Health AI startup Suki expands partnership with Google Cloud to deliver more assistive tech for clinicians
CNBC· 2024-12-18 20:00
文章核心观点 - 医疗人工智能初创公司Suki与Google Cloud合作,推出新的患者摘要和问答功能,旨在扩展其临床文档之外的功能,提升医生工作效率,并推动医疗行业的AI化[1][2][3][7] 公司合作与产品 - Suki与Google Cloud合作,利用Google Cloud的Vertex AI平台开发患者摘要和问答功能,这些功能将帮助医生更高效地获取患者信息[1] - Suki的旗舰产品Suki Assistant已经能够自动将医生与患者的对话转化为临床笔记,新功能将进一步增强其辅助技术[2] - 新功能包括患者摘要和问答功能,患者摘要功能允许医生一键获取患者的生物信息、就诊历史和就诊原因,问答功能则允许医生提交具体问题,如患者的A1C数据、疫苗记录或心电图时间[4][5] - 这些新功能将在明年年初向所有用户开放,且不会额外收费[5][6] 公司愿景与市场定位 - Suki创始人兼CEO Punit Soni表示,公司目标不仅仅是提供临床文档工具,而是成为医生的助手,帮助他们处理更多任务[3] - Suki的技术已被美国350家医疗系统和诊所使用,今年客户数量增长了三倍,新功能有望帮助公司在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出[7] 行业背景与趋势 - 医疗行业的行政工作负担是导致医护人员倦怠的主要原因,医生每周花费近28小时处理行政任务,其中近9小时用于文档记录[8] - 随着AI技术的发展,医疗行业的AI化趋势正在加速,类似Suki的文档工具越来越受欢迎,投资者也对此表现出浓厚兴趣[7][8][10] 融资与竞争 - Suki在10月完成了7000万美元的融资,竞争对手Abridge在2月完成了1.5亿美元的融资,微软旗下的Nuance Communications也提供类似的AI文档工具[9]
Alphabet's AI, Quantum Breakthroughs Drive Gains
FX Empire· 2024-12-18 18:05
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Alphabet: Room To Run Higher
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-18 15:07
公司背景 - Alphabet Inc. 是一家总部位于加州的美国跨国科技公司,是Google搜索引擎的母公司,通常被称为Google[1] 分析师背景 - 分析师Shubhm Thakkar是印度管理学院-印度的学生,已通过CFA Level 1考试,计划于2024年11月参加CFA Level 2考试[1] - 分析师在Que Capital实习期间曾在Seeking Alpha上发表文章,Que Capital是AlmaStreet Capital LLC的子公司,AlmaStreet Capital LLC曾在该平台上发表文章[1] - 分析师采用GARP(Growth at a Reasonable Price)方法和价值投资方法撰写报告,方法的选择取决于股票所在的行业和商业周期的阶段[1] 分析师披露 - 分析师持有GOOGL股票的多头头寸,包括通过股票、期权或其他衍生品持有的头寸[2] - 分析师撰写本文表达个人观点,未获得除Seeking Alpha以外的任何补偿,与文中提到的公司无业务关系[2] Seeking Alpha披露 - 过去的表现不能保证未来的结果,本文不构成任何投资建议或投资是否适合特定投资者的建议[3] - 本文表达的观点和意见可能不代表Seeking Alpha的整体观点[3] - Seeking Alpha不是持牌证券交易商、经纪人或美国投资顾问或投资银行,其分析师包括专业投资者和未获得任何机构或监管机构许可或认证的个人投资者[3]
The DOJ wants a Perplexity executive to testify in its Google antitrust case
TechCrunch· 2024-12-18 06:34
A U.S. court ruled in August that Google has a search monopoly, and while Google appeals, the Justice Department is figuring out what kind of potential penalties to impose — like breaking off Chrome. As part of this process, the DOJ wants to call on a specific witness, according to a recent court filing: Dmitry Shevelenko, chief business officer of Perplexity, an AI search provider most recently valued at $9 billion, per Reuters.   Perplexity and other generative AI tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT Search have ...
ChatGPT search engine rolls out for all as OpenAI takes aim at Google
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-12-18 01:56
About this content About Josh Lamb After graduating from the University of Kent in the summer of 2022 with a degree in History, Josh joined Proactive later that year as a journalist in the UK editorial team. Josh has reported on a range of areas whilst at Proactive, including energy companies during a time of global crisis, aviation and airlines as the sector recovers from the pandemic, as well as covering economic, social and governance issues. Read more About the publisher Proactive financial news and ...
