Alphabet shares slide 6% following DOJ push for Google to divest Chrome
CNBC· 2024-11-22 01:35
Alphabet shares slid 6% Thursday, following news that the Department of Justice is calling for Google to divest its Chrome browser to put an end to its search monopoly. The proposed break-up would, according to the DOJ in its Wednesday filing, "permanently stop Google's control of this critical search access point and allow rival search engines the ability to access the browser that for many users is a gateway to the internet."This development is the latest in a years-long, bipartisan antitrust case that fo ...
Shares of Google parent plunge after DOJ seeks forced selloff of Chrome browser
New York Post· 2024-11-22 01:13
Shares of Google parent Alphabet plunged more than 6% on Thursday after the Justice Department asked a federal judge to order a selloff of Google’s Chrome web browser – one of several remedies aimed at breaking up the Big Tech firm’s monopoly over online search.The stock drop signaled anxiety on Wall Street about Google’s future after DOJ attorneys outlined the set of proposed corrections for Google’s business in filings late Wednesday. US District Judge Amit Mehta will have final say over which remedies to ...
Alphabet Shares Dip As DOJ Requests Sale Of Google Chrome & Other Remedies After Antitrust Win
Deadline· 2024-11-22 01:07
Shares of mighty Alphabet are down about 7% today after the U.S. Department of Justice said it should sell its Chrome web browser among other remedies after the tech giant lost a landmark antitrust case last summer. Government lawyers said in a filing that splitting Google’s dominant search engine from Chrome, which controls about two-thirds of the browser market, as well as from its Android operating system, is necessary to ensure a competitive Internet. The filing comes after U.S. District Judge Amit Meh ...
Will your Facebook page and Google photos outlive you? New clinic helps preserve digital life after death
Techxplore· 2024-11-21 22:24
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain From family photos stored on the cloud to social media posts cataloging life's pivotal moments, to music, art and stories we create and share online, the digital world is infused with representations of who we are. What happens to that digital legacy after we die, and how do we manage the vir ...
Is Google Chrome's divorce the DOJ's antitrust warm-up act?
Techxplore· 2024-11-21 19:10
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain News broke this week that the U.S. Department of Justice wants to force Alphabet Inc.'s Google to sell Chrome, its dominant web browser. That has led to much head scratching in the tech industry. Sure, Chrome is an important moat for Google's business, but is it really the source of the compa ...
US government calls for breakup of Google and Chrome
Techxplore· 2024-11-21 17:41
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: US antitrust attorneys want a judge to keep the option of forcing Google to also sell its Android mobile operating system, which powers most of the world's smartphones. The US government late Wednesday asked a judge to order the dismantling of Google by selling its widely used Chrome browser in a major antitrust crackdown on the ...
