Snowflake Inc. (SNOW) Tops Q3 Earnings and Revenue Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-11-21 07:16
文章核心观点 - 公司本季度财报超预期,但股价年初至今表现不佳,未来走势取决于管理层财报电话会议评论及盈利预期变化,当前Zacks评级为卖出 [1][3][4] 公司业绩表现 - 本季度每股收益0.20美元,超Zacks共识预期0.15美元,去年同期为0.25美元,本季度盈利惊喜为33.33%,上一季度盈利惊喜为20% [1] - 过去四个季度,公司三次超共识每股收益预期 [2] - 截至2024年10月季度营收9.4209亿美元,超Zacks共识预期4.82%,去年同期为7.3417亿美元,过去四个季度公司四次超共识营收预期 [2] 股价表现 - 公司股价自年初以来下跌约34.6%,而标准普尔500指数上涨24.1% [4] 盈利预期 - 盈利发布前,公司盈利预期修正趋势不利,当前Zacks评级为4(卖出),预计短期内股价表现逊于市场 [7] - 下一季度共识每股收益预期为0.12美元,营收9.3424亿美元,本财年共识每股收益预期为0.58美元,营收35.3亿美元 [8] 行业影响 - Zacks行业排名中,互联网软件行业目前处于250多个Zacks行业前14%,排名前50%的行业表现优于后50%超两倍 [9] 同行业公司情况 - 同行业Asana公司预计12月5日公布截至2024年10月季度财报,预计本季度每股亏损0.07美元,同比变化-75%,过去30天该季度共识每股收益预期未变 [10] - Asana公司预计本季度营收1.8065亿美元,同比增长8.5% [11]
Snowflake(SNOW) - 2025 Q3 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-11-21 06:57
业绩总结 - 公司在2025财年第三季度的总收入为XX亿美元,同比增长XX%[1] - 2025财年产品收入预计为3430百万美元,较2024财年增长29%[100] - 2024财年产品收入为2667百万美元,同比增长38%[100] - 2024财年季度产品收入为829百万美元,同比增长29%[57] - 产品收入同比增长29%[132] - 总客户数量同比增长20%[133] - 超过100万美元的客户数量同比增长25%[133] 财务数据 - 非GAAP产品毛利为XX亿美元,毛利率为XX%[4] - 非GAAP运营收入为XX亿美元,运营利润率为XX%[4] - 非GAAP净收入为XX亿美元,基本每股收益为XX美元[4] - 自由现金流(FCF)为XX亿美元,自由现金流率为XX%[5] - 调整后的自由现金流为XX亿美元,调整后的自由现金流率为XX%[6] - 2024财年非GAAP产品毛利率为78%[100] - 2025财年非GAAP产品毛利率预计为76%[100] - 2024财年净收入留存率为76%[45] - 2024财年剩余履行义务(RPO)为5732百万美元,预计在未来12个月内确认收入的比例为50%[61] - GAAP产品毛利为518,478千美元,毛利率为74%[114] - GAAP销售与营销费用为355,079千美元,占收入的48%[114] - GAAP研发费用为332,065千美元,占收入的45%[114] - GAAP总运营费用为$3,002,704千,占收入的107%[120] - GAAP运营亏损为$(1,094,773)千,占收入的39%[120] - GAAP净亏损为$(837,990)千,占收入的30%[123] - GAAP每股净亏损为$(2.55)[125] 市场展望与战略 - 公司预计未来的市场规模将达到XX亿美元,年增长率为XX%[9] - 公司在AI数据云领域的战略将推动未来的收入增长[9] - 公司在全球范围内的业务扩展覆盖超过40个地区[25] 其他信息 - 总客户数在报告期末有所增加,具体数字未披露[112] - 剩余履约义务(RPO)代表尚未确认的未来合同收入,包含递延收入和不可取消的合同金额[111] - 资本化内部使用软件开发成本为34,133千美元[127]
Snowflake(SNOW) - 2025 Q3 - Quarterly Results
2024-11-21 05:07
Snowflake Reports Financial Results for the Third Quarter of Fiscal 2025 • Product revenue of $900.3 million in the third quarter, representing 29% year-over-year growth • Net revenue retention rate of 127% • 542 customers with trailing 12-month product revenue greater than $1 million • 754 Forbes Global 2000 customers • Remaining performance obligations of $5.7 billion, representing 55% year-over-year growth No-Headquarters/BOZEMAN, Mont. - November 20, 2024 - Snowflake (NYSE: SNOW), the AI Data Cloud comp ...
Snowflake Q3 Earnings: Will Bullish Charts, Analyst Optimism Offset The 32% YTD Decline?
Benzinga· 2024-11-21 00:06
文章核心观点 - Snowflake Inc (SNOW) 将于周三盘后公布第三季度财报,市场预期每股收益为15美分,营收为8.9699亿美元 [1] - Snowflake 股票在过去一年下跌了22.48%,年初至今下跌了31.66% [2] - Snowflake 股票目前处于强劲的上升趋势中 [3] - 分析师对 Snowflake 股票的平均评级为买入,目标价为171.97美元,暗示有32%的上涨空间 [6] 技术分析 - Snowflake 股票目前交易在其5日、20日和50日指数移动平均线之上,表明买盘压力和持续上涨的潜力 [4] - 股价也高于其8日简单移动平均线(SMA)127.70美元、20日SMA 121.68美元和50日SMA 117.83美元,进一步强化了看涨势头 [4] - 然而,股价低于其200日SMA 142.36美元,表明长期看跌信号 [5] - 移动平均收敛散度(MACD)指标为3.26,进一步支持看涨前景 [5] - 相对强弱指数(RSI)为61.61,表明SNOW接近超买区域,但仍有上涨空间 [5] 分析师评级 - 分析师对 Snowflake 股票的平均评级为买入,目标价为171.97美元 [6] - Rosenblatt、Citigroup 和 Keybanc 最近给出的目标价为171美元,暗示有31.77%的上涨空间 [6] - 发布时,Snowflake 股票的交易价格约为每股129.76美元,下跌0.37% [6]
1 Growth Stock Down 68% to Buy Before Its Turnaround, According to Wall Street
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-20 18:12
Snowflake (SNOW 2.21%) went public in late 2020, and its shares peaked during the tech sector's pandemic-era surge in late 2021. The stock has since declined by about 68% from that record high, but Wall Street sees a turnaround on the horizon. Among the 45 analysts who follow the company, the median price target is $169 per share -- 33% higher than its current share price of $127.Leaning into demand for AI productsSnowflake's cloud-based platform lets customers integrate, store, transform, and make sense of ...
