Arm plc(ARM)
2 AI Stocks to Buy Before They Soar Up to 108% in 2025, According to Certain Wall Street Analysts
The Motley Fool· 2025-01-09 17:22
The U.S. stock market just had another fantastic year. The broad-based S&P 500 (^GSPC 0.16%) returned 23%, the blue-chip Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI 0.25%) advanced 13%, and the technology-focused Nasdaq Composite (^IXIC -0.06%) surged 29% in 2024.Excitement about artificial intelligence (AI) was once again the defining investment theme last year, and it will likely be just as important this year. Indeed, two Morgan Stanley analysts have outlined bull-case scenarios in which Datadog (DDOG 0.34%) and ...
7 Investments To Avoid In 2024: The Reckoning
Seeking Alpha· 2025-01-05 17:33
I am a private investor from the Netherlands in my mid thirties. I have a very long term view and with my own investments I focus on a combination of stable, dividend-paying investments, and growth stocks. My favorite holding period is forever, but I am looking for new and interesting opportunities. I am writing for Seeking Alpha because I like to share my insights and enjoy the interaction about investing ideas. My writing is mostly about stocks I own, and others I am interested in.I have a university degr ...
Why AI Chip Stocks Nvidia, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, and Arm Holdings Rallied Today
The Motley Fool· 2025-01-04 05:37
Shares of artificial intelligence (AI) semiconductor stocks Nvidia (NVDA 4.45%), Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM 3.49%), and Arm Holdings (ARM 10.05%) rallied on Friday, up 4.5%, 3.5%, and 10.1%, respectively, in Friday trading.These three companies are each big beneficiaries of the AI buildout. However, each had also come under pressure through December as technology investors have taken profits after big two-year runs in these stocks.But a bullish blog post from AI leader Microsoft this morning go ...
Is Arm Holdings a Millionaire-Maker Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-28 21:45
Every investor dreams of striking it big with a well-timed investment in a fast-growing company in a red-hot industry. Those who bought Arm Holdings (ARM -0.38%) shares soon after it went public in fall 2023 have already benefited from dreamy gains. The stock is up by about 75% this year amid optimism that its tech licensing business could benefit from a surge in demand related to the artificial intelligence (AI) trend. But do the company's fundamentals justify the hype? Let's find out.A dominant niche in t ...
Arm v. Qualcomm: A trial ends — now the fallout begins
MarketWatch· 2024-12-24 20:51
案件结果 - 美国特拉华州威尔明顿的联邦地区法院陪审团裁定高通在与Arm Holdings的诉讼中获胜 [1] - 高通作为被告方获得了大部分诉求 [2]
Qualcomm Scores Big In Arm Lawsuit: Will Bearish Trends Back Down?
Benzinga· 2024-12-23 21:39
