半佛仙人· 2025-02-03 14:45
但很意外。 没死。 这是半佛仙人的第1740篇原创 写完《封神2》,大家都推荐我试试《射雕:侠之大者》来挑战自己。 只能说,伤害我你们真有一套。 因为这个电影在网上的评价过于魔幻,导致我去看的时候已经做好了死在里面的准备。 1 当然,也没有算活的很好。 如果你把这个片子当成一个武侠片看,你完了。 如果你从头到尾就是去里面看乐子找抽象的,你真的会笑出来。 就是周董唱的【 我突然释怀的笑 】的那种感觉。 上次有这种感觉,还是《满江红》里看假秦桧领读满江红。 建议射字改成沙,更贴切。 2 我在看这个片子的时候,完全可以理解常熟阿诺的快乐。 至于演技,都在批评演员的演技,但我觉得他们表现很优秀,真的。 换我演这个,我是绝对没有办法憋住不笑的。 真的,你都不理解但凡接受过九年义务教育的人念这些台词的时候是怎么能忍住不笑出声的。 要么他们都是冷面笑匠天才,要么其实也没受过九年义务教育。 当然可能这些台词不是他们念的,那更6了。 真的,你仔细观察的时候,会发现演员的表情像在讲草原小情话,但配音像Siri在给你播新闻。 整体效果都不叫抽象,叫魔幻。 大家一本正经的讲一些非常诡异的台词的时候配合背景那些悲壮得跟兵马俑复活似的背 ...
Baker Hughes Secures Major Chemicals Award from ExxonMobil Guyana for FPSOs
GlobeNewswire· 2025-02-03 14:45
Baker Hughes to supply production chemicals for Errea Wittu and Jaguar FPSOsOffshore developments feature combined 500,000 barrels per day capacity FLORENCE, Italy, Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Baker Hughes (NASDAQ: BKR), an energy technology company, announced Monday a significant award from ExxonMobil Guyana to provide specialty chemicals and related services for its Uaru and Whiptail offshore greenfield developments in Guyana’s prolific Stabroek Block. The announcement was made during Baker Hughes’ ...
市值风云· 2025-02-03 14:40
扫描海报当中的二维码,下载市值风云即可第一时间观看。 上叶八:系似 春节期间新闻汇总, 港股开盘第一天有何大动作 ? 右女服务沮拥有 年中股在这里 直播间搜索 紫枫 Q 直播观看锁定市值风云App-社区栏目! 想第一时间看到直播,也别忘了打开推送,关注你所喜欢的主播,开播第一时间即可获知! 春节假期结束,市场大戏即将上演, 港股首日表现将如何为A股开盘定调? 资金动向暗藏哪些关键信号?又将如何影响节后A股走势? 今晚七点半,「紫枫」带大伙揭晓港股开盘"成绩单", 同时一览假期期间重要新闻,前瞻节后行情! ...
和讯· 2025-02-03 14:32
文/高歌 "内卷"一词最早被带火,发轫于人类学家项飙五年前的一次访谈。 2024年7月,中共中央政治局会议提到要"强化行业自律,防止内卷式恶性竞争",12月中央经济工 作会议再次提及"综合整治内卷式竞争",措辞从"防止"变为"综合整治"。 再往前理一理,"内卷"一词也不是由项飙创造的。它最初由人类学家格尔茨在研究爪哇岛的农业经 济时提出,用来解释农耕社会长期没有重大突破的现象。农耕经济越来越精细化,每个单位上投入的 人力虽然增加,但产出并没有显著提高,形成了一种平衡状态。 2025年1月3日,国务院新闻办举行"中国经济高质量发展成效"系列新闻发布会,会上再次提及,推 动重点产业提质升级。综合整治"内卷式"竞争,积极化解一些行业供大于求的阶段性矛盾,着力提 升产业链供应链韧性和安全水平,大力培育壮大未来产业、新兴产业。 2020年,项飙在接受澎湃新闻采访时说,"如果说原来内卷指的是一个重复的,没有竞争的,不能 摆脱农耕社会这么一个结构性格局,今天的内卷是一个陀螺式的死循环,我们要不断抽打自己,让自 己就这么空转,每天不断地自己动员自己。" 五年后的今年,"内卷"的词义已经在现实生活中被演绎出更多的内涵:从专业的 ...
