Western Midstream(WES)
Western Midstream: Deeply Undervalued With An 8.7% Yield
Seeking Alpha· 2025-01-11 02:07
After a big successive rally in the growth part of my portfolio in 2024, I am thinking a lot about rebalancing towards safer harbors. The U.S. midstream industry is the one that I like very much due to the generous dividend yieldsComing from an IT background, I have dived into the U.S. stock market seven years ago by managing portfolio of my family. Starting managing real money has been challenging for the first time, but long hours of mastering fundamental analysis of public companies paid off and now I fe ...
Western Midstream (WES) Stock Drops Despite Market Gains: Important Facts to Note
ZACKS· 2025-01-04 08:36
Western Midstream (WES) closed the latest trading day at $39.24, indicating a -0.05% change from the previous session's end. The stock trailed the S&P 500, which registered a daily gain of 1.26%. Meanwhile, the Dow gained 0.8%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, added 1.77%.The the stock of oil and gas transportation and storage company has fallen by 2.7% in the past month, leading the Oils-Energy sector's loss of 5.1% and the S&P 500's loss of 2.82%.Market participants will be closely following the financ ...
Western Midstream (WES) Rises As Market Takes a Dip: Key Facts
ZACKS· 2024-12-28 08:20
Western Midstream (WES) closed at $39.13 in the latest trading session, marking a +0.28% move from the prior day. The stock's performance was ahead of the S&P 500's daily loss of 1.11%. Meanwhile, the Dow experienced a drop of 0.77%, and the technology-dominated Nasdaq saw a decrease of 1.49%.Shares of the oil and gas transportation and storage company have depreciated by 1.54% over the course of the past month, outperforming the Oils-Energy sector's loss of 8.07% and lagging the S&P 500's gain of 0.4%.The ...
Retirement Income With 9% Yield And Growth: Western Midstream
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-18 20:35
The United States of America has an interesting relationship when it comes to monopolies. The most famous monopoly that was ever broken up would have been that of Rockefeller and his StandardHigh Dividend Opportunities, #1 On Seeking AlphaHDO is the largest and most exciting community of income investors and retirees with over +8000 members. We are looking for more members to join our lively group! Our Income Method generates strong returns, regardless of market volatility, making retirement investing less ...
Western Midstream: A 9% Yield, Undervalued, And Still Room To Grow
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-16 12:48
Western Midstream (NYSE: WES ) continues to execute and deliver a total package for income seeking investors, making it a perfect Christmas gift to start the new year. With the company now trading around my previousI am a Licensed Professional Engineer who works in the Nuclear Power industry. I use my professional working knowledge of the power/energy industries to aid in evaluating potential equities worthy of long-term investment. I invest in income producing equities and rental real estate properties for ...
Western Midstream: The Unbearable Tightness Of Oxy's Embrace - Yet Still Appealing
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-21 06:26
Ph.D. and MBA with 20+ years of investment experience. I began as a scientist, working under a future Nobel laureate, before transitioning to executive roles in major U.S. corporations. After founding and leading my own company for 15 years, I shifted to full-time investing. My insights blend scientific rigor, entrepreneurial leadership, and executive expertise, driven by a passion for continuous learning. Explore more of my work on Substack: @alexandersteinberg.Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial ...
Western Midstream: 9% Yield Looks Solid Despite Moderating Growth
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-19 21:00
Western Midstream Partners (NYSE: WES ) partnership units spent most of the last quarter trading sideways around the $38 level. This is slightly below where they traded at the time of my last articleI retired early after 22 years in the energy industry with roles in engineering, planning, and financial analysis. I have managed my own portfolio since 1998 and have met my goal to match the S+P 500 return over the long term with lower volatility and higher income. I mostly write on positions I already hold or ...