文章核心观点 - 高通在与Arm的芯片许可审判中获胜,消除重大不确定性,但后续仍面临潜在诉讼和许可条款重新谈判等问题,且当前股价技术指标呈熊市信号 [1][3][11] 法院裁决结果 - 特拉华地区法院裁定高通收购Nuvia未违反Arm的架构许可协议,保障了高通许可下的设计 [12] 高通发展计划 - 高通收购Nuvia后有四项开创性CPU设计计划,包括面向PC和笔记本的Hamoa、针对智能手机市场的Pakala、用于汽车应用的Nordschleife以及专注未来计算和移动创新的Pegasus [2][5] 分析师观点 - 摩根大通分析师Samik Chatterjee维持高通股票“增持”评级,认为其有能力应对法律挑战并推动创新 [6] - Chatterjee警告Arm未来可能发起诉讼,暗示2033年后ALA延期财务条款可能重新谈判,高通可在2028年以每年100万美元续约五年,这对其长期规划至关重要 [8] 股价表现与技术指标 - 高通股价为152.89美元,低于8日、20日、50日和200日简单移动平均线,均显示熊市信号 [10] - 移动平均收敛背离指标(MACD)为 -2.73,相对强弱指数(RSI)为39.6,表明高通股票接近超卖区域,但空头仍占主导 [14] 行业竞争情况 - Arm可能为三星开发自有处理器,给高通带来竞争 [9]
Arm Holdings And Other Big Stocks Moving Lower In Monday's Pre-Market Session
Benzinga· 2024-12-23 21:35
文章核心观点 今日盘前交易中多只股票下跌,其中Arm Holdings因美国陪审团裁定高通未违反与该公司的许可协议股价大幅下挫 [1][4] 分组1:股票盘前交易表现 - Arm Holdings股价在盘前交易中下跌2.3%,至每股129.14美元 [1] - Core Laboratories Inc. CLB股价在盘前交易中下跌11%,至每股15.00美元 [3] - Astria Therapeutics, Inc. ATXS股价在盘前交易中下跌10.8%,至每股8.53美元 [3] - SIGA Technologies, Inc. SIGA股价在盘前交易中下跌8.5%,至每股5.41美元 [3] - Dnow Inc DNOW股价在盘前交易中下跌7.7%,至每股11.90美元 [3] - DiamondRock Hospitality Company DRH股价在盘前交易中下跌4.3%,至每股8.92美元 [3] - NI Holdings, Inc. NODK股价在盘前交易中下跌3.8%,至每股14.73美元 [3] 分组2:美国股票期货表现 - 今日早盘美国股票期货涨跌互现,周一道指期货下跌约0.2% [2] 分组3:Arm Holdings股价下跌原因 - 据报道美国陪审团裁定高通未违反与Arm Holdings的许可协议,致其股价在今日盘前交易中大幅下挫 [4]
Qualcomm scores key win in licensing dispute with Arm
Techxplore· 2024-12-21 20:24
文章核心观点 美国联邦陪审团在高通与安谋的许可纠纷中做出关键裁决,高通胜诉但部分争议未达成一致,安谋计划重审 [1][2][5] 案件背景 - 高通于2021年以14亿美元收购CPU设计公司Nuvia,此举被视为其拓展笔记本电脑市场的关键一步 [4] - 安谋与高通就Nuvia收购案中的许可费用产生分歧,安谋要求高通按双边协议支付更高许可费,高通则按安谋与Nuvia协议支付较低费用,据称高通因此节省数千万美元 [3] 案件裁决 - 陪审团裁定高通收购Nuvia时获得的安谋中央处理器设计已获适当许可 [2] - 陪审团未就高通是否违反与安谋的许可协议达成一致 [5] 双方回应 - 高通对裁决表示满意,称陪审团维护了其创新权利,确认相关产品受与安谋合同保护 [6][9] - 安谋发言人称因陪审团陷入僵局将寻求重审 [7] 股价表现 - 盘后交易中高通股价上涨约2%至155.99美元,安谋股价下跌超1%至130.50美元 [7]
Arm lawsuit against Qualcomm ends in mistrial and favorable ruling for Qualcomm
VentureBeat· 2024-12-21 08:17
文章核心观点 Arm起诉高通违反许可协议,陪审团未能就部分指控达成结论,在另一指控上支持高通,高通芯片获合法许可可继续销售,Arm打算因陪审团僵局寻求重审 [1][2][3] 案件情况 - Arm因高通以14亿美元收购其被许可方Nuvia而起诉高通 [5] - 陪审团无法就Nuvia是否违反许可协议达成一致,但认为高通未违反Nuvia与Arm的许可协议 [5] - 陪审团认为高通使用Nuvia技术制造的芯片根据Nuvia与Arm的协议获得了适当许可,高通可继续销售这些芯片 [6] 各方态度 - 高通对判决表示满意,称陪审团维护了其创新权利,将继续开发领先产品 [1] - Arm对陪审团未能就所有指控达成共识表示失望,打算因陪审团僵局寻求重审,强调保护IP和生态系统的重要性 [3] 市场反应 - 盘后交易中Arm股价下跌,高通股价小幅上涨 [2] 案件后续 - 该案件在美国特拉华州联邦法院审理,可能会再次审判 [2]
Why Arm and Qualcomm's legal battle could have big implications for the chip world
Business Insider· 2024-12-17 01:08
文章核心观点 - Arm与高通长达两年的法律纠纷本周将在特拉华州开庭审理,案件结果可能对整个芯片行业产生广泛影响 [1] 法律纠纷情况 - 纠纷源于高通2021年以14亿美元收购芯片初创公司Nuvia的许可安排 [2][5] - 2022年8月Arm起诉高通,指控其违反合同和商标侵权 [4] - Arm称高通收购Nuvia后未正确转让许可证,应重新协商许可协议,且在未获许可协议情况下继续使用其知识产权 [6][7] - 高通回应称现有许可足够,并反诉Arm越权,称诉讼损害其业务和创新能力 [8] - Arm不寻求金钱赔偿,要求高通销毁未获适当许可使用其IP制造的产品 [10] 庭审安排 - 本周一在特拉华州开始陪审团审判,预计持续至周五,双方各有11小时陈述案件 [2][3] - 庭审将包括Arm首席执行官Rene Haas、高通首席执行官Cristiano Amon和Nuvia创始人Gerard Williams的证词 [3] 行业影响 - 审判可能对科技行业的IP许可协议、并购和合同法产生影响,还会影响整个电子生态系统,特别是双方的供应链和客户群 [11] - 该案件可能扰乱一波AI计算机浪潮,若Arm胜诉,可能会停止包含有争议高通芯片的笔记本电脑发货 [12]