This 6.5%-Yielding Dividend Stock Is Coming Off a Record Year and Has Plenty of Fuel to Continue Growing
The Motley Fool· 2025-02-05 17:44
Enterprise Products Partners (EPD -0.42%) recently reported its fourth-quarter and full-year results for 2024. The master limited partnership (MLP) posted record financial results fueled by record volumes across its midstream network. That gave it the wherewithal to increase its distribution by another 5%, pushing its payout to its current yield of around 6.5%. That also brought its streak of annual distribution hikes to 26 straight years.The high-yielding MLP expects to build on that record year in 2025. H ...
Germany Existing & Upcoming Data Center Database 2025, with Detailed Analysis of 184 Existing Data Centers and 38 Upcoming Data Centers
GlobeNewswire· 2025-02-05 17:44
NTT DATA is the largest data center Operator in Germany followed by Digital Realty and Equinix. Most of the existing rack capacity is concentrated around Frankfurt.Dublin, Feb. 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Germany Existing & Upcoming Data Center Portfolio" database has been added to's offering.This database product covers the German data center market portfolio analysis, which will provide the following information on the colocation data centers: Detailed Analysis of 184 existin ...
Submental Fat Treatment Market Analysis Report 2024-2034: Breakthrough Treatments Like CoolMini and Kybella Gain Widespread Acceptance
GlobeNewswire· 2025-02-05 17:43
Global Submental Fat Treatment Market Global Submental Fat Treatment Market Dublin, Feb. 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Submental Fat Treatment Market by Type, by Product, by End-user, and by Region" report has been added to's offering.The global submental fat treatment market accounted for USD 0.443 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 1.76 billion by 2034 with a CAGR of 13.34% during the forecast period 2024-2034 The market will grow due to the growing demand for aes ...
Santander shares jump 7% after lender announces record quarterly profit, 10-billion-euro buyback
CNBC· 2025-02-05 17:42
Shares of Banco Santander jumped after Spain's largest lender reported record profit in the fourth quarter and announced plans for 10 billion euros ($10.4 billion) in share buybacks from 2025 and 2026 earnings and anticipated excess capital.The bank's net profit picked up by 11% year-on-year to 3.265 billion euros in the fourth quarter and by an annual 14% to 12.574 billion euros across the full-year stretch, as Santander noted a pick-up in customer activity, robust margin management and growth across opera ...
券商中国· 2025-02-05 17:40
2月5日下午,外交部举行例行记者会,有记者就美方希望接管加沙地带一事提问。 百万用户都在看 蛇年开工!"五大利好"齐聚! DeepSeek,传来两大重磅! 刚刚!特朗普,"动手"了! 吴清发声!资本市场六大重点任务明确 事关半导体!刚刚,商务部重磅发声! 违法和不良信息举报电话:0755-83514034 邮箱 责编:刘艺文 校对:杨立林 外交部发言人林剑:中方始终认为,"巴人治巴"是加沙战后治理的基本原则,我们反对针对加沙民众的强 制迁移。希望有关各方以加沙停火和战后治理为契机,推动巴勒斯坦问题重回以"两国方案"为基础政治解 决的正确轨道,实现中东的持久和平。 来源:政事儿 ...
Trump Media & Technology Trading Volume Falls Amid Expensive Valuations And Bearish Charts: Here's What Technical Analysis For DJT Stock Shows
Benzinga· 2025-02-05 17:38
Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. DJT had thin trading volumes on Tuesday as its valuations have skyrocketed and its stock has fallen since the reelection of President Donald Trump, the recent charts point towards a weakness in the stock.What Happened: DJT’s trading volume was significantly lower than average as of Tuesday’s close. Only 3.53 million shares were traded compared to the average of 20.03 million.The technical analysis of its simple daily moving averages signals a downtrend with mixed momentu ...
