2] - Dow Jones的全球知名新闻内容将整合到LSEG Workspace平台中,包括《华尔街日报》、《巴伦周刊》、《投资者商业日报》和MarketWatch等品牌的新闻、独家报道和市场洞察 [3] - LSEG将为Dow Jones的编辑团队提供Workspace平台及最新的工作流程和生产力工具,支持数据驱动的新闻编辑室 [4] - LSEG的Deals Intelligence和League Tables将丰富《华尔街日报》对全球交易报道的覆盖 [5] - 双方将共同开发增强的新闻体验,由Dow Jones资深编辑策划,展示其新闻品牌中的顶级新闻,预计2025年初推出 [6] 技术整合 - LSEG Workspace将整合Dow Jones的实时新闻和行业领先的新闻内容,结合LSEG的分类、标签和搜索能力,扩展新闻推送服务 [7] - LSEG将为现有订阅用户提供Dow Jones的文本推送服务,并增强其新闻分析服务 [7] 公司背景 - LSEG是全球领先的金融市场基础设施和数据提供商,总部位于英国,在全球60个国家设有重要业务,拥有25,000名员工 [9] - Dow Jones是全球新闻和商业信息提供商,拥有130多年的历史,旗下包括《华尔街日报》、《巴伦周刊》、MarketWatch等知名品牌 [10] 高管观点 - LSEG CEO David Schwimmer表示,整合Dow Jones的新闻和评论将为Workspace用户提供强大的新功能,同时Dow Jones也将受益于LSEG的世界级数据和分析能力 [8] - Dow Jones CEO Almar Latour认为,此次合作将结合双方优势,满足Workspace用户需求并增强新闻编辑室能力 [8]
Dow Jones Acquires A2i Systems
Prnewswire· 2024-07-02 21:00
文章核心观点 - Dow Jones 收购了 A2i Systems,这是一家在人工智能驱动的燃料定价解决方案领域的领导者 [1][2] - 此次收购将增强 Dow Jones 旗下 OPIS 在零售客户市场的产品组合,满足快速增长的定价、分析和预测需求 [2][4] - 此次收购将为 Dow Jones 的能源业务带来增长机会,不仅是在能源领域,也将惠及整个 Dow Jones 公司 [5] 公司概况 - Dow Jones 是一家提供新闻和商业信息的全球性公司,拥有超过130年的历史,是《华尔街日报》等知名出版物的母公司 [5] - OPIS 是 Dow Jones 旗下的一家公司,提供燃料供应链上的定价、新闻和分析服务 [6] - A2i Systems 是一家提供零售定价解决方案的公司,其 PriceCast 平台已在全球20多个国家的12,500多个加油站、充电站和便利店投入使用 [2][8][9] 收购动机和预期效果 - 此次收购将加强 OPIS 在零售市场的地位,帮助客户利用电动车市场的繁荣,并实现从传统加油站向多功能出行枢纽的转型 [5] - 通过整合 A2i 的技术专长和 OPIS 的市场信誉,Dow Jones 将能为客户创造即时价值 [5] - 此次收购标志着 Dow Jones 能源业务的持续增长和扩张,最新财报显示能源业务收入增长15% [3]® Survey Finds 33% of People in the "Sandwich Generation" say their Circumstance has Helped them Buy a Home
Prnewswire· 2024-06-28 18:00
Approximately 1 out of Every 6 Americans Falls into the Sandwich Generation "Unfortunately for home shoppers, affordability is still a big challenge in the current housing market, but for the Sandwich Generation, family support is providing a helping hand when it comes to finances," said Laura Eddy, VP Research and Insight for®. "Over half of adults within the Sandwich Generation who receive financial support from family members report that this support is helping them to afford a home, while a ...
