Teva and Sanofi Announce Duvakitug (Anti-TL1A) Positive Phase 2b Results Demonstrating Best-in-Class Potential in Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease
Newsfilter· 2024-12-17 20:30
Primary endpoints met in ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD), the most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)Primary endpoint results in UC and CD for high dose represent the highest achieved with any TL1A monoclonal antibodySanofi and Teva plan to initiate Phase 3 development in IBD, pending regulatory discussions PARSIPPANY, N.J. and PARIS, Dec. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teva Pharmaceuticals, a U.S. affiliate of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (NYSE and TASE: TEVA), and Sanof ...
Teva and Sanofi Announce Duvakitug (Anti-TL1A) Positive Phase 2b Results Demonstrating Best-in-Class Potential in Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease
GlobeNewswire· 2024-12-17 20:30
Teva hosting investor call today at 8:00 a.m. ET (U.S.)Primary endpoints met in ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD), the most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)Primary endpoint results in UC and CD for high dose represent the highest achieved with any TL1A monoclonal antibodySanofi and Teva plan to initiate Phase 3 development in IBD, pending regulatory discussions PARSIPPANY, N.J. and PARIS, Dec. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teva Pharmaceuticals, a U.S. affiliate of Teva Pharmace ...
Teva Announces Agreement to Divest Teva-Takeda, its Business Venture in Japan
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-12-06 07:00
Teva entered into an agreement with JKI Co., Ltd. (“JKI”) established by the fund managed and operated by private equity firm J-Will Partners Co., Ltd. ("J-Will”), through which JKI will acquire Teva-TakedaThe agreement is aligned with Teva's Pivot to Growth strategy to focus its businessThe expected divestment of Teva-Takeda, Teva's business venture in Japan, which includes generics products and legacy products, will allow Teva to focus on bringing its innovative medicines to the Japanese market TEL AVIV, ...
Teva Presents Positive Efficacy and Safety Data of AJOVY® (fremanezumab) for the Prevention of Episodic Migraine in Children and Adolescents from Phase 3 SPACE Trial
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-12-04 15:00
AJOVY® (fremanezumab) significantly reduced monthly migraine days (MMD) and monthly headache days (MHD) versus placebo over a 12-week period in pediatric patients aged 6-17 years1Efficacy consistent with fremanezumab pivotal Phase 3 and Real-World Evidence studies in adults with no new emergent safety signals observed Full data presented as a late breaker at European Headache Congress (EHC) 4-7 December in Rotterdam, Netherlands TEL AVIV, Israel, Dec. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teva Pharmaceutical Industr ...
TEVA Stock Down 10% in a Month: Should You Buy the Dip?
ZACKS· 2024-11-29 05:01
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited’s (TEVA) stock has declined 10% in a month despite strong third-quarter results announced earlier this month. The company beat estimates for earnings as well as sales. The company also slightly raised its earnings and sales guidance. The stock probably declined as investors were not impressed with the guidance increase. However, some analysts believe the stock’s decline after the results was an overreaction.Teva is the world’s largest generic drug company in terms of b ...
2 Generic Drug Stocks Ready to Surge in 2025
MarketBeat· 2024-11-27 21:30
Generic and biosimilar drugs are often preferred over the brand name version due to their cheaper prices. Generics are exact duplicates of the branded counterparts, while biosimilars are "similar" and often require clinical trials. Health insurance companies, Congress, and patients love generics. It’s a growth industry in the medical sector as drug patents generally expire after 20 years after they are filed. The Trump administration is expected to streamline the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), whi ...
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited (TEVA) Jefferies London Healthcare Conference (Transcript)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-19 23:25
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited (NYSE:TEVA) Jefferies London Healthcare Conference November 19, 2024 3:30 AM ET Company Participants Richard Francis - President & CEO Conference Call Participants Glen Santangelo - Jefferies Glen Santangelo Good morning, everyone. Thanks for joining us. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Glen Santangelo. I'm the Spec Pharm Analyst at Jefferies, and cover Teva amongst some other things. And we're very excited to be hosting, Teva, and to my right, the CEO of the Co ...
