AT&T: A Strong Yield, Selling At A Discount
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-27 10:53
公司动态 - AT&T Inc (NYSE: T) 的股价上周下跌 这可能为被动收入投资者提供一个进入电信公司股票的机会 [3]
Is Trending Stock AT&T Inc. (T) a Buy Now?
ZACKS· 2024-12-25 23:05
AT&T (T) has recently been on Zacks.com's list of the most searched stocks. Therefore, you might want to consider some of the key factors that could influence the stock's performance in the near future.Shares of this telecommunications company have returned -0.6% over the past month versus the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +1.3% change. The Zacks Wireless National industry, to which AT&T belongs, has lost 5.4% over this period. Now the key question is: Where could the stock be headed in the near term?Although m ...
AT&T (T) Rises But Trails Market: What Investors Should Know
ZACKS· 2024-12-24 07:51
The most recent trading session ended with AT&T (T) standing at $22.84, reflecting a +0.4% shift from the previouse trading day's closing. The stock lagged the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.73%. Elsewhere, the Dow gained 0.16%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq added 0.98%.Shares of the telecommunications company witnessed a loss of 1.86% over the previous month, trailing the performance of the Computer and Technology sector with its gain of 3.28% and the S&P 500's gain of 0.34%.Analysts and investors alike will be k ...
Is AT&T Stock Overvalued? Don't Be Fooled
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-18 20:53
公司表现 - AT&T股票从2023年8月25日的14.11美元上涨至22.84美元涨幅约62% [1] 投资逻辑 - 投资AT&T的逆向投资逻辑基于ARPU改善、利润率扩张和强劲的现金流 [1] - 采用自上而下的投资方法优先考虑公司基本面和报告以过滤市场噪音 [1] - 关注具有广阔高增长市场、独特产品或经济护城河以及将收入转化为强劲现金流能力的公司 [1]
AT&T and JobsOhio Partner to Bring High-Speed Fiber Broadband Internet to Residents and Businesses of East Cleveland
Newsfilter· 2024-12-18 00:39
项目概述 - AT&T与JobsOhio合作在East Cleveland建设先进的光纤网络 使该市14000名居民和企业都能接入高速互联网 [1] - 项目总投资590万美元 其中East Cleveland市政府投资100万美元 JobsOhio提供190万美元的OSIP补助 AT&T承担剩余50%的费用并负责任何超支 [1][5] 项目细节 - 光纤到户(FTTP)网络将提供超千兆每秒的服务速度和99%的网络可靠性 居民和企业可根据需求选择不同速度的互联网服务 [3] - AT&T将提供24/7客户支持 为低收入家庭提供优惠套餐 并为居民提供数字素养教育等增值服务 [3] - 项目预计24个月内完成 覆盖3.1平方英里的East Cleveland市 使其成为俄亥俄州首批实现100%高速光纤覆盖的城市之一 [4] 合作背景 - East Cleveland市通过JobsOhio支持的RFP流程选择了AT&T作为供应商 并由外部宽带专家团队指导 [2] - AT&T为East Cleveland居民量身定制了全面的宽带互联网网络解决方案 不仅满足当前技术需求 还支持未来新兴技术的发展 [2] - JobsOhio最初希望为Euclid Avenue Noble Road和Superior Avenue沿线的七个战略发展地点提供高速互联网 [3] 战略意义 - 该项目是缩小East Cleveland数字鸿沟的重要一步 将为当地居民和企业提供发展所需的连接 [2] - 合作建设的基础设施将大力支持经济增长 教育 医疗保健和整体社区发展 [2] - 可靠且广泛可及的互联网对于培养人才和提高East Cleveland及俄亥俄州的竞争力至关重要 [6] 公司投入 - AT&T致力于通过公私合作缩小数字鸿沟 为服务不足 边缘化和农村社区提供高速宽带连接 [5] - 2019-2023年 AT&T在大克利夫兰市场投资超过5.5亿美元建设有线和无线网络 [7] - AT&T光纤已在俄亥俄州130个城市的84万多个客户地点可用 在全美2830万个消费者和企业地点可用 在俄亥俄州铺设了超过240万英里的光纤电缆 [7] - 2011-2023年 AT&T向俄亥俄州当地慈善机构捐赠了1940万美元 2023年员工在社区外展活动中投入了8000多个志愿者小时 [6]
AT&T and JobsOhio Partner to Bring High-Speed Fiber Broadband Internet to Residents and Businesses of East Cleveland
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-12-18 00:39
East Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AT&T and JobsOhio are announcing today a partnership to build a state-of-the-art fiber network that will make high-speed internet accessible to the entire city of East Cleveland, including the homes of all 14,000 residents and all businesses. The city of East Cleveland is investing $1 million in the project, which will also be assisted by a $1.9 million JobsOhio Ohio Site Inventory Program (OSIP) grant. “This partnership is a significant step toward br ...
