Why Did Cathay Pacific Stock Jump?
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-26 16:58
文章核心观点 - 公司对Cathay Pacific的买入评级自8月以来已获得22%的收益,远超市场平均的6.9% [1] 公司背景 - 公司名为The Aerospace Forum,是Seeking Alpha上排名第一的航空航天、国防和航空投资研究服务 [1] - 公司提供evoX Data Analytics平台,这是一个内部开发的数据分析平台 [1] 分析师背景 - 分析师Dhierin拥有航空航天工程背景,专注于复杂且具有显著增长潜力的航空航天、国防和航空行业 [1] - 分析师通过数据驱动的分析提供投资见解,并解释行业发展如何影响投资论点 [1] 服务内容 - 公司提供直接访问数据分析监控的服务 [1]
国泰期货· 2024-11-26 00:25
行业研究 * **新造船价格波动及原因**:新造船价格近期波动,主要受通胀趋势、衰退交易、汇率等因素影响。船厂接单紧张,头部船厂订单已满,新造船价格难以大幅下降,但整体资产价格仍会跟随通胀预期变动。[1] * **船舶板块结构性分化**:大船与小船在船舶板块形成结构性分化,LNG船价格涨势强劲,邮轮新造船价格指数创历史新高。[3] * **内贸集装箱运价**:内贸集装箱运价持续上涨,亚洲区域间运价相对强劲,集装箱小船供需格局优于大船。[6] * **船舶板块投资机会**:船舶板块之前跑输,目前性价比不错,未来两年甚至五年仍有较大发展空间。[8] 公司研究 * **国泰航空**:国泰航空估值在所有航空股中最低,汇率扰动对其影响最小。[9] * **客公里收益及利润水平**:今年客公里收益水平相比疫情前增长了37%,实现10年后最高利润水平。[10] * **成本端**:成本端相比疫情前较高,主要是折旧摊销等固定成本。[11] * **汇率及油价弹性**:保守对冲覆盖比率减少到20%以下,油价弹性较大。[11] * **股东回报**:公司积极回购和注销优先股及可转债,提升普通股股东回报。[13] * **货运量及利润贡献**:10月份货流通量环比增加7%,创疫情以来新高,货运利润贡献有望持续。[14] 其他重要内容 * **市场反馈**:市场认可航空整体供需逻辑及油价下跌带来的残性,国泰航空作为复苏业绩反弹的周期性标的,也具备长期发展空间和成长性。[12] * **投资者关注事件**:关注公司整体量复苏、货运量持续高位、分红比例提升等事件。[13][14]
Recent Price Trend in Cathay Pacific Airways (CPCAY) is Your Friend, Here's Why
ZACKS· 2024-11-20 22:50
While "the trend is your friend" when it comes to short-term investing or trading, timing entries into the trend is a key determinant of success. And increasing the odds of success by making sure the sustainability of a trend isn't easy.Often, the direction of a stock's price movement reverses quickly after taking a position in it, making investors incur a short-term capital loss. So, it's important to ensure that there are enough factors -- such as sound fundamentals, positive earnings estimate revisions, ...
