What Analysts Think of Qualcomm's Stock Ahead of Earnings
Investopedia· 2024-11-07 02:11
文章核心观点 - 高通公司即将在周三盘后公布财报,分析师预计公司收入和利润将同比增长[1][2] - 分析师对高通的评级大多为中性,但仍认为该股未来几个月有上涨空间[3] - 摩根大通分析师表示,智能手机和PC市场疲软可能会拖累高通下一财年的收入增长[5] 公司业绩 - 第四季度,分析师预计高通收入将同比增长近15%至99亿美元,利润将增长超过70%至25.8亿美元[4] - 高通股价周三上涨3%至170.87美元,较年初上涨约17%,但低于6月超过220美元的高位[4] 行业趋势 - 摩根大通分析师表示,智能手机市场缺乏复苏以及人工智能驱动的智能手机和PC的采用仅温和,可能会拖累高通下一财年的收入增长[5] - 摩根大通分析师维持对高通的"增持"评级,但将目标价从210美元下调至195美元[6]
Qualcomm Stock Before Q4 Earnings: To Buy or Not to Buy?
ZACKS· 2024-11-05 00:16
文章核心观点 - 高通公司即将在2024年11月6日公布第四季度财报 [1] - 高通公司的收入和每股收益预期分别为99亿美元和2.56美元 [1] - 过去90天内,高通公司2024年和2025年的每股收益预期分别从10.05美元上调至10.08美元,从10.92美元上调至10.93美元 [2] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 盈利惊喜历史 - 高通公司过去4个季度的平均盈利惊喜率为7.6%,每次都超出预期 [3] - 上一个季度,高通公司的盈利惊喜率为3.6% [3] 盈利预测 - 根据高通公司的Zacks排名和盈利预期惊喜指数,预计其将在本季度实现盈利超预期 [5] - 高通公司当前的盈利预期惊喜指数为+0.48%,Zacks排名为2 [5] 影响未来业绩的因素 - 5G技术的加速部署使高通从移动设备许可收益中获益 [6] - 高通在AI芯片市场的实力不断增强,为用户带来更好的AI体验 [8] - 高通与沙特阿美公司合作,部署基于生成式AI的物联网解决方案 [9][10] 估值分析 - 相比行业平均水平,高通公司的估值较低,目前市盈率为14.96倍 [13] 投资建议 - 高通公司在5G、芯片和移动连接领域保持领先地位,有望实现持续增长 [14][15] - 凭借良好的基本面和收入增长潜力,高通公司是一个不错的投资选择 [16] - 考虑到高通公司良好的盈利惊喜历史和积极的Zacks排名,其有望在本季度交出亮眼的业绩 [17]
Is Qualcomm Set for a Big Jump in Short Term After Earnings This Week?
ZACKS· 2024-11-04 22:25
文章核心观点 - 公司正在从无线通信公司向连接处理器公司转型 [4] - 公司受益于5G技术的加速部署 [4] - 公司在汽车电子、边缘网络等领域表现良好 [12][13][14] - 公司推出了新一代高端芯片产品 [14] 公司财务表现 - 第四财季营收预计同比增长14.7%至99亿美元 [5] - 第四财季调整后每股收益预计同比增长26.7%至2.56美元 [5] - 公司过去4个季度业绩均超预期,平均超预7.6% [5] - 2025财年营收和每股收益预计同比分别增长8.2%和8.4% [6] 各业务板块表现 - QCT-手机业务营收预计同比增长12.8%至61.5亿美元 [7] - QCT-物联网业务营收预计同比增长6.4%至14.7亿美元 [7] - QCT-汽车业务营收预计同比增长48%至7.92亿美元 [8] - QTL业务营收预计同比增长14.3%至14.4亿美元 [9] 估值分析 - 公司股价今年迄今跑输标普500指数 [17][18] - 公司估值水平较同行业和大盘更具吸引力 [18] - 分析师给出的目标价较当前股价平均上涨30.6%,最高可达63.4% [19]
Gear Up for Qualcomm (QCOM) Q4 Earnings: Wall Street Estimates for Key Metrics
ZACKS· 2024-11-01 22:20
Wall Street analysts forecast that Qualcomm (QCOM) will report quarterly earnings of $2.56 per share in its upcoming release, pointing to a year-over-year increase of 26.7%. It is anticipated that revenues will amount to $9.9 billion, exhibiting an increase of 14.7% compared to the year-ago quarter.The current level reflects an upward revision of 0.3% in the consensus EPS estimate for the quarter over the past 30 days. This demonstrates how the analysts covering the stock have collectively reappraised their ...
Should You Buy Qualcomm Stock Before Nov. 6?