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited (TEVA) Jefferies London Healthcare Conference (Transcript)
2024-11-19 23:25
一、涉及公司 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited(NYSE:TEVA)[1] 二、核心观点与论据 (一)公司转型与增长 1. **转型成果** - 公司从连年下滑转为增长,已连续七个季度增长,这得益于“Pivots Growth”战略,该战略聚焦四个支柱:驱动增长引擎、提升创新、打造仿制药巨头和聚焦业务资本[7][9][10]。 - 公司已从仿制药巨头向创新型药企转型,不应再被单纯视为仿制药公司,其创新产品和仿制药业务都有增长[14][16]。 2. **增长数据与动力** - 仿制药业务在各地区增长良好,美国增长70%,欧洲增长8%,新兴市场增长14%;创新产品方面,AUSTEDO增长28%,UZEDY从预计的8000万美元提升到1亿美元,AJOVY增长21%[16][17]。 - AUSTEDO在2027年预计销售额达25亿美元,今年预计达16亿美元,远高于之前预测的14亿美元峰值[13]。 - 公司还有一系列处于不同阶段的创新产品管线,如TL1A、ICS/SABA、Olanzapine、IL - 15、Emrusolmin等,显示其创新能力[19]。 (二)各产品情况 1. **AUSTEDO** - 目前有80万人患有迟发性运动障碍,只有一小部分(约10万人)在接受治疗,市场需求未得到满足[31]。 - 公司建立了世界一流的创新团队,在各方面进行投入,如特殊药房、患者依从性、保险协助等,虽然这些投入尚未达到最大效能,但已为产品增长奠定基础,未来增长潜力巨大,2027年的25亿美元销售额可能不是峰值[32][33]。 2. **UZEDY** - 在竞争激烈的精神分裂症长效药物市场(价值40亿美元)中,尽管进入较晚,但产品有差异化优势,皮下注射器注射后8 - 24小时内达到治疗水平,相比其他疗法更便捷[34]。 - 在市场执行方面表现出色,如市场细分、医院准入等,2024年将销售额预期从8000万美元提升到1亿美元,并且为后续Olanzapine的推出积累了经验[36][38]。 3. **Olanzapine** - 采用[benicel]技术,能在整个月内保持稳定的治疗水平,皮下注射无需冷藏且为预填充注射器,在临床研究中没有出现PDSS(可能是某种不良反应),招募患者速度比其他研究快9个月[41][43]。 - 预计2026年推出,目前正在收集安全数据,2025年提交相关文件[46]。 4. **TL1A** - 加速了二期研究,将于今年年底(45天内)有完整的结果读出,明年进入三期研究[48][49]。 - 认为自己的TL1A产品是最有效的,具有最高的特异性和最低的中和抗体,相比竞争对手有优势,中和抗体在选择一线用药时很关键,公司有相关的良好数据[52][54]。 5. **ICS/SABA** - 预计2027年推出,有儿科适应症,在美国有1000万应使用联合用药的患者,其中25%为儿科患者,这将是其差异化优势[65]。 6. **IL - 15** - 将在乳糜泻疾病中有结果读出,在白癜风中有概念验证,未来还有更多适应症[66]。 7. **Emrusolmin** - 用于治疗多系统萎缩(MSA),已建立二期研究,若数据良好可加速推向市场[67]。 (三)财务相关 1. **过往业绩与预期** - 2024年第一季度运营增长5%,第二季度11%,第三季度15%,多次提高业绩指引,创新业务和仿制药业务都有超出预期的表现[21]。 - 对于2025年,虽然公司目前不给出指引,但有很多增长动力,如Humira和Stelara的生物类似药推出、关键仿制药的推出以及品牌药的持续增长,市场预期的4%增长可能较为保守[73][75][76]。 2. **仿制药业务季度情况** - 公司65%的业务在美国以外,第四季度情况较可预测且表现良好。美国业务受Revlimid合同影响,Revlimid在第二和第三季度有协议,第四季度没有,不过公司有其他产品推出如Victoza、Octreotide等可吸收影响[70]。 3. **生物类似药情况** - Humira生物类似药进入市场较晚,但合同签订良好,有自有品牌,预计2025年在市场上有发展动力。Stelara现在可以进行谈判,2027年前还有五个生物类似药推出,这些都将推动增长[71][72]。 三、其他重要内容 1. **公司文化与团队建设** - 公司要让组织认识到自身是世界级组织,不应被过去五年的情况定义,要超越竞争对手,在制造和供应链方面还有工作要做,要提高执行速度[27][28][29]。 2. **股票价格相关** - 公司股票价格在2024年第三季度财报发布后的波动,尽管第三季度业绩良好,但股票先涨后跌,可能与TL1A的相关问题有关,但公司认为目前股价相关又不相关,更应关注基于详细战略创造的价值,公司有3 - 5年的发展计划[55][56][61]。 - 有分析师认为公司股票以低于明年EBITDA的7倍交易是一个机会[79]。
Teva to Present at the Jefferies London Healthcare Conference
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-11-09 05:30
关于Teva公司参会信息 - Teva公司总裁兼首席执行官Richard Francis将在2024年11月19日周二参加Jefferies伦敦医疗保健会议并进行演讲 演讲于格林威治标准时间上午8:30(美国东部时间上午3:30)开始 [1] - 可通过访问公司投资者关系网站https://ir.tevapharm.com/Events - and - Presentations观看演讲直播 [1] - 直播讨论结束后24小时内将提供网络直播的存档版本 [2] 关于Teva公司概况 - Teva是全球制药领导者利用仿制药专长并加强创新以推动现代医学的发现交付和扩展发展 [3] - 公司120多年来一直致力于改善健康状况从未动摇 [3] - 公司全球约37000名员工分布在58个市场推动科学创新边界并提供优质药品以改善数百万患者健康状况 [3] - 可访问www.tevapharm.com了解更多公司改善健康的信息 [3] 关于Teva公司公关联系 - 给出了Ran Meir、Yael Ashman、Sanjeev Sharma、Kelley Dougherty、Eden Klein等人的联系电话 [5]
TEVA Stock Down 7% Despite Q3 Earnings & Sales Beat, Guidance Increase
ZACKS· 2024-11-07 22:50
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries (TEVA) reported third-quarter 2024 adjusted earnings of 69 cents per share, which beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate of 65 cents. Adjusted earnings rose 15% year over year.Revenues for the third quarter came in at $4.33 billion, which beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $4.08 billion. Total revenues rose 13% on a reported basis and 15% on a constant currency basis.Sales growth was mainly driven by higher revenues from generic products globally and strong growth from branded dr ...