Insights Into The Bank of New York Mellon (BK) Q4: Wall Street Projections for Key Metrics
ZACKS· 2025-01-10 23:26
The upcoming report from The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (BK) is expected to reveal quarterly earnings of $1.56 per share, indicating an increase of 21.9% compared to the year-ago period. Analysts forecast revenues of $4.65 billion, representing an increase of 7.9% year over year. The consensus EPS estimate for the quarter has undergone an upward revision of 1% in the past 30 days, bringing it to its present level. This represents how the covering analysts, as a whole, have reassessed their initial ...
The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (BK) Reports Next Week: Wall Street Expects Earnings Growth
ZACKS· 2025-01-09 00:06
The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (BK) is expected to deliver a year-over-year increase in earnings on higher revenues when it reports results for the quarter ended December 2024. This widely-known consensus outlook gives a good sense of the company's earnings picture, but how the actual results compare to these estimates is a powerful factor that could impact its near-term stock price.The earnings report, which is expected to be released on January 15, 2025, might help the stock move higher if these ...
Bank of New York Mellon Earnings Are Imminent; These Most Accurate Analysts Revise Forecasts Ahead Of Earnings Call
Benzinga· 2025-01-07 22:28
The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation BK will release earnings results for its fourth quarter, before the opening bell on Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2025.Analysts expect the New York-based company to report quarterly earnings at $1.54 per share, up from $1.28 per share in the year-ago period. Bank of New York Mellon projects to report revenue of $4.65 billion for the recent quarter, compared to $4.31 billion a year earlier, according to data from Benzinga Pro.On Oct. 11, the finance behemoth reported third-quart ...
Major Regional Bank Industry Healthy: 4 Stocks to Gain in 2025
ZACKS· 2025-01-03 22:35
The Zacks Major Regional Banks will benefit from the Federal Reserve’s interest rate cuts as the deposit/funding costs come down and the industry-wide lending backdrop improves. Further, a decent economic expansion will support the industry players’ net interest income (NII) and margins.Business restructuring/expansion initiatives and digitization will offer support. Though weakening asset quality is likely to exert pressure on the financials to some extent, major banks like U.S. Bancorp (USB) , Truist Fina ...
S&P 500 Banks Perform Well in 2024: 5 Stocks Worth Considering
ZACKS· 2024-12-31 01:56
The S&P 500 Index has demonstrated solid performance in 2024, rallying 26.2% year to date.The primary drivers of the steady uptrend in the index were optimism regarding the Federal Reserve’s interest rate cut trajectory, robust economic growth and a solid rebound in the capital market business. Donald Trump’s re-election and expected rate cuts for 2025 and 2026 have raised hope for a better future performance. Amid the S&P 500's impressive rally, the banking sector has gained significant attention, with the ...
