Earnings Preview: Snowflake Inc. (SNOW) Q3 Earnings Expected to Decline
ZACKS· 2024-11-14 00:06
Snowflake公司 - 预计2024年10月季度财报营收增长但收益同比下降 若实际结果与预期相比会影响近期股价[1] - 11月20日将发布财报 若关键数字超预期股价可能上涨 反之可能下跌 且即时价格变化和未来收益预期取决于管理层对业务状况的讨论 值得预测每股收益正向惊喜的概率[2] - 预计季度每股收益0.15美元 同比变化 - 40% 营收8.9877亿美元 较上年同期增长22.4%[3] - 过去30天共识每股收益预估下调0.13% 投资者应注意单个分析师预估修正方向可能不会总反映在总体变化中[4] - 公司的最准确预估高于扎克斯共识预估 收益ESP为+13.92% 但股票目前扎克斯排名为4 难以确切预测是否会超出共识每股收益预估[10] - 上季度预计每股收益0.15美元 实际为0.18美元 惊喜值为+20% 过去四个季度有三次超出共识每股收益预估[11][12] Soho House公司 - 预计2024年10月季度每股收益0.01美元 同比变化+95.5% 营收3.3462亿美元 较上年同期增长11.2%[16] - 过去30天共识每股收益预估不变 但较低的最准确预估导致收益ESP为 - 200.00% 结合扎克斯排名2难以确切预测是否会超出共识每股收益预估 且过去四个季度均未超出[17]
Snowflake Inc. (SNOW) Ascends While Market Falls: Some Facts to Note
ZACKS· 2024-11-13 07:51
Snowflake Inc. (SNOW) ended the recent trading session at $125.46, demonstrating a +1.59% swing from the preceding day's closing price. The stock exceeded the S&P 500, which registered a loss of 0.29% for the day. At the same time, the Dow lost 0.86%, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq lost 0.09%.The company's stock has climbed by 0.28% in the past month, falling short of the Computer and Technology sector's gain of 3.2% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.3%.The investment community will be closely monitoring the performan ...
RelationalAI Knowledge Graph Coprocessor is Generally Available as a Snowflake Native App
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-11-13 01:00
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RelationalAI, the knowledge graph coprocessor for the Snowflake AI Data Cloud, announced today at Snowflake’s annual developer conference, BUILD 2024, the general availability (GA) of its Snowflake Native App on the Snowflake Marketplace, with production support to its customers. Built on the Snowflake Native App Framework Integration with Snowpark Container Services (now generally available on AWS and public preview on Azure), RelationalAI enables customers ...
Enlight Announces a Power Purchase Agreement for the Snowflake A Project in Arizona
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-11-07 21:15
TEL AVIV, Israel, Nov. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enlight Renewable Energy (“Enlight”, "the Company”, NASDAQ: ENLT, TASE: ENLT.TA), a leading renewable energy platform, announces that its U.S. subsidiary Clenera has signed a new power purchase agreement (“PPA”) with Arizona Public Service (“APS”) for its Snowflake A Project (“Snowflake A” or “the Project”). The busbar fixed price PPA encompasses the Project’s 600 MW of solar generation capacity and 1900 MWh of energy storage availability, and is for a dur ...
Snowflake: Riding The Avalanche Of Innovation
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-06 20:50
公司评级 - 给予Snowflake(NYSE: SNOW)强烈买入评级[1] 公司发展前景 - 有几个关键因素表明Snowflake有能力实现长期强劲的营收增长[1] 分析师投资理念 - 分析师五年前开始用自有资金投资 代表着企业财务方面的实践经验与学术背景的融合[1] - 分析师倾向于寻找长期增长机会 并积极寻求符合冒险者心态的机会[1] - 分析师理解用低波动派息股平衡投资组合以成为全面投资者的重要性[1] - 分析师在分析中更倾向于依靠基本面 认为商业和战略视角最重要[1] - 分析师关注公司财务表现以及股票内在价值与实际价格的比较 寻求估值合理的高质量公司而非深度折扣股[1] 分析师操作意向 - 分析师目前未持有Snowflake股票期权或类似衍生品头寸 但可能在未来72小时内通过购买股票或看涨期权等建立多头头寸[2] - 文章为分析师本人所写 表达个人观点 未从除Seeking Alpha外的渠道获取报酬 与文中提及股票的公司无业务关系[2]
Snowflake Inc. (SNOW) Falls More Steeply Than Broader Market: What Investors Need to Know
ZACKS· 2024-11-05 07:46
The latest trading session saw Snowflake Inc. (SNOW) ending at $113.74, denoting a -1.52% adjustment from its last day's close. The stock's performance was behind the S&P 500's daily loss of 0.28%. Elsewhere, the Dow saw a downswing of 0.61%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq depreciated by 0.33%.Shares of the company witnessed a gain of 0.67% over the previous month, trailing the performance of the Computer and Technology sector with its gain of 2.1% and outperforming the S&P 500's gain of 0.41%.Market participa ...