Press Release: Sanofi announces buy back of shares from L'Oréal
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2025-02-03 14:30
Sanofi announces buy back of shares from L’Oréal Paris, February 3, 2025. Sanofi today announces the acquisition of 2.3% of its shares from long-standing shareholder L’Oréal. This transaction is part of Sanofi’s share buyback program announced on January 30, 2025. It is fully aligned with Sanofi’s capital allocation policy and focus on sustainable value creation for shareholders. François Roger Chief Financial Officer, Sanofi“L’Oréal has been a trusted shareholder and partner for decades, playing a key role ...
Agreement Between L'Oréal and Sanofi for the Repurchase by Sanofi of 2.3% of Its Own Shares Held by L'Oréal
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2025-02-03 14:30
AGREEMENT BETWEEN L’ORÉAL AND SANOFI FOR THE REPURCHASEBY SANOFI OF 2.3% OF ITS OWN SHARES HELD BY L’ORÉAL Clichy, February 3, 2025 – L’Oréal announces today that it has agreed to sell approximately 29.6 million of Sanofi shares to Sanofi for €101.5 per share, for a total consideration of €3 billion. Upon completion of the transaction and cancellation of the repurchased shares, L’Oréal will own 7.2% of Sanofi’s share capital and 13.1% of its voting rights1. L’Oréal remains an important shareholder of Sanofi ...
Press Release: Sanofi announces buy back of shares from L’Oréal
GlobeNewswire· 2025-02-03 14:30
Sanofi announces buy back of shares from L’Oréal Paris, February 3, 2025. Sanofi today announces the acquisition of 2.3% of its shares from long-standing shareholder L’Oréal. This transaction is part of Sanofi’s share buyback program announced on January 30, 2025. It is fully aligned with Sanofi’s capital allocation policy and focus on sustainable value creation for shareholders. François Roger Chief Financial Officer, Sanofi“L’Oréal has been a trusted shareholder and partner for decades, playing a key role ...
Agreement Between L’Oréal and Sanofi for the Repurchase by Sanofi of 2.3% of Its Own Shares Held by L’Oréal
GlobeNewswire· 2025-02-03 14:30
AGREEMENT BETWEEN L’ORÉAL AND SANOFI FOR THE REPURCHASEBY SANOFI OF 2.3% OF ITS OWN SHARES HELD BY L’ORÉAL Clichy, February 3, 2025 – L’Oréal announces today that it has agreed to sell approximately 29.6 million of Sanofi shares to Sanofi for €101.5 per share, for a total consideration of €3 billion. Upon completion of the transaction and cancellation of the repurchased shares, L’Oréal will own 7.2% of Sanofi’s share capital and 13.1% of its voting rights1. L’Oréal remains an important shareholder of Sanofi ...
Portfolio Update
GlobeNewswire· 2025-02-03 14:30
Octopus Future Generations VCT plc Portfolio Update Octopus Future Generations VCT plc (the ‘Company’) announces that since 30 June 2024 there have been a further 4 investments made, as follows, which includes 2 new investments and 2 follow-on investments into existing companies. These are currently held at cost and will be revalued in the next financial statements being released. Company Future Generations Theme Investment Cost (£'000) Drift Energy Ltd Building a sustainable planet 87 Nanosyrinx Lt ...
Lam Research: Here's The Price I'll Start Buying At
Seeking Alpha· 2025-02-03 14:23
I prefer to look for GARP (growth at a reasonable price) stocks but also look for opportunities everywhere else. I don't have a specified time horizon. I invest in a stock for as long as my thesis holds true, and I get out when the facts change. In addition, I've developed market-beating algorithms with Python that have helped me find attractive investment opportunities within my own portfolio, and I have been investing since 2016.On top of that, I've worked at TipRanks as an analysis/news writer and even a ...