Advanced Micro Devices Stock Pops on Bullish Coverage
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-12-24 02:11
核心观点 - 半导体股票在圣诞节前处于上涨模式,AMD股价上涨4.6%至124.65美元,吸引了新的看涨评级和价格目标,暗示有近100%的上涨空间[2] - AMD在过去12个月中持续超越波动性预期,其Schaeffer's Volatility Scorecard (SVS)得分为84分[1] 股价表现 - AMD股价在圣诞节前上涨4.6%,达到124.65美元,这是自10月4日以来最大的单日涨幅[2] - 尽管本月早些时候短暂突破了20日均线,但AMD股价今年仍下跌15.3%,并再次面临20日均线的压力[3] - 股价在130美元水平也面临压力,限制了从12月20日的52周低点117.90美元反弹的空间[3] 分析师评级 - Rosenblatt给予AMD“买入”评级,并设定了250美元的目标价,暗示有近100%的上涨空间[2] - 分析师指出,AMD在中央处理器和图形处理器(GPU)市场中的市场份额正在扩大[2] 期权交易 - AMD在过去10天内交易了5,344,968份看涨期权和2,820,673份看跌期权,总交易量为8,165,641份[4][5] - 最受欢迎的期权合约是12月130看涨期权[4] - AMD的50日看涨/看跌期权交易量比率为2.18,高于过去一年中98%的其他读数[5] 行业对比 - AMD的期权交易量在行业中排名靠前,10日看涨期权交易量为5,344,968份,看跌期权交易量为2,820,673份,总交易量为8,165,641份[5] - 在期权交易量方面,AMD仅次于NVDA,NVDA的10日总期权交易量为68,538,568份[5]
Stock Split Watch: Is AMD Next?
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-23 17:45
Will the chipmaker hop on the stock split bandwagon?Advanced Micro Devices (AMD 0.28%) has split its stock six times since its IPO in 1972. If you had invested $10,000 in its initial public offering (IPO) at $15 a share, your 66 shares would have been split into 18,666 shares -- which are worth about $2.24 million today.But it's been more than 24 years since AMD's last 2-for-1 stock split on Aug. 22, 2000. On the day before it executed that split, its stock closed at $68.88 a share. The split reduced its pr ...
AMD: Operating Income And EPS Trajectory Expected To Improve
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-23 10:47
AMD’s (NASDAQ: AMD ) (NEOE: AMD:CA ) excellent management team will gain attention as Intel ( INTC ) looks for yet another CEO. It is very important to have stable management with a clear vision of the direction of theI have worked in the technology sector for over 4 years. This included working with industry stalwarts like IBM. I have done my MBA in finance and have been covering various blue chip stocks for the past 6 years. Having hands-on knowledge in the technology sector has helped me gain valuable in ...
These Chip Stocks Could Rocket in 2025, According to Wall Street
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-22 19:20
Are analysts right about Advanced Micro Devices and Micron Technology?The semiconductor industry has delivered tremendous growth over the last several decades. Demand for chips can experience downturns, especially during economic recessions, but history shows that more advanced devices and technologies require more powerful processors, which creates an upward-sloping demand curve. In the near term, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to be a key sales catalyst for leading chip suppliers.IDC's latest repo ...
AMD Stock: Here's Why It's Dropping And Here's Why I'm Buying (Rating Upgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-21 04:57
It has been a disappointing year for Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMD ) shareholders as the stock has significantly underperformed relative to the S&P 500 ( SPY ), the NASDAQ ( QQQTo follow me click the "Follow" button! (Easy right?) Hi there, thanks for coming to my profile page! My name is Kumquat Research (but you can call me Jeremy) and I've been writing for Seeking Alpha on and off for going on ten years now, beginning with my inaugural published piece during my first year of college. I have a ...
AMD: Don't Be Fooled By The Naysayers
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-21 00:45
JR Research is an opportunistic investor. He was recognized by TipRanks as a Top Analyst. He was also recognized by Seeking Alpha as a "Top Analyst To Follow" for Technology, Software, and Internet, as well as for Growth and GARP. He identifies attractive risk/reward opportunities supported by robust price action to potentially generate alpha well above the S&P 500. He has also demonstrated outperformance with his picks. He focuses on identifying growth investing opportunities that present the most attracti ...
Is It Worth Investing in Advanced Micro (AMD) Based on Wall Street's Bullish Views?
ZACKS· 2024-12-20 23:31
Investors often turn to recommendations made by Wall Street analysts before making a Buy, Sell, or Hold decision about a stock. While media reports about rating changes by these brokerage-firm employed (or sell-side) analysts often affect a stock's price, do they really matter?Let's take a look at what these Wall Street heavyweights have to say about Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage.Advanced Micro currently has ...
Could AMD Soar in 2025?
