Yes, I'd Still Buy PepsiCo Stock Despite Q2's Revenue Miss. Here's Why.
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-14 06:48
PepsiCo is bigger than its current problems The market is still not resoundingly bullish on PepsiCo, to be clear. It simply reversed course on Thursday's intraday sell-off. There's no serious threat of the stock suddenly racing higher without warning. For the three-month stretch ending in mid-June, PepsiCo turned $22.5 billion worth of revenue into an organic profit of $2.28 per share. Not bad. Sales improved 2% year over year, while earnings were up from the year-ago comparison of $2.09. Analysts were only ...
These Analysts Slash Their Forecasts On PepsiCo After Weak Revenue
Benzinga· 2024-07-13 01:31
PepsiCo Inc PEP reported worse-than-expected second-quarter FY24 revenue on Thursday. PepsiCo expects approximately 4% organic revenue growth for FY24 (previously at least 4%) and at least 8% increase in core constant currency EPS. RBC Capital analyst Nik Modi maintained PepsiCo with a Sector Perform, while cutting the price target from $180 to $177. JP Morgan analyst Andrea Teixeira maintained the stock with a Neutral and slashed the price target from $184 to $182. Barclays analyst Lauren Lieberman maintai ...
Consumer Staple Stock's Q2 Earnings: Key Surprises and Challenges
MarketBeat· 2024-07-12 21:28
PepsiCo NASDAQ: PEP is one of the world's most well-known consumer staples companies. The firm reported Q2 2024 financial results on Jun. 11, 2024. Let's first understand Pepsi's operations and then compare these results to estimates. We'll then examine the market reaction and provide some outlook. PepsiCo's Diverse Segments and Brands PEP $166.49 52-Week Range $155.83 $192.38 Price Target $186.00 The Frito-Lay segment sells "branded convenient foods" such as chips and dips. This includes Cheetos, Doritos, ...
Prnewswire· 2024-07-12 10:35
文章核心观点 - 高中运动员Sadie Engelhardt和Cooper Flagg被评选为2023-24年度Gatorade最佳女子和男子运动员 [2] - 这是Gatorade Player of the Year奖项20多年来的最高荣誉 [2] - Gatorade为获奖运动员提供了为期一周的庆祝活动,包括专业拍摄、与明星运动员互动、参与公益活动等 [3][4][5][6] - 获奖运动员还获得了Gatorade限量版联名系列商品的首发权 [7] 关于Sadie Engelhardt - 加州三次获得Gatorade女子田径运动员年度奖 [8] - 在本赛季创造了多项全国高中纪录,包括1英里赛跑和1500米赛跑 [8] - 还打破了加州1600米赛跑的纪录,创造了全美高中选手最快成绩 [8] - 在社区参与了公益活动,如帮助清洁公共跑道 [8] - 学习成绩优异,加权GPA达4.59 [8] - 已经口头承诺将于2025年秋季进入北卡罗来纳州立大学就读 [8] 关于Cooper Flagg - 被ESPN、247Sports和Rivals评为2024届高中生顶级新秀 [9] - 带领Montverde Eagles队伍取得34胜0负的赛季战绩,并获得Chipotle Nationals冠军 [9] - 曾获得2021-22赛季Gatorade缅因州最佳球员奖 [9] - 入选2024年麦当劳全明星赛、Naismith高中最佳球员奖和Jordan Brand Classic赛事 [9] - 在社区参与了多项公益活动,如为罗纳德·麦克唐纳之家和唐纳·库尔特纪念癌症基金筹款 [9] - 学习成绩优异,加权GPA达4.10 [9] - 已签约在今秋进入杜克大学就读并获得篮球奖学金 [9] 关于Gatorade公司 - Gatorade是PepsiCo旗下的一个综合性运动营养品牌,包括Gatorade、Fast Twitch、Propel、Evolve和Muscle Milk等产品 [11] - 公司致力于为各类运动者提供全方位的营养解决方案,基于59年来对运动员的研究 [11] - PepsiCo公司2023年营收超过910亿美元,旗下拥有多个十亿美元品牌 [12] - PepsiCo公司的战略目标是成为全球饮料和方便食品行业的领导者 [13]
PepsiCo revenue disappoints as inflation-battered customers cut back on snack spending
New York Post· 2024-07-12 03:01
PepsiCo did surpass earnings per share expectations, hitting an adjusted profit per share of $2.28 – higher than LSEG estimates of $2.16. While revenue rose – up 0.8% to $22.50 billion – it came short of analysts' expectations of $22.57 billion. "It's not a business to sit on its hands and there is a clear focus on profitable growth, so PepsiCo is going to have to pull various levers depending on products to try and stay on top," an investment analyst told Reuters. PepsiCo's second-quarter profits jumped bu ...
PepsiCo Q2 Earnings Were Softer Than Expected Due To Volume Pressure: Goldman Sachs
Benzinga· 2024-07-12 02:05
Loading... Loading... Goldman Sachs analyst Bonnie Herzog reiterated a Buy rating on the shares of PepsiCo Inc PEP with a price target of $195. PEP delivered mixed second-quarter results, with softer-than-expected organic revenue growth that was more than offset by strong gross margin expansion, leading to an EPS beat, said the analyst. According to the analyst, organic volumes were under a bit more pressure than expected, down -3%, and were sequentially lower. The Frito Lays North America segment results w ...
