Carisma Therapeutics (CARM)
Carisma Therapeutics (CARM) - 2019 Q3 - Earnings Call Presentation
2019-11-12 23:47
财务状况 - 截至2019年9月30日,期末现金及现金等价物为5790万美元,足够资金支持关键战略优先事项至2020年第四季度[10] - 流通普通股为1.047亿股,无优先股,完全摊薄股份为1.34亿股,无债务[10] 未满足医疗需求 - 膀胱癌是美国第六大常见癌症,75%-85%为非肌肉浸润性膀胱癌(NMIBC),每年治疗费用达40亿美元[13] - 全球每年约44万例新膀胱癌病例,卡介苗(BCG)短缺使患者治疗选择受限,仅3种产品获FDA批准用于NMIBC治疗[12][14] 产品特性 - Vicinium是融合蛋白,能选择性靶向癌细胞,抑制蛋白质合成,对多药耐药癌细胞有效,具有双重作用机制[16] 监管路径 - 2019年与FDA进行多次会议,预计12月启动生物制品许可申请(BLA)提交,2020年完成BLA提交并进行肿瘤药物咨询委员会会议[19] - 获得FDA快速通道、加速审批途径、滚动审查资格,预计BLA提交后获优先审查[20] 临床数据 - 3个月时,原位癌(CIS)完全缓解率为40%,乳头状癌无复发生存率为71%[23] - 24个月总生存率为96%,95%不良事件为1级或2级,仅4%患者出现3 - 5级治疗相关不良事件[24] 商业机会 - 约84%高处方量泌尿科医生表示会为患者处方Vicinium,预计美国以外市场机会是美国的2 - 3倍[26] - 约1500名泌尿科医生治疗约75%的BCG患者,市场集中便于高效推广[26] 制造工艺 - Vicinium采用可靠、低成本的微生物表达系统制造,与富士胶片和百特合作生产[27] 知识产权 - Vicinium专利有效期至2024 - 2025年,有望获得12年生物制品市场独占权[147]
Carisma Therapeutics (CARM) - 2019 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2019-11-12 23:24
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 2019年第三季度末公司现金及现金等价物为5790万美元,足以支持投资和战略重点至2020年第四季度 [10] - 公司与2018年和2017年认股权证持有人交易,340万份认股权证行权,获得200万美元收益 [11] - 公司目前约有1.05亿股普通股流通在外,完全摊薄后预留1.34亿股,包括流通认股权证和股票期权 [12] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 无 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 无 公司战略和发展方向和行业竞争 - 公司战略重点包括完成VISTA试验、成功进行技术转移和扩大商业制造规模、建立供应链、开展监管活动以完成生物制品许可申请(BLA)提交,以及开展美国上市前市场准备活动 [10] - 2020年公司预计与欧洲药品管理局(EMA)就Vicinium在欧洲的监管路径展开讨论 [20] - 膀胱癌治疗领域需求未满足,治疗选择有限,公司致力于将Vicinium推向市场 [13][14] - 公司与富士和百特合作进行制造,采用微生物表达系统,以降低成本并确保供应可靠性 [30][31] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 2020年几乎在各个方面对公司来说都将是变革性的一年 [7] - 公司认为Vicinium有巨大未满足医疗需求、差异化产品、明确监管途径和重大商业机会,专注于拯救和改善膀胱癌患者生活 [32] - 未来公司有一系列令人兴奋的事件,包括BLA提交、宣布美国以外的合作伙伴关系、积极的咨询委员会会议、FDA批准和早期商业成功等 [50] 其他重要信息 - Vicinium是一种融合蛋白,通过双重作用机制选择性杀死膀胱癌细胞,同时激活患者免疫系统 [15] - 公司与FDA就Vicinium上市后验证性试验设计达成一致,试验将针对未接受足够卡介苗(BCG)治疗的患者 [20] - 临床数据显示,Vicinium在三个月时约有40%的完全缓解率,完全缓解具有较强持久性,患者平均无膀胱切除术时间为930天,24个月总生存率为96%,且安全性和耐受性良好 [24][25][26] 总结问答环节所有的提问和回答 问题1: 与FDA讨论的验证性研究的关键终点是什么? - 主要终点是完全缓解率和缓解持续时间,研究将设计为显示相对于标准治疗的优越性 [35] - 次要终点包括生活质量(采用欧洲癌症研究与治疗组织的问卷)、生存率(总生存、无进展生存和无病床生存)、安全性和耐受性终点,以及延迟完全缓解终点 [36][37] 问题2: 是否仍预计FDA会在2020年为Vicinium举行咨询小组会议? - 公司预计2020年将举行咨询委员会会议,主要问题是所提供的数据是否代表临床意义上的疗效,这将是获得非肌肉浸润性膀胱癌适应症产品的标准 [38][39] 问题3: 验证性研究成功后的目标人群是什么,与VISTA试验人群相比规模如何? - 目标人群与II期和III期试验不同,此次针对接受1 - 6剂BCG的患者,该人群更符合现实世界情况,且Vicinium在BCG暴露较少的患者中效果更好 [42][43][44] - 目前与FDA就临床研究的高级要素达成一致,将制定研究方案和统计分析计划并提交FDA,请求举行C类会议。目前考虑采用西蒙两阶段设计,对照组与治疗组比例可能为2:1或3:1,对照组30 - 40人,治疗组90 - 100人,试验为全球性,约70人在北美,其余在国外 [45][46] 问题4: 对对照组的效果预期如何,其完全缓解率和缓解持续时间预期是多少? - 目前正在与泌尿科医生和关键意见领袖沟通,以确定对照组使用的药物,将根据当前对标准治疗的理解为医生提供几种选择作为比较组 [47] - 使用西蒙两阶段设计时,若在15 - 20名患者入组后发现对照组无效,可放弃对照组,转为单臂试验 [48]
Sesen Bio (SESN) Presents At H.C. Wainwright 21st Annual Global Investment Conference - Slideshow
2019-09-17 01:51
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | H.C. Wainwright 21st Annual Global Investment Conference | | | | | | Thomas Cannell DVM, President and CEO September 10, 2019 | | | | NASDAQ SESN | FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This presentation contains forward-looking statements that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, co ...
Carisma Therapeutics (CARM) - 2019 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2019-08-09 04:16
