
3 Lessons Dividend Stock Investors Can Benefit From in 2025
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-15 17:13
The end of the year is a perfect time to reflect on your investment journey. Part of that reflection can involve identifying mistakes worth avoiding or portfolio moves to make before the end of the year. You can also dig deeper into a particular sector or type of stock, such as growth stocks versus value or dividend stocks.Here are three lessons you can use to help pick winning dividend stocks to buy and hold in the new year. 1. The power of earnings growthThere's no force more powerful in the stock market ...
3 Facts About Costco You Must Know Before Buying the Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-14 18:05
Costco Wholesale (COST 0.10%) is not only a consumer favorite, but a top choice among the investment community as well. Shares of the warehouse club operator have risen 595% in the past decade. Including dividends, the total return is an exceptional 752% during that same period of time.That type of magnificent performance can draw in new investors to this retail stock, which continues to climb higher and now trades in record territory. Before you rush to buy Costco, here are three things you need to know.1. ...
Costco Unharmed By Subscription Hike As Retailer Beats Street Forecast
Forbes· 2024-12-14 02:32
The membership counter at a Costco store in Richmond, California. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty ... [+] Images)Getty ImagesCostco Wholesale ruffled some feathers earlier this year when it warned that subscription rates were going up for the first time since 2017, but the bulk discounter beat earnings estimates for its fiscal first quarter yesterday.And along with Walmart, the discount retailer has successfully surfed the inflation wave this year as price conscious consumers have turned to cheaper options ...
Costco Q4: Strong Membership Fee Growth Likely Ahead
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-14 01:28
Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of COST either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. Seeking Alpha's Disclosure: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any i ...
Costco's Unique Retail Model And Solid Growth Stand Out In Challenging Market: Analysts
Benzinga· 2024-12-14 01:04
JP Morgan analyst Christopher Horvers reiterated the Overweight rating on Costco Wholesale Corporation COST with a price forecast of $1,090.The analyst suggests that the ongoing global momentum in the business, share gains across various sectors and geographies (including e-commerce growth), and the company’s leverage to a cyclical upswing in big-ticket items (about 20% of the comp) contribute to its strong performance.Additionally, the emerging benefits from advertising revenue make Costco’s fundamental st ...
Why Is Costco Stock Up 2x S&P 500 This Year?
Forbes· 2024-12-14 00:00
Note: Costco FY’24 ended on September 1, 2024.RICHMOND, CALIFORNIA - JULY 11: In an aerial view, the Costco logo is displayed on the exterior of a ... [+] Costco store on July 11, 2024 in Richmond, California. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)Getty ImagesWarehouse club operator Costco (NASDAQ: COST) stock is up 52% since the beginning of this year, almost 2x the return of the S&P 500 over the same period. In comparison, Costco’s peer Walmart’s (NYSE: WMT) stock has swelled about 80% over the same peri ...
Costco: Waiting For A Dip? Next Quarter Is Your Hope