Here's My Top Dividend Stock for 2025
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-17 19:55
文章核心观点 - 电信巨头AT&T的股票在2024年表现出色,涨幅约为35%,预计2025年将继续保持良好表现 公司通过剥离媒体业务、聚焦无线和宽带业务,改善了财务状况,增强了自由现金流生成能力,并计划在未来三年内进行大规模的股息支付和股票回购 [1][2][11] 公司战略调整 - 公司通过出售其在DIRECTV的70%股权,彻底退出媒体业务,该交易预计在2025年下半年完成 [1] - 公司将重点放在无线和宽带业务上,预计将大幅扩展其光纤网络,目标是在2029年底前覆盖5000万个地点 [2][8] 财务状况改善 - 自2020年以来,公司已减少净债务约250亿美元,降低了债务负担,增强了财务灵活性 [3] - 公司计划在未来三年内支付约200亿美元的股息,并回购约200亿美元的股票 [4] 自由现金流与投资 - 公司预计2024年自由现金流(扣除DIRECTV)约为150亿美元,2025年至少为160亿美元,2027年至少为180亿美元 [7] - 公司认为光纤业务的扩展将有助于自由现金流的生成,尽管建设成本高,但维护成本比传统铜缆网络低35% [8] 股息与股票回购 - 公司目前的股息收益率约为4.9%,虽然自2020年以来未增加股息,但2025年可能会有所提升 [5][12] - 公司可能会优先考虑股票回购,因为股票估值仍然较低 [4] 客户粘性与交叉销售 - 在光纤市场中,公司的后付费电话客户流失率比非光纤网络低25个基点,在同时拥有光纤和无线服务的家庭中,光纤流失率低45个基点 [10] - 公司认为,增加光纤客户基础不仅有助于交叉销售无线服务,还能提高客户粘性 [9] 未来展望 - 公司认为,尽管经济衰退可能影响其预测,但其战略是稳健的,主要集中在5G无线和光纤业务上 [11] - 公司以其接近5%的股息收益率和仍然具有吸引力的估值,被认为是2025年及以后的一个优秀股息股票 [12]
AT&T Is My Favorite Stock For 2025
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-17 14:56
About My Writing: I am currently focused on income investing through either common shares, preferred shares, or bonds. I will occasionally break away and write about the economy at large or a special situation involving a company I've been researching in. I target two articles per week for publication on Monday and Tuesday.About My Background: Bachelors in history/political science, Masters in Business Administration with a specialization in Finance and Economics. I enjoy numbers. I have been investing sinc ...
Best Stocks to Buy: Verizon Stock vs. AT&T Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-15 01:10
Parkev Tatevosian, CFA has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool recommends Verizon Communications. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. Parkev Tatevosian is an affiliate of The Motley Fool and may be compensated for promoting its services. If you choose to subscribe through his link, he will earn some extra money that supports his channel. His opinions remain his own and are unaffected by The Motley Fool. ...
AT&T's Dividend Remains Compelling Despite The Recent Price Appreciation
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-14 23:00
I am a full-time analyst interested in a wide range of stocks. With my unique insights and knowledge, I hope to provide other investors with a contrasting view of my portfolio, given my particular background.If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me via a direct message on Seeking Alpha or leave a comment on one of my articles.Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any such positions within the ...