Prnewswire· 2024-11-11 20:00
AND PARTICIPATION IN UPCOMING INVESTOR CONFERENCESHOUSTON, Nov. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today Western Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE: WES) ("WES" or the "Partnership") announced that tomorrow before the market open it will make available on its website at a post-earnings interview with Oscar Brown, President & Chief Executive Officer, and Kristen Shults, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, that provides additional insights related to WES's third-quarter results.In addi ...
Western Midstream: 9% Yield With Growth Tailwinds From Permian Gas Expansion
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-09 05:42
核心观点 - 文章由一名拥有15年股票市场专业经验的资深分析师撰写,该分析师曾在一家管理资产达100亿美元的对冲基金工作,并持有伦敦大学金融经济学一等荣誉学位,同时也是CFA三级候选人 [1] 分析师披露 - 分析师声明其本人及关联方在文章提到的公司中没有任何股票、期权或类似衍生品头寸,且在未来72小时内没有计划建立任何此类头寸 [2] - 分析师表示文章为其本人独立撰写,表达个人观点,且未接受除Seeking Alpha以外的任何补偿 [2] - 分析师与文章中提到的公司没有任何业务关系 [2] Seeking Alpha披露 - 过去的表现不能保证未来的结果,文章不构成任何投资建议或意见 [3] - Seeking Alpha并非持牌证券交易商、经纪人或美国投资顾问或投资银行 [3] - Seeking Alpha的分析师包括专业投资者和未获得任何机构或监管机构认证的个人投资者 [3]
Western Midstream(WES) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-11-08 05:18
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第三季度归属于有限合伙人的净收入为2.82亿美元调整后EBITDA为5.67亿美元相较于第二季度调整后毛利润下降800万美元[27] - 第三季度运营和维护费用环比增加主要由维护和修理费用增加导致但预计第四季度将适度降低[28][29] - 第三季度物业及其他税费环比下降预计未来将略高于当前水平但低于第二季度水平[30] - 第三季度经营活动现金流总计5.51亿美元产生自由现金流3.65亿美元[30] - 2024年全年调整后EBITDA和自由现金流指引范围分别为22亿 - 24亿美元和10.5亿 - 12.5亿美元尽管原油天然气凝析液和采出水的吞吐量预期降低但仍预计处于指引范围高端[33] - 2024年全年资本支出指引范围7亿 - 8.5亿美元中点为7.75亿美元[34] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 天然气业务 - 第三季度天然气吞吐量环比增长1%得益于粉河盆地和特拉华盆地的强劲增长[16] - 第三季度每千立方英尺天然气资产调整后毛利润较上季度下降0.04美元主要受固定回收合同下天然气凝析液回收量降低和整体商品价格下降影响[19] - 预计第四季度每千立方英尺调整后毛利润与第三季度持平[20] - 2024年天然气平均同比吞吐量增长预期保持在15% - 20%左右[26] - 原油和天然气凝析液业务 - 第三季度原油和天然气凝析液总吞吐量环比下降2%主要因DJ盆地吞吐量下降怀俄明州Wamsutter输油管道出售以及与股权投资相关的量减少[17] - 第三季度每桶原油和天然气凝析液资产调整后毛利润较上季度下降0.08美元[21] - 