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-13 23:36
文章核心观点 - 分析师旨在投资具备完美定性属性的公司,基于基本面以有吸引力的价格买入并长期持有,每周约发布3篇相关文章,进行广泛季度跟进和持续更新,管理集中投资组合以避免亏损并最大化对大赢家的投资敞口,常因公司增长机会低于阈值或下行风险过高而将优秀公司评级为“持有” [1] 分析师背景 - 分析师为拥有法学学士的MBA毕业生,在大型养老基金担任金融分析师 [1] 分析师披露 - 分析师在提及的任何公司中均无股票、期权或类似衍生品头寸,且未来72小时内无建立此类头寸的计划,文章为分析师本人撰写,表达个人观点,除Seeking Alpha外未获其他报酬,与文章中提及股票的公司无业务关系 [2]
Costco Q1 Earnings Beat Estimates, Comparable Sales Rise 5.2% Y/Y
ZACKS· 2024-12-13 22:35
文章核心观点 - 好市多(Costco)2025财年第一季度财报显示,营收和利润均超Zacks共识预期且同比增长,同店销售也有不错增长 [1] 季度业绩关键指标与洞察 - 本季度调整后每股收益3.82美元,超Zacks共识预期的3.79美元,较上年同期增长9.8%;计入1亿美元(每股22美分)基于股票薪酬的税收优惠后,季度每股收益为4.04美元 [2] - 总营收达621.51亿美元,同比增长7.5%,也超Zacks共识预期的620.45亿美元 [3] - 本季度同店销售同比增长5.2%,未达5.4%的预期;美国同店销售增长5.2%,加拿大和其他国际市场分别增长5.8%和4.7% [4] - 公司战略投资、以客户为中心的方法、商品举措及对会员增长的重视,助其抢占市场份额并保持稳定营收增长,本季度会员续订率达90.4% [5] 会员增长与利润率提升 - 净销售额同比增长7.5%至609.85亿美元,会员费增长7.8%至11.66亿美元;季度末付费家庭会员达7740万,同比增长7.6%,总持卡人数量增长7.2%至1.388亿 [6] - 全球客流量或购物频率提高5.1%,美国提高4.9%;全球平均交易金额或客单价增长0.1%,美国增长0.3% [7] - 剔除汽油价格和外汇影响后,同店销售增长7.1%;美国同店销售增长7.2%,加拿大和其他国际市场分别增长6.7%和7.1% [7] - 电商业务表现强劲,同店销售同比增长13%,剔除汽油价格和汇率波动影响后增长13.2% [8] - 毛利率同比扩大24个基点至11.3%,超预期;营业收入增长10.7%至21.96亿美元,营业利润率提高10个基点至3.5%,未达预期 [8] 门店更新与扩张计划 - 目前运营897家仓库,其中美国和波多黎各617家,加拿大109家等 [9] - 本季度新开7家仓库(含1家搬迁),6家新仓库中有4家在美国境外;季度结束后,加利福尼亚州普莱森顿新开1家仓库;2025财年计划开设29家仓库(含3家搬迁) [10] 财务健康状况 - 季度末现金及现金等价物为109.07亿美元,长期债务(不含当期部分)为57.45亿美元,股东权益为244.51亿美元 [11] - 本季度资本支出约12.6亿美元,预计2025财年资本支出约50亿美元 [11] 股价表现 - 过去六个月,该Zacks排名第3(持有)公司的股价上涨15.5%,而行业涨幅为10.5% [12] 其他推荐公司 - Sprouts Farmers(SFM)从事新鲜、天然和有机食品零售,目前Zacks排名第1(强力买入),过去四个季度平均盈利惊喜为15.3%;Zacks共识预期其本财年销售额和收益较上年分别增长12.2%和29.6% [13] - Freshpet Inc.(FRPT)生产、分销和销售猫狗天然新鲜食品和零食,目前Zacks排名第2(买入),过去四个季度平均盈利惊喜为144.5%;Zacks共识预期其本财年销售额和收益较上年分别增长27.3%和228.6% [14] - US Foods Holding(USFD)是美国大型食品公司和领先的食品服务分销商,目前Zacks排名第2;Zacks共识预期其本财年销售额和收益较上年分别增长6.4%和18.6% [15]
Costco: $1,000 Per Share Has No Basis In Reality
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-13 22:14
文章核心观点 - 零售巨头好市多(Costco)周四晚间公布第一季度财报,股价再创历史新高,但公司认为其估值存在问题;分析师乔希·阿诺德(Josh Arnold)利用技术和基本面分析,专注成长股,旨在高效盈利使用资金;其所在投资团队“及时交易者”(Timely Trader)可筛选资产、寻找投资机会并规避风险,还提供多种服务 [2][3] 公司相关 - 好市多(NASDAQ: COST)周四晚间公布第一季度财报,股价再创历史新高 [2] 行业相关 - 乔希·阿诺德有十年金融市场研究经验,结合技术和基本面分析,在成长周期早期识别潜在赢家,主要关注成长股,目标是高效盈利使用资金 [3] 服务相关 - “及时交易者”服务可筛选各类资产,寻找资金最佳投向以实现回报最大化,能提前发现赢家并避开输家,还提供社区交流、与分析师直接沟通、实时价格提醒、模拟投资组合等服务 [1] - “及时交易者”团队特点包括实时提醒、模拟投资组合、技术图表、情绪指标和行业分析,以寻找最佳交易机会 [2]
Prediction: These Will Be Wall Street's 2 Most-Prominent Stock-Split Stocks of 2025
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-13 18:06
文章核心观点 2024年股票拆分热潮席卷华尔街,推动市场上涨,Meta Platforms和Costco Wholesale两家公司可能在2025年进行股票拆分 [1][2][7] 2024年股票市场表现 - 2024年股票市场势不可挡,道琼斯工业平均指数、标准普尔500指数和纳斯达克综合指数多次创下历史新高,截至12月10日收盘分别上涨17%、27%和31% [1] 股票拆分相关情况 - 股票拆分可改变公司股价和流通股数量,但不影响市值和经营业绩 [3] - 股票拆分分为反向拆分和正向拆分,投资者更青睐正向拆分 [4][5] - 反向拆分旨在提高股价,通常由经营困难的公司进行,以满足上市标准 [4] - 正向拆分旨在降低股价,使零售投资者更易购买,进行正向拆分的公司往往表现出色且处于行业创新前沿 [5] - 2024年有十几起知名正向拆分,英伟达、博通和超微电脑均完成10比1正向拆分,拆分公司在宣布拆分后的12个月内往往跑赢标准普尔500指数 [6] Meta Platforms情况 - Meta Platforms是“神奇七股”中唯一未拆分过股票的公司,截至12月10日股价近620美元,有进行正向拆分的动力 [8] - 公司大部分销售来自广告,2024年前九个月1161亿美元销售额中除23亿美元外均来自广告 [9] - 旗下拥有多个热门社交媒体平台,第三季度日活用户达32.9亿,广告定价能力强 [10] - 第三季度末现金、现金等价物和有价证券达709亿美元,2024年前九个月经营活动净现金达633亿美元,为未来投资提供缓冲 [11][12] - 公司花费105亿美元购买英伟达GPU以加强数据中心,推动人工智能发展并为元宇宙布局 [12] Costco Wholesale情况 - Costco近25年未拆分股票,股价已涨至近1000美元,对普通投资者购买造成阻碍 [13] - 作为消费必需品股票,销售基本生活必需品,能吸引稳定客流量,带来可预测的经营现金流 [14] - 凭借资金优势批量采购,降低单位成本,在价格上优于竞争对手,吸引新会员并保持老会员忠诚度 [15] - 采用会员制,会员年费利润率高,能缓冲杂货低利润率,会员为充分利用年费会大量购物,强化品牌价值 [16]