Blackstone(BX) - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Report
2024-11-02 04:02
Table of Contents 20-8875684 (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.) 345 Park Avenue New York, New York 10154 (Address of principal executive offices)(Zip Code) (212) 583-5000 (Registrant's telephone number, including area code) FORM 10-Q (Mark One) ☒ QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 FOR THE QUARTERLY PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 OR ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 FOR THE TRANSITION PERIOD FROM ...
Ladder Capital Vs. Blackstone Mortgage (Only 1 Winner)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-28 19:00
As I explain in REITs For Dummies, commercial mREITs did well in the early 1970s, however "interest rates rose in 1973, and demand for new developments came crashing down (and) the end results were not favorable for anyone, including the greedy, foolish banks…Brad, along with HOYA Capital, lead the investing group iREIT®+HOYA Capital. The service covers REITs, BDCs, MLPs, Preferreds, and other income-oriented alternatives. The team of analysts has a combined 100+ years of experience and includes a former he ...
Blackstone Mortgage Trust: 10% Yield For Risk-Seeking Investors
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-26 12:53
A financial researcher and avid investor with a keen eye for innovation and disruption, as well as growth buy-outs and value stocks. Keeping an eye on the pace of high tech and early growth companies, I write about current events and the biggest news surrounding the industry, and strive to provide readers with ample research and investment opportunities.Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of BXMT either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this ...
Blackstone: Time To Take Profits
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-23 03:19
Blackstone Inc. (NYSE: BX ) had better-than-expected results for the third quarter last week as its profits grew YoY and its asset management business is firing on all cylinders.A financial researcher and avid investor with a keen eye for innovation and disruption, as well as growth buy-outs and value stocks. Keeping an eye on the pace of high tech and early growth companies, I write about current events and the biggest news surrounding the industry, and strive to provide readers with ample research and inv ...
Main Street Vs. Blackstone Secured Lending: One Is Superior Pick For Defense
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-21 21:15
Blackstone Secured Lending (NYSE: BXSL ) and Main Street Capital (NYSE: MAIN ) are arguably one of the most defensive investment choices in the entire BDC sector. Both BDCs fall into the Top 10 list of the largest players in the sector, andRoberts Berzins has over a decade of experience in the financial management helping top-tier corporates shape their financial strategies and execute large-scale financings. He has also made significant efforts to institutionalize REIT framework in Latvia to boost the liqu ...
Blackstone Analysts Increase Their Forecasts After Q3 Earnings
Benzinga· 2024-10-18 23:41
Blackstone Inc BX reported better-than-expected third-quarter financial results on Thursday.Blackstone reported third-quarter fiscal year segment revenues of $2.434 billion, slightly beating the consensus of $2.408 billion. Distributable earnings (DE) rose 6% year-over-year to $1.279 billion. Fee-related earnings increased 5% to $1.18 billion."We invested or committed $54 billion in the quarter — the highest in over two years — and deployed $123 billion in the last twelve months since the cost of capital pe ...
Blackstone's Q3 Earnings Beat on AUM Growth, Shares Hit All-Time High
ZACKS· 2024-10-18 21:30
文章核心观点 - 黑石集团(BX)第三季度业绩表现出色,主要得益于管理资产规模的大幅增长[1][2] - 黑石集团第三季度可分配收益和总营收均超出市场预期[1] - 黑石集团的管理费和咨询费收入增长8%,推动了整体业绩的改善[4] 资产管理情况 - 截至2024年9月30日,黑石集团的管理资产规模同比增长10%至1.11万亿美元[2] - 其中,收费管理资产同比增长12%至8205亿美元[2] - 第三季度净流入资金达405亿美元,过去12个月净流入1667亿美元[2] - 信贷和保险板块是第三季度净流入的主要驱动力,流入214亿美元[2] 投资和部署情况 - 第三季度,黑石集团投资或承诺540亿美元,为两年多来最高[2] - 过去12个月,黑石集团共部署1230亿美元资金,创近三年新高[2] - 截至2024年9月30日,黑石集团的未动用资本(干火药)达1716亿美元[3][4] 费用和财务状况 - 第三季度,黑石集团的总费用同比大幅增加38%,主要是由于薪酬和福利成本激增52%[4] - 截至2024年9月30日,黑石集团拥有89亿美元的现金及等价物,以及187亿美元的现金及净投资[4] - 公司还有43亿美元的未动用信贷额度[4]
Blackstone Stock Hits Record High as Assets Under Management Jump
Investopedia· 2024-10-18 02:25
Key TakeawaysBlackstone's profit for the third quarter soared and revenue rose as the firm brought in more investment money.The firm's assets under management (AUM) were up 9.9% from a year ago, and its total inflows were $40.5 billion for the quarter.The news sent shares of Blackstone to an all-time high in intraday trading Thursday. Blackstone (BX) shares soared to a record high Thursday after the world's largest alternative asset manager reported its profit skyrocketed as a result of bringing in more inv ...
