Citigroup Calls for Dismissal of New York Lawsuit Over Online Scams
ZACKS· 2024-10-12 00:05
文章核心观点 - 纽约总检察长Letitia James指控花旗银行未能及时向客户偿还网络诈骗损失 [1][2] - 花旗集团辩称已采取充分的安全措施保护客户,并依据统一商法典的规定免除责任 [3] - 花旗集团于2024年4月敦促联邦法官驳回此诉讼 [3] - 联邦储备局于2024年10月终止了针对花旗集团反洗钱实践的长期执法行动 [4] 行业动态 - 多家金融公司面临法律纠纷 - 多伦多道明银行的美国经纪交易部门同意支付2000万美元和解美国当局关于操纵美国国债市场的指控 [5] - 富国银行被指未向参与现金掉期计划的客户支付足够利息,导致客户遭受重大经济损失 [5]
Citi Debuts Token Services for Cash Cross-Border Payments Tool· 2024-10-11 09:32
文章核心观点 - 花旗银行推出了Token Services for Cash和Token Services for Trade两项新的商业解决方案 [1][2] - 这些解决方案利用分布式账本技术(DLT)和智能合约,可以实现跨境实时支付和贸易融资,降低成本,提高效率 [1][3] - 这些新服务有助于解决传统跨境支付系统存在的高成本和低效率问题 [3] 公司方面 - 花旗银行已经在新加坡和纽约之间试运行了Token Services for Cash,并正在探索在其他分支机构之间推广 [1] - Token Services for Trade已经与两家航运代理公司CB Fenton和GAC Panama Shipping进行了试点交易,这是该服务在全球航运业的首次实际应用 [2] 行业方面 - 传统跨境支付系统存在高成本和低效率的问题,如消费者跨境支付平均费用超过11%,企业跨境支付费用平均1.5%,处理时间长达数周 [3] - 基于区块链技术的分散金融(DeFi)可以将交易成本降低高达80%,提高透明度和效率 [3] - 越来越多的公司如Visa、Shopify等正在尝试利用稳定币进行区块链支付测试,显示区块链技术正在得到广泛接受 [3]
Exploring Analyst Estimates for Citigroup (C) Q3 Earnings, Beyond Revenue and EPS
ZACKS· 2024-10-10 22:20
Wall Street analysts expect Citigroup (C) to post quarterly earnings of $1.36 per share in its upcoming report, which indicates a year-over-year decline of 10.5%. Revenues are expected to be $19.91 billion, down 1.2% from the year-ago quarter.The consensus EPS estimate for the quarter has undergone a downward revision of 2.9% in the past 30 days, bringing it to its present level. This represents how the covering analysts, as a whole, have reassessed their initial estimates during this timeframe.Ahead of a c ...
Citibank Urges Dismissal of Lawsuit Alleging Failure to Prevent Fraud· 2024-10-09 07:28
文章核心观点 - 纽约总检察长指控花旗银行未能保护欺诈受害者,花旗银行律师辩称银行有多重欺诈检测措施,且电子资金转账法案(EFTA)不适用于电汇 [1][2][3] - 花旗银行律师称,大多数欺诈转账是由于消费者向骗子泄露个人信息,银行在采取合理安全措施的情况下不对损失负责 [1][2] - 纽约州律师表示,该案聚焦于未经消费者指示或授权而从其账户转出资金的情况,自提起诉讼以来已接到大量消费者反映 [2] - 纽约总检察长指称花旗银行没有防范账户接管的保护措施,误导消费者权利,并非法拒绝欺诈受害者赔付 [2] 行业概况 - 银行业面临行业范围内电汇欺诈激增的挑战 [3] - 银行有责任采取领先的安全协议、直观的欺诈预防工具、提供最新骗局信息,并提高客户意识和教育 [3] 公司概况 - 花旗银行表示遵守所有与电汇相关的法律法规,努力预防欺诈,并在可能的情况下协助客户追回损失 [3] - 花旗银行认为,当客户按照骗子的指示行事且银行无法发现客户受骗时,银行无需全额赔付客户损失 [3]
Terns Pharmaceuticals Reports Inducement Grant to New Employee Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(C)(4)
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-10-08 04:05
FOSTER CITY, Calif., Oct. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Terns Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (“Terns” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: TERN), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing a portfolio of small-molecule product candidates to address serious diseases, including oncology and obesity, today announced that it has granted as of October 1, 2024 an equity inducement award to a new employee under the terms of the 2022 Employment Inducement Award Plan, as amended (the “Inducement Plan”). The equity award was ...
Goldman and Citigroup Boost Ratings on Chinese Stocks Amid Positive Outlook
Gurufocus· 2024-10-07 11:11
文章核心观点 - 中国股市在国庆节假期后重新开市,投资者关注假期前的涨势是否会持续[1] - 高盛将中国股票评级上调至"增持",预计基准估值将上升,这源于中国政府采取的果断政策措施改善了估值[1] - 花旗集团也上调了中国消费和房地产股的评级[1] - 高盛分析师预计中国股票有15%至20%的上涨空间,这源于最近的强劲反弹、估值仍低于中位数区间、盈利增长潜力以及投资者持仓较轻[1] - 高盛将MSCI中国指数和CSI 300指数的12个月目标分别上调至84点和4600点,对应总回报率15%至18%[1] - 花旗分析师看好互联网股票,维持"增持"评级,这源于其基本面强劲以及消费刺激措施带来的积极溢出效应[2]
Cidara Therapeutics Reports Inducement Grant Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(C)(4)
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-10-05 04:30
SAN DIEGO, Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cidara Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: CDTX), a biotechnology company using its proprietary Cloudbreak® platform to develop drug-Fc conjugate (DFC) immunotherapies designed to save lives and improve the standard of care for patients facing serious diseases, today announced that the Compensation Committee of its Board of Directors (Compensation Committee) granted Dipesh Bhatt, a new employee, a non-qualified stock option award and restricted stock units (RSUs) for an ...
Citigroup's 2013 AML Enforcement Action Terminated by Federal Reserve
ZACKS· 2024-10-03 00:01
The Federal Reserve has terminated a decade-long enforcement action against Citigroup Inc. (C) , which was filed over weaknesses in the bank's anti-money laundering (AML) practices.Background of Citigroup’s Enforcement ActionIn March 2023, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency raised concerns over insufficient controls and risk management practices pertaining to the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and AML requirements.The enforcement action didn’t include any fin ...
Fed Terminates Decade-Old Money Laundering Enforcement Action vs Citigroup· 2024-10-02 04:26
The Federal Reserve has terminated a decade-old enforcement action against Citigroup that focused on deficiencies tied to the banking giant’s anti-money laundering (AML) practices.On Oct. 1, the central bank announced the termination of the 2013 action — one that had not carried a fine. But the action does discuss several changes to various bank-wide efforts to monitor and address risk, and to report its findings periodically to regulators.In terms of the consent order itself, the Fed had brought its action ...
Citigroup Inks Deal to Form Private Credit Program With Apollo
ZACKS· 2024-09-27 23:05
Citigroup Inc. (C) and Apollo Global Management Inc. (APO) have inked a deal for a subsidiary of Citigroup and certain affiliates of Apollo to establish a revolutionary $25-billion private credit, direct lending program. The program will initially focus on North America, potentially expanding to additional geographies. Both companies expect the program to finance approximately $25 billion of debt opportunities over the next several years, including corporate and financial sponsor transactions.  Citigroup an ...