Compared to Estimates, McDonald's (MCD) Q4 Earnings: A Look at Key Metrics
ZACKS· 2025-02-10 23:31
For the quarter ended December 2024, McDonald's (MCD) reported revenue of $6.39 billion, down 0.3% over the same period last year. EPS came in at $2.83, compared to $2.95 in the year-ago quarter.The reported revenue represents a surprise of -1.16% over the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $6.46 billion. With the consensus EPS estimate being $2.83, the company has not delivered EPS surprise.While investors scrutinize revenue and earnings changes year-over-year and how they compare with Wall Street expectations to ...
Incyte (INCY) Reports Q4 Earnings: What Key Metrics Have to Say
ZACKS· 2025-02-10 23:31
Incyte (INCY) reported $1.18 billion in revenue for the quarter ended December 2024, representing a year-over-year increase of 16.3%. EPS of $1.43 for the same period compares to $1.06 a year ago.The reported revenue represents a surprise of +2.63% over the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.15 billion. With the consensus EPS estimate being $1.53, the EPS surprise was -6.54%.While investors scrutinize revenue and earnings changes year-over-year and how they compare with Wall Street expectations to determine the ...
Hyatt Bets on Growth of All-Inclusives With $2.6B Playa Hotels Acquisition
Investopedia· 2025-02-10 23:30
Key TakeawaysHyatt is continuing to bet on the all-inclusive industry as a growth area for travel, buying resort operator Playa Hotels for roughly $2.6 billion.The hotel chain will pay Playa stockholders $13.50 per share, with the deal expected to close later this year.Hyatt called the deal a "next step on a significant growth journey for Hyatt's all-inclusive portfolio." Hyatt Hotels (H) is betting on the all-inclusive resort industry as a new growth area with its $2.6 billion acquisition of Playa Hotels a ...
CME Group Announces First Trades of Physically-Delivered Ethanol Futures & Options
Prnewswire· 2025-02-10 23:30
CHICAGO, Feb. 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- CME Group, the world's leading derivatives marketplace, today announced its new physically-delivered Ethanol futures and options are now available for trading. A total of five futures contracts traded on February 7, 2025."We are pleased to see industry support for our latest Ethanol contracts, which have enhanced specifications and are complementary to our existing suite of renewable fuel products," said Peter Keavey, Global Head of Energy and Environmental Products at ...
RioCan REIT: A 6% Dividend Yield With A Low Payout Ratio
Seeking Alpha· 2025-02-10 23:30
As interest rates on the financial markets have recently been increasing again, the share prices of certain REITs are coming under pressure again and as it has been a while since I last checked up on RioCan REIT (He is the leader of the investment group European Small Cap Ideas which offers exclusive access to actionable research on appealing Europe-focused investment opportunities not found elsewhere. The a focus is on high-quality ideas in the small-cap space, with emphasis on capital gains and dividend i ...
证券时报网· 2025-02-10 23:27
