AbbVie's Emraclidine For Schizophrenia 'Surprisingly Disappoints,' Analyst Says Pipeline Is Underappreciated
Benzinga· 2024-11-12 01:51
关于AbbVie公司试验结果 - AbbVie公司的emraclidine用于成人精神分裂症的两项2期试验失败导致其股票下跌该试验未达到主要终点即与安慰剂组相比在第6周时PANSS总分较基线的变化有统计学意义的改善[1] - 华尔街原本预期AbbVie公司的两项研究有积极结果尽管他们预计细节会有好有坏[2] - 尽管结果消极但Cantor Fitzgerald仍看好AbbVie公司股票并认为其产品线被低估[2] 关于对其他公司影响 - AbbVie令人失望的试验结果对Bristol Myers Squibb公司已获批的精神分裂症药物Cobenfy有利同时也引发了关于使用选择性毒蕈碱靶向治疗精神分裂症和其他疾病的疑问数据可能表明emraclidine等正变构调节剂与Cobenfy等直接激动剂之间存在差异[3] 关于AbbVie公司后续发展 - 尽管遭遇挫折但对Cerevel的收购仍有希望其他治疗方法如Darigabat(用于癫痫和焦虑)和Tavapadon(用于帕金森病)仍在继续进展预计2024年底将获得Tavapadon在帕金森病中的TEMPO - 2期3灵活剂量单药治疗试验的主要结果2025年将获得长期安全性研究TEMPO - 4的结果[4] 关于AbbVie公司股票价格 - 截至周一最后一次检查ABBV股票下跌11.7%至176.16美元[4]
AbbVie Stock Sinks After Schizophrenia Drug Trials Disappoint
Investopedia· 2024-11-12 01:45
关于AbbVie公司 - AbbVie公司称其精神分裂症药物Emraclidine在两项试验中未达到关键目标后股价周一下跌 [1][2] - 该公司表示在第6周时与安慰剂组相比症状没有显示出统计学上的显著改善 [1][2] - 公司首席科学官Roopal Thakkar称对结果失望并将继续分析数据以确定下一步行动 [2] - 公司股价近期下跌12%今年以来上涨约13% [3] 关于Bristol Myers Squibb公司 - 该公司生产的精神分裂症治疗药物Cobenfy近期获批其股价周一大涨12% [1][3] - 公司股价今年以来已上涨18% [3]
AbbVie: Emraclidine's Failure Eliminates An Important Growth Driver
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-12 00:49
I publish my best ideas and top coverage on the Growth Stock Forum . If you're interested in finding great growth stocks, with a focus on biotech, consider signing up. We focus on attractive risk/reward situations and track each of our portfolio and watchlist stocks closely. To receive e-mail notifications for my public articles and blogs, please click the follow button . And to go deeper, sign up for a free trial to Growth Stock Forum.AbbVie Inc. (NYSE: ABBV ) announced today that emraclidine failed in bot ...
AbbVie sheds $38bn in value after failing schizophrenia drug trials
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-11-12 00:03
关于人员 - 威廉·法林顿(William Farrington)的职业生涯始于一家全球法律出版物的研究员和记者,报道内容涵盖公法到并购等领域[1] - 威廉来自澳大利亚昆士兰州,在伯克贝克大学(Birkbeck University)获得新闻与媒体专业一等荣誉学位,之后又完成了创意与批判写作硕士学位[1] 关于出版商 - 出版商Proactive的新闻和在线广播团队为全球投资受众提供快速、易懂、信息丰富且可操作的商业和金融新闻内容,内容由经验丰富且合格的新闻记者团队独立制作[1] - Proactive的新闻团队遍布世界主要金融和投资中心,在伦敦、纽约、多伦多、温哥华、悉尼和珀斯设有办事处和工作室[2] - 公司擅长中小盘市场,也会向大众更新蓝筹公司、大宗商品和更广泛的投资故事[2] - 公司提供包括但不限于生物技术与制药、矿业与自然资源、电池金属、石油与天然气、加密货币以及新兴数字和电动汽车技术等市场的新闻和独特见解[3] 关于技术使用 - Proactive一直是积极采用前瞻性技术的公司,内容创作者拥有数十年宝贵的专业知识和经验,团队也会使用技术来辅助和优化工作流程[3] - 公司偶尔会使用自动化和软件工具,包括生成式人工智能,但所有内容均由人类编辑和撰写,符合内容制作和搜索引擎优化的最佳实践[4]
AbbVie Provides Update on Phase 2 Results for Emraclidine in Schizophrenia
Prnewswire· 2024-11-11 21:30
EMPOWER-1 and EMPOWER-2 Phase 2 clinical trials did not meet their primary endpoint Emraclidine was well-tolerated with an adverse event profile consistent with Phase 1b trialNORTH CHICAGO, Ill., Nov. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- AbbVie (NYSE: ABBV) today announced that its two Phase 2 EMPOWER trials investigating emraclidine as a once-daily, oral monotherapy treatment for adults with schizophrenia who are experiencing an acute exacerbation of psychotic symptoms, did not meet their primary endpoint of showing ...
