Exxon Mobil Stock Trades On Future Prospects
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-07 17:46
I analyze oil and gas companies like Exxon Mobil and related companies in my service, Oil & Gas Value Research, where I look for undervalued names in the oil and gas space. I break down everything you need to know about these companies -- the balance sheet, competitive position and development prospects. This article is an example of what I do. But for Oil & Gas Value Research members, they get it first and they get analysis on some companies that is not published on the free site. Interested? Sign up here ...
ExxonMobil's Profits Are About to Fall. Is the Oil Stock Still a Buy?
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-07 17:22
文章核心观点 - ExxonMobil预计第三季度利润下降,但仍有望领先同行,且未来盈利能力有望提升 [1][3][7] 第二季度表现 - Exxon在第二季度实现了行业领先的92亿美元利润,几乎是Chevron的两倍,是BP和ConocoPhillips的三倍以上 [2] - 公司通过收购Pioneer Natural Resources等措施提升了盈利能力 [2] - 第二季度向股东支付了43亿美元的股息,并回购了52亿美元的股票,保持了行业最强的资产负债表和6%的低杠杆率 [2] 第三季度预期 - Exxon预计第三季度上游业务利润将比第二季度的71亿美元减少6亿至10亿美元,主要受油价下跌17%的影响 [3] - 炼油业务利润也可能因炼油利润率下降而减少最多10亿美元 [3] 未来展望 - 第四季度原油价格可能反弹,Brent原油价格已上涨近10%至每桶78美元以上,可能进一步上涨 [4] - 公司正在通过投资高利润资产和降低结构性成本来提升盈利能力 [5][6] - 预计到2027年,高利润资产产量将占公司总产量的60%,上游业务在每桶60美元的Brent油价下利润将从90亿美元增至130亿美元 [5] - 产品解决方案业务的产能将从2023年的1380万吨/年增至2027年的2000万吨/年以上,利润能力将从13亿美元增至47亿美元 [6] - 公司计划到2027年再削减50亿美元的结构性成本 [6] 结论 - Exxon尽管第三季度利润可能下降,但仍处于强势地位,未来有望实现更高的盈利 [7]
Watch These ExxonMobil Price Levels as Stock Trades at Record High
Investopedia· 2024-10-07 11:19
文章核心观点 - ExxonMobil股价创历史新高,主要是由于投资者担心中东局势升级可能会影响全球石油供应[1] - ExxonMobil股价突破了对称三角形的上轨,显示了看涨动力[3] - 投资者应关注ExxonMobil股价的上行目标位$134和$138,同时也要关注$118和$112附近的支撑位[4][5] 行业总结 - 能源板块股票普遍上涨,反映了投资者对中东局势升级可能导致全球石油供应中断的担忧[1] - ExxonMobil作为行业龙头,其股价走势反映了整个行业的走势[2] - 行业整体呈现上涨趋势,但也存在一定的短期回调风险[3] 公司总结 - ExxonMobil第三季度利润预计将环比下降,受到油价和炼油利润率下降的影响[1] - 但公司股价仍创历史新高,显示投资者对公司长期前景保持乐观[2] - 公司股价突破对称三角形上轨,技术面呈现进一步上涨的可能[3][4] - 公司股价存在$134和$138的上行目标,同时$118和$112也是重要的支撑位[4][5]
Exxon Mobil Just Broke Out And Remains Undervalued (Technical Analysis)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-06 15:06
文章核心观点 - Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE: XOM)最近突破了两年的交易区间,有合理的可能性继续上涨 [1] - 在今年夏季随着油价和整个能源行业下跌之后,公司股价已经反弹 [1] 公司概况 - Exxon Mobil Corporation是一家大型跨国石油公司,主要从事石油和天然气的勘探、生产、精炼和销售业务 [1] - 公司在全球范围内拥有广泛的业务布局,是一家领先的能源公司 [1] 行业分析 - 能源行业受到油价波动的影响较大,公司业绩也会随之波动 [1] - 近期油价下跌导致公司股价下跌,但现在已经出现反弹迹象 [1] 投资评级 - 分析师认为公司股价有望继续上涨,投资前景良好 [1] - 分析师持有公司股票的长期头寸,看好公司未来发展 [2]
ExxonMobil Warns Lower Oil Prices and Refining Margins Will Hurt Q3 Profit
Investopedia· 2024-10-05 02:30
Key TakeawaysExxonMobil said lower oil prices and refining margins will lower third quarter profit as compared to the second quarter.The company predicted that the change in prices would lower upstream earnings by $600 million to $1 billion, and the change in industry margins would do the same for energy products.ExxonMobil's stock price has basically mirrored the price of oil this year. ExxonMobil (XOM) warned that lower oil prices and refining margins will have a negative impact on third quarter results a ...
