Exxon reportedly mulling $1bn Singapore gas stations sale
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-12-03 19:19
About this content About Josh Lamb After graduating from the University of Kent in the summer of 2022 with a degree in History, Josh joined Proactive later that year as a journalist in the UK editorial team. Josh has reported on a range of areas whilst at Proactive, including energy companies during a time of global crisis, aviation and airlines as the sector recovers from the pandemic, as well as covering economic, social and governance issues. Read more About the publisher Proactive financial news and ...
How Much Will ExxonMobil Pay Out in Dividends in 2025?
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-02 19:05
It's that time of year. Snow is increasingly in the weather forecasts, family members are exchanging holiday gift lists, and investors are setting financial goals for 2025. For income investors, specifically, this may include investigating stocks that are potential buys and digging into how much they will provide in dividends next year.With its high-yield dividend and a lengthy streak of hiking its payout higher, ExxonMobil (XOM 0.26%) is likely a stock that's appearing on investors' screens. Let's take a c ...
ExxonMobil and Lobbyist Face Scrutiny Over Cyber Espionage
ZACKS· 2024-11-29 21:41
Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) is under scrutiny as the FBI investigates a consultant linked to the company for alleged involvement in a hack-and-leak operation targeting environmental activists, per a Reuters report. The alleged scheme, which began in 2015, involved mercenary hackers breaching email accounts of environmentalists, whose data was later leaked to disrupt lawsuits against ExxonMobil and other energy companies.According to the report, the hacking targets were compiled by the DCI Group, a lobbyin ...
Evaluating ExxonMobil's Premium Valuation: Time to Buy or Hold?
ZACKS· 2024-11-29 04:46
文章核心观点 - 埃克森美孚公司(XOM)目前被认为相对昂贵,其股票交易价格为6.95倍的过去12个月企业价值与息税折旧摊销前利润(EV/EBITDA),高于行业平均的4.28倍[1] - 尽管估值较高,但公司基本面、增长潜力和当前市场条件需要仔细评估[3] 关键增长引擎 - 埃克森美孚通过收购Pioneer Natural Resources公司,在Permian地区拥有140万净英亩的土地,估计资源量为160亿桶油当量,极大改变了其上游投资组合[4] - 公司预计基于2023年的产量,Permian地区的产量将翻倍至130万桶油当量/天,到2027年将增加至200万桶油当量/天[5] - 在Guyana地区的海上资源项目中,公司也拥有强大的项目管道,由于这些资产的低生产成本,预计将产生显著回报[6] 综合业务模式和财务纪律 - 由于其综合业务模式,埃克森美孚在油价下跌时受到保护,因为除了勘探和生产活动外,公司还拥有广泛的炼油和化学业务[7] - 在不确定时期,公司可以依赖其强大的资产负债表,其债务资本化比率为13.34%,远低于行业平均的22.38%[8] - 有利的大宗商品价格使公司能够增强其财务状况,并偿还疫情期间产生的债务[8] 其他能源巨头的比较 - 雪佛龙公司(CVX)作为另一家综合能源巨头,其债务资本化比率为14.13%,略高于埃克森美孚[10] - BP公司也在减少其债务负担,其债务资本化比率为41.82%,远高于埃克森美孚[10] 新兴市场和增长机会 - 埃克森美孚正在扩展其传统上游和下游能源业务,进入锂市场,这是电动汽车(EV)电池的关键材料[11] - 公司还在推进液化天然气(LNG)项目,包括Golden Pass和卡塔尔的扩展,以及雄心勃勃的碳捕获和储存项目,这些努力将增强公司在能源转型中的竞争力[11] 估值和市场表现 - 积极的进展导致埃克森美孚的溢价估值,投资者对其未来的增长和盈利能力有很高的期望[12] - 今年以来,XOM股价上涨了20.7%,显著超过行业综合股票的11.8%涨幅[12] 潜在风险和不确定性 - 炼油利润率的下降和能源产品收益的近60%年度下降,突显了显著风险[14] - 由于大部分收益来自上游业务,公司的整体业务对石油和天然气价格的波动高度敏感[14]
Exxon's low carbon strategy make it top stock pick for next five years
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-11-28 01:01
About this content About Emily Jarvie Emily began her career as a political journalist for Australian Community Media in Hobart, Tasmania. After she relocated to Toronto, Canada, she reported on business, legal, and scientific developments in the emerging psychedelics sector before joining Proactive in 2022. She brings a strong journalism background with her work featured in newspapers, magazines, and digital publications across Australia, Europe, and North America, including The Examiner, The Advocate, ...