文章核心观点 比亚迪发布“天神之眼”高阶智驾系统,推进全民智驾战略,机构认为其智能化转型意义重大,有望补齐短板、巩固新能源龙头地位,产业链核心公司将受益,此前相关概念股已大涨 [1][3][6][11] 比亚迪发布高阶智驾系统 - 2月10日晚比亚迪在深圳总部召开智能化战略发布会,发布“天神之眼”高阶智驾系统 [1][3] - “天神之眼”分三个版本,A为三激光版本搭载于仰望品牌,B为激光版搭载于腾势、比亚迪等品牌,C为三目版本主要搭载于比亚迪品牌 [3] - 比亚迪全系车型将搭载“天神之眼”,10万级及以上全系标配,10万级以下多数搭载,首批涉及21款车型 [3] - “天神之眼”可实现全程高速0接管,泊车方面可实现自动泊车、遥控泊车、代客泊车 [3] - 王传福称比亚迪2018年就提出电动化是上半场、智能化是下半场观点,回应“不重视智驾”传闻 [3] 比亚迪智能化发展规划 - 2024年初王传福表示比亚迪将投入1000亿元实现整车全面智能化进阶 [4] - 2024年1月比亚迪璇玑架构发布,4月代客泊车功能上线,12月“天神之眼”全国开通无图城市领航 [4] - 王传福称2025年买车看智驾,未来2 - 3年智驾将成必不可少配置 [5] 比亚迪智驾实力与技术接入 - 全民智驾有三大底气,即最大车云数据库、最大规模智驾研发团队、最大规模新能源车制造体系 [5] - “天神之眼”位居全球第一梯队,驱动全栈自研 [5] - 整车智能“璇玑架构”将接入Deepseek - R1大模型提升车端和云端AI能力 [5] 比亚迪智能化转型意义 - 标志着比亚迪在智能驾驶领域迈出重要一步,让用户享受高阶智能驾驶便利 [6] - 中信证券认为2025年比亚迪迎来智能化车型大周期、智驾渗透率有望高增 [6] - 开源证券认为比亚迪智能化发力有望补齐短板、巩固新能源龙头地位 [6] - “天神之眼”已迭代至BAS 3.0 +超人类辅助驾驶,智驾大概率迎头赶上 [7] 行业竞争情况 - 2024年比亚迪汽车全球销量427万辆,同比增长41%,是全球第五大、中国第一大销量车企 [8] - 新能源渗透率已突破50%,汽车公司聚焦高阶智驾助力销量增长 [8] - 中信建投证券认为2025年是智驾跨越式发展关键节点,全球车企加速布局高阶智驾赛道 [9] - 国内鸿蒙智行、小鹏、理想等品牌已在高端车型实现智驾技术落地 [10] - 特斯拉今年6月将在美国得州推全自动驾驶版本,推进智能辅助驾驶系统2025年进入欧中市场,无人驾驶出租车预计2026年量产 [10] 概念股表现与市场预期 - 发布会前比亚迪及相关概念股已大涨,比亚迪A股2月6日涨停,近3日连涨,H股2月7日一度创历史新高 [13] - 港股比亚迪电子2月6日涨幅一度近20%,速腾聚创等股价异动上涨;A股通达电气等走出3连板,经纬恒润等跟涨 [13] - 华泰证券预计全球智能驾驶市场规模未来几年高速增长,假设2025年比亚迪智能驾驶普及率达40%,市场规模有望达110亿元 [13] - 国联民生证券认为比亚迪有望推动自主品牌跟进,智驾产业将加速 [13] 智驾产业影响 - 智驾产业加速,主机厂获自动驾驶软件增值收入,技术领先和销量能兑现的车企更受益 [14] - 零部件感知、决策、执行层需求全面释放,产业链优质企业受益 [14] - 华安证券认为2025年投资主线在于智驾标签提振车企销量,带动传感器套件放量,商业生态迎拐点 [14] - 2025年乘用车以旧换新政策支撑汽车总量,智能化进入拐点,部分整车有望受益 [14]
Harley-Davidson Q4 Loss Wider Than Expected, Revenues Fall Y/Y
ZACKS· 2025-02-10 23:26
Harley-Davidson, Inc. (HOG) reported fourth-quarter 2024 adjusted loss of 93 cents per share, wider than the Zacks Consensus Estimate of a loss of 68 cents. The company reported earnings of 18 cents per share in the year-ago quarter. The motorcycle manufacturer generated consolidated revenues (including motorcycle sales and financial services revenues) of $688 million, down 35% from the prior-year quarter.See the Zacks Earnings Calendar to stay ahead of market-making news.Segmental HighlightsHarley-Davidson ...
Steel, Aluminum Company Stocks Jump as Trump Plans 25% Tariffs on Imports
Investopedia· 2025-02-10 23:22
Key TakeawaysShares of steel and aluminum manufacturers jumped Monday after President Donald Trump said he planned to implement new tariffs on imports of the two metals.Trump also said he would be slapping retaliatory tariffs on countries that put tariffs on U.S. goods.Canada is the biggest exporter of steel and aluminum to the U.S., and the country's Minister of Innovation, Science, and Industry argued Canadian goods support many U.S. industries. Shares of steel and aluminum producers, including Cleveland- ...
Don't Overlook Skechers (SKX) International Revenue Trends While Assessing the Stock
ZACKS· 2025-02-10 23:21
文章核心观点 - 分析斯凯奇国际业务营收趋势对评估其财务实力和未来增长可能性至关重要,关注国际营收动态有助于预测公司未来走向 [1][9] 公司财务表现 - 2024年第四季度公司总营收22.1亿美元,增长12.8% [4] - 欧洲、中东和非洲地区该季度营收4.786亿美元,占总营收21.63%,低于分析师预期,较上一季度和去年同期分别为6.256亿美元(26.65%)和3.835亿美元(19.56%) [5] - 亚太地区该季度营收6.424亿美元,占总营收29.04%,低于分析师预期,较上一季度和去年同期分别为5.66亿美元(24.11%)和6.22亿美元(31.72%) [6] 营收预测 - 华尔街分析师预计本财季公司总营收24.1亿美元,增长7.1%,欧洲、中东和非洲地区及亚太地区预计分别贡献7.3334亿美元(30.4%)和6.4456亿美元(26.7%) [7] - 预计全年公司总营收97.8亿美元,增长9.1%,欧洲、中东和非洲地区及亚太地区预计分别贡献25.5亿美元(26.1%)和26.4亿美元(27%) [8] 公司评级与股价表现 - 斯凯奇目前Zacks评级为5(强烈卖出),可能在未来表现逊于整体市场趋势 [12] - 过去一个月,公司股价下跌5.8%,同期Zacks标准普尔500综合指数上涨2.1%,Zacks非必需消费品板块上涨3.5% [13] - 过去三个月,公司股价上涨8.8%,同期标准普尔500指数上涨1.2%,该板块上涨4.3% [13]
Investing in Snap (SNAP)? Don't Miss Assessing Its International Revenue Trends
ZACKS· 2025-02-10 23:21
Have you evaluated the performance of Snap's (SNAP) international operations for the quarter ending December 2024? Given the extensive global presence of this company behind Snapchat, analyzing the patterns in international revenues is crucial for understanding its financial strength and potential for growth.In today's increasingly interconnected global economy, a company's ability to tap into international markets can be a pivotal factor in shaping its overall financial health and growth trajectory. For in ...