Billionaire Investors Are Buying Nike. Should You Follow Them?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-26 16:35
Nike stock is suddenly popular with the hedge fund set. Is it a buy?Nike (NKE 0.77%) is one of the best-performing consumer goods stocks of all time. Shares are up more than 46,000% since the company's 1980 initial public offering and would have turned a $1,000 investment into more than $767,120 during that time (with dividends reinvested). More recently, Nike's stock has struggled, and it's down more than 52% from its peak in mid-2021. Growth has slowed, even turning negative recently as the athletic shoe ...
Prediction: This Bill Ackman Company Will Replace Its CEO by Year End. Here's Why.
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-24 21:45
Bill Ackman just revealed a position in a new company.The consumer cyclical sector has been one of the worst performers so far in 2024. Within this broader segment, the apparel retail industry has generated just a 0.2% return while the footwear and accessories market has declined 9.8% so far this year.Given these data points, it's not entirely surprising to see that shares of shoe and clothing company Nike (NKE 0.77%) have cratered by more than 20% in 2024.While that may spook many investors, Pershing Squar ...
Just Do It? This Billionaire Just Bought Nike Stock, Should You?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-23 21:00
Why Bill Ackman may have been buying Nike stock.Billionaire Bill Ackman and his fund Pershing Square Capital were busy scooping up shares of Nike (NKE -0.70%) in the second quarter. The hedge fund manager runs a very concentrated long portfolio, holding only nine stocks as of the end of the second quarter. Let's look at what may have attracted Ackman to the stock.An iconic brandNike is an iconic brand whose swoosh logo is one of the most recognizable in the world. In the U.S., the company has about 97% aide ...
Nike: Now Is A Big Buying Opportunity
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-21 16:11
文章核心观点 - 认为耐克(Nike)是一个长期买入机会 因为其估值目前非常有吸引力 [2] - 认为耐克正处于转折点 但对管理层有信心 认为其将继续保持竞争力 [2] - 认为当前负面情绪可以被利用获得长期超额收益 虽然长期收益可能不会太大 但中期收益有望超过标普500指数 [2] 耐克的优势 - 耐克正推出Air Max Dn产品系列 采用创新的Dynamic Air技术 通过计算机设计和先进制造技术快速推向市场 [3] - 耐克专注于提升运动员的表现 建立了强大的品牌和声誉 有助于未来持续增长 [3] - 耐克的全球品牌有助于其在全球市场的渗透 58%的收入来自美国以外市场 [3] - 耐克与知名运动员和名人的合作提升了品牌形象 同时也与微博红人合作以连接细分市场 [3] - 耐克善于把握行业趋势 如抓住了运动休闲服装的趋势 并大力投资数字化转型和电商 [3] - 耐克正在重塑其在中国的数字生态系统 并进军元宇宙 展现了前瞻性的创新态度 [3] 估值和财务分析 - 耐克的估值相对行业平均水平较高 但较其自身5年平均水平有24.75%的折价 [4] - 耐克过去5年的每股收益复合年增长率为24.5% 远高于行业中值4.83% [4] - 但耐克的收入增长可能开始放缓 其2025财年预计每股收益同比下降20.28% [4] - 这主要是由于疫情后供应链问题导致的库存过高 以及消费者偏好变化等因素 耐克已采取成本削减等措施应对 [4] - 目前耐克的估值处于5年来最具吸引力的水平 10年中位市盈率为30.58 而当前仅为22.39 [6] - 分析师预计耐克2027财年每股收益将增长9.4% 2028财年将达到15%以上 [6] 竞争和创新挑战 - 耐克面临来自乐动(Lululemon)、On Running等新兴品牌的竞争压力 它们在北美市场的增长超过耐克 [8][9] - 耐克被批创新管线不足 过度依赖Air Jordan和Air Force 1等明星产品线 这使竞争对手有机会抢占市场份额 [9] - 高通胀环境下 消费者更青睐休闲和实惠的服装 这对耐克的高端定位造成挑战 耐克正在调整产品线应对 [9] - 耐克是否要定位为准奢侈品还是平价大众品 将决定其未来的增长潜力 [9] 结论 - 认为耐克目前是一个具有价值的买入机会 预计未来18个月内市值有望达到约1600亿美元 [10] - 看好耐克的品牌实力和管理层的适应能力 认为其将能够应对当前的竞争和趋势变化挑战 [10] - 综合分析后评级为买入 [10]
On Holding vs. Nike: Why On's Strategy Is Setting It Apart
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-19 21:45
文章核心观点 - On Holding是一家新兴的瑞士运动服装公司,正在凭借其独特的On Cloud Technology运动鞋快速崛起,对行业巨头耐克构成挑战 [4][5] - 与耐克相比,On Holding采取了不同的营销策略,更注重产品质量和运动精神,而非强调获胜 [8][9][10] - 耐克近期业绩下滑,管理层认为是创新乏力所致,正在采取措施提升创新能力以重拾增长 [11][12][13][14] - On Holding虽然规模远小于耐克,但其专注于高端市场且增长迅速,有望进一步分流耐克的市场份额 [15][16] 公司表现 - On Holding 2024财年第二季度销售增长27.8%,全年销售预计增长30% [6] - On Holding毛利率从上年同期的59.5%提升至59.9%,主要得益于高价销售占比提升和运费下降 [7] - On Holding净利润同比增长超800%,净利率从0.7%提升至5.4% [7] 行业动态 - 耐克2024财年第四季度收入下降2%,预计2025财年第一季度收入将下降10% [11] - 耐克管理层认为收入下滑主要是由于创新乏力,正在加大对产品创新的投入 [13] - 耐克规模较大,在响应消费者需求方面存在挑战,正在优化运营流程以提高反应速度 [14]
Class Action Filed Against NIKE, Inc. (NKE) Seeking Recovery for Investors - Contact The Gross Law Firm
Prnewswire· 2024-08-19 17:45
NEW YORK, Aug. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Gross Law Firm issues the following notice to shareholders of NIKE, Inc. (NYSE: NKE).Shareholders who purchased shares of NKE during the class period listed are encouraged to contact the firm regarding possible lead plaintiff appointment. Appointment as lead plaintiff is not required to partake in any recovery.CONTACT US HERE: PERIOD: March 19, 2021 to June 27, 2024ALLEGATIONS ...