In Celebration of GI Bill,® Identifies the Top 10 U.S. Housing Markets for Military Households
Prnewswire· 2024-06-18 18:00
SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- To celebrate the 80th anniversary of the GI Bill and its many benefits for military households,® identified the top 10 U.S. metros best suited for military households. Taking key criteria important to military home shoppers into consideration, the top market on the list is Des Moines-West Des Moines, Iowa. Working with a buyer's agent is one of the best ways military families can make sure they are aware of and can take advantage of all their be ...® Champions Buyer's Agents for Underrepresented Groups
Prnewswire· 2024-06-18 00:00
The latest initiative aims to educate the public that without buyers' agents, historically underserved and underrepresented communities are at risk of further distancing themselves from the American Dream of homeownership Low-income earners are 22% more likely to be denied a loan1, LGBTQ+ are 25% less likely to own a home compared to all Americans2, one in four Hispanic individuals complete the homebuying process entirely in Spanish3, seven in 10 Veterans are unaware they qualify for a zero-down home loan4, ...® May Rental Report: Slower Decline in Rents Indicates Inflation May Persist
Prnewswire· 2024-06-11 18:00
The median asking rent nationally for 0-2 bedroom units fell by -0.7% ($13) from May of last year to $1,732, and declined across all size categories. That's just $24 (-1.4%) below its August 2022 peak. Median asking rents have risen by 21.5% over the past five years. CPI shelter index is "stickier" Rents decline across all size categories Unit SizeMedian Rent Rent YoY Rent Change – 5 years Overall $1,732 -0.7 % 21.5 % Studio $1,449 -1.9 % 17.3 % 1-bed $1,612 -1.1 % 20.3 % 2-bed $1,925 -0.7 % 23.3 % Rents dr ...® May Housing Report: Median Price Per Square Foot Experiences Monumental Rise Growing 52.7% Since 2019
Prnewswire· 2024-06-04 18:00
Across the U.S., New York (84.7%), Boston (72.9%), and Nashville (68.6%) Experienced the Highest Increases in Median Price Per Square Foot Since Before the Pandemic (to 16.6%) +1.2 percentage points SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- According to the® May housing data, median list prices have increased 37.5% since May 2019, and while prices grew in that time frame, inventory is down 34.2% compared with typical 2017 to 2019 levels pointing to the market being in seller-friendly ter ...
News Corp. And OpenAI Announce Content Deal· 2024-05-23 04:56
文章核心观点 - News Corp.和OpenAI达成多年合作协议,OpenAI将获得News Corp.旗下多家媒体的内容使用权 [1][3] - 这是OpenAI与新闻出版商达成的最新合作,但OpenAI也面临其他内容创作者提起的诉讼 [2] - 该协议可能价值2.5亿美元,OpenAI将以现金和AI技术使用权的形式进行补偿 [4] - 其他出版商如美联社和Axel Springer也与OpenAI达成了类似协议,提供大量内容供OpenAI使用 [5] - News Corp.还将提供新闻专业知识,帮助确保OpenAI产品维持最高新闻标准 [6] - 该协议被视为数字时代新闻业价值和可信度的里程碑 [7] 根据目录分类总结 协议内容 - News Corp.与OpenAI达成多年合作协议,OpenAI将获得News Corp.旗下多家媒体的内容使用权 [1][3] - 该协议可能价值2.5亿美元,OpenAI将以现金和AI技术使用权的形式进行补偿 [4] - News Corp.还将提供新闻专业知识,帮助确保OpenAI产品维持最高新闻标准 [6] 行业背景 - 这是OpenAI与新闻出版商达成的最新合作,但OpenAI也面临其他内容创作者提起的诉讼 [2] - 其他出版商如美联社和Axel Springer也与OpenAI达成了类似协议,提供大量内容供OpenAI使用 [5] - 该协议被视为数字时代新闻业价值和可信度的里程碑 [7]
NewsCorp and OpenAI strike 'multi-year partnership' deal to use journalistic content to improve ChatGPT· 2024-05-23 04:53
OpenAI and News Corp on Wednesday announced a "multi-year global partnership" that will allow OpenAI to access current and archived articles from News Corp's outlets — including The Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch, Barron's, The New York Post and more. As part of the deal, OpenAI will be able to display content from News Corp-owned outlets within its ChatGPT chatbot, in response to user questions. The startup will also be able to use News Corp's content "to enhance its products," or, likely, to train its a ...