Cathay Pacific confirms it expects A350s back in service within days after engine issue
CNBC· 2024-09-04 16:57
文章核心观点 - 香港国泰航空公司的空客A350飞机在9月2日出现引擎部件故障,导致航班取消 [1][2][3] - 公司已完成对48架A350飞机的检查和维修,预计9月7日前全部恢复运营 [2][3] - 这是全球首次出现在A350飞机上的此类引擎故障,公司迅速应对并解决了问题 [3] - 引擎制造商罗罗公司的股价因此下跌,但分析师认为这只是临时性问题,不会对公司产生长期影响 [3][4] 公司相关 - 国泰航空公司共有48架A350飞机,其中15架需要更换燃料管线,已有6架完成维修并恢复运营 [2] - 公司能够在短时间内完成全部飞机的检查和维修,体现了公司员工的敬业精神 [3] - 此次事件导致公司取消了45个航班,主要是区域航线而非长途航线 [2] 行业相关 - 这是全球首次出现在A350飞机上的此类引擎故障 [3] - 引擎制造商罗罗公司的股价因此下跌,但分析师认为这只是临时性问题,不会对公司产生长期影响 [3] - 其他使用A350飞机的航空公司包括卡塔尔航空、英国航空、日本航空和维珍航空 [4]
Cathay Pacific grounds planes after finding 15 with faulty parts
Fox Business· 2024-09-03 19:56
文章核心观点 - 香港国泰航空公司的空中巴士A350-1000机型出现引擎部件故障,导致公司停飞大部分该机型并取消多个航班 [1][2][3] - 公司对全部18架A350-1000机型进行检查,发现15架需要更换相关部件,并已完成3架的维修 [2][3] - 引擎制造商罗罗公司表示将与航空公司、飞机制造商及相关部门密切合作,并将向其他使用同型号引擎的航空公司通报相关进展 [3] - 国泰航空表示将以客户和员工的安全为首要考虑,并为给客户带来的不便表示歉意 [3] - 国泰航空预计未来几天内航班取消数量将有所减少 [4] 公司相关 - 国泰航空公司是香港的国有航空公司 [1] - 国泰航空公司拥有18架空中巴士A350-1000机型 [2][3] - 国泰航空公司已取消至少34个往返航班,涉及香港至悉尼、大阪、东京、台北、曼谷和新加坡等航线 [4] - 国泰航空公司表示将以客户和员工的安全为首要考虑 [3] 行业相关 - 空中巴士A350-1000机型采用罗罗公司的Trent XWB-97型号引擎 [1][2][3] - 罗罗公司表示将与相关方密切合作,并向其他使用同型号引擎的航空公司通报进展 [3] - 空中巴士公司未就此事件作出回应 [4]
Rolls-Royce shares rebound 4.6% after engine issue grounds Cathay Pacific flights
CNBC· 2024-09-03 15:47
A Cathay Pacific Airbus A350 aircraft at Kingsford Smith Airport on August 18, 2021 in Sydney, Australia. Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd., is the flag carrier of Hong Kong with its main hub being at Hong Kong International Airport. Rolls-Royce shares opened higher Tuesday, making up some of the previous session's losses after Cathay Pacific cancelled several flights upon discovering technical issues in aircraft utilizing the British manufacturer's Trent XWB-97 engines. Rolls-Royce shares were 4.6% higher at 8:4 ...
Undervalued Cathay Pacific's Stock Fails To Take Off Due To High Costs And Poor Sentiment
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-23 17:09
th Canada Career of Canada Comments of and and the program and il in The Property of the Property of T STARTICAL 1 Jetlinerimages I have been following Cathay Pacific (OTCPK:CPCAF, OTCPK:CPCAY) for nearly two years and while I have been seeing fundamentally driven upside for the stock, the reality is that the stock is not performing anywhere near where it should trade based on historic EV/EBITDA multiples. Perhaps with higher costs in the industry and softening of yields driven by macroeconomic concerns, hi ...
Is Cathay Pacific Airways (CPCAY) Stock Outpacing Its Transportation Peers This Year?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-20 22:41
Investors interested in Transportation stocks should always be looking to find the best-performing companies in the group. Has Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. (CPCAY) been one of those stocks this year? Let's take a closer look at the stock's year-to-date performance to find out.Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. is one of 132 companies in the Transportation group. The Transportation group currently sits at #13 within the Zacks Sector Rank. The Zacks Sector Rank considers 16 different sector groups. The average Zacks ...
Cathay Pacific Airways (CPCAY) Is a Great Choice for 'Trend' Investors, Here's Why
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-20 21:50
When it comes to short-term investing or trading, they say "the trend is your friend." And there's no denying that this is the most profitable strategy. But making sure of the sustainability of a trend to profit from it is easier said than done.Often, the direction of a stock's price movement reverses quickly after taking a position in it, making investors incur a short-term capital loss. So, it's important to ensure that there are enough factors -- such as sound fundamentals, positive earnings estimate rev ...
Cathay Pacific 'is back' with first annual profit since 2019
TechXplore· 2024-03-13 16:50
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Cathay Pacific's net profit of US$1.25 billion was the first since 2019. Hong Kong carrier Cathay Pacific on Wednesday reported its first annual net profit in four years, citing a surge in demand as it emerges from the impact of the financial hub's COVID isolation. Hong Kong's aviation sector has struggled to fully recover fro ...