Here's Why Astrazeneca (AZN) is a Strong Growth Stock· 2024-05-27 22:51
文章核心观点 - Zacks Premium是一个帮助投资者更加自信地投资的流行研究服务 [1][2] - Zacks Style Scores是一个独特的评分系统,根据价值、成长和动量特征对股票进行评级 [3][4] - Zacks Style Scores与Zacks Rank结合使用,可以帮助投资者选择最有可能战胜市场的证券 [9][12][13] 价值评分 - 价值投资者关注以合理价格买入价值被低估的股票 [5] - 价值评分利用市盈率、市销率等多个指标来识别最具吸引力和最被低估的股票 [5] 成长评分 - 成长投资者关注公司的未来前景和整体财务实力 [6] - 成长评分分析预测和历史的收益、销售和现金流等特征,找到能持续增长的股票 [6] 动量评分 - 动量投资者利用股价或收益预测的上升或下降趋势获利 [7] - 动量评分利用一周价格变化和月度收益预测变化等因素,确定买入高动量股票的有利时机 [7] VGM评分 - VGM评分综合考虑价值、成长和动量三个维度,帮助找到最具吸引力的公司 [8] - VGM评分是与Zacks Rank结合使用的最佳指标之一 [8] AstraZeneca案例 - AstraZeneca是一家总部位于英国的大型生物制药公司 [15][16] - 公司业务涵盖心血管、呼吸、免疫、肿瘤等多个治疗领域 [16] - AstraZeneca目前的Zacks Rank为3(Hold),VGM评分为B [16] - 公司被评为成长型投资者的潜力股,预计未来一年收益增长11.3% [17] - 近60天内有5名分析师上调了2024年财年的收益预测,平均超额收益率为6.8% [18]
Nona Biosciences Announces Global License and Option Agreement with AstraZeneca for Monoclonal Antibody to be Developed into Novel Tumor Targeted Therapies
Prnewswire· 2024-05-23 07:23
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nona Biosciences, a global biotechnology company providing a total solution from "Idea to IND" (I to ITM), ranging from target validation and antibody discovery through preclinical research, announced today that it has entered into a license agreement with AstraZeneca (LSE/STO/Nasdaq: AZN) for preclinical monoclonal antibodies that will be used to create targeted therapies in oncology. Under the terms of the agreement, Nona Biosciences shall receive US$19 milli ...
Why Astrazeneca (AZN) is a Great Dividend Stock Right Now· 2024-05-23 00:52
文章核心观点 - 对于追求收入的投资者来说,从流动投资中持续产生现金流是主要关注点,而股息是实现这一目标的关键工具[1][2] 公司概况 - 阿斯利康(Astrazeneca, AZN)是一家总部位于剑桥的医疗股票,今年股价变动为17.57%,目前支付每股股息$0.96,股息收益率为2.44%[3] - 阿斯利康的当前年度化股息为$1.93,较去年增长35.9%,过去五年中,公司平均每年股息增长1.06%,其股息支付率为52%[4] 行业比较 - 大型制药行业的股息收益率为2.44%,而标准普尔500指数的股息收益率为1.58%,阿斯利康的股息收益率与大型制药行业持平[3] 未来展望 - 阿斯利康预计本财年将有稳健的盈利增长,2024年的Zacks共识预期每股收益为$4.04,代表年度盈利增长率为11.29%[5] - 阿斯利康目前处于Zacks排名3(持有),是一个强有力的股息投资机会[7]
AstraZeneca Rises to Record High After Announcing Plans for 'New Era of Growth'· 2024-05-22 05:50
文章核心观点 - 制药公司AstraZeneca宣布了未来10年的"新增长时代"计划,目标是到2030年实现75%的收入增长,并在未来6年内推出20种新药品[1][3][4] - 公司预计到2030年总收入将达到800亿美元,相比2023年的458亿美元增长了75%[3] - 公司将通过现有的肿瘤、生物制药和罕见疾病业务的显著增长,以及新药品的推出来实现这一目标[3] - 公司还计划到2026年实现中期经营利润率达到35%左右的水平,并在之后几年保持这一水平[3] - 公司CEO表示这是AstraZeneca的"新增长时代",其中12种新药品有望在未来实现超过50亿美元的峰值收入[4] - 公司还宣布将在新加坡建立一座15亿美元的抗体偶联药物生产设施[4] 公司相关 - AstraZeneca的美国存托凭证股价在公司宣布未来发展计划后创下历史新高[2][4] - 公司2023年的总收入为458亿美元[3] 行业相关 - 无
AstraZeneca (AZN) Plans to Generate $80B in Revenues by 2030· 2024-05-22 01:36
AstraZeneca (AZN) announced its long-term plan to generate $80 billion in total revenues by 2030, which is significantly higher than $43.8 million generated in 2023.By 2030, AstraZeneca plans to launch 20 new medicines, which are also expected to be key contributors to the pipeline. AstraZeneca believes that many of these new medicines will have the potential to generate more than $5 billion in peak-year revenues. AstraZeneca will continue investing in disruptive innovation and transformative new technologi ...