These Laggards Appear To Have Bottomed: NIKE And Starbucks
Forbes· 2024-08-19 00:00
Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty ImagesGetty ImagesThe stock market correction appears to be over. The decline tells us that less technology stocks will participate. These shares will be replaced by stocks that were not part of the rising tide in the first half. NIKE and Starbux are both likely to outperform through yearend.Nike appears to be ending a five-year decline. The technical picture in graph 1 shows the protracted decline. Monthly, price has retraced 61.8% of its 2021-2024 decline. The stock is, ...
1 Move That Could Send Nike Stock Soaring
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-18 00:00
文章核心观点 - 耐克公司目前面临着与星巴克类似的挑战,包括战略和执行不善,导致股价长期下跌,市场份额也在下降[5][7][8] - 耐克公司CEO约翰·多纳霍在任期间做出了一些错误决策,如过度重视直接面向消费者的渠道,忽视批发业务,并调整了公司的组织架构和营销策略[9][10][11][12] - 这些决策导致耐克失去了与主要零售合作伙伴的关系,让竞争对手趁机抢占了市场份额[11] - 华尔街开始要求耐克更换高管,但耐克创始人菲尔·奈特仍然支持多纳霍,这可能会影响他是否被撤换[14][15] 根据目录分别总结 耐克公司的现状 - 耐克是一家美国本土的全球性消费品牌,与星巴克有很多相似之处[6] - 两家公司都面临着战略和执行方面的挑战,导致股价长期下跌,市场份额下降[5][7][8] 耐克CEO多纳霍的决策 - 多纳霍的主要策略是将业务重心转移到直接面向消费者的渠道,并调整了公司的组织架构和营销策略[9][10] - 这些决策导致耐克失去了与主要零售合作伙伴的关系,让竞争对手趁机抢占了市场份额[11][12] 耐克未来的走向 - 华尔街开始要求耐克更换高管,但耐克创始人菲尔·奈特仍然支持多纳霍,这可能会影响他是否被撤换[14][15] - 如果耐克更换CEO,投资者可能会像星巴克一样获得股价上涨的回报,但要想重回增长道路仍需解决诸多问题[16]
Nike (NKE) Laps the Stock Market: Here's Why
ZACKS· 2024-08-17 06:45
Nike (NKE) ended the recent trading session at $83.23, demonstrating a +0.88% swing from the preceding day's closing price. The stock exceeded the S&P 500, which registered a gain of 0.2% for the day. At the same time, the Dow added 0.24%, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq gained 0.21%.Coming into today, shares of the athletic apparel maker had gained 13.98% in the past month. In that same time, the Consumer Discretionary sector lost 1.29%, while the S&P 500 lost 1.49%.Analysts and investors alike will be keeping a ...
Nike Fails In The ‘Winning Isn't For Everyone' Ad Campaign
Forbes· 2024-08-17 01:24
文章核心观点 - 尼克公司在巴黎奥运会期间推出的"Winning Isn't For Everyone"广告引发了争议 [2] - 该广告传达了一些负面价值观,如缺乏同情心、自负、无悔意等,与奥运会的正面价值观背道而驰 [4][5][9][10] - 这种广告信息与尼克公司以往的广告如科林·卡佩尼克广告形成鲜明对比,缺乏正面引导意义 [3][7] - 该广告的创意执行虽然出色,但整体效果未能与尼克品牌和奥运会的正面形象相符 [15][16][17][18] 公司相关内容 - 尼克公司最近财报表现不佳,第四季度收入下降2%,直营收入下降8% [11] - 公司预计2025财年上半年收入将进一步下降高个位数 [12][13] - 公司表示正采取措施提高竞争力,但如果采取该广告所传达的价值观,恐怕也难以取得胜利 [14] 行业相关内容 - 该广告与奥运会的正面价值观背道而驰,如"卓越、尊重和友谊" [9] - 广告创意测试结果显示,该广告在消费者心目中的表现远低于行业平均水平 [15][16][17] - 广告创意专家认为,尼克公司应该在创意和同理心之间寻求平衡,才能取得更好的效果 [17]