Force Sale Of Chrome And Big Changes To Android Search—The DOJ's Proposal To Crackdown On Google's Search Monopoly
Forbes· 2024-11-21 16:19
核心观点 - 美国政府要求联邦法官命令谷歌出售Chrome浏览器并对安卓系统搜索功能进行重大改变以应对谷歌违反反垄断法维持搜索引擎非法垄断的情况 [1] 关键事实 - 美国司法部在向哥伦比亚特区联邦法院提交的23页文件中提出拆分提议要求谷歌出售Chrome浏览器称其巩固了谷歌的主导地位 [3] - 提议旨在阻止谷歌在出售Chrome后的五年内重新进入浏览器市场并禁止其拥有或投资搜索或搜索文本广告竞争对手等相关业务 [3] - 司法部指出出售浏览器将永久停止谷歌对这一关键搜索接入点的控制使竞争对手搜索引擎能够接入对许多用户来说是互联网入口的浏览器 [3] - 提议还要求对安卓移动操作系统进行变革包括防止谷歌偏袒自家搜索引擎和广告提供商 [3] - 司法部表示这种补救措施需要强有力的监督若谷歌未能正确执行法院应迫使谷歌出售安卓系统 [4] - 司法部没有寻求谷歌立即剥离安卓系统因为意识到这样的请求可能会引起谷歌或其他市场参与者的强烈反对 [4] 其他针对谷歌的提议补救措施 - 除出售Chrome和改变安卓系统外司法部还希望法院禁止谷歌与苹果等公司达成任何协议使谷歌搜索引擎成为其设备的默认搜索引擎 [5] - 希望阻止谷歌搜索引擎获得对其拥有的平台和服务(如YouTube和Gemini)的任何优先访问权 [5] - 要求谷歌在10年内与竞争对手联合发布其美国搜索结果和排名信号并让其他公司以边际成本访问其搜索索引 [5] 关键引述 - 司法部在文件中称谷歌的排他性行为不仅确保竞争对手无法获得分发渠道而且在质量方面使竞争对手处于非法劣势补救措施必须消除这种差距剥夺谷歌的这些优势 [6]
Google must sell Chrome to end search monopoly, justice department argues in court filing
The Guardian· 2024-11-21 13:51
Alphabet’s Google must sell its Chrome browser, share data and search results with competitors and take a range of other measures to end its monopoly on searching the internet, US prosecutors have argued to a judge.Such changes would essentially result in Google being highly regulated for 10 years, subjecting it to oversight by the same Washington federal court that ruled the company maintained an illegal monopoly in online search and related advertising.Google controls about 90% of the online search market ...
Google could be forced to sell its Chrome browser over internet search monopoly claims
Sky News· 2024-11-21 13:31
Google must sell its Chrome browser to restore competition in the online search market, US prosecutors have argued.The proposed breakup has been floated in a 23-page document filed by the US Justice Department. It also calls for lawmakers to impose restrictions designed to prevent its Android smartphone software from favouring its own search engine.If the rules were brought in, it would essentially result in Google being highly regulated for 10 years.Google controls about 90% of the online search market and ...
The DOJ wants Google to sell its Chrome browser. Here are the winners and losers if that happens.
Business Insider· 2024-11-21 12:47
核心事件 - 美国司法部要求法官在针对谷歌的反垄断案件中强制谷歌出售Chrome浏览器[1][2] 事件背景 - 法官梅塔8月裁定谷歌在搜索和广告市场维持非法垄断谷歌将在12月提出自己的补救措施法官预计明年做出裁决[3] Chrome对谷歌的重要性 - Chrome是谷歌搜索的重要分发机制和数十亿用户搜索习惯的入口[5] - Chrome在美国浏览器市场份额占61%根据梅塔8月的裁决20%的一般搜索查询通过用户下载的Chrome浏览器进行[4] - 谷歌利用Chrome收集大量用户数据用于创建高价值的定向广告[7] - 谷歌通过Chrome监测用户点击结果并反馈给搜索引擎以改进产品[8] - 谷歌利用Chrome推广新的AI产品如Lens[10] 对谷歌的影响 - 若失去Chrome对谷歌是不小的打击但谷歌还有其他接触用户和收集数据的方式如Gmail YouTube等[14][15] 对竞争对手的影响 - 若Chrome独立竞争对手的搜索引擎可能获得分发优势[9][10] 对网络的影响 - 若Chrome被出售没有谷歌的财务支持可能自身难保网络进展可能放缓[17][18] Chrome剥离的相关问题 - 彭博分析如果出售或剥离Chrome价值150亿 - 200亿美元[19] - 不太可能允许Meta收购Chrome OpenAI可能是潜在买家[19] - 研究人员提出一种剥离Chrome的方法是必要时让谷歌仍提供财务支持但阻止谷歌签订使谷歌搜索成为默认的独家合同还建议将浏览器重新归类为公共事业[22] 谷歌的回应 - 谷歌计划上诉可能会使最终决定延迟数年谷歌称司法部推行激进议程会损害消费者开发者和美国的技术领导地位[24]