McDonald's Stock Slips as Same Store Sales Fall More Than Expected
Investopedia· 2024-10-29 19:40
McDonald's shares slipped in premarket trading Tuesday after it reported higher third-quarter revenue but lower profit than last year, as the fast-food giant's same-store sales fell more than expected. The fast-food giant registered $6.87 billion in revenue, up from $6.69 billion last year and the $6.81 billion analysts expected, according to consensus estimates compiled by Visible Alpha. McDonald's also posted $2.26 billion in net income, down from last year's $2.32 billion and the $2.30 billion analysts ...
McDonald's sales drop as international markets and Middle East war weigh
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-10-29 19:38
About this content About Josh Lamb After graduating from the University of Kent in the summer of 2022 with a degree in History, Josh joined Proactive later that year as a journalist in the UK editorial team. Josh has reported on a range of areas whilst at Proactive, including energy companies during a time of global crisis, aviation and airlines as the sector recovers from the pandemic, as well as covering economic, social and governance issues. Read more About the publisher Proactive financial news and onl ...
McDonald's(MCD) - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Results
2024-10-29 19:04
财务表现 - 公司营收总额为68.73亿美元,同比增长3%,剔除汇率影响后增长2%[14] - 特许经营餐厅收入为40.94亿美元,同比增长1%,剔除汇率影响后增长1%[14] - 公司自营餐厅销售额为26.56亿美元,同比增长4%,剔除汇率影响后增长4%[14] - 其他收入为1.24亿美元,同比增长39%,剔除汇率影响后增长38%[14] - 净利润为22.55亿美元,同比下降3%,剔除汇率影响和一次性项目后下降1%[9,10] - 每股摊薄收益为3.13美元,同比下降1%,剔除汇率影响和一次性项目后增长1%[9,10] - 公司宣布将于2024年12月16日派发每股1.77美元的季度现金股利,较上次增加6%[9] - 公司在本季度回购了170万股股票,总计耗资4.44亿美元[9] 运营情况 - 公司总收入增长2%,其中美国和国际运营市场分部的销售表现良好[16] - 可比销售额总体下降0.2%,其中美国下降0.7%,国际运营市场下降0.3%,国际发展特许经营市场下降1.7%[18] - 特许经营收入占总收入的60%左右,其中美国和国际运营市场分部的特许经营收入增长1%[16][21] - 公司自营餐厅毛利率下降3%,主要受到美国和国际运营市场分部的持续通胀压力影响[24] - 特许经营餐厅毛利率保持稳定,占总餐厅毛利的90%左右[24] - 销售、一般及管理费用下降5%,主要由于激励性薪酬减少[25] - 公司正在加大数字化和技术转型投入,以及为2024年全球业主/经营者大会做准备[25] 未来展望 - 公司预计2024年全年销售、一般及管理费用约占系统销售额的2.2%[34] - 公司预计2024年营业利润率将在46%至48%区间[34] - 公司预计2024年资本支出将在25亿至27亿美元之间,主要用于美国和国际运营市场的新餐厅开设[34] - 公司预计2024年将新开超过2,100家餐厅,其中500家位于美国和国际运营市场,其他1,600家由发展特许经营商和关联公司开设[34] - 公司预计2024年将实现超过1,600家净新增餐厅[34] - 公司预计2024年自由现金流转换率将达到90%左右[34] 风险因素 - 公司需要成功执行业务策略以推动业务增长[42] - 公司需要保持和提升品牌价值和相关性以避免对财务业绩产生不利影响[43] - 公司需要及时应对行业趋势和不断变化的消费者偏好,有效执行定价、促销和营销计划[44] - 公司对客户体验的投资转型可能无法产生预期效果[45] - 公司面临激烈的市场竞争,需要采取有效措施应对[46] - 公司的全球业务范围使其面临一些可能对业务产生负面影响的风险[48] - 供应链中断可能会增加成本或减少收入[49] - 特许经营业务模式带来一些风险[50] - 劳动力持续挑战可能会对业务和经营业绩产生不利影响[51] - 有效的管理层继任计划对公司的持续成功很重要[52] - 食品安全问题可能会对公司业务产生不利影响[53] - 如果公司不能有效管理其房地产组合,其经营业绩可能会受到负面影响[54] - 信息技术系统故障或中断,以及网络安全漏洞可能会影响公司的运营或造成声誉损害[54,55] - 监管和法律环境的日益复杂可能会对公司的业务和财务业绩产生不利影响[56,57] - 不利的整体经济状况可能会对公司的业务和财务业绩产生不利影响[58] - 疫情可能会对公司的业务和财务业绩产生不利影响[58] - 商品和其他经营成本的变化可能会对公司的经营业绩产生不利影响[59] - 公司信用评级的下降或融资成本的上升可能会对公司的盈利能力产生不利影响[60] - 公司面临着日益增加的环境和社会影响问题的关注[61] - 公司业绩总体保持稳定,但受到严重天气条件、自然灾害、战争、恐怖主义等不利因素的影响[62] - 气候变化可能增加天气相关事件和自然灾害的频率和严重程度[62] - 公司可能无法及时获得保险赔付或赔付金额可能不足以完全弥补损失[62] - 社会和地缘政治动荡可能对消费者行为和信心水平、供应可用性和成本以及当地运营产生不利影响[62]
McDonald's Gears Up For Q3 Print; Here Are The Recent Forecast Changes From Wall Street's Most Accurate Analysts
Benzinga· 2024-10-29 15:11
文章核心观点 - 麦当劳将于10月29日发布第三季度财报 [1] - 分析师预计麦当劳第三季度每股收益为3.2美元,较上年同期的3.19美元有所增长 [1] - 分析师预计麦当劳第三季度营收为68.2亿美元 [1] - 美国版权局已批准第三方维修麦当劳常常出现故障的冰淇淋机 [1] - 麦当劳股价在周一收于296.79美元,上涨1.4% [1] 分组1: 分析师评级 - 高盛分析师Gregory Francfort将股票评级从买入下调至中性,目标价285美元 [1] - 百富分析师David Tarantino将股票评级从跑赢大市下调至中性,目标价从320美元下调至290美元 [1] - 韦德布什分析师Nick Setyan维持跑赢大市评级,目标价295美元 [1] - 富国银行分析师Zachary Fadem维持增持评级,目标价从285美元上调至350美元 [1] 分组2: 股票评级概况 - 30位分析师给予麦当劳的平均目标价为318.31美元 [1] - 最高目标价为60美元,由Tigress Financial于2024年9月3日发布 [1] - 最低目标价为未知 [1]
Quarter pounders back on McDonald's menu in US after E.coli outbreak - but cases expected to rise