Google joins $90M investment into Cassava to bolster Africa's digital infrastructure
TechCrunch· 2024-12-18 00:48
核心观点 - 随着云计算支出持续增长,科技公司正在竞相满足对必要基础设施的需求,尤其是AI计算需求的增加进一步推动了这一趋势 [1] 公司投资与合作 - Microsoft和BlackRock共同创建了一个300亿美元的基金,用于支持新兴AI繁荣的数据中心和能源基础设施 [2] - Meta计划投资100亿美元建设一条横跨全球的海底电缆 [2] - Google宣布了Umoja项目,这是第一条连接非洲和澳大利亚的海底光纤电缆,并参与了9000万美元的投资轮次,投资于Umoja项目的合作伙伴公司Cassava Technologies [2] - Google确认直接持有Cassava的股权,尽管未提供投资理由,但显然是为了改善非洲大陆的基础设施 [3] - Cassava宣布获得总计3.1亿美元的资金,其中2.2亿美元是以其子公司信用贷款的形式,9000万美元的股权投资来自美国国际开发金融公司(DFC)、芬兰发展金融公司Finnfund和Google [4] - Cassava CEO表示,这笔资金是一个关键里程碑,预计将解锁巨大价值,并催化其数字基础设施和服务的进一步扩展,以弥合非洲的数字鸿沟 [5] 公司背景与业务 - Cassava由非洲电信公司Econet于2021年分拆出来,作为Econet各种数字服务和基础设施倡议的独立业务,涵盖数据中心、光纤宽带网络、可再生能源、云计算、网络安全等 [6] - Cassava的业务部门包括Liquid Intelligent Technologies,该部门与Google合作建设了Umoja的陆地部分,电缆从肯尼亚开始,经过刚果民主共和国、卢旺达、乌干达、赞比亚和津巴布韦,最后在南非结束陆地旅程 [7] - Cassava的另一个业务部门Liquid C2与Google和Anthropic合作,为非洲各地的公司提供“先进的云计算、网络安全解决方案和生成式AI”服务,这是Google之前承诺投资10亿美元用于非洲数字经济的一部分 [8] 行业趋势 - 企业越来越多地转向生成式AI以提高运营效率、改善客户体验并赋能员工,Google Cloud CEO表示,这一合作伙伴关系有机会改变非洲企业服务和吸引客户的方式,为他们提供创新的基础 [9]
Google: Ultimate Synergy Play Among Big Tech
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-17 15:47
核心观点 - Alphabet(纳斯达克代码:GOOG)不仅在多个高利润、高增长的领域中运营,而且深入嵌入这些领域,包括搜索和数字广告市场,以及快速崛起的AI、云计算和流媒体等万亿美元级市场[1] 行业和公司分析 - 公司涉及的行业包括搜索和数字广告市场,以及新兴的AI、云计算和流媒体市场[1] - 这些行业具有高利润和高增长的特性,尤其是AI和云计算市场,预计将达到万亿美元规模[1]
Waymo Is Expanding Internationally, Bringing Its Self-Driving Fleet to Tokyo
CNET· 2024-12-17 10:12
Waymo, the self-driving arm of Google's parent Alphabet, is going international. The company on Monday said it's partnering with Japanese taxi service Nihon Kotsu and taxi app Go to bring its fully electric, autonomous vehicles to Tokyo as part of a "road trip," during which Waymo deploys testing fleets to build and refine its self-driving technology. In Tokyo, the Waymo Driver "will learn and adapt to left-hand traffic and new driving nuances associated with operating in one of the world's most densely pop ...
Waymo robotaxis are coming to Tokyo in 2025
TechCrunch· 2024-12-17 08:44
Waymo will begin testing its autonomous vehicle technology in Tokyo in early 2025, the first time the Alphabet company’s robotaxis have driven on public roads outside the U.S.The move to Japan is part of Waymo’s “road trips,” a development program that involves bringing its technology to a variety of cities and testing it — with each city having different challenges. In Tokyo, the Waymo robotaxis will face left-hand driving and a dense urban environment. Until now, those road trips have focused on a dozen ...
Waymo to begin testing in Tokyo, its first international destination
CNBC· 2024-12-17 08:38
A Waymo rider-only robotaxi is seen during a test ride in San Francisco on Dec. 9, 2022.Alphabet-owned Waymo announced Monday that it will start testing its autonomous vehicles in Tokyo in early 2025, the company's first step toward international expansion. Waymo hasn't committed to start commercial service in Tokyo yet, but the robotaxi developer will partner with Japan's largest taxi operator, Nihon Kotsu, and taxi app GO to start testing its Jaguar I-PACE vehicles in Tokyo's streets.To start, Nihon Kotsu ...