Alphabet gets share boost, analyst praise on Willow leap
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-12-12 03:31
About this content About Angela Harmantas Angela Harmantas is an Editor at Proactive. She has over 15 years of experience covering the equity markets in North America, with a particular focus on junior resource stocks. Angela has reported from numerous countries around the world, including Canada, the US, Australia, Brazil, Ghana, and South Africa for leading trade publications. Previously, she worked in investor relations and led the foreign direct investment program in Canada for the Swedish government ...
Why Alphabet Stock Keeps Going Up
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-12 00:25
Alphabet (GOOG 3.43%) (GOOGL 3.38%) stock opened the week Monday above Friday's close, and it just keeps moving higher. Wednesday morning marks its fourth straight "up" day, with Alphabet shares rising 4.5% through 10:10 a.m. ET.And Willow is the reason.Introducing Google WillowIn a post on Google's blog page Monday, Alphabet was "delighted to announce" that it has invented a new quantum computing chip called Willow. Although Alphabet is first and foremost a software company, specializing in internet search ...
Google launches Gemini 2.0, its latest AI model that can 'think multiple steps ahead'
Business Insider· 2024-12-11 23:30
Google unveiled Gemini 2.0, enhancing the AI product's capabilities.Gemini 2.0 focuses on agentic AI, improving multi-step problem-solving.Google's Project Astra and Mariner showcase advanced AI integration with popular services.It's December, which apparently means it's time for all the AI companies to show off what they've been working on for the past year. Not to be left out, Google lifted the lid on its next-generation AI model, Gemini 2.0, which it promises is a big step up in smarts and capabilities.A ...
Google releases the first of its Gemini 2.0 AI models
CNBC· 2024-12-11 23:30
Google released the first version of its Gemini 2.0 family of artificial intelligence models on Wednesday.Gemini 2.0 Flash, as the model is called, is available in a chat version for users globally while an experimental multimodal version of the model, with text-to-speech and image generation features, is available to developers. "If Gemini 1.0 was about organizing and understanding information, Gemini 2.0 is about making it much more useful," Google CEO Sundar Pichai said in a statement.Google's latest lar ...
Gemini 2.0, Google's newest flagship AI, can generate text, images, and speech
TechCrunch· 2024-12-11 23:30
Google’s next major AI model has arrived to combat a slew of new offerings from OpenAI.On Wednesday, Google announced Gemini 2.0 Flash, which the company says can natively generate images and audio in addition to text. 2.0 Flash can also use third-party apps and services, allowing it to tap into Google Search, execute code, and more. An experimental release of 2.0 Flash will be available through the Gemini API and Google’s AI developer platforms, AI Studio and Vertex AI, starting today. However, the audio ...
The Smartest Growth Stock to Buy With $200 Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-11 22:23
Want a safe growth-stock bet in a volatile market? This tech titan checks all the right boxes.The current bull market started in October 2022, when investors got early signs that the inflation crisis would fade out. Some economic indicators suggest that a sharp market correction might be in the works, but others indicate at least another year or two with continued gains on Wall Street.The market sentiment is red-hot at the moment. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI -0.35%) is up by 18% in 2024 and the S ...
The Zacks Analyst Blog Alphabet, Oracle, Merck & Co, Canterbury Park and CompX International
ZACKS· 2024-12-11 16:16