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-20 20:15
公司概况 - AMD是一家多元化的公司,业务涵盖GPU、CPU以及嵌入式处理器,特别是在数据中心和PC领域有广泛应用[2] - 公司在2024财年第三季度的数据中心收入同比增长122%,但其他业务表现参差不齐[3] - 2024年第三季度,AMD的客户端收入同比增长29%,而游戏和嵌入式业务分别同比下降69%和25%[8] 财务表现 - AMD在2024年第三季度的收入同比增长18%,这是自2022年以来的最快增长[8] - 2025年,华尔街分析师预计AMD的销售额将同比增长27%,每股收益(EPS)将增长54%[9] - AMD的股票目前以38倍的前瞻市盈率交易,这是今年以来的最低水平[5] 行业对比 - AMD在GPU市场中位居第二,但与市场领导者Nvidia相比,其业务多元化程度更高[2] - Nvidia在2023年以来的收入大幅增长,而AMD的收入则相对平稳[7] - 华尔街分析师预计Nvidia在2025年的收入将增长51%,每股收益将增长50%,这些预测与AMD相似,但Nvidia的收入增长远超AMD[11] 未来展望 - AMD的数据中心和客户端业务被视为2025年的主要增长驱动力,嵌入式处理器业务也有望反弹[9] - 尽管AMD在2025年可能表现良好,但Nvidia在增长趋势中的曝光度更高,业务拖累较少,因此Nvidia被认为是更好的投资选择[12]
Better Semiconductor Stock: AMD vs. Broadcom
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-20 18:00
公司财务表现 - 公司在Q4实现了强劲的自由现金流,达到55亿美元,同比增长17%,从去年的47亿美元增长[1] - 公司将股息提高了11%,达到每股059美元[1] 市盈率(P/E)分析 - 公司的市盈率因股价飙升而大幅上升,达到52周高点25188美元,导致其市盈率飙升,相比之下,AMD的市盈率更具吸引力[2] 行业趋势 - 半导体行业在2024年表现强劲,全球销售额同比增长19%,预计2025年将达到近7000亿美元,从2024年的6270亿美元增长[16] 公司AI业务 - 公司的AI相关收入在2024财年增长了220%,达到122亿美元,相比2023年的38亿美元[12] - 公司的AI需求推动了全年销售额达到创纪录的516亿美元,同比增长44%[12] - 公司的数据中心销售达到创纪录的35亿美元,同比增长122%[17] 公司战略 - 公司CEO称2024年为“公司转型年”,主要由AI和收购VMware驱动[9] - 公司通过收购VMware,提供虚拟化软件,帮助企业建立私有云环境,而非使用公共云[19] - 公司的基础设施业务(包括VMware)在Q4实现了196%的同比增长,达到58亿美元[20] AMD的AI策略 - AMD预计Q4收入将超过Q3的68亿美元,达到75亿美元,同比增长18%[5] - AMD的AI需求在2024财年推动了销售额达到创纪录的68亿美元,同比增长18%[11] - AMD通过收购ZT Systems,预计在2025年上半年关闭交易,以扩大其数据中心业务[15] 公司比较 - 公司和AMD都因AI相关产品的需求而实现强劲销售增长,但AMD的估值和对中国市场的较低风险敞口使其成为更具吸引力的投资选择[3][7] - 公司和AMD都是优秀的半导体公司,但选择其中一个投资时,应考虑市盈率(P/E)[13] - AMD在加速计算领域的专业性,以及对AI和数据密集型应用的需求增长,为其提供了巨大的市场机会[8][18]
This AI Stock Hit a New Low in Wednesday's Sell-Off: Is It Time to Buy?
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-20 00:50
市场表现 - 美联储可能放缓降息步伐 导致主要市场指数下跌 但大多数投资者今年仍表现良好 [1] - 2024年不到三分之一的大盘股交易价格下跌 [1] - 在美国上市交易所中 市值超过100亿美元的853家公司中 只有不到6%的公司创下52周新低 [2] AMD公司概况 - AMD股价创下一年多以来的新低 但不应被视为警告信号 [3] - AMD在人工智能处理器领域需求激增 但其他业务部门表现不佳 [3] - 数据中心部门收入在最新季度飙升122% [4] - 第三季度数据中心收入达到35亿美元 占其总收入68亿美元的一半以上 [5] - 游戏部门业务在过去一年暴跌69% 主要由于半定制收入大幅下降 [6] - 嵌入式部门业务收入同比下降25% [6] - 客户端部门业务在最新季度收入增长29% [6] - 第三季度总收入增长18% [7] 财务表现 - AMD在2024年股价下跌18% 但在本财年所有三个季度都超出分析师预期 [8] - 利润率扩大 调整后净收入在最新报告中增长31% [8] - 18%的收入增长是两年来最强的同比增长 [9] - 公司预计当前季度收入增长22% 分析师预计明年全年收入增长27% [9] - 目前AMD的远期市盈率为24倍 对于一家正在重新崛起的AI公司来说 估值合理 [10]