Alphabet: Google Cloud Miss Isn't As Bad As It Seems - I'm Buying The Dip
Seeking Alpha· 2025-02-05 17:37
投资理念与策略 - 偏好寻找合理价格成长型股票,也会在其他领域寻找投资机会 [1] - 投资期限不固定,只要投资逻辑成立就会持有股票,事实改变则卖出 [1] - 自2016年开始投资,用Python开发跑赢市场的算法,帮助在投资组合中找到有吸引力的投资机会 [1] 工作经历与目标 - 在TipRanks担任过分析/新闻撰写人及编辑,能紧跟市场动态,了解读者兴趣 [2] - 担任编辑时学会注重细节,发现市场存在大量错误信息和无用内容,目标是尽力提供准确有用的信息 [2] 过往关联 - 曾与Investor's Compass有关联 [3]
BPO Services Top 5 Emerging Markets Industry Report 2019-2024 and Forecasts to 2028 - Focus on Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa
GlobeNewswire· 2025-02-05 17:37
文章核心观点 - 《2019 - 2028年BPO服务前五大新兴市场行业指南》报告发布,提供新兴五国BPO服务行业的定性和定量信息,包括市场规模、主要参与者情况等 [1] 行业规模与增长 - 2023年,五个新兴国家为全球BPO服务行业贡献629.9亿美元,2007 - 2011年复合年增长率为7.8%,预计2028年将达763.2亿美元,2023 - 2028年复合年增长率为3.9% [2] 主要国家市场情况 - 2023年,中国在五个新兴国家中BPO服务市场收入最高,达349.4亿美元,其次是印度136.3亿美元和巴西71.6亿美元;预计2028年中国将达407.2亿美元,印度和巴西分别为166.8亿美元和101.8亿美元 [3] 报告作用与内容 - 可节省新兴五国BPO服务市场入门级研究时间,确定市场竞争强度和吸引力,展示主要公司运营和财务表现,了解未来五年增长前景,对比五国数据 [6] - 涵盖公司包括埃森哲、阿腾托等众多企业 [6] 报告主题结构 - 包括介绍、前五大新兴国家BPO服务、各国BPO服务及宏观经济指标等内容,各国家部分又包含市场概述、数据、细分、展望和五力分析等 [7][8][9][13]
高工锂电· 2025-02-05 17:36
以下文章来源于高工产研 ,作者GGII 高工产研 . 高工产业研究院(简称GGII)是一家专注国内新兴产业市场研究与咨询的第三方机构,涉及的新兴产 业主要包括锂电池、储能、氢能与氢燃料电池、新能源汽车、智能汽车、LED照明与显示、机器人、新 材料等。 摘要 2024年锂电行业共公告了18起并购重组事件,目前已有7起完成重组事宜。 2024年4月,国务院出台《关于加强监管防范风险推动资本市场高质量发展的若干意见》(简 称"国九条"),明确指出"更好发挥资本市场功能作用,推进金融强国建设,服务中国式现代化大 局", 并对活跃并购重组市场作出重要部署。 9月24日,证监会发布《关于深化上市公司并购重组市场改革的意见》(简称"并购六条"),旨 在更好发挥资本市场在企业并购重组中的主渠道作用,支持上市公司向新质生产力方向转型升级。 | 政策/会议 | 发文/起草 | 时间 | 并购重组相关内容 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | /会议机构 | | | | 《关于加强监管防范 | | | 鼓励上市公司聚焦主业,综合运用并购重组、股权激励 | | 风险推动资本市场高 | 国务院 | 2024. ...
高工锂电· 2025-02-05 17:36
摘要 BBU电芯潜在应用规模大、附加值高。 市场消息显示,全球AI芯片龙头英伟达计划在新一代服务器GB3800中将BBU(Battery Backup Unit,备用电池单元)列为标配,这一动向或重构数据中心应急电源系统的技术路线。 其中,蔚蓝锂芯向AES-KY、顺达、新盛力等BBU厂商供应电芯,目前正在向台达、光宝等公司 送样,预计2025年推出配套下一代BBU电芯。 随着AI计算需求激增,数据中心电源系统的可靠性正面临新的挑战,也为锂电应用带来新的增量。 AI服务器的功率提升正在推动BBU技术快速迭代。随着服务器功率从当前150kW向280kW演进, 电芯技术也将迎来升级:单颗电芯功率需从60W提升至150-200W区间,电池规格则将从2.0Ah 多极耳18650向4.0-5.0Ah全极耳21700演进。 如此迭代将提升单颗电池价值,催生高附加值市场。行业调研显示,以单台约2100万元的AI服务 器为示例,虽然BBU仅占总成本0.1-0.2%,但其对电芯可靠性的极高要求带来了显著溢价空间。 同样规格的18650电池,在电动工具领域价值仅5.5-6元,而BBU应用可达14元以上,4.0安时 21700更有望 ...