2025 Might Be Great for Banks: 3 Stocks to Invest in Now
ZACKS· 2024-12-28 00:36
美国经济与银行业展望 - 美国经济年初表现强劲 受美联储可能加快降息 强劲劳动力市场 消费者支出增加和技术发展的推动 [1] - 由于通胀持续 降息预期逐渐减弱 导致降息步伐不确定性增加 美联储自9月以来已降息100个基点 但暗示2025年降息次数减少 [1] - 新政府上台后 2025年并购活动预计将大幅增加 银行收入和净息差有望增长 [2] - 尽管抵押贷款收入可能不会改善 且某些贷款组合表现疲软 但2025年对银行业仍将是利好的一年 [3] 银行股投资机会 - 纽约梅隆银行 北方信托和Stock Yards Bancorp被看好 因其具备增长潜力 [2] - 这三只股票今年涨幅超过20% 市值均超过20亿美元 且Zacks评级为1或2 [4] - 纽约梅隆银行过去五年净利息收入复合年增长率为3.8% 2023年净息差从0.97%提升至1.25% [5] - 纽约梅隆银行通过全球扩张和新服务推出 预计国际收入将增长 截至2023年9月 非美国收入占总收入的35% [6] - 纽约梅隆银行市值570亿美元 今年上涨50.5% 2024和2025年盈利预计分别增长15.6%和13.2% [7] - 北方信托过去三年收入复合年增长率为3.5% 贷款和租赁余额复合年增长率为7.7% [8] - 北方信托2024和2025年盈利预计分别增长19.8%和5.6% 市值207亿美元 今年上涨24% [9] - Stock Yards Bancorp过去五年总收入复合年增长率为16.3% 净利息收入和非利息收入复合年增长率分别为16.7%和15.3% [10] - Stock Yards Bancorp今年上涨42% 2024和2025年盈利预计分别增长3.8%和5.7% 市值22亿美元 [22] 银行业发展趋势 - 美联储降息将推动消费者和商业贷款需求增长 资金成本将逐步稳定并下降 推动银行净利息收入和净息差 [12] - 银行正通过AI和技术提升客户体验 扩大在线业务 并购和合作也将增强全球影响力和收入多元化 [13] - 银行通过战略收购和扩张举措 如Stock Yards Bancorp的多次收购 持续增强收入来源 [21] 银行资本分配与回购 - 纽约梅隆银行过去五年四次提高股息 2024年4月宣布60亿美元股票回购计划 截至2024年9月 仍有60.8亿美元授权可用 [17] - Stock Yards Bancorp过去五年四次提高股息 2021年10月宣布2500万股回购计划 截至2024年9月 仍有1330万股授权可用 [23]
3 Financial Stocks to Secure Your Investments Before Year-End
ZACKS· 2024-12-17 22:51
文章核心观点 - 金融行业在2024年表现强劲,得益于有利的定价环境、紧张的劳动力市场、改善的消费支出和技术进步等因素。尽管通胀挑战持续存在,但行业整体表现良好[1][2][6][8][9] 行业表现 - 金融行业自2024年初以来,受到美联储利率削减路径的关注,尽管通胀挑战持续,但行业表现仍受多种因素推动[2] - 金融行业年初至今增长21%,略低于S&P 500的27.8%增长[9] 利率变化 - 2024年9月开始,美联储进行了50个基点的利率削减,随后在11月会议上进行了25个基点的削减,预计在今年最后一次政策会议上将再次削减25个基点[4] - 利率削减对房地产市场有利,可能缓解过去四年因疫情、高通胀和利率上升带来的挑战,降低利率将鼓励房地产发展和贷款需求,从而惠及银行业[5] - 利率下降可能导致金融公司投资收益率下降,尤其是那些涉及利率敏感产品和投资的公司[6] 行业动态 - 保险公司通过改善定价环境、扩大业务和保持客户保留率来推动保费增长,并努力通过多样化投资组合来降低集中风险[3] - 金融公司继续投资于区块链、AI、高级分析、远程信息处理、云计算和机器人流程自动化等技术,这些技术有望通过自动化流程降低运营成本,从而提升利润[8] - 金融公司可能会继续追求并购交易,因为利率下降可能鼓励贷款用于并购交易,从而保留现金储备,并购交易有助于公司增强能力和在运营领域获得竞争优势[7] 推荐股票 - ProAssurance公司受益于强劲的保费增长和新业务增长,通过战略收购如NORCAL Mutual,增强了其在医疗专业责任保险市场的地位,同时通过有效的成本控制措施提升了利润[12] - BNY Mellon公司通过改善净利息收入和净利息收益率实现增长,战略收购、全球扩张和国际收入的增加进一步增强了其长期增长潜力[14] - SL Green公司受益于其在纽约高门槛房地产市场的优势,通过多元化租户基础和长期租赁给信用良好的租户,确保了稳定的租金收入,并有望从去密度化趋势和高品质办公空间需求中获益[17]
Bank of New York Mellon: Still A Buy After The Recent Surge
