Freeport-McMoRan Stock Soars as Copper and Gold Prices Rise
Investopedia· 2024-09-25 05:05
Key TakeawaysShares of mining giant Freeport-McMoRan surged alongside an uptick in copper and gold prices.The announcement of an economic stimulus package in China helped to their highest level in more than two months.Gold prices are sitting at a record high following the Fed's first interest-rate cut and as other central banks around the world loosen monetary policy. Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) shares surged on Tuesday amid an increase in the prices of copper and gold, two of the main commodities produced by th ...
3 Mining Stocks Up on China Tailwinds
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-09-25 02:52
文章核心观点 - 中国央行采取宽松货币政策,降准和降息,刺激了中国股市和铜价上涨[1] - 中国是全球最大的金属消费国之一,宽松政策预期将带动铜等金属需求增加,相关矿业公司股价应声上涨[1][2] 行业总结 - 中国宽松货币政策刺激了铜等金属需求,带动了相关矿业公司股价上涨[1] - 矿业公司如Rio Tinto、Southern Copper和Freeport-McMoRan股价大涨,分别上涨4.4%、7.4%和7.8%[1][2] - Rio Tinto股价创一年多新高,Southern Copper和Freeport-McMoRan股价也创近两个月新高[1][2] 公司总结 - Rio Tinto股价上涨4.4%,创一年多新高,但仍有13.6%的年度亏损[1] - Southern Copper股价上涨7.4%,创近期新高,今年以来已涨34.2%[2] - Freeport-McMoRan股价上涨7.8%,创近两个月新高,过去12个月涨幅超过30%[2]
Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) Falls More Steeply Than Broader Market: What Investors Need to Know
ZACKS· 2024-09-21 06:50
Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) ended the recent trading session at $44.53, demonstrating a -1.35% swing from the preceding day's closing price. The stock's change was less than the S&P 500's daily loss of 0.19%. Meanwhile, the Dow gained 0.09%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, lost 0.36%.Coming into today, shares of the mining company had gained 4.25% in the past month. In that same time, the Basic Materials sector gained 2.2%, while the S&P 500 gained 2.06%.The upcoming earnings release of Freeport-McMoRan will ...
Stocks to Take Advantage of Rising Gold Prices
MarketBeat· 2024-09-18 21:12
Investors have flocked to safe haven precious metals including gold and silver in recent months, helping to drive the price of each of these metals up by about a third in the last year. Gold in particular continues to hit new all-time highs and trades close to $2,600 per ounce as of mid-September.Emerging market central banks have stocked up on gold while the U.S. dollar has weakened and investors around the world build up expectations that the Federal Reserve will lower interest rates. All of these factors ...
Here's Why Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) is a Strong Value Stock
ZACKS· 2024-09-06 22:41
Taking full advantage of the stock market and investing with confidence are common goals for new and old investors, and Zacks Premium offers many different ways to do both.Featuring daily updates of the Zacks Rank and Zacks Industry Rank, full access to the Zacks #1 Rank List, Equity Research reports, and Premium stock screens, the research service can help you become a smarter, more self-assured investor.It also includes access to the Zacks Style Scores.What are the Zacks Style Scores?The Zacks Style Score ...
Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) Suffers a Larger Drop Than the General Market: Key Insights
ZACKS· 2024-09-06 06:51
Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) closed the most recent trading day at $41.40, moving -0.5% from the previous trading session. The stock fell short of the S&P 500, which registered a loss of 0.3% for the day. Elsewhere, the Dow lost 0.54%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq added 0.25%.Prior to today's trading, shares of the mining company had gained 5.29% over the past month. This has outpaced the Basic Materials sector's loss of 0.14% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.42% in that time.Analysts and investors alike will be keepin ...
Should You Invest in Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) Based on Bullish Wall Street Views?
ZACKS· 2024-09-05 22:31
When deciding whether to buy, sell, or hold a stock, investors often rely on analyst recommendations. Media reports about rating changes by these brokerage-firm-employed (or sell-side) analysts often influence a stock's price, but are they really important?Let's take a look at what these Wall Street heavyweights have to say about Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage.Freeport-McMoRan currently has an average brokerage reco ...
Sell Signal Flashing on Copper Stock
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-08-28 01:08
Shares of copper miner Freeport-McMoRan Inc (NYSE:FCX) are 0.3% lower at $45.04 at last look, starting what could be a month-long trend as FCX trades near a historically bearish moving averageAccording to data from Schaeffer's Senior Quantitative Analyst Rocky White, FreePort-McMoRan stock just came within one standard deviation of its 50-day trendline. Per White, five similar pullbacks have occurred over the past three years. One month after 40% of these signals, FCX had negative returns, averaging a 3.9% ...
Copper Is in a Full Bear Market
Benzinga· 2024-08-17 00:00
Source: Michael Ballanger 08/14/2024 Even though copper prices bottomed on Thursday, Michael Ballanger of GGM Advisory Inc. still thinks Freeport-McMoRan Inc. FCX is a Buy. Freeport-McMoRan Inc. Copper prices bottomed on Thursday, August 8, right before the Sunday-Monday crash in the Nikkei and subsequent policy reversal by BoJ Deputy Governor Uchida, so any rallies from here, given the 25% pullback off the May 20 top at $5.199/lb., are going to be seen as bear market rallies. Nevertheless, you can make a ...