Sky News· 2024-10-29 00:03
Quarter pounders have been returned to McDonald's menus after an E.coli outbreak in the US, but the fast-food giant has warned cases are still expected to rise. Earlier this month, there was an outbreak of the disease linked to a facility that supplied 900 McDonald's restaurants. One person died and 75 others were left sick, as other fast-food chains, including Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, took action as well, pulling the contaminated ingredient, slivered onions, from their menu. Image: File p ...
McDonald's Is Bringing Quarter Pounders Back To 900 Restaurants After Outbreak
Investopedia· 2024-10-28 22:06
Key Takeaways McDonald's said that it will bring Quarter Pounders back to some 900 restaurants in Colorado, Kansas, and Wyoming, as well as portions of nine other states, after an E. coli outbreak last week. Company officials identified slivered onions from distributor Taylor Farms' Colorado Springs facility as the likely source, and won't be serving them on the burger when sales resume there. A number of other chains like Taco Bell and Burger King said they also have removed onions sourced from the same Ta ...
McDonald's Will Resume Sale Of Quarter Pounders After Testing Finds No E. Coli In Beef Samples
Forbes· 2024-10-28 15:28
Topline McDonald's will resume sale of its Quarter Pounder burgers, the company announced Sunday, after testing by authorities in Colorado ruled out the company's beef patties as the source of a large E. coli outbreak that resulted in one death and caused illnesses among at least 75 others across multiple states. McDonald's will resume the sale of its quarter pounder burgers after testing ruled out its beef ... [+] patties as a potential source of an E. coli outbreak. Getty Images Key Facts In a statement, ...
McDonald's rules out beef patties as source of E. coli outbreak
New York Post· 2024-10-28 08:44
McDonald's on Sunday ruled out beef patties as a source of the E. coli outbreak linked to Quarter Pounder hamburgers, which has killed at least one person and sickened nearly 75 others. "We remain very confident that any contaminated product related to this outbreak has been removed from our supply chain and is out of all McDonald's restaurants," the fast-food chain's Chief Supply Chain Officer Cesar Pina said in a statement. McDonald's will resume distribution of fresh supplies of the Quarter Pounder and t ...
McDonald's Quarter Pounder burgers to return to restaurants affected by E. coli outbreak
CNBC· 2024-10-28 07:09
文章核心观点 - 麦当劳在美国部分地区的部分餐厅出现了与E.coli相关的食品安全问题 [1][2][3] - 麦当劳已经停止使用涉嫌有问题的供应商Taylor Farms提供的洋葱,并正在重新获取新的牛肉供应 [2][3] - 麦当劳公开道歉,并表示将尽快恢复受影响地区的Quarter Pounder汉堡供应 [4] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 事件概况 - 麦当劳在美国部分地区的餐厅出现与E.coli相关的食品安全问题,导致75起病例,22人住院,2人出现严重并发症 [3] - 这次事件主要影响了麦当劳在科罗拉多、堪萨斯、怀俄明等州的约五分之一门店 [2] - 在调查期间,这些门店暂时停售了使用涉嫌有问题的洋葱的Quarter Pounder汉堡 [2] 公司应对措施 - 麦当劳已经停止使用Taylor Farms提供的洋葱,并正在重新获取新的牛肉供应 [2][3] - 麦当劳承诺将在未来一周内陆续恢复受影响地区的Quarter Pounder汉堡供应 [3] - 麦当劳公开道歉,表示会尽快解决这一问题,并确保受影响的产品已从供应链中移除 [4] 事件影响 - 根据报告,在受影响地区,麦当劳通常两周内会售出约100万个Quarter Pounder汉堡 [3] - 自从CDC将这次疫情与麦当劳联系起来后,麦当劳的股价下跌了7% [4]
McDonald's Stock Plunged Following an E. coli Outbreak.
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-27 17:10
Investors should not necessarily look to Chipotle's example when deciding what to do. McDonald's (MCD -2.97%) stock has plunged following the release of some very concerning news. An E. coli outbreak involving its famous Quarter Pounder burgers spooked investors, and that sent the stock plummeting by 5% in the following trading session. The question for investors is how it affects the stock. Although Chipotle (CMG) recovered from a similar outbreak when it won back customers' confidence, investors should no ...