Why Fast-paced Mover US Foods (USFD) Is a Great Choice for Value Investors
ZACKS· 2025-02-12 22:51
文章核心观点 动量投资与“低买高卖”相反,是“高买更高卖”,但仅依据传统动量参数选股有风险,投资近期有价格动量的低价股更安全,US Foods是符合“低价快速动量”筛选标准的优质候选股,还有其他符合该筛选标准的股票,投资者可根据个人投资风格从超45个Zacks高级筛选器中选择,还可借助Zacks研究向导回测选股策略有效性 [1][2][3][7][8] 动量投资特点及风险 - 动量投资与“低买高卖”相反,是“高买更高卖” [1] - 确定热门股票的正确切入点不易,仅依据传统动量参数选股有风险 [1] 投资建议 - 投资近期有价格动量的低价股更安全 [2] - Zacks动量风格评分有助于识别优质动量股,“低价快速动量”筛选器可用于发现价格有吸引力的快速上涨股票 [2] - 投资者可根据个人投资风格从超45个Zacks高级筛选器中选择选股 [8] - 可借助Zacks研究向导回测选股策略有效性,该程序还包含一些成功的选股策略 [9] US Foods投资亮点 - 该公司股票四周价格变化4.1%,显示出投资者对其兴趣增加 [3] - 过去12周股票上涨4.8%,且当前贝塔值1.67,表明其动量快 [4] - 动量评分为B,表明现在是利用动量进入股票的最佳时机 [5] - 盈利预测修正呈上升趋势,获Zacks排名2(买入) [6] - 按市销率计算,股票估值合理,目前市销率为0.43倍 [6]
Recent Price Trend in BioLife Solutions (BLFS) is Your Friend, Here's Why
ZACKS· 2025-02-12 22:51
Most of us have heard the dictum "the trend is your friend." And this is undeniably the key to success when it comes to short-term investing or trading. But it isn't easy to ensure the sustainability of a trend and profit from it.Often, the direction of a stock's price movement reverses quickly after taking a position in it, making investors incur a short-term capital loss. So, it's important to ensure that there are enough factors -- such as sound fundamentals, positive earnings estimate revisions, etc. -- ...
electroCore (ECOR) Is a Great Choice for 'Trend' Investors, Here's Why
ZACKS· 2025-02-12 22:51
While "the trend is your friend" when it comes to short-term investing or trading, timing entries into the trend is a key determinant of success. And increasing the odds of success by making sure the sustainability of a trend isn't easy.The trend often reverses before exiting the trade, leading to a short-term capital loss for investors. So, for a profitable trade, one should confirm factors such as sound fundamentals, positive earnings estimate revisions, etc. that could keep the momentum in the stock aliv ...
Here's Why Momentum in Eton Pharmaceuticals (ETON) Should Keep going
ZACKS· 2025-02-12 22:51
While "the trend is your friend" when it comes to short-term investing or trading, timing entries into the trend is a key determinant of success. And increasing the odds of success by making sure the sustainability of a trend isn't easy.The trend often reverses before exiting the trade, leading to a short-term capital loss for investors. So, for a profitable trade, one should confirm factors such as sound fundamentals, positive earnings estimate revisions, etc. that could keep the momentum in the stock aliv ...
What Makes Verona Pharma (VRNA) a Good Fit for 'Trend Investing'
ZACKS· 2025-02-12 22:51
Most of us have heard the dictum "the trend is your friend." And this is undeniably the key to success when it comes to short-term investing or trading. But it isn't easy to ensure the sustainability of a trend and profit from it.Often, the direction of a stock's price movement reverses quickly after taking a position in it, making investors incur a short-term capital loss. So, it's important to ensure that there are enough factors -- such as sound fundamentals, positive earnings estimate revisions, etc. -- ...
Recent Price Trend in Byd Co. (BYDDY) is Your Friend, Here's Why
ZACKS· 2025-02-12 22:51
Most of us have heard the dictum "the trend is your friend." And this is undeniably the key to success when it comes to short-term investing or trading. But it isn't easy to ensure the sustainability of a trend and profit from it.Often, the direction of a stock's price movement reverses quickly after taking a position in it, making investors incur a short-term capital loss. So, it's important to ensure that there are enough factors -- such as sound fundamentals, positive earnings estimate revisions, etc. -- ...
HouseWorks Achieves CHAP Accreditation, Setting the Standard for Quality in Personal Care
GlobeNewswire· 2025-02-12 22:51
BOSTON, Feb. 12, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HouseWorks Holdings, LLC, one of the nation’s leading personal care services companies, is excited to announce that it has achieved CHAP Accreditation (Community Health Accreditation Partner, Inc.). This milestone underscores HouseWorks’ commitment to delivering the highest standards of care across its key markets. With this achievement, HouseWorks – focused exclusively on personal care services – has become the largest dedicated personal care provider in the nation ...
Keynode Celebrates 7th Anniversary with High-Yield Staking
GlobeNewswire· 2025-02-12 22:51
Unlock Exclusive High-Yield Staking Rewards as Keynode Celebrates 7 Years of Innovation in Crypto Staking Keynode Image NEW YORK, Feb. 12, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Keynode, a leading name in crypto staking, is marking its 7th anniversary with a special limited-time offer. From February 5th-13th, users can access high-yield staking across various plans, maximizing their earnings with Keynode's trusted service. This anniversary event highlights Keynode’s continued commitment to making crypto staking accessibl ...
集思录· 2025-02-12 22:50
中宠转2:未来12个月不提前赎回 渝水转债:2.13上市 天奈转债:回购公司股份报告书 济南能源供热 REIT:2.17上市 关注集思录微信 特别提示 本文不构成任何投资建议,仅为信息分享。任何因本文导致的投资行为发生的亏损,本公众号及作 者概不承担任何责任。 集思录(是一个以数据为本的投资理财社区,专注于新股、可转债、债券、封闭基金 等数据服务。我们的理念是在保证本金安全的前提下,使资产获得稳健增长。 快捷查询: 搜索公众号"jisilu8"添加我们 ...
集思录· 2025-02-12 22:50
1、孩子事业上很优秀,在大城市甚至国外生活,很少甚至不回老家 2、孩子跟父母关系差,混的也不咋的,基本上不来往 四五线的小县城,在我周边的亲戚朋友中,已经开始出现这几类人了 1、找高端养老院(前提是,不是骗局不会崩盘) 2、找个侄子外甥之类的亲戚,给一笔钱,甚至安排遗嘱里给点份额,问题是他也有父母,很难尽全 力,最多也就是有急事来帮帮忙。甚至可能起负面反作用(遗嘱的刺激) 3、找个专业律师,帮你定期处理问题或者看望身在养老院的你,发现问题及时处理,寿命越长,奖金 越多 4、依靠有关部门(据说现在很多管理比较好的基层组织都会定期上门关心看望孤寡老人) 5、想那么多干嘛,年轻的时候吃好玩好享受人生,到老了就认命,遇到极端情况自己解脱自己,话说 低质量的晚年生活有意义吗?还是好死不如赖活着? 以上要是有几个孩子还行,要是独生子女那就难受了。还有一种情况,那就是丁克,各种原因导致的丁 克,随着时间的发展,60~80这代人开始老去,其中很多人确实也继承了上一代两个家庭的财富。 然后要是在这类情况下,投资几十年,积攒下一笔不大不小的资金,然后到了晚年,思维也不灵活了, 生活自理能力也差了,甚至极端情况下突然失能了,或者丧 ...