Want $1,000 in Dividend Income? Here's How Much You Have to Invest in Coca-Cola Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-26 18:09
It's a lot of money, but it's a rock-solid dividend.Coca-Cola (KO -0.20%) is a classic example of a great dividend stock. It's a dividend king, as it has raised its dividend annually for the past 62 years, under all kinds of circumstances. It's one of Warren Buffett's favorite stocks, with the dividend as a prime factor.Let's see how much you'd have to invest in Coca-Cola stock to make $1,000 in dividends every year.High, steady, and growingCoca-Cola has earned its reputation over time by giving dividend in ...
If You Bought 1 Share of Coca-Cola at Its IPO, Here's How Many Shares You'd Own Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-26 16:51
文章核心观点 - 可口可乐公司自1919年首次公开发行(IPO)以来,经历了10次股票拆分和1次股票分红 [1][2][3] - 可口可乐是一家拥有悠久历史且股票分割频繁的公司,是真正的股票分割冠军 [2][3] - 尽管可口可乐股价在当前牛市中表现不佳,但公司仍拥有众多竞争优势,是一家优秀的企业 [5][6][7] 可口可乐的股票分割历史 - 1919年9月5日,可口可乐在纽约证券交易所首次公开发行,发行价为每股40美元 [3] - 105年来,公司经历了10次正向股票拆分和1次股票分红 [3] - 1919年以来,单一股票已经增长到9,216股,市值达578,488.32美元(不含股利) [4] 可口可乐的竞争优势 - 公司拥有超过2 dozen全球品牌,每个品牌年销售额超过10亿美元,业务遍及全球除北韩、古巴和俄罗斯之外的所有国家 [6] - 公司营销实力出色,善于利用知名品牌大使和数字营销吸引年轻消费者,同时也善于利用百年历史吸引成熟消费者 [7] - 对于长期投资者而言,可口可乐股票仍充满机会,同时也提供丰厚的股息 [7]
Coca-Cola (KO) Stock Slides as Market Rises: Facts to Know Before You Trade
ZACKS· 2024-06-26 06:50
The most recent trading session ended with Coca-Cola (KO) standing at $63.84, reflecting a -0.2% shift from the previouse trading day's closing. This move lagged the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.09%. Elsewhere, the Dow saw a downswing of 0.1%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq appreciated by 0.16%.The world's largest beverage maker's stock has climbed by 3.18% in the past month, exceeding the Consumer Staples sector's loss of 0.36% and the S&P 500's gain of 2.83%.The investment community will be paying close attenti ...
Coca-Cola (KO) Increases Despite Market Slip: Here's What You Need to Know
ZACKS· 2024-06-25 06:55
Coca-Cola (KO) closed the most recent trading day at $63.97, moving +1.91% from the previous trading session. The stock's performance was ahead of the S&P 500's daily loss of 0.31%. On the other hand, the Dow registered a gain of 0.67%, and the technology-centric Nasdaq decreased by 1.09%.Heading into today, shares of the world's largest beverage maker had gained 1.24% over the past month, outpacing the Consumer Staples sector's loss of 3.03% and lagging the S&P 500's gain of 2.73% in that time.The investme ...
Want to Beat the S&P 500? You'll Regret Buying This Top Warren Buffett Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-23 19:15
Although this business is a household name, its stock return has been disappointing.Investing in an index fund that tracks the S&P 500 has proven to be a wonderful endeavor historically. For example, in just the past decade, the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF has climbed at an annualized pace of 12.9%, which includes dividends.But some individual investors strive to outperform the broader index. To do this, it's critical to find companies that can put up strong investment returns. However, I think it's also important ...
The Coca-Cola Company (KO) Redburn Atlantic and Rothschild & Co. Consumer Conference - (Transcript)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-21 04:48
