国海证券· 2024-11-06 19:17
报告公司投资评级 - 首次覆盖,给予AMD"增持"评级 [16] 报告的核心观点 整体业绩表现良好,保持良好增长态势 - 公司Q3收入利润均保持良好增长态势,实现收入68.2亿美元,同比增长18%,基本符合预期;实现Non-GAAP净利润15.0亿美元,同比增长33%,基本符合预期 [7] - Non-GAAP毛利率为54%,同环比均有所优化;Non-GAAP费用率为29%,同比基本持平,环比改善3pct [8][9] - Non-GAAP经营利润率达到25%,同环比均有所改善 [10][11] - 2024Q4收入指引75亿美元,上下波动3个亿美元,略低于市场预期;Non-GAAP毛利率约为54%,与Q3持平 [12] 分业务情况 - 数据中心业务同比大幅增长122%,环比增长25%,主要得益于AMD Instinct系列GPU和AMD EPYC系列CPU需求强劲 [13] - 基于最新的AI芯片订单需求,AMD CEO再次上调数据中心GPU的全年收入指引,从45亿美元上调至50亿美元 [13] - 客户端业务保持良好增长态势,实现收入18.8亿美元,同比增长29%;而游戏业务和嵌入式业务表现不佳 [14][15] 盈利预测与评级 - 预计公司2024-2026年营收分别为257/309/374亿美元,Non-GAAP净利润分别为51/66/80亿美元 [16] - 考虑到当前AI需求旺盛,以及AMD新产品竞争力,首次覆盖给予"增持"评级 [16]
Where Will AMD Stock Be in 2025?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-06 18:12
This underperforming semiconductor stock could witness a turnaround next year.This has been a forgettable year for Advanced Micro Devices (AMD 0.68%) investors. Shares of the semiconductor specialist are down 4% so far in 2024, while the PHLX Semiconductor Sector index has recorded impressive gains of almost 20% as of this writing.More bad news was in the offing for AMD investors when the company released third-quarter results on Oct. 29. Though it reported healthy year-over-year growth in revenue and earni ...
Harris Stocks: Promising Picks If Harris Wins
Forbes· 2024-11-06 00:25
US Vice President Kamla Harris delivers remarks on the first anniversary of the Hamas attack on ... [+] Israel at the Naval Observatory in Washington, DC, on October 7, 2024. (Photo by Ting Shen / AFP) (Photo by TING SHEN/AFP via Getty Images)AFP via Getty ImagesThe Trump vs. Harris game is down to the bottom of the ninth. Yet it still looks like anybody’s game. If you think Harris has done enough to deserve a promotion from Vice-President to President, then here is a list of stocks that you could bet on to ...
Should Investors Buy Weakness in These High-Growth Stocks?
ZACKS· 2024-11-06 00:16
The 2024 Q3 earnings season continues at a rapid pace, with a nice variety of companies delivering quarterly results daily.So far, several popular stocks, namely Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Eli Lilly (LLY) – have reported quarterly results, with the two seeing negative post-earnings reactions.But did the results warrant the knee-jerk reaction? Let’s take a closer look at each release.AMD Reports Record Data Center Results Concerning headline figures in the release, AMD posted a 1.1% beat relative to th ...
第一上海证券· 2024-11-05 15:32
报告公司投资评级 - 报告给出超威半导体(AMD)的买入评级 [4] 报告的核心观点 - 2024年第三季度公司营收为68.2亿美元,同比增加17.6% [1] - 2024年第三季度毛利率为50.1%,同比增加2.8个百分点 [1] - 2024年第三季度经营利润为7.2亿美元,同比增长223% [1] - 2024年第三季度GAAP净利润7.7亿美元,Non-GAAP净利润15.0亿美元,同比增长32.5% [1] - 2024年第四季度收入指引中值75亿美元,同比增加21.6% [1] - 2024年第四季度Non-GAAP毛利率指引为54% [1] - 2024-2026年公司收入CAGR预计为38.3%,Non-GAAP净利润CAGR预计为63.2% [4] - 采用DCF估值法,得到目标价180.00美元,对应2025年PE为26倍,较当前股价有24.94%的上升空间 [4] 数据中心业务 - 2024年第三季度数据中心营收同比增长122.1%达35.5亿美元 [2] - 第五代EPYC处理器在OEM及ODM中广泛应用,价格同比上涨10%-25%,性能较竞争对手提升60% [2] - 2024年第三季度GPU销售额达15亿元,公司上调全年收入指引至50亿美元,预计2024年MI300全年收入55亿美元 [2] - 未来AI GPU产品路线图清晰,MI325X将于第四季度推出,2025年底将推出对标英伟达Blackwell的MI350系列产品 [2] - 预计2024-2026年公司AI GPU业务收入CAGR为469.1% [6][7] 客户端业务 - 2024年第三季度客户端业务收入同比增长29.5%达18.8亿美元 [3] - 2024年Ryzen AI Pro平台数量将增加三倍,2025年商用平台将超100个 [3] - 2024年第三季度全球PC出货量同比下滑2.4%,但IDC预计2025年将有个位数增长,公司客户端全年将实现38.7%增长 [3] 游戏及嵌入式业务 - 2024年第三季度游戏业务同比下滑69.3%达4.6亿美元,但9月拿下索尼PS5 Pro订单有望驱动2025年游戏收入降幅缩小 [3] - 2024年第三季度嵌入式业务受益于国防及航天需求增加,环比增长7.7%达9.3亿美元,公司指引2025年市场温和复苏 [3]
Nothing Surprising About AMD's Results (Rating Downgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-05 05:57
Retirement is complicated, and you only get once chance to do it right. Don't miss out because you didn't know what was out there.The Retirement Forum provides actionable ideals, a high-yield safe retirement portfolio, and macroeconomic outlooks, all to help you maximize your capital and your income. We search the entire market to help you maximize returns.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMD ) disappointed the market after earnings, with a double-digit share price decline. Unfortunately, despite conti ...
