Top Entertainment Stocks To Buy Now? 2 For Your October 2024 Watchlist
Stock Market News, Quotes, Charts And Financial Information | Stockmarket.Com· 2024-10-01 22:11
文章核心观点 - 娱乐行业包括电影制作发行、流媒体服务、游戏开发、主题公园等公司 [1] - 娱乐股票代表这些公司在公开市场的股权 [1] - 行业经历了数字流媒体和互动娱乐的兴起带来的重大变革 [1] 行业概况 - 投资娱乐股票可能带来的潜在收益包括强大的品牌知名度、忠实的粉丝群体、经常性收入模式等 [2] - 但行业也面临消费者偏好变化快、制作成本高、竞争激烈等挑战 [2] 投资建议 - 评估公司的内容库和制作能力、适应新分销渠道和技术的能力 [3] - 关注订阅用户增长、内容参与度、国际扩张潜力等指标 [3] - 警惕新娱乐形式或平台带来的潜在颠覆 [3] 个股分析 迪士尼公司(DIS) - 第三季度财报优于市场预期,每股收益1.39美元,收入23.16亿美元 [4] - 今年以来股价上涨4.99% [5] Live Nation娱乐(LYV) - 第二季度财报优于预期,每股收益1.03美元,收入60.2亿美元 [6] - 今年以来股价上涨19.28% [7]
3 Dates for Disney Stock Investors to Circle in October
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-01 19:30
文章核心观点 - 迪士尼公司在2025财年开始之际有很多值得关注的动向 [1] - 迪士尼公司的股价在9月份终于结束了连续5个月的下跌 [1] - 10月份将有多项重要事件发生,包括迪士尼+和Hulu等流媒体服务价格上调,以及多部新剧集的首播 [1][2][3] 价格调整 - 迪士尼+无广告版月费将上涨2美元至15.99美元,有广告版也将上涨2美元至9.99美元 [3] - Hulu、ESPN+以及多种套餐价格也将上调 [3] - 价格上调有助于提高流媒体业务的盈利能力 [4] - 迪士尼还将加强对密码共享行为的管控,有助于提高每用户收入 [4] 内容更新 - 10月14日,迪士尼将推出新季的《名人秘宝》真人秀节目 [2] - 10月6日,迪士尼将在电视上首播2023年电影版《小美人鱼》 [2] - 10月还将推出新季的热门剧集《艾伯特小学》和《鲨鱼池》 [2] - 10月25日,迪士尼+将推出纪录片《布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀和E街乐队之路》 [5] - 10月19日,迪士尼+还将直播2024年摇滚名人堂颁奖典礼 [5] - 迪士尼还将推出与漫威合作的乐高动画特别节目 [5] - 虽然单一内容难以带动股价,但内容更新有助于保持用户群的活跃和增长 [6]
Walt Disney Stock Upgraded on Macroeconomic Outlook
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-09-30 23:02
Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS) is down 0.2% to trade at $95.85 at last glance, even after Seaport Research upgraded the blue chip stock to "buy" from "neutral," citing its improved macroeconomic outlook. The brokerage also lifted its price target to $108, which is close to analysts' consensus price target of $110.86. Walt Disney stock is on track to snap a five-month losing streak today, and is fresh off its fourth-straight daily gain. Since the start of the year, the equity is up 6.2%. A short-term dip could so ...
Wall Street Bulls Look Optimistic About Disney (DIS): Should You Buy?
ZACKS· 2024-09-30 22:30
文章核心观点 - 华尔街分析师的股票评级建议对投资者的投资决策影响有限 [1][2] - 分析师的评级存在积极偏差,他们倾向于给出更多的"强烈买入"评级而非"强烈卖出"评级 [2][5] - 分析师评级不如基于公司业绩数据的量化模型(如Zacks Rank)更能预测股价走势 [3][5] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 迪士尼(DIS)的分析师评级 - 迪士尼目前的平均分析师评级(ABR)为1.57,介于"强烈买入"和"买入"之间 [1] - 27家券商中,有17家给出"强烈买入"评级,4家给出"买入"评级,占总评级的63%和14.8% [1] 分析师评级的局限性 - 分析师评级存在积极偏差,他们倾向于给出更多的"强烈买入"评级 [2][5] - 分析师评级很难准确指导投资者选择具有最大涨幅潜力的股票 [2] - 分析师评级不如基于公司业绩数据的量化模型(如Zacks Rank)更能预测股价走势 [3][5] Zacks Rank与分析师平均评级(ABR)的区别 - Zacks Rank是基于盈利预测修正的量化模型,而ABR仅基于分析师的推荐 [4][5] - Zacks Rank能更及时反映公司业绩变化,而ABR可能滞后 [6] 对迪士尼的投资建议 - 迪士尼当前的Zacks Rank为3(中性),这可能意味着其股价未来表现可能与大盘持平 [7] - 投资者不应完全依赖分析师的"买入"评级,而应结合Zacks Rank等量化指标进行审慎决策 [7]
Disney Shares Are Headed Upwards (Technical Analysis)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-30 16:07
Disney (NYSE: DIS ) performed poorly through the heart of the summer, including in response to the earnings report it delivered in early August. Since the start of September, DIS shares turned themselves around, and are exiting the month on what appearsZvi provides advisory services to companies, trusts, and individuals, including consulting expert services regarding retirement and estate planning. Zvi is admitted to practice law in the state of New York, where he offers cash management, Bitcoin, and Trust ...