Freeport-McMoRan(FCX) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-08-08 03:57
业绩概况 - 公司第二季度和前六个月的业绩受到印尼铜精矿和阳极泥出口许可证到期导致的运输延迟的影响[143] - 第二季度和前六个月的净利润分别为6.16亿美元和10.89亿美元,同比分别增加79%和8%[144] 产量预测 - 2024年全年铜产量预计为409亿磅、黄金180万盎司、钼8200万磅[149,150] - 2024年第三季度预计铜销量为10亿磅、黄金47.5万盎司、钼2000万磅[152] 成本和现金流预测 - 2024年全年预计单位净现金成本为每磅铜1.63美元[154] - 2024年全年预计运营现金流约为72亿美元[155] - 2024年资本支出预计为47亿美元,主要用于格拉斯伯格矿区地下矿山开发和北美扩张项目[156,157] 价格情况 - 铜、黄金和钼价格在第二季度创下新高[160,166,167] - 公司认为铜的基本面有利,供给有限而需求持续增长[161] 第二季度和上半年业绩 - 2024年第二季度和上半年铜、金和钼的销量和平均实现价格情况[172][173][174][177][178] - 2024年第二季度和上半年公司收入的变化情况,包括销量、价格、以前期间临时定价调整等因素的影响[174][176][177][178][179][180][181] - 2024年第二季度和上半年公司生产和交付成本的变化情况,包括单位现金成本和折旧摊销等[186][187][188] - 2024年第二季度和上半年公司环境义务和关闭成本的变化情况[189][190] - 2024年6月30日公司有188百万磅铜产品尚未最终定价,每0.05美元的价格变动会影响2024年收入约1800万美元[180][181] - 公司第二季度利息支出净额为1.81亿美元,同比下降22.6%[191] - 资本化利息增加主要由于PT-FI新的下游加工设施建设和开发项目增加[192] - 其他收益净额增加主要由于2024年上半年冲回了部分应付MIND ID的潜在税务纠纷损失准备[193] - 公司2024年上半年整体有效税率为34%,其中美国业务为0%[195][196][197][198] - 归属于非控股权益的净收益为14亿美元,主要来自PT-FI、塞罗维德和埃尔阿布拉[199][200][201] 项目进展 - 公司所有运营地点均获得了铜印章或钼印章认证,体现了负责任的生产实践[202] - 公司在北美和南美的浸出创新项目持续推进,2024年上半年新增产能1.06亿磅[203] - 公司正在进行多个潜在扩产项目的可行性和优化研究,预计2024年全年研究费用约2亿美元[204] - 公司正在评估巴达德选厂产能扩大一倍的项目,预计需要35-40亿美元投资[208] - 公司正在推进萨福德/隆星项目,以实现年产3亿磅氧化矿铜的目标[209] 北美铜矿业务 - 公司的北美铜矿单位净现金成本为每磅3.19美元,较2023年同期的2.51美元有所上升,主要反映了铜产量下降、采矿成本上升以及钼副产品贡献下降的影响[227] - 公司预计2024年北美铜矿的单位净现金成本将约为每磅3.10美元,假设2024年下半年钼价为每磅20.00美元[230] 南美铜矿业务 - 公司在秘鲁的Cerro Verde铜矿与一个工会签订了新的四年集体劳动协议,并在2024年第二季度产生了6500万美元的非经常性费用[233] - 公司正在评估在智利的El Abra铜矿建设大型选矿厂的可行性,初步估计该项目在铜价低于每磅4.00美元的情况下经济性可行[234] - 2024年第二季度和前六个月,公司南美铜矿的铜销量分别为3.02亿磅和5.86亿磅,较2023年同期有所下降,主要反映了堆浸矿石量下降以及选矿厂产量下降[240] - 公司预计2024年南美铜矿的铜销量将约为12亿磅[241] - 公司南美铜矿的单位净现金成本为每磅2.91美元,较2023年同期的2.48美元有所上升,主要反映了铜产量下降和采矿成本上升的影响[243] - 公司南美铜矿的单位毛利为每磅0.72美元,较2023年同期的1.08美元有所下降[243] - 公司南美铜矿的钼产量为600万磅,较2023年同期的500万磅有所增加[236] - 公司南美铜矿的铜回收率为83.8%,较2023年同期的82.6%有所提高[238] - 南美地区铜生产成本上升,主要反映了塞罗维德矿山新劳资合同相关的非经常性费用以及更高的采矿成本[248] - 塞罗维德铜精矿销售收入扣除了冶炼费用,这些费用会随着销量和铜价的变化而变化[249] - 由于部分资产采用直线法折旧,南美地区的单位折旧率可能会随着资产增加和铜产量及销量的变化而变化[250] - 收入调整主要是由于以前期间临时定价的铜销售价格变化造成的[251] - 预计2024年南美地区铜生产的单位现金成本(扣除副产品收益)将约为每磅2.47美元[252] PT-FI业务 - 印尼PT-FI矿山在2024年6月完成了新炼铜厂的建设,并开始调试生产,预计到年底将达到满产[261,262] - PT-FI在2024年上半年为新下游