文章核心观点 - 公司正处于转型期,正在努力实现更快、更有韧性的长期增长 [1][3] - 公司正在通过消费者细分和洞察来提升营销和销售效率 [4][7] - 公司正在积极拓展新品类,如咖啡和酒精饮料,但会采取审慎的扩张策略 [9][10][11] - 公司正在通过优化供应链和数字化转型来提升运营效率和盈利能力 [13][14][19][20] - 公司正在与瓶装商加强合作,实现更紧密的战略协同 [21][54][55] - 公司正在加大数字营销和创新投入,以吸引年轻消费者 [22][25][27] - 公司正在积极推动可持续发展,在包装回收利用等方面取得进展 [77][78][79] 根据目录分别总结 消费者洞察和细分 - 公司正在通过消费者细分和洞察来提升营销和销售效率,如识别不同的消费需求状态 [4][7][9] - 公司正在利用大数据和AI等技术,为零售商提供更精准的预测性订单服务,提升销售效率 [19][20] 新品类拓展 - 公司正在积极拓展新品类,如咖啡和酒精饮料,但会采取审慎的扩张策略 [9][10][11][59][68][69][70] - 公司认为饮料行业整体仍有巨大增长潜力,各细分品类也都具有良好的增长前景 [10][11] 运营效率和数字化转型 - 公司正在通过优化供应链和数字化转型来提升运营效率和盈利能力,如实施SAP S/4HANA项目 [19][20][50][51][52] - 公司正在加大数字营销和创新投入,以吸引年轻消费者 [22][25][27] 与瓶装商的合作 - 公司正在与瓶装商加强合作,实现更紧密的战略协同,如收购阿玛帝和菲律宾业务 [21][54][55][64][65] - 公司和瓶装商的财务表现和增长目标已高度一致,这是合作关系改善的关键 [54][55] 可持续发展 - 公司正在积极推动可持续发展,在包装回收利用等方面取得进展,并将可持续发展纳入公司战略 [77][78][79] - 可持续发展不仅是满足利益相关方需求,也能为公司带来成本优化等商业利益 [78]
The Coca-Cola Company (KO) Redburn Atlantic and Rothschild & Co. Consumer Conference - (Transcript)
2024-06-21 04:48
会议主要讨论的核心内容 消费者现状和细分 - 整体来看,全球经济和消费者支出仍然很强劲,但一些地区如美国和欧洲的低收入群体受通胀压力较大 [8] - 公司在过去10年里不断提升消费者细分能力,可以更精准地针对不同细分群体进行营销和产品设计 [9] 品类发展与创新 - 饮料行业整体仍有巨大增长空间,各主要品类都有良好的增长潜力 [13][14] - 公司在一些新兴品类如咖啡和乳制品采取更谨慎的扩张策略,先在特定市场做好基础再考虑扩张 [13][14] - 公司通过不断优化产品组合,淘汰低效品类,为高增长品类腾出空间和资源 [19][20] 营销和数字化转型 - 公司近年来大幅提升数字营销投入,实现从传统广告向数字化转型 [26][27][28] - 数字化转型提升了公司的营销效率和针对性,如能更好利用内部和外部数据进行精准营销 [21][22][23] 瓶装系统协同 - 公司与瓶装商的关系更加紧密和协同,共同致力于推动业务增长 [57][58] - 通过收购整合等方式,公司不断优化和扩大瓶装系统,提升整体运营效率 [31][32] 可持续发展 - 可持续发展已深度融入公司和瓶装商的战略和运营,不仅是社会责任也是提升业务效率的手段 [87][88] - 在一些新兴市场如印尼和菲律宾,公司正在大力推动包装回收利用等可持续举措 [87] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Jay 提问** Coke系统是否适合未来,为什么其他FMCG公司没有复制这种模式? [78][79][80][81] **James Quincey 和 Damian Gammell 回答** - Coke系统虽然有一定复杂性,但通过公司和瓶装商的协同合作,发挥了各自的优势,形成了独特的价值创造模式 [79][80][81] - 这种模式在市值上已经超过其他FMCG公司,证明了其适合未来发展 [80] - 非酒精饮料行业的制造和物流特点,决定了这种分散的瓶装系统模式更加适合 [80][81] 问题2 **Unidentified Analyst 提问** 酒精饮料在可口可乐的总饮料战略中扮演什么角色? [75][76][77] **Damian Gammell 回答** - 公司之前在澳大利亚通过授权的方式涉足酒精饮料,但利润较低且分散了注意力 [76][77] - 现在公司更关注酒精饮料即饮(RTD)品类,这与公司的核心能力和渠道更加贴近,可以获得较高利润 [76][77] - 预计未来公司会在RTD酒精饮料领域进行更多尝试和投入 [77]
Coca-Cola (KO) Advances But Underperforms Market: Key Facts
ZACKS· 2024-06-18 06:56
The most recent trading session ended with Coca-Cola (KO) standing at $62.62, reflecting a +0.11% shift from the previouse trading day's closing. This move lagged the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.77%. Elsewhere, the Dow saw an upswing of 0.49%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq appreciated by 0.95%.Prior to today's trading, shares of the world's largest beverage maker had lost 0.76% over the past month. This has was narrower than the Consumer Staples sector's loss of 4.12% and lagged the S&P 500's gain of 3.71% in t ...
Coca-Cola (KO) Stock Dips While Market Gains: Key Facts
ZACKS· 2024-06-12 06:50
The most recent trading session ended with Coca-Cola (KO) standing at $63.55, reflecting a -0.06% shift from the previouse trading day's closing. This change lagged the S&P 500's 0.27% gain on the day. On the other hand, the Dow registered a loss of 0.31%, and the technology-centric Nasdaq increased by 0.88%.The world's largest beverage maker's shares have seen an increase of 0.02% over the last month, surpassing the Consumer Staples sector's loss of 2.77% and falling behind the S&P 500's gain of 2.85%.Anal ...
Is Coca-Cola Stock a Buy at Its 52-Week High?
The Motley Fool· 2024-06-09 17:25
文章核心观点 - 可口可乐公司在过去几年经历了消费者支出趋势变化和通胀压力的影响,但目前已经走出了这个阶段,销售增长和盈利动力有所改善 [1][2] - 可口可乐公司作为一家拥有全球知名品牌的饮料巨头,在消费者口味不断变化的情况下仍保持了相关性,这归功于公司不断的创新和战略执行 [4][5] - 可口可乐公司一季度的有机收入增长11%,主要得益于价格上涨13%,这反映了公司向高端品类转型的战略 [6] - 公司预计全年有机收入和可比EPS将分别增长8%-9%和4%-5% [8] 公司表现 - 一季度可比营业利润率达到32.4%,连续4年在第一季度呈现上升趋势,是利润能力提升的关键驱动因素 [6][7] - 一季度可比EPS为0.72美元,同比增长7% [7] - 公司财务状况良好,净债务/EBITDA比率低于目标区间,为持续增加股息提供了良好基础 [10] 投资价值 - 公司基本面稳健,盈利能力不断提升,现金流良好,资产负债表持续改善,估值相对较低,具有较强的投资价值 [11] - 公司有望继续保持良好的股价表现,但可能会出现一些波动,但长期来看仍是一个不错的投资标的 [12]