Blackstone(BX) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-10-18 00:49
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司第三季度GAAP净收益为16亿美元,可分配收益为13亿美元或每股普通股1.01美元,并宣布每股0.86美元的股息 [6] - 管理费收入创历史新高,达到18亿美元,同比增长8% [30] - 费用相关收益为12亿美元或每股0.96美元,同比增长5% [30] - 可分配收益为13亿美元或每股1.01美元,同比增长7% [31] - 净变现额为2.26亿美元,主要来自印度零售REIT和能源头寸的公开股票出售 [31] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 公司私募股权基金在第三季度和过去12个月分别增值6.2%和15% [32] - 基础设施业务在第三季度和过去12个月分别增值5.5%和18%,其中数据中心业务是最大的增值驱动因素 [32] - 非投资级私募信贷策略在第三季度和过去12个月分别实现3.6%和17%的总收益 [33] - 多资产投资平台BXMA在第三季度和过去12个月分别实现2.2%和12%的绝对收益 [34] - 房地产业务整体第三季度保持稳定,受数据中心、租赁住房和全球物流支撑,但利率对冲产生的负面影响约50-200个基点 [34] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在印度、欧洲和亚洲部署资本 [59] - 公司在美国、欧洲和亚洲的数据中心业务规模巨大,总计拥有700亿美元的资产和1000亿美元的开发管线 [11][12] - 公司在私人信贷市场的规模达4320亿美元,同比增长20%,是全球第三方私人信贷业务最大的公司 [21] - 公司在保险渠道的业务规模达2210亿美元,同比增长24% [22] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在大幅增加投资步伐,过去12个月部署了1230亿美元,是历史上最活跃的时期之一 [8] - 公司正在建立人工智能、数字基础设施、可再生能源等领域的领先平台,并成为客户的信任解决方案提供商 [9][10][11][12] - 公司看好商业地产市场的复苏,并大幅增加了房地产投资,BREIT的表现也在改善 [13][14][19] - 公司正在大力发展私人信贷业务,成为全球第三方私人信贷业务最大的公司,并积极拓展保险渠道 [21][22][23] - 公司正在加快私人财富管理业务的发展,2024年前9个月共募集210亿美元,几乎是去年同期的两倍 [24] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层认为当前是一个充满机遇的时期,公司正处于一个有利的投资时点,并预期未来交易活动和变现将加速 [7][8] - 管理层认为公司在人工智能、数字基础设施、可再生能源等领域建立了领先平台,并成为客户的信任解决方案提供商 [9][10][11][12] - 管理层看好商业地产市场的复苏,认为这将为公司带来积极影响 [13][14][19] - 管理层对私人信贷业务的发展前景充满信心,认为这将成为公司未来重要的增长引擎 [21][22][23] - 管理层对私人财富管理业务的发展前景乐观,认为公司在这一领域具有先发优势和强大的品牌影响力 [24][87][88][89][90] 其他重要信息 - 公司在第三季度部署或承诺了超过50亿美元的资本,创两年多来的最高水平 [17] - 公司在第三季度完成了对亚太地区最大数据中心运营商AirTrunk的160亿美元收购 [11] - 公司在第三季度同意以84亿美元收购工作管理软件公司Smartsheet,为今年最大的私有化交易之一 [18] - 公司的私人信贷业务在第三季度的部署规模超过180亿美元,环比增长50%以上 [18] - 公司在第三季度的总体基金增值创3年来最高,其中私募股权和基础设施表现尤为出色 [32] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Michael Cyprys 提问** 询问公司保险业务的发展情况,包括与现有战略合作伙伴的合作进展以及新的潜在合作关系的洽谈情况 [39] **Jon Gray 回答** 公司保险业务规模达2210亿美元,同比增长24%。与战略合作伙伴的合作需要一定时间,但公司正在与更多保险公司就私人信贷投资展开对话,看好这一领域的发展前景 [40][41] 问题2 **Mike Brown 提问** 询问公司运营费用的增长情况,以及未来FRE增长和利润率扩张的预期 [43] **Michael Chae 回答** 第三季度运营费用增长受到一些临时因素的影响,如第三方服务费和配售费用。未来公司有望通过收入增长和成本控制实现FRE和利润率的稳定和提升 [44][45] 问题3 **Glenn Schorr 提问** 询问公司在资产支持类投资领域的机会规模和市场份额提升计划 [46] **Jon Gray 回答** 公司估计全球资产支持类投资市场规模达25万亿美元,而私人投资者目前只占1%-2%的份额,未来有很大的增长空间。公司正在通过自主投资和与银行等合作伙伴的方式来拓展这一领域 [47][48][49][50]
Blackstone Inc. (BX) Q3 Earnings: Taking a Look at Key Metrics Versus Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-10-17 22:36
Blackstone Inc. (BX) reported $2.43 billion in revenue for the quarter ended September 2024, representing a year-over-year increase of 4.8%. EPS of $1.01 for the same period compares to $0.94 a year ago.The reported revenue represents a surprise of +2.59% over the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $2.37 billion. With the consensus EPS estimate being $0.91, the EPS surprise was +10.99%.While investors closely watch year-over-year changes in headline numbers -- revenue and earnings -- and how they compare to Wall S ...