Can Snap Stock Snap Back? Why Its Recent 36% Plunge Might Be a Buying Opportunity
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-14 18:49
Snap股价波动 - Snap是社交媒体平台Snapchat的母公司,股价在去年9月至今年1月间飙升了108%[1] - Snap在第四季度和2023年全年财报发布后,股价暴跌了36%,主要是因为公司的营收增长缓慢,盈利预期令投资者失望[2] Snap的创新努力 - Snap在创新方面持续努力,但与竞争对手Meta Platforms相比,营收增长较为缓慢[4] - Snap正在推出一系列举措来改善广告商的表现,吸引他们的营销预算,例如最新的7-0像素购买模型[5] - Snap还推出了Snap Promote,使组织可以轻松地从其之前发布的公共帖子中创建广告[6] Snap的业绩表现 - 尽管Snap的营收在Q4略有增长,但盈利能力仍令投资者失望,公司的调整前息税折旧及摊销前利润(EBITDA)在Q4为1.59亿美元,同比下降31%[9] - Snap在最新财报后裁员500人,以削减成本和改善盈利能力[10] Snap的用户规模和前景展望 - 尽管Snap股价最近暴跌了36%,但公司仍有潜力,因为Snapchat仍在吸引大量新用户,拥有创纪录的4.14亿日活跃用户和超过8亿月活跃用户[11] - Snap的未来仍有希望,随着广告工具的优化和营收增长的加速,公司可能会实现可观的增长[12]
Down -32.38% in 4 Weeks, Here's Why You Should You Buy the Dip in Snap (SNAP)
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-12 23:36
Snap (SNAP) has been beaten down lately with too much selling pressure. While the stock has lost 32.4% over the past four weeks, there is light at the end of the tunnel as it is now in oversold territory and Wall Street analysts expect the company to report better earnings than they predicted earlier.Here is How to Spot Oversold StocksWe use Relative Strength Index (RSI), one of the most commonly used technical indicators, for spotting whether a stock is oversold. This is a momentum oscillator that measures ...
Could Snap Stock Help You Become a Millionaire?
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-11 20:35
Snap的股价表现 - Snap的股价在2022年第四季度报告后暴跌33%[1] - Snap的股价目前比历史最高价低80%,比IPO价格低30%[4] 财务表现 - Snap的营收同比增长5%,达到13.6亿美元,但低于分析师预期20万美元[1] - Snap的调整后净收入同比下降40%,达到1.28亿美元,每股收益为0.08美元,但仍高出预期0.02美元[2] - Snap的调整后息税折旧及摊销前利润(EBITDA)同比下降32%,达到1.59亿美元[2] - Snap的营收增长在2022年仅为12%,2023年几乎持平[6] - Snap预计2024年第一季度营收同比增长11%-15%,全年销售额预计增长14%至53亿美元[9] - Snap的调整后EBITDA利润率从2022年的0.8%上升至2023年的3.5%,分析师预计这一数字将在2024年上升至6%[10] - 华尔街专家预测,随着宏观和竞争压力减弱,Snap的营收和调整后EBITDA将分别在2025年增长16%和143%[11] - 如果Snap的估值保持稳定,公司需要在未来20年内以26%的复合年增长率增加营收,才能使投资增长到100万美元[12] - Snap可能看起来是一种便宜的价值投资,但如果无法再次实现两位数的营收增长,它可能会变得更便宜[13] 用户和竞争 - Snap的日活跃用户(DAU)增长率逐渐放缓,由于对低收入海外用户的依赖增加,平均用户收入(ARPU)下降[6] - 与Meta一样,Snap受到苹果在iOS上实施的隐私变更的影响,也面临来自TikTok的竞争[7] 公司策略 - Meta的营收在2022年下降1%,但在2023年增长16%,通过利用人工智能驱动的算法制定新广告,扩大Reels短视频平台来对抗TikTok,并通过更多的曝光量抵消较低的广告价格来实现增长[8]
Should Investors Buy the Dip in Snap Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-10 05:54
Snap (SNAP)最新季度财报分析 - 投资者是否应该在股价下跌后购买股票[1] - 文中提到的股价数据为2024年2月7日下午的价格,视频发布日期为2024年2月9日[1]
Why Snap Stock Is Plummeting This Week
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-09 23:43
Snap (SNAP 0.72%) stock is getting crushed this week. As of 10:15 a.m. ET Friday, the social media company's share price was down 34.3% from where it traded at the end of last week, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.Snap published its fourth-quarter results on Tuesday, and both its performance and guidance fell short of expectations in key areas. While the company reported non-GAAP (adjusted) earnings of $0.08 per share -- beating the average analyst's estimate of $0.02 per share -- its ...