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-16 11:26
公司概况 - 纽约梅隆银行(Bank of New York Mellon,NYSE: BK)是全球最大的托管银行 [1] 股票表现 - 股票在2023年7月至2024年11月期间持续获得Quant评级的买入或强力买入评级 [1] 分析师背景 - Joseph Jones教授在南密西西比大学任教,拥有超过十五年的市场研究经验,专注于从股息增长投资者的角度构建投资组合 [1] 分析师披露 - 分析师持有BK股票的多头头寸,包括通过股票、期权或其他衍生品持有的头寸 [2] 平台披露 - 过去的表现不能保证未来的结果,文章中的观点和意见可能不代表Seeking Alpha平台的整体观点 [3]
The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (BK) Is Up 1.60% in One Week: What You Should Know
ZACKS· 2024-11-20 02:01
Momentum investing revolves around the idea of following a stock's recent trend in either direction. In the 'long' context, investors will be essentially be "buying high, but hoping to sell even higher." With this methodology, taking advantage of trends in a stock's price is key; once a stock establishes a course, it is more than likely to continue moving that way. The goal is that once a stock heads down a fixed path, it will lead to timely and profitable trades.While many investors like to look for moment ...
Should You Invest in BK Stock as it Trades Near 52-Week High?
ZACKS· 2024-11-11 22:30
公司股价表现 - 纽约梅隆银行(BNY Mellon)股票今年表现出色股价触及52周新高80.29美元周五收盘价较该水平仅低3% [1] - 今年股价飙升48%大幅跑赢行业标普500指数以及同行北方信托(NTRS)和道富银行(STT) [1] 宏观因素影响 - 特朗普赢得美国总统大选美联储降息25个基点推动美国股市上周表现强劲标普500指数创下年内最佳单周表现 [1] - 金融板块股票大幅上涨特朗普再次当选有望放松该行业监管且低利率将支持行业营收增长 [2] 低利率影响 - 美联储上周第二次降息9月已降息50个基点BNY Mellon与STT和NTRS自去年以来面临资金成本压力影响净利息收入(NII)和利润率 [3] - BNY Mellon的NII在2018 - 2023年的五年复合年增长率为3.8%2024年前九个月资金成本稳定推动NII上升净利息利润率略有改善 [4] - 随着美联储有望继续降息BNY Mellon有望从中获益管理层预计今年NII下降5%较之前10%的降幅有所改变 [5] 其他增长举措 - 公司增长计划令人印象深刻推出多项新服务和产品数字化运营并进行战略收购 [6] - 本月早些时候完成对Archer Holdco LLC的收购将增强企业平台支持零售管理账户为顾问提供更多服务 [7] - 9月宣布计划推出Alts Bridge以满足财富中介需求该平台将整合人工智能和分析工具 [8] 公司财务状况 - 截至2024年9月30日公司总债务为527亿美元远低于现金及银行存款和有息存款1085亿美元维持投资级长期高级债务评级 [9] - 2024年通过压力测试后将季度现金股息提高12%至每股47美分过去五年股息增长四次年化股息增长率为8.92%派息率为34% [10] - 2024年4月宣布价值60亿美元的新股票回购计划截至9月30日约60.8亿美元的授权仍可用预计2024年将100%或更多的收益回报给股东 [11] 公司估值情况 - 公司12个月远期市盈率为11.95倍低于行业的12.03倍从估值角度看股票具有吸引力仍被低估 [12][13] 销售与盈利预期 - 销售预期方面各季度和年度均有增长预期且较去年同期有增长 [14] - 盈利预期方面各季度和年度均有增长预期且较去年同期有增长同时盈利预期正在向上修正 [15][16] 综合评价 - 公司表现出显著增长和韧性远超行业基准和主要同行产品扩展有望带来财务收益 [17] - 低估值健康增长轨迹和积极的盈利预期修正使股票具有吸引力目前被Zacks评为2(买入) [18]