AMD: Buy The Drop (Technical Analysis, Rating Upgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-04 22:00
When I last covered Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMD ) on October 14th, 2024, with my article “ AMD: Ready To Move Higher ”, the stock was attempting to find a supportive base after falling by as muchAnalyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of AMD either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relati ...
AMD Delivers Where It Counts: Can It Beat Nvidia?
Forbes· 2024-11-04 21:30
CHINA - 2024/09/17: In this photo illustration, Advanced Micro Devices logo (AMD) is displayed on a ... [+] smartphone with a S&P index website background. (Photo Illustration by Alvin Chan/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty ImagesAdvanced Micro Devices stock (NASDAQ: AMD) stock dropped about 13% over the past two trading days, following its Q3 earnings report, during which the company provided slightly softer-than-expected guidance for the upcoming quarter. AMD forec ...
Nvidia Stock Is Up 173% in 2024, but Here's Another Super Semiconductor Stock to Buy Hand Over Fist, According to Wall Street
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-04 17:41
文章核心观点 - Nvidia是数据中心GPU的领导者,但AMD正在迅速追赶,凭借其新一代GPU产品如MI300X和即将推出的MI325X和MI350系列,正在抢占Nvidia的市场份额 [4][5][6][7] - AMD的AI相关收入在2024年第三季度大幅增长,其数据中心GPU收入同比增长122%,达到35亿美元,超出了此前的预期 [10][11] - AMD的Ryzen AI系列芯片正在快速渗透到PC市场,预计到2025年将有超过100个商业平台采用这些AI芯片 [8][9][12] - 分析师普遍看好AMD的股票前景,认为其未来几年的业绩增长潜力很大 [14][15][16][17][18] 行业概况 - Nvidia CEO预测未来5年内,数据中心将投资1万亿美元用于升级基础设施以支持AI需求,其中很大一部分将用于购买GPU [1] - 根据AMD的预测,到2028年芯片市场规模将达到5000亿美元,年复合增长率达60% [16] 公司概况 - Nvidia目前在数据中心GPU市场占据98%的份额,但随着AMD新产品的推出,其市场份额将逐步下降 [4][17][18] - AMD的数据中心GPU业务增长迅速,第三季度收入同比增长122%,达到35亿美元 [11] - AMD的Ryzen AI系列芯片正在快速渗透PC市场,预计到2025年将有超过100个商业平台采用 [9][12] - 分析师普遍看好AMD的股票前景,给予买入评级的分析师占比超过70% [15]
AI predicts AMD stock price for year-end
Finbold· 2024-11-04 03:01
文章核心观点 1. AMD的数据中心业务是公司的主要增长引擎,第三季度收入同比增长122%至35亿美元 [4][5] 2. 公司即将推出的Instinct MI325X芯片有望进一步提升AMD在数据中心市场的份额 [5][11] 3. 尽管面临来自英伟达Blackwell芯片的激烈竞争,但AMD的估值水平和未来盈利增长预期仍然较为乐观 [6][8][12] 4. 分析师预测AMD股价有望在2024年底前达到170-180美元区间,反映了公司在数据中心和AI领域的增长潜力 [9] 行业和公司分析 1. 数据中心业务增长势头强劲 [4][5][10][11] - AMD的数据中心收入在第三季度大幅增长122%,达到35亿美元,成为公司的主要增长引擎 - 公司的EPYC CPU和Instinct GPU产品在微软、Meta等主要云服务商以及Adobe、波音等企业客户中广受欢迎 - 即将推出的Instinct MI325X芯片有望进一步提升AMD在数据中心市场的竞争力 2. 估值水平和盈利预期较为乐观 [8][12] - AMD的前瞻市盈率为30.93,表明投资者对其未来盈利增长持乐观态度 - 公司预计2024年第四季度收入将增长22%,全年GPU数据中心收入有望超过50亿美元 3. 市场情绪和分析师预测 [9][13] - 分析师普遍预测AMD股价有望在2024年底前达到170-180美元区间 - 机构投资者持有公司70.79%的股份,为股价提供了强大支撑 4. 行业竞争格局和风险 [6][7][14] - 英伟达Blackwell芯片的高性价比产品给AMD带来了一定压力 - 摩根士丹利指出AMD 2025年在台积电的CoWoS晶圆预订有所减少,可能影响MI325X芯片的产能扩张