虎嗅APP· 2025-02-07 08:12
以下文章来源于妙投APP ,作者段明珠 如果说2024年Q3酒企还只是集体降速,到Q4二线酒企已经绷不住开始频频"爆雷": 资本市场好像对此已经见怪不怪,在业绩预告发布后,24日几家酒企股价虽跳空低开,但跌幅不大,跌幅最多的是舍得酒业( -3.44% ),其次是酒鬼 酒下跌3.17%,而金种子酒跌1.40%;白酒板块整体跌不到1个点。其实这也是因为 对白酒的悲观预期早已反映在股价中 ,白酒板块从24年11月初至今 已下跌超12个点。 当前白酒赛道是整体蛋糕缩小,二线酒企在茅五汾泸等头部挤压下生存空间越来越小,生存难度越来越大。他们具体遇到哪些经营困难?又该如何跨 越雷区? 经营遇阻 由于当前只是业绩预告,具体细节还未披露,仅就目前数据来分析。 酒鬼酒 2024年归母净利只剩下0.1亿元,这很可能是勉强留下点盈利做做门面;就在前一年其归母净利还有5.48亿元。 但酒鬼酒的营收和归母净利从22年Q4就开始同比增长一直为负;24年上半年营收还能维持在5亿左右,但归母净利已开始hold不住;Q3营收先降到1字 头,归母净利大幅下滑并转负;目前看Q4更是止不住颓势。 妙投APP . 虎嗅旗下二级市场投研服务品牌,为您提 ...
Alphabet's Verily to sell Granular insurance business to Elevance Health
CNBC· 2025-02-07 08:11
Verily is selling its stop-loss insurance subsidiary, Granular Insurance Company, to the insurance provider Elevance Health, the Alphabet health tech company confirmed to CNBC on Thursday.Verily is one of Google's sister companies and operates within Alphabet's "Other Bets" category. The Granular sale is the latest in a series of sweeping changes at the precision health company, which has slashed its workforce, restructured its business and overhauled its executive leadership in recent years.The terms of th ...
Amazon hit by strengthening dollar, underscoring risks in tech to overseas reliance
CNBC· 2025-02-07 08:11
CEO of Meta and Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, Lauren Sanchez, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk attend the inauguration ceremony before Donald Trump is sworn in as the 47th US President in the US Capitol Rotunda in Washington, DC, on Jan. 20, 2025.The strengthening dollar is posing challenges for the biggest U.S. tech companies, which have become increasingly reliant on overseas revenue. With other currencies weakening, money made elsewhere is worth less when ...
Flat Day Ahead of Friday Jobs Report; Q4 Results for AMZN, SKX, EXPE
ZACKS· 2025-02-07 08:11
Thursday, February 6, 2025We had been on the trajectory for a rather uneventful day, upended temporarily by no real news but that which send market indexes into the red. The Nasdaq and S&P 500 bounced back and finished in the green for the session — +0.51% and +0.36%, respectively — while the Dow lost -0.28% and the small-cap Russell 2000 was down -0.45% at the close.Thus, it was a pretty flat day overall, as we’ve seen more or less for the past couple weeks. With so many changes coming on a seemingly hourl ...
Post Holdings (POST) Q1 Earnings Top Estimates
ZACKS· 2025-02-07 08:11
Post Holdings (POST) came out with quarterly earnings of $1.73 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.49 per share. This compares to earnings of $1.69 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 16.11%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this cereal maker would post earnings of $1.19 per share when it actually produced earnings of $1.53, delivering a surprise of 28.57%.Over the last four quarters, the compa ...
Centrus Energy Corp. (LEU) Tops Q4 Earnings and Revenue Estimates
ZACKS· 2025-02-07 08:11
Centrus Energy Corp. (LEU) came out with quarterly earnings of $3.20 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.06 per share. This compares to earnings of $3.58 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 201.89%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this company would post earnings of $0.18 per share when it actually produced a loss of $0.30, delivering a surprise of -266.67%.Over the last four quarters, the com ...