核心观点 - Zacks Equity Research分析师讨论了最新新闻和事件对股票和金融市场的影响,重点分析了Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL)、Oracle Corp. (ORCL)、Merck & Co., Inc. (MRK)、Canterbury Park Holding Corp. (CPHC)和CompX International Inc. (CIX)等公司的股票表现和前景 [1][2] Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL) - Alphabet的股价今年表现落后于科技行业和S&P 500指数,分别增长25.3% vs. 33.1%和25.3% vs. 28.2%,主要由于监管不确定性 [3] - 公司的Google Cloud Platform产品受益于AI基础设施、企业AI平台Vertex和生成式AI (GenAI)解决方案的加速增长,搜索引擎市场的主导地位是其强劲的增长驱动力 [3] - 主要搜索更新和移除不良广告以增强搜索结果,继续推动Google搜索引擎的流量增长 [3] - 然而,增加的诉讼问题和费用以及来自Microsoft和Amazon的云竞争是主要担忧 [4] Oracle Corp. (ORCL) - Oracle的股价在过去一年中表现优于Zacks计算机软件行业,增长65.4% vs. 23.4% [5] - 公司受益于战略云应用、自主数据库产品和Oracle Cloud Infrastructure的广泛采用,以及云收入增长的恢复 [5] - 最近与Amazon的合作以及Oracle Database@Google的普遍可用性预示着良好的前景 [5] - 然而,在云平台上的产品增强方面的更高支出,特别是在云领域日益激烈的竞争中,仍然是主要担忧 [6] Merck & Co., Inc. (MRK) - Merck的股价在过去一年中表现落后于Zacks大型制药行业,下降0.5% vs. 12.9% [7] - 公司面临几个药物的仿制药竞争、糖尿病产品线的竞争压力增加以及中国Gardasil销售额下降的挑战 [7] - 关于Merck在2028年Keytruda失去独家经营权之前能否增长其非肿瘤业务存在担忧 [7] - 然而,Keytruda和新产品一直是Merck销售的主要驱动力,动物健康和疫苗产品是核心增长驱动力,公司拥有强大的癌症管道,包括Keytruda,应推动长期增长 [8] Canterbury Park Holding Corp. (CPHC) - Canterbury Park的股价在过去六个月中表现落后于Zacks游戏行业,下降4.9% vs. 19.8% [9] - 公司受到弱赌场收入和股权投资重大损失的影响,增加的竞争也是一个担忧 [9] - Canterbury Park面临持续的监管障碍,特别是引入500个赛道ADW历史赛马终端,目前面临法律挑战和立法审查 [9] - 然而,Canterbury Commons开发项目通过多元化项目如圆形剧场、赢家圈和住宅单元,提供了显著的长期收入潜力,推动了传统游戏之外的增长 [10] CompX International Inc. (CIX) - CompX的股价在过去六个月中表现优于Zacks办公用品行业,增长31.8% vs. -11.1% [11] - 公司受益于多元化的客户基础、战略库存管理和安全产品部门的成长,包括机械和电气柜锁 [11] - 然而,海洋组件部门的销售额由于拖船需求减少而下降,原材料成本上升和宏观经济条件以及成熟市场的竞争压力也带来风险 [12]
Watch These Alphabet Price Levels as Stock Climbs to Five Month High
Investopedia· 2024-12-11 12:15
核心观点 - Alphabet的股价在近期因推出量子计算芯片Willow而攀升至五个月高点,技术分析显示股价可能继续上涨,目标价为$317,预计上涨趋势可能持续至2026年3月 [1][2][3][4][5][7][8][9] 股价表现 - Alphabet的股价在第三季度因反垄断担忧承压,但自9月初以来已反弹27%,年内涨幅超过30% [4] - 股价在周二突破了对称三角形形态,表明长期上涨趋势的延续,相对强弱指数(RSI)确认了 bullish 价格动量,读数高于60但未达到超买阈值,为股价进一步上涨提供了空间 [5] 技术分析 - 对称三角形突破:股价在7月初见顶后,在对称三角形内交易,周二突破了该形态的上趋势线,表明股价上涨趋势的延续 [5] - 条形图模式分析:通过分析Alphabet的图表,预测股价的长期上涨目标为$317,约为周二收盘价的70%,该预测基于2023年4月至今年7月的趋势,并从最近的突破水平重新定位 [8] - 持续时间预测:根据条形图模式工具,预测类似的上涨趋势可能持续65周,即到2026年3月 [9] 重要支撑位 - 第一个支撑位在$150附近,如果股价回调至此,投资者可能会寻找买入机会,接近连接多个重要前期峰值和2024年9月低点的多年趋势线 [10] - 如果跌破$150,下一个支撑位可能在$122,该水平在图表上通过连接2021年4月至去年10月的类似交易价格形成 [11]
Waymo to expand to Miami, aims to launch robotaxi service there in 2026
CNBC· 2024-12-05 23:01
文章核心观点 - Waymo计划在2025年将其自动驾驶车辆引入迈阿密,并在2026年通过Waymo One应用向乘客开放服务 这标志着Waymo在恶劣天气条件下运营自动驾驶车辆的信心增强 [1] 公司扩张计划 - Waymo将在2025年首先在迈阿密进行测试,由人类安全驾驶员驾驶,然后在2026年通过Waymo One应用向乘客开放服务 [1] - Waymo将在2025年与Uber合作,在奥斯汀和亚特兰大通过Uber应用提供自动驾驶出租车服务,Uber将负责车队管理、运营、维护和基础设施 [5] - Waymo将与Moove合作,在迈阿密和凤凰城管理其车队运营、设施和充电基础设施,Moove将从2025年初开始管理Waymo在凤凰城的车队 [6] 技术与测试 - Waymo在2019年首次在迈阿密进行测试,帮助其自动驾驶车辆在湿雨条件下导航的能力得到提升 [2] - Waymo将在2024年将其全电动捷豹I-PACE带回迈阿密,初始区域将包括迈阿密大都会区的一部分,人口超过600万 [3] 资金与运营 - Waymo在2023年10月完成了56亿美元的融资,用于在美国扩展其自动驾驶出租车服务 [7] - Waymo目前每周通过Waymo One应用在旧金山、凤凰城和洛杉矶提供超过15万次付费乘车服务 [7] 竞争环境 - Waymo是目前唯一在美国多个主要大都市区运营商业自动驾驶出租车服务的公司,但竞争对手正在逼近 [8] - GM旗下的Cruise正在努力恢复其自动驾驶车辆在公共道路上的使用,此前因事故暂停服务 [8] - Tesla在2023年10月展示了自动驾驶Cybercab和Robovan的设计概念,计划在2025年早些时候在加利福尼亚和德克萨斯推出自动驾驶出租车服务 [9] - SoftBank投资的Wayve和Amazon旗下的Zoox也在旧金山等地测试其自动驾驶车辆 [10]
Google: Chrome Divestiture Selloff Was A Gift For Investors
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-05 00:14
I had a 'Strong Buy' thesis on Google (NASDAQ: GOOGL ) in September . The stock did really well and outperformed the S&P 500 until mid-November. However, the information regarding potential Chrome divestiture caused the stock priceComing from an IT background, I have dived into the U.S. stock market seven years ago by managing portfolio of my family. Starting managing real money has been challenging for the first time, but long hours of mastering fundamental analysis of public companies paid off and now I f ...