Table of Contents UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-Q (Mark One) x QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended June 30, 2019 OR o TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from to | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------| | ...
Sesen Bio (SESN) Investor Presentation - Slideshow
2019-06-12 02:44
seser b i o June 2019 Regulatory Update June 10, 2019 NASDAQ SESN FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This presentation contains forward-looking statements that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, contained in this presentation, including statements regarding our strategy, future operations, clinical development of our protein therapies, timing or probability of regulatory approval, future financial position, future revenues, projected costs, prospe ...
Carisma Therapeutics (CARM) - 2019 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2019-05-14 02:26
Sesen Bio, Inc. (SESN) Q1 2019 Results Earnings Conference Call May 13, 2019 8:00 AM ET Company Participants Erin Clark - Executive Director, Strategic Planning & Investor Relations Thomas Cannell - President and Chief Executive Officer Dennis Kim - Chief Medical Officer Richard Fitzgerald - Chief Financial Officer Chad Myskiw - Strategic Planning & CMC. Conference Call Participants John Newman - Canaccord Yale Jen - Laidlaw & Company Chris Howerton - Jefferies Swayampakula Ramakanth - H.C. Wainwright O ...
Carisma Therapeutics (CARM) - 2019 Q1 - Earnings Call Presentation
2019-05-13 21:45
seser b i o 1Q 2019 Business Update NASDAQ SESN May 13, 2019 FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This presentation contains forward-looking statements that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, contained in this presentation, including statements regarding our strategy, future operations, clinical development of our protein therapies, future financial position, future revenues, projected costs, prospects, plans and objectives of management, are forwar ...
Carisma Therapeutics (CARM) - 2019 Q1 - Quarterly Report
2019-05-11 04:02
Table of Contents UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-Q (Mark One) x QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2019 OR o TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from to | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------| | ...
Carisma Therapeutics (CARM) - 2018 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2019-03-05 01:59
Sesen Bio, Inc. (NASDAQ:SESN) Q4 2018 Earnings Conference Call March 4, 2019 8:00 AM ET Company Participants Erin Clark - Executive Director, Strategic Planning & Investor Relations Thomas Cannell - President and Chief Executive Officer Dennis Kim - Chief Medical Officer Richard Fitzgerald - Chief Financial Officer Chad Myskiw - Head of Global CMC Project Management. Conference Call Participants John Newman - Canaccord Genuity Yale Jen - Laidlaw Capital Markets Swayampakula Ramakanth - H.C. Wainwright C ...
Carisma Therapeutics (CARM) - 2018 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2019-03-04 22:49
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-----------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Business Update | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | March 4, 2019 | | | | | | | NASDAQ SESN | FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This presentation contains forward-looking statements that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, cont ...