中信证券研究· 2025-02-07 08:09
文 | 杨泽原 丁奇 马庆刘 潘儒琛 管理软件为企业管理各环节赋能提效,云转型后遭遇短期困境,积极拥抱AI、找寻新的增长引 擎。Ag e n t具备面向复杂任务的自主规划、感知、决策能力,实现从知识辅助到操纵代替的价值提 升。Sa l e sf o r c e全新数字劳动力平台Ag e n tf o r c e向企业AI平台全面转型,提供了AI Ag e n t赋能管 理软件的新范式。Ag e n tf o r c e验证Ag e n t形式下AI应用的能力升级及商业价值,Sa l e sf o r c e具备技 术+数据+场景三大壁垒。国内具备模型与数据基础,管理软件落地场景丰富,有望拥抱B端Ag e n 星辰大海。我们认为2 0 2 5年为Ag e n t落地元年,看好Ag e n t拉动管理软件市场规模再增长,工具软 件及重点行业软件亦将迎来增量。 Sa l e sf o r c e为全球CRM龙头,实现Sa aS+Pa aS全场景布局、数据分析+AI赋能。公司2 0 1 4年开始 AI布局,十年积累发布Ag e n tf o r c e,引领AI Ag e n t时代。AI战略助力Sa l e sf ...
中信证券研究· 2025-02-07 08:09
文 | 王喆 胡叶倩雯 苹果进入折叠屏市场的可能性仍然是行业关注的焦点,为相关供应链的材料企业提供了新的发展机 遇。我们看好苹果的技术创新能力及其在手机领域的行业引领作用。苹果通过引入创新性的技术 以求解决折痕和易碎问题,苹果折叠屏的技术升级推动直接相关材料发展,推荐蚀刻件提供商、碳 纤维支撑件供应商、UTG玻璃供应商。 ▍ 折叠屏手机面临屏幕易碎和中间折痕两大痛点,市场期待苹果引领技术突破。 也为折叠屏支撑件以及UTG玻璃发展开辟了全新的增长空间。我们测算,苹果支撑件市场空间约 为1 8~2 7亿元,UTG玻璃市场空间约为1 5 5亿元。 ▍ 苹果进入折叠屏市场的可能性仍然是行业关注的焦点,为相关供应链的材料企业提供了新的发 展机遇。 我们看好苹果的技术创新能力及其在手机领域的行业引领作用。苹果通过引入创新性的技术,以 求解决折痕和易碎问题。虑到苹果折叠屏手机相关专利情况,我们认为苹果若推出折叠屏手机, 将带动折叠屏支撑件以及UTG玻璃的发展,其中折叠屏支撑件存在两种路线的发展性,分别为金 属蚀刻件以及碳纤维材料。 折叠屏手机自问世以来,始终面临两大核心痛点:屏幕易碎与中间折痕。由于柔性屏幕材料较为 脆弱, ...
中信证券研究· 2025-02-07 08:09
文 | 王喆 孙臣兴 刘同心 2 0 2 5年能源化工在海内外政策不确定性加剧的情况下,仍然面临较大的挑战。能源板块,我们认 为2 0 2 5年原油或迎来供需关系的拐点,由于全球需求低速增长,OPEC及美国、南美等地产量增长 迅速,我们预计原油价格有望在6 5~7 5美元/桶之间波动。同时建议关注特朗普能源政策对美国产 量的影响,特朗普对俄、对伊朗及委内瑞拉政策的变化,以及中国、美国等世界主要经济体需求的 变化,以上因素将对油价进行扰动。我们预计2 0 2 5年天然气价格区间为2 0 - 5 0欧元/兆瓦时,需关 注需求复苏和供给扰动。化工板块,我们聚焦格局较好、成本较低、出海带来增量的板块。新材料 板块,AI、新能源等引领的产业趋势势不可挡,材料是关键支撑。例如硅基负极、复合集流体、 导电炭黑、先进封装、高频高速树脂、电子皮肤、SAF等方向。 ▍ 能源板块,原油价格或迎来供需关系的拐点,天然气价格随需求波动。 我们认为2 0 2 5年原油或迎来供需关系的拐点,由于全球需求低速增长,OPEC及美国、南美等地 产量增长迅速,我们预计原油价格或在6 5~7 5美元/桶波动。同时关注特朗普能源政策对美国产量 的影响 ...