Reasons to Retain ExxonMobil Stock in Your Portfolio Now
ZACKS· 2024-10-04 22:20
核心观点 - Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) 在过去七天内见证了2024年盈利预期的上调,目前持有Zacks Rank 3 (Hold) [1] 有利因素 - 西德克萨斯中质原油价格接近每桶75美元,对XOM的上游业务有利 [2] - XOM在Permian盆地和圭亚那近海拥有大量盈利项目 [2] - XOM最近完成了对Pioneer Natural Resources的收购,扩大了在Permian盆地的足迹,预计资源潜力为160亿桶油当量 [2] - 在圭亚那的Stabroek区块,XOM发现了多个重大油田,改善了其生产前景 [3] - XOM的资产负债表强劲,总债务与资本化比率为13.5%,优于行业平均的22.6% [3] 风险因素 - XOM的股息收益率在过去一年中持续落后于行业平均水平 [4] - XOM的上游业务高度暴露于石油和天然气价格的极端波动 [4] 行业对比 - EOG Resources (EOG) 是美国领先的石油和天然气勘探和生产公司,拥有跨越美国和特立尼达的原油储备 [4] - Diamondback Energy (FANG) 是领先的Permian盆地运营商,报告称Midland盆地的单井平均生产率持续提高 [4] - ConocoPhillips (COP) 凭借其低成本和多元化的上游资产基础,拥有数十年的钻井库存,生产前景良好 [5]
Want a Little More Income Out of ExxonMobil Stock? Don't Outsmart Yourself.
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-04 17:49
ExxonMobil has a 3.2% yield, but what if you could jack that up to 26%? That's the pitch from YieldMax XOM Option Income Strategy ETF. Be cautious.One of ExxonMobil's (XOM 0.87%) defining features is its dividend -- specifically, the company's ability to increase the dividend year in and year out for 42 consecutive years despite the inherent volatility of the energy sector. But for some investors, the 3.2% dividend yield might not be compelling enough to make the integrated energy giant a buy.Selling covere ...
ExxonMobil (XOM) Forecasts Earnings Decline Amid Oil Price Volatility
Gurufocus· 2024-10-04 06:51
ExxonMobil (XOM, Financial) has announced through a regulatory filing that its third-quarter earnings from oil and gas production, also known as upstream earnings, are expected to decrease by $600 million to $1 billion due to fluctuations in oil prices. The energy giant's earnings are highly sensitive to changes in oil prices.This anticipated earnings decline underscores the volatility of the oil market and its direct impact on companies involved in oil and gas exploration and production. As one of the worl ...
Should Investors Chase the Surge in Exxon Mobil (XOM) Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-10-04 06:01
Surging back toward its 52-week highs, Exxon Mobil’s (XOM) stock is starting to turn heads after brewing tensions in the Middle East have spiked crude oil prices to over $70 a barrel again.Outside the possibility of global oil supply chain issues, the rebound in the commodity price comes as OPEC+ had previously announced it would delay any production increases until December. As reported by CNN, some analysts believe crude prices could soar to $100 a barrel this month. While this could be worrisome to con ...
ExxonMobil Announces Launch of Signature Polymers
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-10-02 00:00
文章核心观点 公司推出了新的聚合物品牌"Signature Polymers"以提升客户服务和合作伙伴关系 [1][2][3] 关键要点总结 公司举措 - 将聚烯烃产品整合到单一的Signature Polymers品牌下 [1] - 推出多项新举措和加强现有项目,以展现公司对客户和价值链的承诺 [1] - 建立客户承诺,以支持增强的客户服务方式 [1] - 举办"PolyView"行业对话活动,分享市场洞见并汇聚价值链各方 [1] - 简化Signature Polymers产品架构和命名,改善产品选择 [1] - 成立Signature Polymers学院,为重点市场客户提供培训和研讨会 [1] - 为员工提供全面培训,以更好地发挥合作伙伴角色,满足客户需求 [2] 品牌调整 - 将产品整合到单一Signature Polymers品牌下 [3] - 未来一年内,将逐步过渡部分品牌和产品等级名称,以更好反映产品属性和优势 [3] - 产品质量不变,仅调整品牌名称 [3] 行业合作 - 举办"PolyView"行业活动,促进行业领袖和价值链专家的交流与合作 [3] - 成立Signature Polymers学院,为客户及其员工提供培训和研讨机会 [3]