ExxonMobil Downplays Major Drilling Boosts, Stresses Discipline
ZACKS· 2024-11-27 23:01
Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) has signaled that U.S. oil and gas producers are unlikely to significantly ramp up production despite potential policy shifts under a future Trump administration. Speaking at the Energy Intelligence Forum in London, Liam Mallon, head of ExxonMobil's upstream division, emphasized that the industry remains focused on economic sustainability over aggressive drilling."We're not going to see anybody in 'drill, baby, drill' mode," Mallon stated. He highlighted that radical production ...
XOM Exits Block 52 Offshore Suriname, Petronas Takes Full Ownership
ZACKS· 2024-11-26 23:45
文章核心观点 - 埃克森美孚公司(XOM)已将其在苏里南近海52区块的50%工作权益转让给马来西亚国家能源公司Petronas,Petronas现持有该区块100%的工作权益 [1][2] 公司决策 - 埃克森美孚决定退出52区块,尽管2020年在该区块发现了天然气储量 [2] - 埃克森美孚的退出是其评估资产和优化全球投资组合的更广泛努力的一部分 [2] 区块发现 - 52区块位于苏里南北部海岸,面积约4,749平方公里 [3] - 2020年,Petronas在区块内发现了Sloanea天然气 [3] - 2023年和2024年,分别在区块内发现了Roystonea和Fusaea天然气 [3] Sloanea发现 - 2024年3月,Staatsolie和52区块的合作伙伴同意进一步探索Sloanea发现,以寻找潜在的天然气 [4] - Staatsolie提到,需要一封协议书(LoA)来进一步探索2020年发现的天然气 [4] - Staatsolie和合作伙伴在区块内钻探了Sloanea-1勘探井,发现了该地区的天然气储量 [5] - 最初,发现了一小部分天然气,被认为在经济上不可行 [5] - 开发海上天然气田比开发海上油田更为复杂 [5] Petronas长期计划 - Staatsolie和52区块的合作伙伴决定继续探索Sloanea发现,并最终达成LoA [6] - Petronas预计在2024年4月钻探Sloanea-2评估井,以确定天然气储量是否足够大,具有商业开发价值 [6] - 钻探评估井后,Petronas还计划进行生产测试,以评估可以从该油田提取的天然气量 [6] - 如果评估井取得成功结果,Petronas预计将在2031年开始从该油田生产天然气 [6] 其他公司信息 - 埃克森美孚目前持有Zacks Rank 3(持有) [7] - 能源行业中,Smart Sand(SND)、FuelCell Energy(FCEL)和Nine Energy Service(NINE)目前均持有Zacks Rank 2(买入) [7] - Smart Sand是一家低成本的高质量北方白砂生产商,为石油和天然气行业提供支撑剂和其他物流服务 [8] - FuelCell Energy是一家提供低碳能源解决方案的清洁能源公司,设计燃料电池通过电化学过程产生电力,减少碳排放 [9] - Nine Energy Service为非常规油气资源开发提供陆上完井和生产服务,在美国和加拿大多个关键盆地运营 [10]
ExxonMobil Stock: Buy, Sell, or Hold?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-23 16:48
ExxonMobil (XOM -0.11%) has been a surprising stock market winner this year. Despite sluggish energy prices and the broader sector taking a back seat to the excitement in high-growth technology companies, shares of Exxon are up 20% thus far in 2024 and near its all-time high.The oil and gas giant continues to deliver solid financial results, reaffirming its blue chip status with a long history of generating positive shareholder returns. Heading into 2025, can the rally keep going or is it time for investors ...
ExxonMobil Schedules Drilling Activity Offshore Cyprus in 2025
ZACKS· 2024-11-22 23:21
Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) , the U.S. oil and gas giant, is scheduled to drill a well targeting natural gas finds offshore Cyprus in January 2025. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, many major energy companies have been trying to explore new energy reserves in the Mediterranean region in an attempt to diversify from Russia.Many oil-producing companies have been eyeing the East Mediterranean region, where many natural gas discoveries have been made in recent years. Following the invasion of Uk ...
Exxon Mobil Is A Bargain
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-19 15:50
关于公司 - Exxon Mobil是一家大型且不断发展的美国能源公司具有可观的盈利能力和自由现金流实力去年9月产生了最高的自由现金流[1] - 分析师持有Exxon Mobil股票的多头头寸[1] 关于文章 - 文章表达分析师自己的观点且未因撰写文章接受除Seeking Alpha之外的报酬[1] - 文章与文中提及股票的公司无商业关系[1]