PepsiCo just admitted that snackflation might have gone too far
Business Insider· 2024-07-12 01:59
By clicking "Sign Up", you accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy . You can opt-out at any time by visiting our Preferences page or by clicking "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the email. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. download the app Sign up to get the inside scoop on today's biggest stories in markets, tech, and business — delivered daily. Read preview Snack costs might have finally hit a turning point after years of price increases, the parent company of ...
PepsiCo (PEP) Q2 Earnings Beat, Soft QFNA Results Hurt Stock
ZACKS· 2024-07-11 23:55
文章核心观点 - 公司第二季度业绩超预期,但收入略有下滑 [1][5][6] - 国际业务表现强劲,带动公司整体业绩改善 [1] - 北美方便食品业务和QFNA业务表现疲弱,拖累公司整体业绩 [3][6][7][14] 财务数据总结 - 第二季度核心每股收益为2.28美元,同比增长9% [5] - 第二季度收入为225亿美元,同比增长0.8%,但低于预期 [6] - 第二季度毛利率和营业利润率均有所提升 [10][12] - 公司预计2024年全年有机收入增长4%,核心每股收益增长至少8% [19][20] 业务表现总结 - 国际业务表现强劲,有机收入增长5.5%,营业利润增长10% [1] - 北美方便食品业务和QFNA业务表现疲弱,拖累整体业绩 [3][6][7][14] - 除QFNA外,其他业务板块有机收入均有所增长 [16] 其他信息 - 公司计划2024年通过股息和股票回购向股东返还82亿美元 [21] - 公司推荐了3只同行业的优质股票供投资者参考 [22-28]
PepsiCo (PEP) Reports Q2 Earnings: What Key Metrics Have to Say
ZACKS· 2024-07-11 23:30
PepsiCo (PEP) reported $22.5 billion in revenue for the quarter ended June 2024, representing a year-over-year increase of 0.8%. EPS of $2.28 for the same period compares to $2.09 a year ago. As these metrics influence top- and bottom-line performance, comparing them to the year-ago numbers and what analysts estimated helps investors project a stock's price performance more accurately. View all Key Company Metrics for PepsiCo here>>> The reported revenue represents a surprise of -0.25% over the Zacks Consen ...
PepsiCo(PEP) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-07-11 23:00
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司整体营收增长预计在4%左右,其中北美业务有望在下半年加速增长 [12][14][56] - 国际业务保持中单位数增长,是公司增长的主要驱动力之一 [18][57] - 生产效率和成本控制措施使得公司整体利润率有所提升 [15][41][42] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 果汁饮料业务(PBNA)的Gatorade和Mountain Dew品牌表现良好,零度产品线也保持快速增长 [25][27][28] - 方便食品业务(Frito-Lay)在部分细分品类面临需求疲软,公司将针对性提供更多优惠促销 [32][33][34][46] - 谷物食品业务(Quaker)供应链问题将在第四季度得到解决,有望恢复增长 [16][17] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 拉丁美洲市场增长放缓主要是由于墨西哥政府政策影响,但整体仍保持良好增长态势 [49][51][52] - 欧洲市场表现稳健,利润率持续提升,是公司国际业务的亮点 [70] - 中国市场消费者谨慎,但公司通过渠道下沉和产品创新持续保持良好增长 [71][72][73] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司将继续保持对国际市场的大量投入,看好未来10年的增长潜力 [74][80][81] - 在北美市场,公司将采取更精细化的营销策略,针对不同消费群体提供差异化的产品和促销 [32][33][46] - 公司有信心通过提升生产效率和成本控制来维持整体利润水平,并为关键业务线投入更多资源 [41][42][43] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层认为当前消费者更加注重价值,公司将针对性地调整产品定价和促销策略 [32][33][46][90][91] - 管理层对公司国际业务和生产效率提升保持乐观,认为能够支撑未来增长 [41][42][57][70][74] - 管理层表示将继续大幅投资于关键品牌和渠道,以推动业务恢复增长 [19][22][25][27][28] 其他重要信息 - 公司与合作伙伴Carlsberg在英国市场的交易获得支持,体现了双方良好的合作关系 [76][77][80] - 管理层强调公司有能力通过精准的营销策略来提振整个休闲食品行业的增长 [35][36][46] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Dara Mohsenian 提问** 对于下半年营收增长预期,公司有何信心?Frito-Lay业务的具体应对措施是什么? [12][13][14] **Ramon Laguarta 回答** 公司将通过Quaker业务恢复增长、更好的基数效应以及国际业务持续增长来支撑下半年业绩 [14][16][17][18] 针对Frito-Lay,公司将采取更精细化的营销策略,针对不同消费群体提供差异化的产品和促销 [32][33][34][46] 问题2 **Bonnie Herzog 提问** PBNA业务的具体改善措施和增长动力是什么? [24] **Ramon Laguarta 回答** Gatorade、Mountain Dew等核心品牌表现良好,零度产品线也保持快速增长 公司将继续加大营销投入,提升执行力,同时优化食品服务业务 [25][26][27][28] 问题3 **Lauren Lieberman 提问** Frito-Lay业务面临的行业整体压力情况如何?公司有何不同的应对措施? [30][31] **Ramon Laguarta 回答** 公司将采取更精细化的营销策略,针对不同消费群体和产品线提供差异化的价值定位和促销 [32][33][34][36] 公司有信心通过这些措施来提振整个休闲食品行业的增长 [35][46]