Snowflake 'One Of The Most Compelling Stories In Software' Ahead Of Earnings: Analyst
Benzinga· 2024-11-20 03:45
文章核心观点 - 行业分析师对几家大型软件公司在第三季度财报季的表现持乐观态度 [1] 网络安全和基础设施 - Palo Alto Networks预计将受益于防火墙需求的改善和Crowdstrike Holdings Inc的故障后的影响 [2] - 分析师认为Palo Alto Networks将轻松超越第一季度ARR指南(意味着NNARR在中点时同比下降50%),并满足或超过CRPO预期 [3] - 如果上述两个指标领先,FY25 ARR指南上调,FY25 Total RPO指南维持和/或上调,分析师预计股价将积极反应 [3] - Palo Alto Networks将于周三发布财报 [4] 数据库 - Couchbase因第二季度财报未达预期而受到关注,但分析师认为这些因素不会再次发生 [4] - 分析师预计Couchbase将实现“超越和上调”,股价将反弹,因为预期较低 [4] - Couchbase的下一次财报报告将于12月3日发布 [4] 计算 - Snowflake也将在周三发布财报,分析师认为该公司“处于有利位置”,仍然是软件行业中最引人注目的故事之一 [5] - 分析师对Snowflake的人工智能和机器学习计划以及其在开发者中的吸引力持乐观态度 [5] - Snowflake符合D.A. Davidson的软件基准,即价格与自由现金流倍数和强劲增长 [5]
Snowflake Set to Report Q3 Earnings: Buy, Hold or Sell SNOW Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-11-19 01:45
Snowflake (SNOW) is set to report its third-quarter fiscal 2025 results on Nov. 20.The Zacks Consensus Estimate for revenues is pegged at $898.77 million, indicating an increase of 22.42% from the year-ago quarter’s reported figure.The consensus mark for earnings has been stable in the past 30 days at 15 cents per share. The figure suggests a decrease of 40% from the year-ago quarter’s reported figure.SNOW’s earnings beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate in three of the trailing four quarters, missing once, wit ...
Insights Into Snowflake (SNOW) Q3: Wall Street Projections for Key Metrics
ZACKS· 2024-11-15 23:21
In its upcoming report, Snowflake Inc. (SNOW) is predicted by Wall Street analysts to post quarterly earnings of $0.15 per share, reflecting a decline of 40% compared to the same period last year. Revenues are forecasted to be $898.77 million, representing a year-over-year increase of 22.4%.The consensus EPS estimate for the quarter has been revised 0.1% lower over the last 30 days to the current level. This reflects how the analysts covering the stock have collectively reevaluated their initial estimates d ...
Earnings Preview: Snowflake Inc. (SNOW) Q3 Earnings Expected to Decline
ZACKS· 2024-11-14 00:06
Snowflake公司 - 预计2024年10月季度财报营收增长但收益同比下降 若实际结果与预期相比会影响近期股价[1] - 11月20日将发布财报 若关键数字超预期股价可能上涨 反之可能下跌 且即时价格变化和未来收益预期取决于管理层对业务状况的讨论 值得预测每股收益正向惊喜的概率[2] - 预计季度每股收益0.15美元 同比变化 - 40% 营收8.9877亿美元 较上年同期增长22.4%[3] - 过去30天共识每股收益预估下调0.13% 投资者应注意单个分析师预估修正方向可能不会总反映在总体变化中[4] - 公司的最准确预估高于扎克斯共识预估 收益ESP为+13.92% 但股票目前扎克斯排名为4 难以确切预测是否会超出共识每股收益预估[10] - 上季度预计每股收益0.15美元 实际为0.18美元 惊喜值为+20% 过去四个季度有三次超出共识每股收益预估[11][12] Soho House公司 - 预计2024年10月季度每股收益0.01美元 同比变化+95.5% 营收3.3462亿美元 较上年同期增长11.2%[16] - 过去30天共识每股收益预估不变 但较低的最准确预估导致收益ESP为 - 200.00% 结合扎克斯排名2难以确切预测是否会超出共识每股收益预估 且过去四个季度均未超出[17]
Snowflake Inc. (SNOW) Ascends While Market Falls: Some Facts to Note
ZACKS· 2024-11-13 07:51
Snowflake Inc. (SNOW) ended the recent trading session at $125.46, demonstrating a +1.59% swing from the preceding day's closing price. The stock exceeded the S&P 500, which registered a loss of 0.29% for the day. At the same time, the Dow lost 0.86%, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq lost 0.09%.The company's stock has climbed by 0.28% in the past month, falling short of the Computer and Technology sector's gain of 3.2% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.3%.The investment community will be closely monitoring the performan ...