The Fed Just Lowered Interest Rates. My Top Value Stock to Buy Now.
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-30 06:05
文章核心观点 - 迪士尼公司在经历了一段时间的低迷后,正在通过新任CEO鲍勃·艾格的领导,采取一系列措施来提高盈利能力和股东回报[1][2][3][4] - 较低的利率可能有助于降低迪士尼的资本成本,并刺激消费者支出,从而提升迪士尼的业务表现[5][6] - 迪士尼的知识产权和内容库是其核心价值所在,对于吸引游客和Disney+订阅者至关重要[6][7] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 迪士尼公司概况 - 迪士尼公司经历了一段时间的低迷,包括债务水平上升、停止派息、收益下降和负增长等问题[2][3] - 新任CEO鲍勃·艾格上任后采取了一系列措施,如专注于盈利能力更强的主题公园业务,并注重内容质量而非数量[4] 利率下降对迪士尼的影响 - 较低的利率可以降低迪士尼的资本成本,有助于再融资或新增债务[6] - 较低的利率还可能刺激消费者支出,提升迪士尼的业务表现[6] 迪士尼的核心竞争力 - 迪士尼的知识产权和内容库是其核心价值所在,对于吸引游客和Disney+订阅者至关重要[6][7]
Hurricane Helene Disrupts Flights, Sports Events, Disney Operations: Affected Regions, Stocks To Watch
Benzinga· 2024-09-27 01:46
Hurricane Helene is on track to hit Florida and the Gulf Coast region Thursday night in what could be one of the most powerful storms to strike the regions in decades.Here's a look at the regions most affected, and how the hurricane is impacting travel, sports, and key stocks to watch.Hurricane Path: Hurricane Helene could hit and impact several major cities in Florida and the nearby states, including Tampa, Tallahassee and Atlanta.Currently a Category 2 hurricane, the storm could be elevated to a Category ...
Disney's Streaming Surge, Epic Games Deal Among Key Growth Drivers, Says Analyst
Benzinga· 2024-09-27 01:06
文章核心观点 - 迪士尼公司的直接面向消费者(DTC)业务预计将在2024财年实现盈亏平衡,并在成熟时达到"两位数"的利润率[1] - 迪士尼将从Charter Communications获得550万至600万新订阅用户,这将在2024财年下半年开始[1] - 迪士尼投资15亿美元于Epic Games(用于开发迪士尼游戏)[1] - 迪士尼600亿美元的主题公园资本支出中,70%将用于增加新的收入来源[1] - 2024财年迪士尼将产生80亿美元的自由现金流,并获得泰勒·斯威夫特演唱会在Disney+的独家版权[1] - 迪士尼将提高50%的股息,达到每年0.9美元,收益率为1%[1] - 2024年迪士尼将回购超过30亿美元的股票[1] 行业分析 数字业务 - 迪士尼的数字和实体资产组合(即"全息宇宙")最大化了其经济价值捕获[2] - 迪士尼将从生成式AI中获益,并可能成为科技巨头的收购目标,因其流媒体护城河和优质内容库[2] 线性业务 - 迪士尼第四季度线性网络收入预计下降10%至24亿美元,反映了线性订阅用户的持续下降,以及与DirecTV的分歧[3] - 但内容销售分部的票房收入增加,抵消了线性网络的下降[3] 体育业务 - 迪士尼第四季度体育收入维持在38亿美元,但营业利润增加11%至9.22亿美元,反映了该部门的良好势头[3] 体验业务 - 迪士尼第四季度体验部门收入维持在82亿美元,但营业利润下降13%至17亿美元,反映了"中个位数"的亏损[3]
Disney slashes 300 jobs this week as CEO Bob Iger continues belt-tightening
New York Post· 2024-09-26 22:17
Disney is reportedly eliminating 300 corporate jobs this week — the latest round in a broad cost-cutting initiative by Chief Executive Bob Iger.The job cuts — which began Wednesday and will continue Thursday and possibly Friday, according to a Deadline report — affect positions in the US and impact the Mouse House’s corporate operations, according to the entertainment news outlet.Affected departments include human resources, legal, finance and communications. Since returning to Disney as CEO in 2022, Bob Ig ...
Disney+ Unveils Details Of Password Sharing Crackdown
Deadline· 2024-09-26 05:36
Disney+ has laid out how its password sharing crackdown – or what streamers calls “paid sharing” – will unspool and what subscribers can expect. In a blog post today called Paid Sharing on Disney+: Here’s What You Need to Know, it said the “features and capabilities” are now available in the U.S., Canada, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region after launching in select markets over the summer and that it expanded the program this week. The streamer, as has Netflix with other platforms fo ...