Is It Worth Investing in Snowflake (SNOW) Based on Wall Street's Bullish Views?
ZACKS· 2024-10-31 22:36
雪flake公司相关情况 - 雪flake公司当前平均经纪推荐(ABR)为1.88在1到5的评级范围(强买入到强卖出)这一数值由42家经纪公司的推荐计算得出其中24个为强买入3个为买入强买入和买入分别占所有推荐的57.1%和7.1%[2] - 仅基于ABR做投资决策可能不是好主意因为多项研究表明经纪推荐在引导投资者选择最具价格上涨潜力的股票方面几乎没有成功之处[3] - 经纪公司由于在其所涵盖股票中的既得利益其分析师倾向于给予强烈的正面偏向评级每一个强卖出推荐对应五个强买入推荐[4] - 经纪公司分析师的利益不总是与散户投资者一致很少能表明股票价格的实际走向所以ABR信息可用于验证自己的研究或作为预测股票价格走势已被证明非常成功的指标[5] Zacks Rank相关情况 - Zacks Rank是可靠的股票近期价格表现指标将股票分为五组从Zacks Rank 1(强买入)到Zacks Rank 5(强卖出)与ABR不同ABR仅基于经纪推荐计算通常带小数而Zacks Rank是一个量化模型显示为整数1到5[6][7] - Zacks Rank由盈利预估修正驱动实证研究表明近期股票价格走势与盈利预估修正趋势密切相关且不同等级在所有有经纪分析师提供当年盈利预估的股票中按比例应用始终保持平衡[9] - ABR不一定是最新的而Zacks Rank由于经纪分析师不断修正盈利预估以应对公司业务趋势变化能及时反映未来价格走势[10] 雪flake公司投资建议相关情况 - 雪flake公司当前年度的Zacks共识预估在过去一个月保持不变为0.58分析师对公司盈利前景的稳定看法可能是该股票近期表现与大盘一致的合理原因[11] - 共识预估近期变化的大小以及其他三个与盈利预估相关的因素导致雪flake公司的Zacks Rank为3(持有)所以对雪flake公司相当于买入的ABR保持谨慎可能是明智的[12]
How Much Is Snowflake Stock Really Worth?
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-31 20:00
Data is the foundation on which artificial intelligence is built, which could be a tailwind for Snowflake stock investors.Snowflake (SNOW 0.51%) is not benefiting from the rising demand for artificial intelligence as much as expectations suggested it would.*Stock prices used were the afternoon prices of Oct. 28, 2024. The video was published on Oct. 30, 2024. ...
Why Snowflake's Value Keeps Growing
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-30 23:18
公司相关 - Snowflake Inc. (NYSE: SNOW )处于快速扩张的数据云市场前沿有望在2028年利用预计3420亿美元的潜在市场规模 [1] - 公司由Yiannis Zourmpanos创立Yiannis Zourmpanos是Yiazou IQ创始人Yiazou IQ是一个人工智能驱动的股票研究平台提供一体化股票报告 [1] - Yiannis Zourmpanos之前在德勤和毕马威从事外部/内部审计和咨询工作 [1] - Yiannis Zourmpanos是特许公认会计师ACCA全球资深会员拥有英国商学院的学士和硕士学位 [1] - 公司投资风格聚焦于GARP/价值型股票即高质量价格合理有强大护城河和显著增长潜力的企业优先考虑基本面寻求低于内在价值交易的股票有明确的安全边际采用长期投资方法(5 - 7年)旨在通过复利积累财富同时强调下行保护有时在市场不确定期间采取逆向观点 [1] 无相关内容分组
Snowflake Inc. (SNOW) Outperforms Broader Market: What You Need to Know
ZACKS· 2024-10-30 06:50
文章核心观点 - Snowflake Inc.的股价在最近一个交易日上涨0.9%,超过了标普500指数的0.16%涨幅 [1] - Snowflake Inc.预计将于2024年11月20日发布财报,分析师预计其每股收益为0.15美元,同比下降40%;预计收入为8.9877亿美元,同比增长22.42% [2] - 全年来看,Snowflake Inc.的每股收益和收入分别预计为0.58美元和35.3亿美元,同比分别下降40.82%和增长25.78% [3] - 分析师对Snowflake Inc.的预测有所调整,这反映了对公司近期业务趋势的看法 [4][5] - Snowflake Inc.目前的市盈率为201.8倍,远高于行业平均水平的32.31倍,PEG率也高达29.74倍 [7] - 互联网软件行业目前在计算机和技术行业中排名前24% [8]