AstraZeneca targets $80 billion in total revenue by 2030 with release of 20 new medicines· 2024-05-21 16:38
文章核心观点 - 阿斯利康计划到2030年将总收入增加75%至800亿美元 [2][3] - 阿斯利康将专注于肿瘤、生物制药和罕见疾病业务,并计划在未来6年内推出20种新药 [4][5] - 阿斯利康正在开发新型癌症治疗方法,如抗体药物偶联物,以替代传统的化疗和放疗 [7][8][9][10][11] - 阿斯利康正在进军体重管理药物领域,与诺和诺德和礼来等竞争对手展开竞争 [14][15] 公司业务概况 - 阿斯利康的业务重点将继续集中在肿瘤、心血管和代谢疾病等领域 [13] - 阿斯利康在新冠疫苗业务上的角色将逐步退出,这不是其核心业务 [12][13] - 阿斯利康正在加大在新技术如抗体药物偶联物的投资,包括在新加坡建立生产设施 [10][11] 行业发展趋势 - 癌症治疗正在从传统化疗和放疗向新型疗法如抗体药物偶联物转变 [7][8][9] - 体重管理药物市场竞争日趋激烈,阿斯利康正在与诺和诺德、礼来等公司争夺份额 [14][15][16]
AstraZeneca aims to boost revenues to $80bn by 2030· 2024-05-21 15:15
About this content About Ian Lyall Ian Lyall, a seasoned journalist and editor, brings over three decades of experience to his role as Managing Editor at Proactive. Overseeing Proactive's editorial and broadcast operations across six offices on three continents, Ian is responsible for quality control, editorial policy, and content production. He directs the creation of 50,000 pieces of real-time news, feature articles, and filmed interviews annually. Prior to Proactive, Ian helped lead the business outpu ...
AstraZeneca (AZN) to Build $1.5B Cancer Drug Plant in Singapore· 2024-05-20 23:46
AstraZeneca (AZN) announced its plans to spend $1.5 billion to build its first manufacturing facility in Singapore. Once built, it will be the company’s first facility to cover the full manufacturing process for its antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) portfolio at a commercial scale.ADCs are next-generation treatments that target cancer cells by delivering highly potent cancer-killing agents through a targeted antibody.AstraZeneca is building the manufacturing site to ensure a safe and reliable supply of ADCs. ...
7 Blue-Chip Stocks to Protect Your Wealth as the Economy Slows· 2024-05-16 18:10
For Q1 2024, GDP growth in the United States decelerated to 1.6% from 3.4% in the last quarter. There is no doubt that factors like high interest rates and geopolitical tensions have impacted growth. At the same time, inflation has been relatively stubborn, and potential rate cuts will likely be delayed. The markets are, therefore, likely to witness some nervousness. From an investment perspective, it’s a good idea to look at blue-chip stocks to buy with a low beta.I must mention here that rate cuts are ine ...
Forget Johnson & Johnson: Buy This Better Healthcare Stock Instead
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-12 20:20
Johnson & Johnson isn't the ultra-safe stock it used to be.Many healthcare investors look at Johnson & Johnson (JNJ 0.04%) and see a good, safe dividend stock. But I see an investment that's full of uncertainty and risk.The company continually runs into legal problems, and I can't help but wonder if one day it will follow in the path of 3M, which was also once seen as a top investment option for risk-averse investors who just wanted to collect a safe dividend; it, too, has run into many legal problems, and ...