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-30 17:02
文章核心观点 - 该文章主要介绍了Qualcomm公司的最新发展情况[1] 公司概况 - Qualcomm是一家专注于无线技术和半导体的公司,主要业务包括芯片设计和专利授权[1] - 公司在5G技术领域处于领先地位,在智能手机和物联网领域有广泛应用[1] 财务表现 - 2022财年第三季度,Qualcomm实现营收112.15亿美元,同比增长35%[1] - 净利润为26.84亿美元,同比增长48%[1] - 毛利率为57.7%,同比提高2.6个百分点[1] 业务发展 - Qualcomm在5G、人工智能、物联网等领域持续加大投入和布局[1] - 公司的5G芯片和专利授权业务保持强劲增长[1] - 在汽车电子和工业物联网领域也取得了良好进展[1] 未来展望 - Qualcomm对未来保持乐观态度,预计2022财年全年营收将达到448-468亿美元[1] - 公司将继续专注于5G、人工智能等前沿技术的研发和应用[1]
This Artificial Intelligence (AI) Semiconductor Stock Could Lose Access to Valuable Intellectual Property. Here's Why It's a Buy Anyway.
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-29 17:40
文章核心观点 - Arm Holdings是芯片行业中一家拥有大量知识产权的公司,其CPU架构和IP授权许可是业界广泛使用的[1][2] - Arm正在考虑取消其最大客户之一Qualcomm的架构许可协议,这与Qualcomm收购Nuvia公司的许可问题有关[2][4] - 如果Arm取消Qualcomm的架构许可,将严重影响Qualcomm的新产品开发和业务增长[5][6][7] 根据目录分别总结 Arm与Qualcomm的许可协议 - Arm有两种类型的许可,一种是架构许可,允许客户自主设计芯片;另一种是现成的CPU设计许可[4] - Qualcomm在许多新产品中使用了基于Arm架构的Nuvia设计[5][6] - Arm正考虑取消Qualcomm的架构许可,这将严重打击Qualcomm的业务[7] Arm是否会真的取消Qualcomm的许可 - 取消Qualcomm许可将给Arm带来大量收入损失,因为Qualcomm是Arm的主要客户之一[8] - 这也可能让其他客户对Arm的可靠性产生疑虑,促使他们转向开源RISC-V架构[9] - 这更像是Arm的谈判策略,双方最终很可能会找到继续合作的方式[10] Qualcomm的未来发展前景 - Qualcomm正在开发新一代AI芯片,应用于PC、智能手机、汽车和物联网等领域[12][13] - 目前Qualcomm股价估值较低,为投资者提供了良机[14] - 即使需要为Arm许可支付更多费用,Qualcomm的长期发展前景仍然看好[14]
Qualcomm (QCOM) Surpasses Market Returns: Some Facts Worth Knowing
ZACKS· 2024-10-25 06:50
Qualcomm (QCOM) closed the most recent trading day at $168.10, moving +0.9% from the previous trading session. This move outpaced the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.22%. Elsewhere, the Dow lost 0.33%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq added 0.76%.Shares of the chipmaker have depreciated by 0.99% over the course of the past month, underperforming the Computer and Technology sector's gain of 2.29% and the S&P 500's gain of 1.47%.Analysts and investors alike will be keeping a close eye on the performance of Qualcomm in i ...
Will the Legal Dispute With Arm Impact Qualcomm's Share Performance?
ZACKS· 2024-10-25 01:05
Arm Holdings (ARM) has recently decided to terminate the architectural license agreement with its long-standing business partner Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (QCOM) . Arm has given Qualcomm a 60-day deadline period to solve the dispute.QCOM, which is well acquainted with legal disputes, finds itself in another legal spat. The company secured a victory in a wide-ranging legal fight with Apple in 2019 and also won a court decision against an allegation of using unfair licensing activities put forward by the Fe ...
Qualcomm: License Dispute Will Pass
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-24 23:18
If you'd like to learn more about how to best position yourself in under valued stocks mispriced by the market to start Q4, consider joining Out Fox The Street .Mark leads the investing group Out Fox The Street where he shares stock picks and deep research to help readers uncover potential multibaggers while managing portfolio risk via diversification. Features include various model portfolios, stock picks with identifiable catalysts, daily updates, real-time alerts, and access to community chat and direct ...
Arm reportedly cancels Qualcomm design license
TechCrunch· 2024-10-24 02:00
In Brief In a move that could profoundly affect an already beleaguered global supply chain, Arm has reportedly issued Qualcomm a 60-day notice of cancelation for chip design licensing. The move, reported by Bloomberg, would have an impact on a majority of smartphone manufacturers who rely on Qualcomm chips.U.K.-based Arm, which licenses chip architecture, issued the notice as part of a protracted battle with the Snapdragon producer. Much of the issue can be traced back to a dispute over contracts and tradem ...