
LSEG suffering from sluggish earnings momentum, says UBS
Proactive Investors· 2024-03-18 21:55
伦敦证券交易所集团PLC(LSE:LSEG)股票评级 - UBS维持对伦敦证券交易所集团PLC(LSE:LSEG)股票的中性评级[1] LSEG盈利动能分析 - UBS指出LSEG的盈利动能明显落后于同行公司,导致持续的估值折扣[2] - 自2022年底以来,LSEG 2024/25年的共识每股收益已经下调了11-12%,与美国信息服务公司和欧洲资本市场同行公司稳定或积极的修订形成对比[3] LSEG长期机会展望 - 尽管对LSEG的长期机会持乐观态度,但UBS不预期在短期内会出现收入显著加速或共识每股收益的实质性升级[4]
Gold price to hit $2250 but wait for pullback first, says UBS
Proactive Investors· 2024-03-11 19:19
Gold has continued to hit record highs despite several headwinds and UBS expects the price to see a pullback in the near term and then rally to further new records later in the year. The Swiss bank sees gold being supported by several trends. These include the US Federal Reserve "appearing on track" to cut interest rates, support for gold from central banks and investors buying gold, and heightened geopolitical risk. “We remain positive on the price of gold for 2024, and continue to recommend it as a portf ...
UBS appoints James V. Carideo as Market Director for San Diego
Businesswire· 2024-03-09 00:00
人物背景 - 詹姆斯·卡里迪奥将于2024年1月1日起担任UBS财富管理圣地亚哥办事处的市场总监[1] - 卡里迪奥在UBS工作了近13年,最近在俄勒冈州波特兰担任市场总监,负责该地区财富管理业务的所有方面,并将波特兰综合体转变为表现最佳的市场[2] - 卡里迪奥拥有南佛罗里达大学历史学学士学位,曾在高中和大学担任体育教练,之后进入金融服务行业,此前在史密斯·巴尼(Smith Barney)工作了19年,拥有多项证券执照和FINRA注册[3] - 卡里迪奥是儿童通过体育学习的坚定支持者,曾担任波特兰体育促进组织Sport Oregon的董事会主席,计划在圣地亚哥寻找类似组织并参与社区和慈善事业[4]
UBS Advisor Team The Mahoney Group Named to Forbes Best-in-State Wealth Management Teams List
Businesswire· 2024-03-06 23:00
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--UBS Private Wealth Management announced today that financial advisor team, The Mahoney Group, based in the firm’s Los Angeles Private Wealth Management office, has been named to the Forbes Best-in-State Wealth Management Teams list for 2024. As an accomplished UBS Private Wealth Management team with over 36 years of experience, The Mahoney Group specializes in guiding private company founders and their families through the preparation, long-term planning and management of th ...
UBS Group AG (UBS) Aided by Strategic Buyouts Amid High Costs
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-27 23:56
UBS Group AG’s (UBS) strong capital position, expansion strategies and business restructuring initiatives will continue to aid its financials. However, a rising expense base and increased litigation provisions will likely limit bottom-line growth in the near term.Over the years, UBS Group AG’s strategic partnerships and buyouts, as well as its business optimization plans, have been supporting its financials. In June 2023, UBS completed the acquisition of Credit Suisse. This move is expected to enhance capab ...
S&P 500 to hit 5,500 by year end, predicts UBS
Proactive Investors· 2024-02-21 00:28
About this content About William Farrington William kickstarted his career as a researcher and reporter for a global legal publication, covering everything from public law to M&A. Before moving to Proactive Investors, he worked as a reporter for a major fintech company with a focus on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Harking from Queensland, Australia, William obtained first-class honours in journalism and media from Birkbeck University before going on to complete an MA in creative and critical ...
Dow Jones and S&P 500 to open lower as UBS ups forecasts
Proactive Investors· 2024-02-20 21:31
About this content About Leo Grieco Leo joins us with a degree in Media Production from Bournemouth University. His work includes reporting for the UK editorial team and video editing for the broadcast team. He comes with an expertise in video editing and producing. Leo’s specialities include hospitality and leisure, support services, tech and video games. Read more About the publisher Proactive financial news and online broadcast teams provide fast, accessible, informative and actionable business and fi ...
Twenty-two UBS Advisor Teams in Southern California and Hawaii Named to Forbes Best-in-State Wealth Management Teams List
Businesswire· 2024-02-14 00:05
UBS财富管理团队入选Forbes最佳州内团队名单 - UBS Wealth Management USA宣布有22个财务顾问团队入选2024年Forbes最佳州内财富管理团队名单[1] - 入选团队分布在南加州和夏威夷地区,其中9个团队来自橙县办公室,10个在圣地亚哥县,3个在檀香山[1] UBS财富管理团队荣获认可 - UBS Wealth Management USA太平洋沙漠市场负责人Justin Frame表示对团队的奉献精神感到自豪,团队致力于帮助客户实现财务目标和生活抱负[2] Forbes/SHOOK最佳州内财富管理团队排名 - Forbes/SHOOK最佳州内财富管理团队名单包括超过4100个团队,总资产达5.1万亿美元,由SHOOK Research编制,使用定量和定性数据进行排名[2] UBS全球财富管理机构介绍 - UBS是全球领先的财富管理机构,也是瑞士领先的综合银行,管理着5.5万亿美元的投资资产,帮助客户通过个性化建议、解决方案和产品实现财务目标[3] UBS总部和市场运营 - UBS总部位于瑞士苏黎世,在全球50多个市场运营,股票在瑞士交易所和纽约证券交易所上市[4]
21 UBS Advisor Teams in the Philadelphia D.C. Wealth Management Market Named to the 2024 Forbes Best-in-State Wealth Management Teams List
Businesswire· 2024-02-13 22:00
PHILADELPHIA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--UBS today announced that 21 advisor teams in the firm’s Philadelphia D.C. Wealth Management Market have been named to the 2024 Forbes Best-in-State Wealth Management Teams list. “It is truly gratifying to see so many of our talented advisors receive national recognition for their hard work and dedication to clients,” said Julie Fox, Philadelphia D.C. Market Executive at UBS Private Wealth Management. “On behalf of myself and the UBS leadership team, we congratulate each of ...
$2 Billion Advisor Team Joins UBS in Paramus, New Jersey
Businesswire· 2024-02-10 01:00
PARAMUS, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--UBS Private Wealth Management today announced that Financial Advisors Matthew Foley, Lawrence DeLuise and Christopher Butler have joined the firm. Together with their team, Foley, DeLuise & Associates, they manage more than $2 billion in client assets for ultra-high net worth individuals and families. Matt, Larry, and Chris are also joined by team members Jason Lipp, Deanna Wilson, Lori Macaluso, Greg Romano, Linsey Serafino and Emily Buske. Foley, DeLuise, & Associates jo ...