Snapchat Founders Lose Billions As Stock Crashes
Forbes· 2024-02-08 03:17
Snap股价暴跌 - Snap股价周三暴跌36%,至11美元,创下Snap上市以来第三大单日跌幅[3] - Snap的季度财报发布后,股价暴跌,导致Snap联合创始人Evan Spiegel的净资产从110亿美元降至29亿美元[5] - 分析师普遍认为市场反应过度,BMO Capital Markets分析师Brian Pitz维持买入评级,JPMorgan分析师Doug Anmuth指出Snap今年表现良好[7]
Snap share price losses likely to continue - analyst
Proactive Investors· 2024-02-08 01:37
Proactive团队 - Josh Lamb于2022年毕业于肯特大学历史专业,后加入Proactive担任英国编辑团队的记者[1] - Proactive的金融新闻团队遍布全球主要金融和投资中心,设有办事处和工作室[2] Proactive团队关注领域 - Proactive团队专注于中小市值市场,同时也关注蓝筹公司、大宗商品和更广泛的投资故事[3] - Proactive团队提供市场上的新闻和独特见解,涵盖生物技术和制药、矿业和自然资源、电池金属、石油和天然气、加密货币以及新兴数字和电动汽车技术等领域[4]
Why Snap Stock Was Plunging Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-08 01:17
Snap公司财报表现 - Snap公司第四季度营收增长缓慢,未能利用数字广告行业的整体复苏[1] - Snap公司仍未能实现GAAP盈利,营收增长仅为5%,用户基数增长放缓[2] - Snap公司在广告市场上继续遇到困难,与Alphabet和Meta等大公司相比,广告增长表现不佳[3] - Snap公司调整后的EBITDA和每股收益均下滑,股份补偿仍然高企[4] - Snap公司未能证明其能够在GAAP基础上盈利,股价受数字广告行业整体放缓影响下跌[6] - Snap公司第一季度预期营收增长11%-15%,调整后的EBITDA预计将出现亏损[7] - 尽管有望向正确方向发展,但由于增长乏力和持续亏损,投资者再次抛售Snap股票[8]
3 Stocks to Snap Up Before Any Interest Rates Cuts
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-08 01:01
Stock markets usually climb when interest rates are cut because many businesses respond to rate declines by borrowing more in order to expand. This trend causes companies to hire more employees, driving consumer consumption, the main driver of the U.S. economy, higher. Additionally, consumers tend to borrow more when rates go down, allowing them to make more large purchases. As a result, the firms that sell the most expensive items, such as vehicles and homes, tend to be most significantly affected by rate ...
Snapchat Turns to Subscriptions, AI Features to Offset Declining ARPU
PYMNTS· 2024-02-08 00:58
As Snapchat struggles with declining revenue per user, the social media platform is looking to its burgeoning subscription offering, and its artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities therein, to bring in more revenue.The app’s parent company, Snap, reported in its Q4 and full year 2023 financial results Tuesday (Feb. 6) that average revenue per user (ARPU) dipped 5% year over year in the quarter, even as it rose by 2% in North America.Looking toward “accelerating and diversifying” its revenue growth going f ...