预计第四季度每桶调整后毛利润较第三季度适度提高[21] - 尽管降低了原油和天然气凝析液吞吐量预期但仍预计2024年全年吞吐量同比增长达到低双位数百分比[23] - 2025年吞吐量将不包括今年上半年完成的非核心资产出售相关的约2.3万桶/日的原油和天然气凝析液[36] - 采出水业务 - 第三季度采出水吞吐量环比增长2%尽管生产商回收活动处于高位[18] - 第三季度每桶采出水资产调整后毛利润环比相对持平预计第四季度与第三季度持平[22] - 预计2024年采出水吞吐量同比增长达到低双位数百分比[24] - 2025年吞吐量将不包括今年上半年完成的非核心资产出售相关的3800万立方英尺/日的天然气[36] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 文档未涉及此部分内容 公司战略和发展方向和行业竞争 - 公司资本分配选项包括投资资本谨慎扩展业务评估增值并购以及增加基本分配[12][13][14] - 在特拉华盆地公司将继续关注并购机会但也注重有机增长且在并购方面较为谨慎[56] - 公司认为新的MLP模式值得重新估值尽管MLP与其他中游公司的估值差距近期大幅扩大[42] - 公司认为行业积极方面是新MLP模式的特征MLP的强自由现金流和税收结构优势使其整体具有吸引力[43] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 尽管面临一些挑战如固定回收合同下天然气凝析液量减少商品价格下降股权投资分配减少季节性运营和维护费用增加但公司仍预计2024年调整后EBITDA处于指引范围高端[8] - 预计第四季度调整后EBITDA将因特拉华盆地的高吞吐量而增加且运营和维护费用将降低[9] - 公司在Mi Vida合资企业执行新协议2025年年中起将获得1亿立方英尺/日的天然气加工能力[10] - 2025年所有产品的总体吞吐量增长率相对于2024年将放缓[35] - 公司认为新政府可能对石油和天然气有更有利的监管前景这将有利于公司客户发展进而有利于公司自身[57] 其他重要信息 - 8月发行8亿美元新的高级票据用于偿还明年2月和6月到期的债务及一般合伙目的[11] - 10月宣布每单位0.875美元的基本分配与8月相同[32] - 已实现2024年全年每单位至少3.20美元的基本分配指引[35] - 公司发布了2023年可持续发展报告[45] 问答环节所有的提问和回答 问题: 关于CEO的交接过程看起来很突然能否详细说明 - 从公司角度交接很顺利奥斯卡自2016年起与前任CEO在多方面合作观点大多相同交接后资本分配政策和公司目标不变[48][49] - 交接是双方共同的决定前任CEO将专注于信仰家庭和社区[50][51] 问题: 在特拉华盆地是否会有更多整合公司是否会成为整合者 - 中游领域并购环境活跃但目前卖家更具优势公司会继续关注并购注重为资产带来增值有机增长在竞争中更具优势但特拉华盆地仍存在机会[56] 问题: 预计2025年产品量增长放缓的驱动因素以及放缓幅度 - 目前正在制定2025年更详细的预测特拉华和DJ盆地活动增加但增长将更趋温和2023 - 2024年的增长部分得益于收购而2024年无此类收购且有资产剥离未来几个月将根据生产商的更新预测提供更多想法和指引[59] 问题: 关于Navita合同更新新结构是否意味着增加了一半的工厂产能 - 这更多是商业安排的重组类似于厂中厂概念不是净增加1亿美元产能的重大改变[60] 问题: 2025年量增长放缓是否意味着服务成本合同的费率可能提高 - 目前给出服务成本的更新还为时过早将在2月发布指引时再做回答[61] 问题: 提到的DJ和Eagle Ford原油资产收益降低是否与合同到期有关 - 是在讨论之前提到的差额收益从整个投资组合角度看待2025年可能的情况[62] 问题: 如何看待DJ盆地的量超过最大可行产量MVC进而推动EBITDA增长的时机 - 这将更多取决于生产商的预测可能是更长期的突破甚至可能在2025年之后[64] 问题: 是否有填补董事会空缺席位的计划 - 目前董事会设为7人预计可能会增加一名独立董事但最终取决于整个董事会[65] 问题: Movida加工厂在超级系统中的产能利用率情况是低还是核心 - 在综合设施内属于较低效用区域目前北部的工厂是新增长的主要流向地然后向南溢出[67] 问题: 2025年第一季度北洛文之外是否有潜在加工厂的展望以及需要什么条件来支持新厂建设 - 公司理念是与客户合作如果有良好商业安排能保证回报就会建设目前近期没有但会根据客户发展计划和合同结构持续关注[68]