3 Spectacular High-Yield Dividend Stocks to Buy in November
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-10 22:30
High yields aren't a warning indicator with these three stocks.Should a high dividend yield raise a yellow flag for investors? In some cases, yes. But not always. There are select stocks out there with relatively safe dividends that also happen to have exceptionally high yields for temporary reasons or just because of the nature of the business they operate. The trick is being able to distinguish which ones are traps and which offer opportunities.To help you in your search, three contributors have ...
My Favorite Dividend King to Buy in November
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-09 18:48
This Dividend King truly wears the crown.Certifications such as the Good Housekeeping Seal help consumers know which products are safe and perform well. Unfortunately, no Good Housekeeping Seal exists for dividend stocks.However, arguably the next best thing is for a company to belong to the elite group known as Dividend Kings. To qualify, a company must increase its dividend for at least 50 consecutive years. Most income investors will sleep better at night knowing that a stock has such an impressive divid ...
Wall Street Bulls Look Optimistic About AbbVie (ABBV): Should You Buy?
ZACKS· 2024-11-08 23:36
关于AbbVie公司的经纪商推荐情况 - AbbVie目前的平均经纪商推荐评级(ABR)为1.65(1为强烈买入5为强烈卖出)由27家经纪商的推荐计算得出近似于强烈买入和买入之间[2] - 在得出当前ABR的27项推荐中17项为强烈买入2项为买入强烈买入和买入分别占所有推荐的63%和7.4%[2] 经纪商推荐的局限性 - 尽管ABR建议买入AbbVie但仅基于此信息做投资决策可能并不明智多项研究表明经纪商推荐在引导投资者挑选最具价格上涨潜力股票方面成效有限甚至没有成效[3] - 经纪公司在其所涵盖股票中的既得利益常导致其分析师在评级时有强烈的正向偏差研究显示每有1个强烈卖出推荐经纪公司就会给出5个强烈买入推荐[4] - 经纪公司分析师的利益与散户投资者并不总是一致很少能表明股票价格的实际走向[5] ABR与Zacks Rank的区别 - ABR仅基于经纪商推荐计算通常以小数显示(如1.28)而Zacks Rank是一个量化模型允许投资者利用盈利预估修正的力量以整数1 - 5显示[7] - 经纪商的分析师一直以来在推荐时过于乐观他们给出的评级比其研究结果更有利误导投资者的情况多于引导投资者的情况而Zacks Rank的核心是盈利预估修正实证研究表明盈利预估修正趋势与近期股价走势有很强的相关性[8][9] - ABR不一定是最新的而Zacks Rank由于经纪分析师不断修正盈利预估以应对公司业务趋势变化能及时反映未来价格走势[10] AbbVie公司的投资价值 - AbbVie的Zacks共识预估在过去一个月上涨1%至10.93美元分析师对公司盈利前景日益乐观可能是该股近期飙升的合理原因[11] - 共识预估近期变化的规模以及其他三个与盈利预估相关的因素使AbbVie获得Zacks Rank 2(买入)评级其ABR对投资者可能是有用的指南[12]
2 Dividend Kings That Would Have Doubled Your Money in 5 Years
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-08 18:00
You can be a little greedy sometimes and find great stocks that possess solid growth prospects and also pay dividends.If you're investing in stocks that have long track records for increasing their payouts, odds are, you're buying shares of them because of their stability and the potential for dividend income. But just because a stock is an excellent dividend investment doesn't mean it can't also be a top growth stock to own. Stocks that can balance both dividends and growth can give investors the best of b ...
Dividend Watch: Three Companies Boosting Quarterly Payouts
ZACKS· 2024-11-08 06:50
Everybody loves dividends, as they provide a passive income stream, limit drawdowns in other positions, and provide more than one way to profit from an investment.And when considering dividend-paying stocks, those with a history of boosting their payout are prime considerations, reflecting their commitment to increasingly rewarding shareholders.In addition, consistent dividend hikes reflect the company’s successful nature, opting to share profits with shareholders.And recently, three companies – AbbVie (ABB ...